Chapter Claim Me 285
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Five
I had never been in love before; no, it didn't bother me when my fellow friends found their mates and I didn't; I never believed I needed a man to make me feel complete.
That changed the moment I met Daemon.
He wasn't like the other men; he was different. That was the best way to describe him: 'Different.' It had taken a single glance at him, one look at him, and I fell; this was more than love, I knew that; it was admiration, it was want, it was desire, it was so much more.
He read me; just with a single look, he knew every single thought on my mind, and he came to me that night. He visited two more times after that, but every time I awoke, I was alone; he didn't leave notes, messages, or anything. I was jealous that Riley got to see him almost every day; he said they were family friends. That's all he was willing to tell; he said nothing more. He rarely spoke to me; it was sex, and that's it, but to me it meant... everything, and even when he was gone, I couldn't stop fantasizing about the moment we shared. I took off the scarf I had wrapped around my neck, placing it on the couch; just then I felt a presence; my heart slammed in anticipation as I turned around, and there he was at the door. His face was just as cold and emotionless as I remembered them to
1. be.
I knew he was dangerous, and yet... danger could be tempting atimes.
"You did well back there," he said to me.
That had been the closest to a compliment I had ever received from him. "Thank you?"
My words came out more like a question than a response.
"I want to reward you for that, Daisy."
"I would like that." I replied, licking my lips suddenly they felt dry.
I finally noticed the collar in his hands. Was he going to use that on me?
"Take off your clothes," he said, the silent command ringing through the air. I do as he
says and strip; his eyes don't trail down my body; they remain on my face, and sometimes I wonder if I wasn't attractive enough for him. "Come.'
Chapter Twenty Five
I walked to him, and he strapped the collar on my neck, tightening it till I was barely able to breathe.
He took off his own clothes, slow, deliberate actions, and all the while, his eyes remained on me, never trailing down to my nude body, and when he was done with his clothes, he slammed me against the wall; his skin was as cold as ice, and he was by far taller than I
He pinned both my hands to the wall above my head, and with his other hand he grabbed onto the collar, my legs wrapped around his waist. He didn't wait for me to get ready; he slammed into me, taking me hard and fast. I cried out. It was pain, it was pleasure, it was danger, and everything else in between.
"Remind me again, what are you willing to do for me?" he asked, just as he always does.
"Anything," I answered.
"What if I want more... What if I want the one thing you cannot give? Your life?"
"Then you can have it."
He bit into my neck; the pain faded away just as quickly, giving way to pleasure. When he bites me, he always makes it pleasurable.
He slammed harder into me as he drank from me, and I let him.
I moaned his name over and over again till my release came hard. He didn't stop; I didn't want him to, even as the darkness fought with the light, and I finally succumbed to unconsciousness.
I woke up the next day, bright lights almost blinding my eyes; the first thing I did was take the pills I always left by my drawer before limping into the bathroom.
The puncture hole wasn't only by my neck; it was also on my breasts. I closed my eyes, imagining what that would have felt like. Pure ecstasy.
I only wish I could wake up to see him by my side, but I had to make do with what I had and hope for the next time he would visit and reward me with a taste of what danger felt like.