Contagion -The Hybrid War - Book Three

Chapter Chapter Two.

Deep within a mountain forest, Virgo slowly raised his huge body, placing the full weight of his bulk onto his right leg. He had used the last few months to rest and recover from the many wounds, which had been inflicted by the Undraus military.

His genetic restructuring had given him the ability to regenerate tissue at an accelerated rate; now the various wounds were no more than distant scars, and unseen under the mass of body hair.

From a distant open glade, he could see a female bear approaching, her cub was no longer anywhere to be seen, something within him stirred. He could sense a distant presence of Minstrel, almost as if in some way the female bear had within her some of his genetic markers.

Within minutes the two bears came face to face, Virgo stood some three meters higher than the female, yet in her own right she was an impressive specimen, and Virgo instinctively knew she would be a formidable mate to carry his offspring.

It had been five months since the entombing of Mrs. Undraus in the deepest subterranean east wing of the New Mexican Institute, and permanently sealing her fate and that of her sons, to an unending torment of eternal life, along with the demonic life force that she had so desperately sought to acquire.

Michael and Mary Jane had established a new home within the sub-terrain missile complex, buried deep within Bear-Ridge Mountain, Alberta Canada. The United States and the Canadian Governments had officially terminated the New Mexico institute, under the cover story, that certain personnel from the Undraus cooperation were found to be carriers of the most virulent strain of the Retrovirus that the world had ever seen.

A Large Thermal Nuclear device had been detonated on the surface of the New Mexico Complex, permanently ceiling the fate of any personnel, above or below the ground; in addition, preventing any would-be terrorists from entering the complex, to try and retrieve any bio-hazardous or genetic research.

Meanwhile in the boarders of Quebec Canada, a press conference was underway.

“I have no idea why my mother chose to visit the New Mexico Complex, I only know she was unfortunate enough to be there, when certain personnel were found to be carrying the Virus.”

She paused for a moment, as the various press reporters kept their barrage of questions.

“Please…please, I have already informed you, that it was my mother who herself ask for the US and Canadian Governments, to terminate her life, and that of my brothers…along with various other personnel.”

“Miss Raven, can you say how she had become infected”?

Ask a journalist.

Miss Raven looked at the reporter, then over to her staff.

“It was believed that my brother had somehow become compromised by a foreign government, and was unaware that he had been…infected, and had become an unwanted, or unknown carrier. The loss of their lives…and the many hundreds of fellow researchers and military personnel, is without question, a tragedy; however, my mother realized that”,

She paused again, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath, then continued talking.

“Mother realized that the very survival of the human race, it took priority over that of her own safety and those under her care.”

Her words were chosen with consideration, as there were still elements from within the Undraus cooperation, which felt Mrs. Undraus had been betrayed, and that there was more to the cover story, than was openly been expressed.

Gemma-Raven Undraus had now taken over full control of her mother’s vast empire, yet even now she was completely unaware, of the Portland-Institutes involvement within her own life. Elaine had taken considerable care in altering her genetic structure, and left not even a hint of a trace, that Seth, or any other advanced bio-genetic computer, could trace.

In every way, Gemma Was who she claimed to be, the only difference was her love for all forms of life, and her stubborn resolve that all life should have a rightful place in the eco system? It was this very desire to protect life, which had given Elaine and her family the opportunity to manipulate her, into not agreeing to the termination of Robert and Juliet’s extended family.

Meanwhile in Elaine’s new home, various scientists had been working on a new strain of the Retrovirus.

“Can you confirm these results?”

Peter looked across to where Alex was standing.

“Believe me Peter; I would not have brought this to your attention, unless I was sure of the various facts.”

Peter breathed out, paused, then reached out and took hold of the file that Alex had presented to him.

“You do realize that we will have to bring this to the immediate attention of your mother.”

Peter smiled; he knew now without any question, that his original fears had been proved right.

Mother is going to love this challenge,”

He paused then in jest rephrased his words.

“Or should I say, even though this very information could bring the world’s governments to their knees, she will enjoy the challenge in finding some way of combating this threat.”

Alex nodded his head in agreement; it was just then that Elaine walked into the room.

“Seth informs me that you have the results.”

Peter handed the file over to his mother; it took her no more than seconds to read the documents.

“Has this been confirmed?”

Alex raised his eyes; it was the second time that he had been asked that question. On sensing his slight discomfort Elaine smiled.

“Sorry Alex, I should have realized that you would never bring such information forward, without first ensuring the accuracy of its context.”

There was a moment’s silence, as the three then telepathically updated the various researchers of their findings.

“You do realize, that possibly this now could without question…mean,”

She paused, thinking over her own words, and then continued talking.

“The immanent destruction of the human race.”

Alex looked at the document then back towards Peter and Elaine.

“We ourselves are immune to the virus in its present form, however the mutation that it now occupies, has without question, the potential to threaten the very existence of human life.”

Peter understood very clearly the true implication of those words.

“I know mother, but what if it mutates further, this particular strain crossed from chickens, pigeons and then to humans; in the early twenty first century in the year 2034, a virus strain crossed over from feral cats to humans, and you yourself know Mrs. Undraus was working on a strain to infect Felis catus and Panthera Leo.”

Peter paused; the very thought of his own words scared him.

“It is quite possible, that if this virulent form of virus somehow jumps across to that type of strain…a new mutated and more virulent strain will emerge.”

He paused again, at the thought and realisation of his own words.

“Then, even with all our medical advances, the resulting mutation could affect certain members of our own family and wipe out overnight what we have fought to create.”

His words carried considerable meaning, but no sooner had he finished speaking, when Seth informed them that reports were coming in, that an asteroid had struck the continent of Pakistan. Within seconds the vast underground complex felt the distant earth tremors.

“Dear lord did you feel that,”

Peter never really meant his question; it was merely a way of expressing his shock.

“If we can feel the effect from here, then the earth will be facing an immediate danger, far greater than this virus.”

Before Alex could speak, the Portland Institute’s emergency monitor caught their attention, on the far wall a large screen suddenly displayed a satellite image, of a huge bloom of smoke looking somewhat like a nuclear explosion, rising some 40 miles into the sky.

Within minutes surrounding countries were scorched by the intense heat or destroyed from the force of the blast. More distant coastal countries were in imminent danger of a tsunami, which was now heading their way.

“We have instigated energy red procedures, within seconds our various facilities will be protected by our bio-genetic neuron magnetic field, preventing any obstacles from entering or leaving any of our facilities.”

The person speaking paused, as the satellite focused on a two-hundred-meter high tsunami, which was approaching the United Kingdom’s coastline.

“Dear lord, why in heavens name was this not noticed.”

Elaine’s words were noted, and then acted on by Seth.

“The various world governments have only a limited facility in watching the heavens”

Replied Seth.

“I was not, really asking you a question Seth, only expressing a thought. However, you are right had our world governments spent more time watching the heavens, rather than building there…”

Her words were again interrupted, the satellite showed the United States been hit by the tsunami. Vast areas were totally destroyed; it was then that Yellow Stone Park erupted in one gigantic volcanic explosion, measuring in every way, the same power and ferocity of the asteroid that had hit Pakistan.

Moments later, volcanoes from across the world started erupting, placing a vast cloud cover of dust, smoke and poisonous chemicals into the atmosphere and totally obliterating the suns light from reaching the earth.

Few places on the planet escaped the direct effects of the tsunami, or volcanic reactions; New Zealand was reduced to an island no larger than Wales, Australia was now divided by a huge inland sea, Ireland and the southern area of the United Kingdom had disappeared off the map; any low-lying ground was now under some two hundred meters of water, extending to the boarders of Wales.

Virgo stood tall as the very ground that he now stood on thundered and the sky turned dark, bringing instant night, to the scared and confused animals. In a rage of defiance, he thrashed out striking a huge pine tree and taking over a third of its body with one blow.

Across the world, various animal research institutes, who had been carrying out their own genetic research, were destroyed along with hundreds of cities, including Zoos and wildlife parks.

It was the surviving animals, which seemed to instinctively know what to do. Something inbred into them, taught them to abandon whatever area they frequented and head for high ground. Over Two fifths of the world’s population were destroyed within the first few hours.

The remaining populations had to cope with the emotional loss of loved ones, and the immediate threat of possible nuclear stations going into overload, sewer loss, contaminated food and water, and an ever-growing darkness, with a poisonous cloud, that was now covering the earth, and causing acid rain.

The various aftershocks, eventually decreased, leaving the remaining structures, from any further danger of destruction or collapse.

“Dear lord mother, I wish now, that we had accepted the offer from the president to visit the moon base.”

Elaine Could sense the very real fear from her son’s voice.

“There is no guarantee that even there it is safe, from what has happened here on earth, as it is, the base is not yet fully finished and would not be fully habitable for another four months.”

Alex interrupted.

“If it had not been for the Portland Institutes connection in its construction, you can rest assure yourself, that that invitation would not have been given so easily.”

Elaine bit into her lower lip.

“Seth could you see if you can reach the moon base, Alan Grieves is head of construction.”

No sooner had she made the request than Seth had established a visual link.

“Elaine, we have only just heard what has happened, from here the earth is enclosed in a black swirling cloud, its looks like hell down there, do you know how many have survived.”

“Alan we will relay whatever information we have to your location through Seth, can you update me as to the progress of the base?”

“In what way are you referring”?

“In how long, before you are able to accommodate a few thousand visitors,”

Elaine was not directly being serious, however she realized, that if events were to unfold, as she now feared, that it could only be a matter of months before the virus took hold and destroyed the remaining human life on the planet.

“We took delivery of four consignments of construction material only three days ago; there are another two, due to be delivered within the hour.”

He paused.

“I guess it goes without saying that we shall not receive any further deliveries after that.”

His voice sounded hollow, everyone within the room knew the reality of his words.

“Alan…how many construction personnel do you have on the base.”

“A full contingent, the second shuttle that is escorting the delivery convoy is carrying a relief crew, only now there is nowhere for the crew to return.”

Elaine remained silent for some seconds,

“Alan could you explain to the crews that it is imperative for the construction of the remaining buildings,”

She paused, thinking over what to say next; then continued talking.

“And that various world leaders…and survivors, will want to relocate as many surviving personnel as possible.”

Elaine could visibly see the concern on Alan’s face.

“Seth has established a video link with your family within the Portland Institute, both your wife and children are alive and safe within the confines of the building, when we are finished here, I will let you talk to them,”

Alan breathed a sigh, as he realized his loved ones were safe.

“Listen Alan, inform all personnel that any surviving family members will be taken into the care of our various institutes, and that when the occasions allow, they will be brought by Aurora shuttle to the newly constructed moon base.”

She paused only momentarily, knowing that others on the Moon Base would be listening in and recording her conversation.

“That’s if they can construct it to accommodate their families along with the additional personnel.”

Alan looked at Elaine; he could see the wisdom in her words,

“Just how many additional units are you requesting?”

“The original unit built in 2015, could accommodate two hundred military and scientific personnel, yes.”

Alan nodded his head.

“Yes Mam”

“And the new unit that you are now working on is designed to accommodate just over 1500 personnel, is that correct, he paused for only a second and then answered yes.”

Again, Alan nodded in agreement.

“Would it be possible to extend the facility by drilling further into the mountain?”

Alan momentarily thought over her words.

“We took delivery of such equipment three days ago, but as of yet have not had time to test it.”

“I can assure you of its efficiency, it was constructed by one of our own companies, and its various operators are ex-military personnel, under my direct control.”

Alan blinked realizing his mistake.

“It was intended to build a subterranean laboratory, to enable your scientist to research into bacterial and viral cultures.”

Elaine already knew this information, but through politeness allowed Alan to continue.

“I do not see why we could not convert those units into living accommodation.”

Elaine never once showed fear or concern in her voice.

“The Eden Project, is that finished yet?”

“Yes, Mam that was finished in construction over seven years ago and is now fully operational, supplying all the food, and air nutriments that we need.”

Again, Elaine already was well aware of this information; however, it was her way of leading Alan into seeing the priority of the situation.

“Listen Alan, I want you to set aside a team to extend that facility, using whatever spare material that you can acquire, do you think that could be organized?”

Alan knew the difficulties that he now faced.

“Yes Mam, it will be difficult, but then life for any survivors on earth, will be far from easy.”

“Excellent, I can see why the board of directors had such faith in your abilities, I will instruct Seth to ensure that he keeps an open line with your base.” Replied Elaine.

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