
Chapter Con 112


Elijah’s POV


I had no choice but to follow Julia’s lead, my feet moving almost automatically. Besides, I also wanted to face Sophia. It angered me that she would still go and meet him after that last time when I’d stopped her from saying hello.

What is she trying to prove? Does she just want to rub it in my face that she’s now free from me and can do whatever she wants? Or maybe… The next alternative filled me with dread. Maybe she really, really likes him. Who knows what went on between them during those days she was with him in his

beach house?

Sophia and Adrian turned to face us, surprise written across their faces.

“Hi!” Sophia greeted casually. “Fancy seeing the two of you here.She looked between me and Julia, and I could sense that she didn’t like seeing us together.

“I feel the same way,” I said coldly, gazing into her eyes. “Small world, huh?”

Sophia frowned. She knew I didn’t want her to see Adrian because I didn’t trust him. I just didn’t want to risk her getting hurt again. What if he’s really the culprit?

Meanwhile, Julia was grinning from ear to ear. “Hello! I was wondering why I couldn’t find you

anywhere after the conference, Sophia. Trevis and I looked everywhere for you. Now I see it’s because you’re on a date with a famous singer.”

I felt a wave of discomfort and annoyance. I clenched my jaw, trying to keep my emotions in check. Sophia’s face flushed as she quickly shook her head.

“It’s not a date, Julia,” Sophia answered firmly. “Adrian and I are just two friends hanging out. And besides, I sent Trevis a message to inform him, but maybe he didn’t get to read it.”

“Oh, okay,” Julia answered with a shrug. “Looks like a date to me, though. But don’t worry, you guys look wonderful together.”

I wanted to protest and say that Adrian was too young for Sophia, but I held back.

Looking at Julia, Sophia answered, “Trevis is in the city to promote his new album, so we got together because I needed to ask him something important.”

My mind whirred, curiosity eating at me. What can she possibly need from him? My eyes bore into Adrian, who stood there with a smug look, seemingly enjoying the attention.

Julia raised an eyebrow, looking between Sophia and Adrian. “Just friends, huh?” she said, a hint of skepticism in her voice. She grinned again afterwards and then added in a cheerful, casual voice, “So what was this important question?”

Sophia seemed startled that Julia was asking her directly about this. “It’s personal,” she uttered, her Nook of surprise turning to irritation.

That really triggered my jealousy and annoyance. In a low voice, I couldn’t help saying, “Perhaps it’s because Adrian’s a suspect in the case too. I don’t know why Sophia, knowing this, even met up with




When Adrian heard this, his features darkened and he glared at me. I could sense him wanting to punch me right that moment, and I had no intention of backing down. He keeps brainwashing Sophia. I don’t know what his intentions are. What if he’s really the one who harmed her, then pretended to save her?

“That’s my decision to make,Sophia spoke up defensively. “And besides, I trust Adrian.”

Her words suddenly made my blood boil. “You can’t be serious.”

We gazed at each other defiantly.

“I think we better go now,” Julia suddenly quipped, tugging at my arm. But I couldn’t move yet. I wanted to drag Sophia out of there, away from this man whom all of us didn’t know that well.

I certainly can’t leave her alone with him. What if he takes her somewhere private and hurts her there? I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if something bad happened to her.

“You I didn’t notice that–Adrian had already turned his attention from me to Julia until he spoke up. know, Julia, you look very familiar… I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere before…” He seemed to be racking his brain for that memory, but he was staring at her in a strange way.

I couldn’t read the expression in his eyes, but his words seemed to send a chill down my spine. And glancing at Julia, I saw that the color had been drained from her face.

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