Coldhearted King: A Billionaire Workplace Romance (Empty Kingdom Book 1)

Coldhearted King: Chapter 23

Alex puts down her wineglass. “You turned down a night in a billionaire’s penthouse for me? I’m flattered, but you shouldn’t have.”

“Yes, I should,” I say, taking a sip of my wine. “He’s very . . . overwhelming, you know? I mean, doing something like this in the first place is not like me. I can’t let myself get completely sucked in by him, because he’ll just chew me up and spit me out. I also really can’t afford to screw up this job.”

Alex’s brow crinkles. “Then why are you doing it?”

I run my finger around the rim of my glass and let out a sigh. “I’m not sure. I’ve never felt anything like this, you know? I’ve never been . . . swept away by anything or anyone. I’ve always done the smart thing.”

I’ve spent my life achieving one goal after another, but there’s a price for that level of commitment. One I wasn’t sure I’d thought twice about paying until the first night Cole touched me. He showed me another side to life I’d been missing in my single-minded drive to secure financial futures for my mother and myself.

“Yeah, I get that. You’ve been so focused on work ever since I met you, so I don’t hate the idea of you doing something that gets you out of the office. But . . .”

I brace myself. “But what?”

“As hot as he is, and as much as I’ve been pro having the sexy billionaire give you multiple orgasms, I can’t help but wish someone other than him had swept you off your feet. After everything you’ve said, he doesn’t sound like the most emotionally available man around.”

“If it’s just a casual fling, does it matter if he’s emotionally available?”

Alex’s smile is gentle. “If I thought it would stay just a casual fling, I’d agree with you, but you know how these things go. Usually someone catches feelings, and from what you’ve told me, it doesn’t sound like it’s going to be Cole.”

I pause as the waiter brings out our meals, placing the pasta-filled dishes in front of us. As delicious as it looks, I don’t dig in straight away. “I was with Paul for months and I didn’t fall for him.”

Alex swallows the mouthful she’s already taken and raises her brows at me. “I wouldn’t exactly compare Paul to Cole.”

I laugh. “Good point.”

Alex reaches across the table and squeezes my hand. “As long as you’re having fun and guarding your heart.”

I squeeze back. “I am. I’m doing both things.”

“Good.” She goes back to eating. “So, what’s the plan? You’ve turned him down for tonight. Will you accept his next offer? Or maybe you should go into his office tomorrow, lock the door, and take him for a ride.”

I snort. “That might be a bit more advanced than I’m capable of at the moment.”

“Learn by doing, Dee. Learn by doing.”

I swirl strands of spaghetti around my fork. “I might work my way up to that lesson.”

“Fair enough.” She raises her wineglass with a smile. “Well, here’s to having fun with a hot, hung billionaire.”

I laugh again and clink my glass against hers. “Cheers to that.”

And to living life more fully than I ever have before.

THE NEXT MORNING I’m putting the finishing touches on a revised exterior 3D visual when Paul saunters up. He places one hand on my desk and leans over me. “We need to talk.”

I look up at the face that I used to find handsome. “Is this about work?”

“Of course. Those were your instructions, weren’t they?”

I don’t like the snide tone of his voice, but he’s still my project manager, and I need to be mature about this. “Okay,” I say, standing and smoothing my skirt down my thighs. He leads me to his office, which is in the corner of the otherwise open office space.

He ushers me in, and I take a seat. Instead of sitting at his desk, he leans against it and crosses his arms, looking down at me.

“What are you playing at, Delilah?”

I frown. “What are you talking about?”

“Cole King,” he hisses. “Are you crazy, or is this just your way of getting revenge?”

I stand in a rush. “I thought you said this was about work?”

“It is. If you’re screwing the biggest client this firm has ever had, you’re risking our reputation. And that means you’re risking your job.”

My mouth drops open. “Is that a threat?”

“No, it’s not a threat. I’m just saying, it’s not like you to make such reckless decisions.”

“Well, maybe it’s about time I started making reckless decisions,” I say.

“It sounds like you’ve been making those since the first time we broke up. For god’s sake, Delilah, you screwed some random at a bar. Maybe if you’d given me what you gave him, we wouldn’t be in this situation.”

I’m shaking with anger. “What situation are you talking about? The one where you’re an asshole who cheated on me and now can’t stand the thought that I might have moved on with someone a hundred times better than you? How is Philippa, by the way? I was surprised when Bruce took over the role.”

He clears his throat. “I decided it would be better if she weren’t here, and she was due for some leave anyway.” His tone changes, becoming softer. “I was thinking of you, Delilah. I didn’t want to hurt you anymore than I already have. Can’t you see? I’m sorry for what I did. It was a terrible mistake and I regret it. Don’t risk your job just to get back at me. You know the type of man Cole is. He’ll break your heart worse than I ever could. All I want is a second chance with you. To show you how I’ve changed.”

“You already had a second chance—after you broke up with me because I didn’t jump into bed with you.”

“You didn’t have trouble jumping into bed with someone else, though, did you? Does Cole know you’re the type of woman to go out to bars and pick up strange men?”

I’m so angry, I almost blurt out that Cole knows very well that I’m that kind of woman, and he definitely didn’t have a problem with it. But I refuse to be as unprofessional as Paul. Instead, I ask the burning question. “Is that why you cheated on me? Because I slept with someone else after you ended it with me? Was it supposed to be some kind of punishment?”

He crosses his arms and looks out the window for a moment, and at least he has the grace to look embarrassed.

“You owe me the truth,” I say.

He turns back to me and his shoulders sag. “It didn’t start out that way—to punish you.”

“So what then?”

“When I was in the London office, Philippa and I hooked up. It was only ever meant to be casual, and it ended when I came back home. Then you and I started dating. But when she came over from the UK, she let me know she wanted to continue our relationship. I’d hoped things would progress between you and me, but obviously they didn’t. Since Philippa made it clear she wanted us to pick up where we left off, I decided breaking up with you was the best thing to do.”

“So while we were broken up, you and Philippa . . .”

“Yes, but Delilah, what Philippa and I had was only physical. After you and I split up, I missed you.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “And that’s when you decided to apologize and ask me to take you back? And what, you just forgot to let Philippa know?”

“No.” He scrubs his hand over his face. “I broke it off with her, but then you told me you’d slept with someone else while we were apart, and . . .” He shrugs helplessly. “I tried to be okay with it, I really did. But I was angry. Philippa and I were working late one night, and. . . Well, you know how things like that can happen.”

“No. I don’t know how things like that can happen. Because I would never cheat on someone.”

He scowls. “Of course not. You’d just screw your company’s client. How very conscientious of you.”

I’ve had enough of his pettiness. I have an answer about what happened, and I don’t want to look at his face anymore. I push my way past him and into the main office, only to grind to a halt when I see the figure standing by my desk.

What is Cole doing here?

Paul follows me out of his office, and obviously not expecting me to have stopped just outside of it, he runs into me, grabbing my hips to steady us both.

Cole’s eyes drop to Paul’s hands, and it’s as if every muscle in his body draws tight—like a predatory cat that’s about to strike.

I step forward, pulling out of Paul’s hold. When I shoot a glance at him over my shoulder, I can see he’s trying to stare Cole down.

This isn’t good.

I walk briskly to my desk. “Mr. King, can I help you with something?”

He’s staring over my head at Paul, but at my words, he looks down at me. His eyes narrow slightly. “I came to see how the new plans for the Chicago build are tracking?”

I’m not sure if I believe him. This is the first time he’s come down to the office since we’ve been here; normally we’re summoned if we’re needed. A part of me is ridiculously thrilled at the idea he might have come down here just to see me. The other part is nervous about how it might look to everyone else in the office.

Still, I smile at him, hoping to ease the tension around his eyes. “Of course. I have them here if you’d like to see them.”

He gives a curt nod, and I shuffle through the pile of plans on my desk until I find the ones I’m modifying. Cole stands beside me, his arm brushing mine. Paul loiters nearby, but when he catches my gaze on him, he scowls and returns to his office. The rest of the team sneak glances, but no one is openly staring.

As I point out the changes, there’s a light brush of fingertips against the back of my thigh. I suck in a breath, my voice faltering for a moment. Luckily, my desk is against a wall and my computer screens block the view from the office.

“Continue,” he says, and I clear my throat and talk about the structural changes I’ve made to the building so it can bear the green roof’s extra weight, as well as the modifications I’d suggested during our trip to Chicago. And as I do, his hand slides under my skirt, his knuckles brushing across my panties.

“Cole,” I whisper, even as his fingers slip under the material. I let out a shuddery breath. “What are you—”

“What were you doing with Paul?”

Before I can answer, he spears a finger inside me, and it takes everything I have to hold in the gasp that rises to my lips. My gaze flies around the room, and I’m relieved to see everyone’s gone back to their work and no one is looking at Cole and me.

I close my eyes for a second, wondering if it’s wrong that I should enjoy what he’s doing to me in an office full of my colleagues. Especially since I can hear the thread of accusation winding through his words.

His finger moves in and out of me as we stare down at the plans in front of us. I struggle to form words. “He was . . . uh . . . wanting to know why I would be reckless enough to sleep with you. And then . . . And then . . .”

I let out a little whimper as he adds a second finger.

“And then what, kitten?” His tone is dark, seductive.

“And then I asked him to explain why he cheated on me.”

“Did he give you a good reason?”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Is there ever a good reason?”

He doesn’t answer the question, only studies me, his eyes dipping to my lips. “Are you looking for an excuse to take him back?”

I start to straighten, but he pushes his fingers into me, and I’m forced to brace my hands on the desk. “No, of course not.”

His fingers stop moving inside me, and he leans closer. “Good, because I’m not done with this sweet little pussy yet.” He leans a little closer. “And I have plans for her.”

He pulls his fingers out, smoothing the material of my panties over me.

“Can you show me the estimates?” he asks, as if he wasn’t just knuckle deep inside me.

With shaky hands, I pull out the sheet and place it on top of the plans. But he doesn’t care about the cost. It’s just an excuse for him to bend down and murmur in my ear. “You’re coming back to my place tonight. Stay late. We’ll leave straight from work.”

“I thought you had plans tonight.”

“I did. Now I don’t.”

“What about work tomorrow?” I ask.

He chuckles darkly. “Don’t worry. I won’t keep you out too late on a school night.”

Well, that answers the question I didn’t ask. I obviously won’t be staying the night. And while I can’t help the instinctual hurt I feel because he only wants me for one thing, I’m well aware that’s what I signed up for. Not to mention, I’m still tingling from the illicit feeling of having his fingers inside me in front of my co-workers, and I need him to finish what he started.

“Say yes,” he mutters in my ear as another feather-light touch grazes my thigh.

“Yes, Cole.”

I glance at him in time to see the corners of his lips twitch up, his eyes glittering, sending a delicious shiver down my spine.

He’s not using me. We’re using each other.

And who knew it could feel so good?

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