Chase: and the girl who came back

– Chapter 17

Yasmin decided that her and Millie needed a few days together. She wanted to explain the situation with their dad and spend some sister time with her rather than do it here. Arden organised for them to stay in a hotel and set them up with the full spa experience.

That was two days ago.

I miss her.

I miss holding her.

I miss the scent of strawberries and cream that always seems to linger on my clothes after I’ve held her.

I miss her voice.

We text. But never speak on the phone. I know she misses me too.

I re-read the last messages she sent me and smile to myself.

Yasmin: Did you know that penguins have knees?

Chase: How? That’s just weird.

Yasmin: Google it.

Chase: What even made you think about that?

Chase: Holy crap I wasn’t expecting that.

Yasmin: I couldn’t sleep, so I was thinking about penguins and knees. It kind of snowballed from there.

Yasmin: I miss you. You keep the night terrors away.

Chase: I miss you too. Come back soon?

Yasmin: Tomorrow. I promise.

It physically pains me that she isn’t sleeping again. I hate that she is suffering like this.

Arden, Rhys, Ally and Daisy are all sprawled out on the couches in my longue room while we watch some horror movie that I’m not paying any attention to.

Daisy came to stay with us. It’s obvious she misses the girls. Her ears perk up every time the door opens. You can see the disappointment in her when she realises it isn’t them.

My phone alerts me to a new notification from Yasmin’s glucose monitor.



Before I have a chance to do anything her name flashes across the screen. I swipe quickly to answer the call.

“Yasmin?” I ask, worry lacing my voice.

“Chase…” Millie sobs on the other end.

“Millie, what’s happening?” I ask. My friends all sit up their phones are in their hands. They’ve seen the alert.

“Yasmin won’t wake up.” Millie’s voice cracks. Everyone around me has moved into action. My mind drifts off to the first time she had a hypo.

Arden shakes his keys in my face forcing me back to the now.

“Has she eaten today Millie?” I stand and follow them out the door.

“Yes, no. I don’t know. I think she did. What do I do? I don’t know what to do Chase.” I hop in the passenger seat of Arden’s car and put the phone on speaker.

“You need to wake her. She needs sugar. We are on our way. We’ll be there in less than ten minutes.” I try to keep calm and remember the information Arden and Mum taught me.

“Okay.” Millie sobs again. “Hurry, she’s so pale.”

“Millie, try to get her to drink some lemonade if you can wake her.” Arden says as he speeds through the streets of Canary Bay.

Millie keeps us updated. She managed to wake her briefly.

“Grab the bag from the glove compartment.” Arden says as he pulls up to the hotel entrance. Arden and I jump out and Rhys hops in the front with Ally to park the car.

The elevator takes forever. I watch the numbers tick by. As soon as the doors open on the 20th floor we are out and opening the door to their suite.

I freeze.

Millie is sitting on the floor beside Yasmin. From the door I can see that she really is pale. It looks like she is covered in sweat.

“Fuck.” Arden yells. He pulls his phone out of his pocket, dials a number and puts it to his ear. While opening the bag and pulling out a pen type thing.

This snaps me out of my daze and I rush over to help Arden.

“What can I do?” I ask him, my voice shaky, but I need to learn what to do in this situation.

“Ambulance.” He says into his phone. He hands me the glucose pen he pulled from the bag. I recognise it from the last time.

Shit, it’s bad if Arden is calling an ambulance. He goes through the prompts on the phone and starts to tell the operator what’s happening.

“Push it against her thigh and press the button.” He explains to me. I do as he asks.

I don’t see Rhys and Ally come in, not until Ally walks over to Millie and pulls her into her arms. Millie sobs uncontrollably.

It doesn’t take the paramedics long to show up. They check her vitals and Arden walks them through her condition and what we gave her. I leave this to him, as he knows the right terms to use and what exactly is going on.

“Only one of you can come in the ambulance,” one of the paramedics say to us.

“You go with her Chase,” Millie says quietly.

“Are you sure?” I ask. Millie just nods, still in Ally’s arm.

“We’ll bring her to the hospital.” Ally says.

“Thank you.” I say to my friends. My voice cracking with the emotions that are threatening to drown me.

I follow the paramedics out of the hotel and into the ambulance. They talk amongst themselves and I zone out. I’m holding her cold, sweaty hand in mine.

Once I’m in the ambulance and on the way to the hospital, Arden messages me.

Arden: We’re right behind you. I’ve spoken to Mumma Nat. She’ll meet you at triage.

Arden: Ralph is bringing Julia up to sit with Millie.

Arden: She’ll be okay.

I don’t reply.

I can’t.

I don’t know what to say when the girl I love is pretty much unconscious.

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