Chase: and the girl who came back

– Chapter 13

We fell into a routine this week both at school and at home. On the nights that Mumma Nat worked, we all hung out here. Julia even came over one night to have dinner and watch a movie with us. It was nice just being with everyone. Every morning, Chase and I take Daisy for a walk. Until bedtime, it’s the only alone time we get.

Ally is the only person who knows about it. I love all of Chase’s friends. I just like having this thing that is just ours.

I’m home alone at the moment, getting ready for the boys’ birthday party. Millie is already over at Chase’s house with Julia. They were excited for a sleep over and Julia was relieved she wouldn’t have to be home during the party.

Last night we all went to dinner so that Millie and Julia could celebrate Chase and Arden’s birthday. This morning Millie even made them pancakes for breakfast. She made me pancakes on my eighteenth birthday as well. It was the only thing I got besides a six-pack of beer from Smalls and a horrible hangover.

I miss Smalls. We’ve messaged through the week; I still miss talking to him. I unlock my phone, six p.m. Ally won’t be here for another 30 minutes. Plenty of time for a quick call to my bestie. Just as I think the call is going to ring out, he answers.

“Shorty, What’s up?”

“Hey Smalls. Just getting ready for Chase and Arden’s birthday party. I missed you.”

“I miss you too. Are you wearing the purple dress?” He knows me well.

“Of course I am; it has pockets,” I say as I shove my hand in my pocket and look in the mirror. My dress is a purple skater dress that sits mid thigh and hugs my chest before flaring out at the hips. I feel pretty and girlie in this dress. Smalls chuckles.

“How was dinner last night?” He asks. I can hear muffled voices and then a door closes, and it’s quiet.

“It was good. Ally came with a plus one. That pissed Rhys off. It was kind of amusing.”

“Doesn’t Rhys have a girlfriend?”

“Yeah, but I have a feeling it’s Ally that he really likes. Ashley is just a beard.”

“You do know that a beard is only used if he’s gay right?”

“Oh, shut up! You know what I mean.”

“What makes you think he likes her?”

“Last weekend he walked in on her mid romp. He threw the guy out of the house with his pants around is ankles. Ally yelled at him, said a girl has needs, she has an itch and the guy was scratching it. That just annoyed Rhys even more. He ignored her for most of the day. But I saw him looking at her.”

Smalls lets out a long laugh. “Wow. I think I need to meet Ally. She sounds like my type of girl.”


“I know I know. She’s your friend. I wouldn’t do that to you. But I do look forward to meeting her.”

“Have you heard from Amelie?’ I ask. I know he’s still upset by her being forced to leave. Even if nothing was ever going to happen between them.

“Yeah, she has a lot going on over there. Lot’s of attention from the opposite sex.”

“Are you okay?”

“I will be. We were never going to be able to be together. I just miss her being here. I lost both my favourite girls at once.”

“I know it’s hard. I’m sorry we had to leave. Dad’s still MIA. I need to talk to him about what Chase’s mum told me last weekend. I just haven’t seen him, and I don’t want to do it on the phone.”

“That’s understandable. Maybe have Chase on standby. You know what your Dad is like. He will need some time to cool off and it’ll be best if you and Millie aren’t there.”

“I know. I’ll make sure Millie is out of the house when it happens.” Dad has a short fuse. He’s never violent but he’ll yell and say things that he’ll later regret. I’ve tried to protect Millie from it as much as I can.

“Good idea.”

“Hey Smalls?”

“Yeah Shorty?”

“Will you come here for graduation? I don’t know if Dad will be there and I really want you here.”

“I wouldn’t miss it. Send me the details and I’ll talk to Mum.”

“Thank you.” I blink back the tears. I chose to wear a little bit of mascara tonight. I don’t need to turn up looking like a panda.

There’s a knock at the door. “Ally’s here. I’ve gotta go. Love you.”

“Love you too. Have fun tonight, I’m proud of you for making friends and being a teenager. Let me know if Arden ended up with a tiger.” He laughs.

“Oh god, don’t remind me. I have no idea what I’m going to be walking into tonight.” I grab my overnight bag and head downstairs.

“Bye Smalls.”

“See ya. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

“Doesn’t leave much.” I respond before hanging up and sliding the phone into my pocket. I open the door.

“Holy shit woman, you look smoking.” Ally says to me. “That dress is amazing, it really makes your eyes pop.”

“Thanks, it has pockets.” I show her by putting my hands in the pockets and doing a little twirl.

“All dresses should have pockets. Come on, we have to go. Arden is already blowing up the group chat demanding our presence.” I missed all the messages while I was on the phone with Smalls.

On Wednesday, Arden added me to their group chat so that I wouldn’t miss out on his awesomeness.

He also hoped that I’d take his side during the party planning.

That was a no.

His ideas were absurd.

Ally is driving Arden’s SUV so that we don’t have too many cars at his house. I hop into the passenger seat and look out the window as Ally drives into the affluent area of Canary Bay. The houses are getting bigger and bigger the farther we drive.

We turn on to a street that only has 3 driveways. Ally pulls into the one at the end of the street.

Arden’s house comes into view as we drive through the open gate and come around the curve in the driveway.

“Holy shit!” His house is massive. It must be at least three stories high and five normal houses wide.

“I know. I remember seeing it for the first time. Imagine being young and seeing all of this?”

“How many people live here?” I ask as Ally pulls into the garage and presses a button that closes the door behind us.

“The six full time staff stay in the west wing. It’s pretty much a house inside a house. They have their own rooms, kitchen and living spaces. Arden’s dad and step mum have a room on the third floor in the middle of the house. Arden and Julia have the east wing. There are five bedrooms on the third floor. One for each of us. The second floor has a gym, theatre room and games room. First floor is open plan kitchen, dining and living room that is shared with his parents, although they are never here.”


“Wait until you see outside. It’s next level over the top. Arden redesigned it two years ago. We don’t stay here often, but he likes to throw big parties. He needed the right space to do that.”

“Do you have any idea what we are about to walk into? He didn’t get a tiger, right?”

“Who knows? It’s Arden. Anything is possible. Leave your bag. One of the boys will come out and get it later.”

I follow Ally and watch as she uses her thumb to unlock the door to the main house.

“Yours will work as well. Arden said he added you to the system.”

“I guess that is why he wanted my thumb print.” I argued with Arden yesterday, as he refused to tell me why he needed my thumb print.

“Yeah, you’ll be able to get into all shared spaces and Chase’s room. Arden had it changed last year, when it was obvious that remembering a pin number while drunk was difficult.”

The door swings open. The room is massive and white. Marbled floors, white walls.

Almost clinical.

It doesn’t feel like a home at all.

We must be in the foyer. There is a grand staircase that branches off in three different directions.

We walk past the stairs and into another part of the house. I look around amazed at how expensive everything looks.

“Doesn’t the house get trashed during the party?”

“Nah, no one is able to get into the house. There’s a side entrance and no need for people to come in. Come on, you’ll understand in a minute.”

We walk through the living space to a huge wall of windows. When we step outside, it takes my breath away.

Outside has been decorated in black, silver and blue decorations. Fairy lights are strung up everywhere creating a soft glow. Along the glass wall there are tables full of food. There is even a table full of black and silver gift bags.

At one end is a bar that has a full staff prepping for the night. At the other end there is a stage set up in front of a dance floor. Small tables are scattered around the area. A beer pong table is set up over on the grass beside the pool. There’s an inflatable kid pool full of jelly.

I thought he was joking about the jelly wrestling. Bean bags are placed around the pool. I stand in the middle of the outdoor area and turn in a circle trying to take it all in.

“There’s toilets over there,” Ally says pointing at a building off to the side of the stage.

“Where are the boys?” I ask. Ally laughs at me pointing above the bar. I look up and see all three of them watching us.

“We have our own private balcony,” she explains.

We walk over to the stairs tucked beside the bar area. Chase has me in his arms the moment I reach the top of the steps.

“You look beautiful.” He whispers in my ear.

I lean into him. “Thank you.”

“Move over, it’s my birthday too. You need to share her.” Arden demands while pulling me from Chase and wrapping me in his arms.

“Happy birthday Chuck.” I say looking up at him. He’s dressed in his usual slacks and button up and bow tie. The sleeves have been rolled up to give a casual feel to his look. As always his hair is impeccable.

“Thank you, Shorty. What do you think?”

“It’s stunning, Arden. I was expecting a tiger though.”

“I tried. It’s not as easy to find a tiger on such short notice. Never fear, the entertainment will be here later.”

“What have you done?” I ask suspiciously.

“You’ll see. Come, let’s drink before people arrive.” Chase grabs my hand again claiming me from his best friend.

Up here, you can see everything except the bar. Behind us there are more glass walls and a door with a thumb print scanner like the one downstairs.

There’s a large table with chairs and then some day beds and smaller tables and chairs. You could easily fit fifty people up here.

There is bar up here but only one guy manning it. Once we’re all sitting, a bartender comes over to take our drink orders. The boys all order a beer to start with. Arden tells the bartender that we’ll start with the Mickey Surprise.

A surprise it was.

It was ice cream, Frangelico and Chocolate Liqueur blended and topped with whip cream, a cherry and two Oreo’s making it look like Mickey Mouse.

“Is this a Mickey Mouse cocktail?” I ask Arden.

“Surprise! I had Chad create a Disney themed cocktail menu just for you and Ally. It’s only available up here though. I’m not shouting everyone the good stuff.” He says to Ally and I. Of course Arden would buy us expensive alcohol.

“You know we’d be happy with beer but thank you Arden.” Ally says sipping her drink.

“I know, but this way Yasmin can drink and not have to worry about her sugar crashing too much. The sugar in the cocktails should keep her steady. Just make sure you check before bed.”

I can’t believe Arden did this for me. I knew they were researching it and had even asked Mumma Nat. Apparently alcohol can naturally lower your blood glucose level, which is dangerous for someone who regularly has hypo episodes.

Arden slides a bowl of biscuits over to me.

“You still need to eat as well.”

“Yes, Dad,” I say jokingly.

“Don’t make me take you over my knee young lady.” Arden says in a mock stern tone.

“If anyone is taking Yasmin over their knee, it’s me,” Chase responds before taking a sip from his drink.

“Is that a promise?” I ask him with a wink.

Chase chokes on his drink and his cheeks redden slightly. Rhys pats him hard on the back.

“Jesus woman!”

I laugh and pick up my drink.

“To Chase and Arden! Happy Birthday!” Ally says and we all drink. The cocktail is sweet and goes down a treat. It’s empty before I even realise. Well that could be dangerous. Ally finishes her drink as well.

Arden motions for the bartender again. “Chad, just bring them a different drink when theirs is empty.” He motions towards us.

“Sure thing,” he says, heading back to the bar.

“Thanks Chad,” Ally and I say in unison.

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