Caught Between Two Kings

Chapter 10


3 weeks later

It as been three weeks since Roman and Ezra proposed to me and a lot of things has changed since then. My things were moved into the palace after they proposed and I now stay in there bed chamber were we have been making love every night for the past three weeks. The kings and I have been spending all our free time getting to know each other better and now it feels like we have known each other our whole life, although I am yet to tell them about my past not because I am scared it might affect our relationship but because I am waiting for the right time to tell them.

Ezra and Roman have been very busy trying to tackle the druid issues due to the fact that reports from different kingdoms and villages have started surfacing which as led to them investigating any piece of evidence they can find in other to find the person controlling this monsters.

The next day after the proposal we held a bouquet in order to announce our upcoming marriage in four weeks time, everyone was shocked and the news had spread far and wide and the entire kingdom was buzzing with excitement. I saw Katrina and her clique who kept shooting me glares through out the festivities but I refused to let her ruin my mood, Lilly had also been very excited and happy for me and I was really grateful to have a friend like, she had also come to the bouquet with her new boyfriend named Jake who was a patrol guard and I thought they really looked cute together, I just hope it last between them because I want Lilly to be happy and she seems to be when she is around Jake.

Today the king from Notombra and his daughter Elena were coming to see the kings, I had done my research on them and found out that king Alex was known as a kind and just king who was beloved by his people, he was also a vampire but married a witch named flora who died giving birth to their daughter named Elena who was 29 years old, although from what I discovered, Elena only inherited her mother's witch powers and nothing from her father, she has seductive goodlooks which she uses to seduce and practically sleep with every male in her kingdom, she lied to her people claiming she was both a vampire and a witch but only her father and a few trusted advisers knew the truth but never bothered to do anything about it.

Her people believed her to be the most beautiful and strongest witch in her kingdom which has helped feed her ego over the years, today she and her father are coming with a small group of people from their kingdom, mostly his daughter's cliques, some royal officials, and a handful of soldiers.

News of my engagement to the kings had reached the princess and from what I learned from my sources she wasn't pleased by the news one bit but was still arrogant enough to believe she could seduce Ezra and Roman from me.... their bride, I nearly laughed, it would seem this princess needed someone to put her in her place and I will be more than happy to.

Someone knocked at the door so I opened it only to see three maids standing there, one I recognized as stella, they announced that they wanted to get me ready for the arrival of king Alex and his daughter.

So they bathed me, braided my hair in an elegant up do, applied little makeup to my face making my eyes more vibrant and my lips plum, and dressed me in a gorgeous silver dress which had a golden heart shaped neckline and two long slints on both sides showing off my smooth long legs, to be honest the dress was a little provocative showing off my assets in a seductive way, when they were done they adorned me with jewelries and then stood back to admire their handiwork, when they saw me they all gasped and looked dumbstruck, I couldn't blame them because looking at the mirror I saw how ethereal and gorgeous I looked, the maids started fussing and speaking in low tones about how I was the most beautiful woman they had ever seen, after hearing that I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

They escorted me to the throne room, but when I got closer to the door I told them to leave which they promptly did. The door was slightly ajar so i was able to see the people in the room and was also able to hear what they were saying, I looked into the room and saw Ezra and Roman with a few of their royal advisers, king Alex and a lot of his people were present also, I started looking for Princess Elena and that's when i saw her clinging to the kings and trying but failing to get their attention, I was so angry that I wanted to throw a fireball at her, but I composed my self and decided to listen to what they were saying before I made my presence known, and just then I heard king Alex say,

" I came here to propose an alliance between our two kingdoms through the marriage of the kings and my beautiful daughter Elena".

Ezra's and Roman's royal advisers seemed shocked while Elena and her people seemed satisfied by the announcement, Ezra and Roman did not look shocked by the announcement, it looks like they had already predicted the king saying this.

They calmly got to their feet shaking off Elena in the process and looked at the king before Roman calmly announced,

" we are sorry to spoil your plans king Alex but we would have to look for another way to gain an alliance between our two kingdoms because we are already engaged and set to marry the most beautiful woman and the love of our life in a week's time".

Elena looked annoyed and angry that her plan was not going as expected, she then stood up and asked the kings,

"More beautiful than me?" she said haughtily,

Ezra and Roman smiled and looked at her,

"why don't you ask her yourself princess Elena, ahh here she comes" replied Roman.

Everyone turned to face me as I entered the room and they all gasped looking awestruck, I smirked as I looked at all of them, this should be fun.

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