Captured by the Orc General: Monstrous Mates Book Two (Monstrous Mates Series 2)

Captured by the Orc General: Chapter 23

BAZUR ISN’T AT HOME WHEN I wake up in the morning.

I felt him come to bed late last night and left moments after climbing in beside me. I don’t know where he’s gone, all I know is that I miss him terribly. Maybe I was too rash in saying I didn’t want something casual. It will hurt me when he eventually leaves me for his mate but nothing can be more unbearable then the pain I am experiencing now.

His marks on my thighs have faded and that made me sob softly as I dressed this morning. I want them back, I want to be back in his arms.

With time perhaps his wants will change. Maybe his affections towards me will grow and he’ll no longer desire to find his mate. My chest felt so hollow yesterday but it glows again for him, even more so now. I should’ve told him the truth about what I felt. Despite what I said before, I’m not waiting for anyone else.

Bazur is it for me and I’m done pretending that he’s not. I’d rather him break my heart knowing everything than let him believe he doesn’t mean anything to me.

I’m late walking into Myren’s. Mornga is there, her smile is warm in greeting. I nod to both her and Myren as I hang up my cloak by the door. A steaming cup of tea is already waiting for me.

The two women speak in orcish. They’re speaking about an old…man…something to do with his door? No his son, something to do with his son.

“Do you think you could teach me orcish?” I ask, taking a sip of tea. “I’ve picked up a few words here and there, already.”

Mornga looks surprised as does Myren.

“You want to learn?” Mornga asks, she breathes in through her nose and her eyes widen in surprise as she stares at me.

“It would be easier to communicate with the younger patients who come in,” I explain. Most of them speak the elven language but the younger ones aren’t fluent yet. It hasn’t been a real problem but it could become a big one as I plan on staying.

Because I am staying.

“Which words have you picked up?” Myren asks, taking a sip of her own tea.

I list off the few orcish words that I know and the two females both nod.

“Akorzag means annoying or something like that, right?” Curiosity got the better of me, even though I’m not sure I want the answer.

Myren’s head snaps up and Mornga freezes where she stands. I shift uncomfortably under their stares. Their reactions make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

“Where did you hear that word?” Myren asks, her hands trembling slightly.

“Bazur calls me it all the time,” I say softly. Myren almost drops her teacup and Mornga stands next to me, making me crane my neck up to look at her.

“Technically, it’s a name for a jewel that was found deep within the mountain. Its direct translation is ‘my precious one’.” My heart beats quickly in my chest. My palms turn sweaty and I set my teacup down before I, too, almost drop it.

“More commonly it’s used for—”

“It’s used as a term of endearment between mates.” Myren interrupts, her green eyes are serious as they bore into mine. “My precious one, my only one.”

My hands begin to tremble. All this time, that’s what he’s been calling me? I thought it meant annoying, to find out…He called me it that very first night by the fire. This whole time the truth has been right there.

The icy walls I’ve built crack as I realize he’s not waiting for anyone else either. The two of us have been so foolish. Me most of all.

I’ve kept too many secrets and I’ve withheld too much from him. I think back to the last time he called me that name. It was in the tent, right before he licked my pussy. I have so many questions for him, but more than anything I need to see him. Now.
I rise from my seat in a daze. “I—I have to go.”

“Yes, you do,” Mornga agrees. I put on my cloak with numb fingers and make my way down the snowy street, not registering the world around me. My feet trudge quickly through the snow. People greet me as I pass but they’re just a blur, I’m focused on one thing.


I’m at the training yard and I don’t see him. He’s larger than the others he should be easy to spot. I spy Zarod and he winks at me before sauntering over to where I am by the fence.

“Visiting me at work, Kae? What would Bazy say?” he chuckles, abruptly stopping when he sees my face. “What’s wrong?”

“Bazur,” I murmur. “Where is Bazur?”

Zarod lowers his brows and gestures over to Bazur’s house. “At home, said he received something important—”

I stomp off without a goodbye. I’ll apologize for my rudeness later but I don’t have time. My need for Bazur grows with each passing moment. I push open the door, immediately greeted by the warmth from the roaring fireplace. Standing over the kitchen table is Bazur.

My knees almost buckle as he looks over at me, a soft smile on his face.


“I wrote to the other generals about your brother. I didn’t give away your connection to him, but I asked around. A few of them can be trusted but they’ll want some form of payment to turn over their humans.”

“Bazur,” I try saying again, my heart filling with warmth and affection. Standing next to him at the table I can see the countless messages all written in orcish.

“There’s still a chance the man I told you about is him, but if he’s not I’ll pay whatever these other generals want. I’ll find him for you, challenge the other generals if I have to.”

The icy walls I built shatter, as if they were never there.


“If that doesn’t work then I’ll go to your village, Kaethe. I’ll ask if anyone knows where he could be and I’ll leave no stone unturned until I can get you answers.”

I put my hand on his forearm and his gaze meets mine.

“Bazur,” I say softly.

“I’ll do anything to make you happy, Kaethe. I’ll do whatever I can to help you. You’re important to me.” He covers my hand with his large one. “You’re the most important thing to me.”

My laugh is watery and I smile up at him, tears blurring my vision. I cup his cheek, my thumb tracing the line of his beard. He’s so brutally handsome my nipples harden against the front of my gown.

It’s time, no more hiding from the truth.

“Bazur, I know what akorzag means.” Bazur lets out a breath and it tickles my face. Pushing up onto my toes I place a gentle kiss on his lips. “This whole time, that’s what you’ve been calling me. Your precious one, your—”

“If you weren’t my mate I didn’t want one, I never should’ve let you think otherwise. There’s no one more perfect in this entire world for me. You’re beautiful, smart, compassionate, and so, so brave. I hate that I was too much of a coward to not just tell you. I hate that I made you question what you meant to me. You mean everything to me.” He takes another shuddering breath and I feel tears slip down my cheeks.

“It’s obvious what you are to me. I feel it in my heart, in my soul; it’s always been there tying you to me. Your mine, you’ve always been mine.”

“I’ve been a fool too,” I say, pressing up to kiss his lips again. “I kept things to myself when I should’ve just told you the truth. I was so scared of the possibility that you would leave me for someone else.”

Bazur lets out a low growl and I kiss him again.

“There will never be anyone else for me, Kaethe. What else can I do to show you all that you mean to me?”

“What you’ve done for me Bazur, the risks you’ve taken to help find my brother…I never should’ve doubted you. I never should’ve doubted what I felt. You’re mine too.” I reach for the tie of my cloak and let it slide to the floor behind me while smiling up at him. “I think we both know a way for you to show me what I mean to you.”

Bazur lets out a groan and scoops me up in his arms. He climbs the ladder in seconds and then my back hits the bed. His massive body comes down on top of me. Bazur’s mouth lands on mine and a part of my soul is freed. My hands snake up his back into his hair and tug. He growls, his own hands skating across my body.

His warm tongue slips past my lips and my pussy grows even wetter, my nipples achingly hard. My legs fall open and he slides between them, I can feel his hard cock pressing against me.

Bazur lets out a snarl as his hands grip the top of my gown.

“I’ll buy you more.” It’s my only warning before he rips the fabric in half. I moan as his finger circles my nipple through the thin material of my shift. The sun is shining from the skylight above, there’s no hiding from this. He kisses my mouth once more before he gives my shift the same treatment as my dress. I help kick off my boots until I’m left in only my knee-high wool socks.

Shuffling down the bed, Bazur sits back and picks up one of my feet, gently pulling off the gray sock. I squirm as he places a kiss on my shin, then my ankle, and then the top of my foot. Letting out a squeal when he nips my toes with his tusks, I use my other foot to push against his chest.

“Stop! Not my toes,” I giggle. His hand snags my other foot and gives my other leg the same treatment.

“Everything about you is delicious, akorzag.” My pussy gets drenched at the use of that word. “Don’t deny me any part of this feast.”

“I want to feast on you too,” I say, watching as his whole body tenses. He lets go of my feet and my thighs rub together. My arousal slips down my legs and Bazur shudders as he inhales deeply. Rising from the bed he begins removing his own clothes with brutal efficiency. I lean up on my elbows to get a better look at him undressing

“Fuck, Kae, I want to savor this but I’m dangerously close to coming just from looking at you.” I blush and bite my lip. “Never wanted anyone this fucking much.”

“Me neither,” I say, my cheeks getting even warmer. “I mean you know I’ve never been with anyone else but still…”

“Kae.” Bazur’s hands freeze at the lacing of his pants. He leans down onto the bed, his hands bracing on either side of my body as he presses a gentle kiss to my forehead. “You’re safe with me, we’ll go slow. I’ve never been with a human before, in a way this is both of our first times.”

My smile is small as I nod. “I like the idea of that.”

Lifting his hand from the bed, he uses his thumb to pull down my bottom lip before his hand coasts lower, wrapping around my neck.

“Your pussy is mine. And now I’m going to claim it. Other males will smell you and know exactly who owns you.” His voice turns dangerously soft. “And what will happen if they try to take you from me.”

There’s so much cold violence in his voice that I should be scared. I most definitely shouldn’t be turning even more aroused. I let out a sigh as he gives my throat a light squeeze before dropping his hand.

He moves back to the end of the bed and finishes undoing the laces of his pants. My eyes widen as I take in what I’m staring at. I don’t think cocks are supposed to be that large. Like his amount of abs, the size of his cock seems completely, medically unnecessary. The shaft is the same green as the rest of his body, with the head being a few shades darker. Dark veins decorate the sides and…my eyes narrow on this newly revealed body part. Are those ridges?

I need to explore this new discovery for science, of course.

Squirming on the bed, I watch him pad over to me. His cock is so long and hard it bounces with each step, pointing straight up to rest against his stomach. Bazur kneels on the bed and now it points at me like an accusation. Gods, it must be almost as long as my forearm, almost as big around as my fist.

How is that going to fit inside me?

Bazur chuckles and I realize I just said that outloud. “I need to get you nice and wet first, akorzag. Don’t be scared of it, my cock’s only purpose is to pleasure you.”

His lips curl into a smile. Bazur is gruff and stoic but in bed he’s the opposite.

“It’s massive.”

“You can take it.” He crawls on top of me again, our naked skin grazing each other. His hand comes up to untie my braided hair, letting it fall down my back in a pink wave. “You’ll be taking it every day for the rest of your life.”

I whimper over his declaration.

“Tell me you want that,” he commands me but I see the earnest plea in his eyes, hear the uncertainty in his voice. There’s no going back from this and I want to embrace it fully, with everything that I am.

“I want that. I want you.”

His mouth finds mine again. His tusks pressing against my mouth as his tongue dances with my own. My hands tangle in his hair, pulling it from his own leather band and raking my hands through the shoulder length strands. Bazur moans into my mouth before his lips leave mine.

A warm, wet tongue glides up the length of my neck and I shudder. My pussy throbs as he leaves kisses along my jaw and nips at the soft underside of my chin. Pushing me down gently onto my back, he settles between my splayed thighs.

Bazur kisses in between my breasts and mutters something in orcish before shaking himself. Squeezing one breast, he sucks the other into his mouth, working my nipple into a tight peak. With a pop, he releases it.

I groan, my hands tangling into his hair. With one last squeeze, he kisses down my stomach, licking into my navel before his breath ghosts over my pussy.

“A day is too long to be away from this little cunt.” I squirm as he runs a finger through my wetness before sucking it into his mouth. “So fucking sweet. No one should be this sweet, not even you. Have a taste.”

Bazur runs a thick finger through my pussy again, my arousal making it glisten in the light. He holds it towards me, I hesitate before opening my mouth. I taste myself and Bazur’s eyes grow wild. I guess I taste sweet? All I know is that when I suck his finger more firmly into the warm cavern of my mouth he groans.

“I need you to do that to my cock.” I giggle and nip at the tip of his finger. “Mother of the Mountain, I need you to do that to my cock even more.”

His finger leaves my mouth and he squeezes my breast once more before bracing his hands back on my thighs. I bite my lip and look down at him. Taking him into my mouth excites me. I’m not scared or nervous, I welcome these new experiences and I can’t wait to try them all with him.

Bazur’s fingers dig into the soft skin of my inner thighs and holds them open as he stares down at my pussy. His breathing is heavy and his eyes are wild as he looks up at me.

“This little cunt is so fucking pretty. It was mine as soon as I licked it. It was mine from the moment we met.” Bazur spits down onto my sex, I watch as his saliva slips down my slit. It’s crude and erotic, it makes my hips begin to rise of their own accord. “You like that?”

“Yes,” I moan.

“I’ve figured you out.” Bazur bends down to run his tongue up my center. “The blushing, shy alchemist is what you portray to the world, but in our bed, I see the real you. You’re a greedy girl. My greedy girl, who’s going to grind her little pussy against my tongue until she comes. Aren’t you?”

I’m panting but I nod my head. Bazur isn’t lying, that’s how I usually am but not when we are together like this. This side of me was always there; he was just the one that had to unlock it.

Bazur latches on to my clit making me scream. His hands hold my legs open as they try to lock around his head. My pussy clenching down around nothing. I move my hips against his mouth and he’s right, I do grind for my orgasm. He growls against me, the vibrations rattling along my nerve endings.

One of his hands leaves my legs and dips into my opening. I tense up at the intrusion but Bazur soothes me by giving my clit another thorough lick. The tip of his finger slides into me. I feel so full I don’t know how I’m about to take his cock inside of me.

“So fucking tight,” Bazur growls, his finger retreating slowly then pushing back in. He does it over and over again, his assault on my clit causing my muscles to loosen. My climax is close, I can feel release warming my stomach. Without warning Bazur adds another finger inside of me and I’m done for.

My pussy clamps around his fingers so hard I feel like I might break them. He licks me feverishly through my climax. My back arching clean off the bed and my thighs trembling. The sensation spreads throughout my body, settling in my chest and making itself at home. I shudder again as I watch Bazur pull his fingers from my entrance and lick them clean. His chin shiny with my come.

We stare at each other for a long moment. There’s such a look of devotion in his eyes but instead of making me shy I grow bolder. I want him to see just how much I’ve flourished with his attention. This male is obsessed with me and I want him to know it’s very much mutual.

Bazur crawls up the bed towards me once more, the fur blanket beneath me tickles my extra sensitive skin. He swoops down to kiss me but I move my head at the last moment with a giggle. His eyes narrow as he tries again but I dodge his kiss once more.

“What are you playing at, Kaethe?” I bat my eyelashes innocently and wait for him to try and kiss me again. When he moves quickly to ensnare my mouth, I move faster. Using the element of surprise to lock my legs around his middle and flip him on his back. He laughs into my mouth, his hands coming up to rest on my ass. Kneading the supple mounds in his massive hands, he gives one a light smack and I squeal.

“I love your ass.” He spanks the other cheek just as lightly. I kiss him again before sliding down his body. His tough skin scrapes against my nipples and I sigh at the sensation. I know how much he loves my breasts so I rub them along his front, dragging them against the rigid planes of his chest.

From this position, his cock pushes against my stomach and I make sure to squirm on it as well. Extending my tongue I run it over each one of his abs, they are flexed in response to my movements. His massive chest is rising and falling, his pupils blown wide. I bite my lip again and press soft kisses to his stomach before going lower.

“Kaethe,” he hisses, “you want me in your mouth?”

My lips graze the head of his cock. Its bulbous tip is warm as I press a gentle kiss to it and nod my head. I have no frame of reference when it comes to this but like with any good experiment I’ll just gauge his responses. He fists the sheets at his sides as I give his cock another kiss.

An excellent reaction in my humble opinion.

I give the dark green head of his cock one more kiss and am rewarded by a little bead of moisture at the tip. Sticking out my tongue, I lick up his seed, his salty flavor explodes on my tongue. His eyes flutter shut and then snap back open, as if the sensation is too much but he can’t miss a moment of what’s happening.

“Mother of the Mountain,” he growls.

I swirl my tongue around the head of his cock, licking up more seed that leaks from him. Like I did with his finger before, I suck him fully into my mouth. His hands shred the blankets at his sides as he sits up. This is the strongest reaction so far and it urges me to keep going. I suck him deeper into my mouth, using some of my saliva to help me pump him with my hand. It takes me a few tries to get the rhythm right but once I do Bazur’s groans fill the air.

“Perfect,” he growls.

I brush my tongue along those ridges I spied early and wonder how they’ll feel inside of me. Gently, I graze the sides of his cock with my teeth and he groans.

“You do that again, Kae, and I won’t be able to stop from fucking your mouth.”

I moan and feel more moisture leak out of my pussy. His hands spear into my hair as he grips my skull. There’s a part of me that craves his dominance and authority. I don’t want him to hold back with me.

With that thought spurring me on, I graze him with my teeth again.

“You love robbing me of my fucking control, don’t you?” I nod my head on his cock, saliva dribbling down my chin. His fingers tighten on my scalp and he holds my head still and lifts his hips to meet my mouth.

This is deeper than I’ve taken him and his cock nudges the back of my throat making my eyes water. I don’t stop him, I know that I can if it gets too much. I want him to lose control and push me past my limits. I work him with my hand as he goes deeper into my mouth, over and over again.

His ab muscles tense and he curses. “Fuck, Kae, I’m going to come. I wanted the first time to be in your cunt but your mouth is too good. Fuck.”

I squeeze his thigh and his grip on my head loosens. Sliding him out of my mouth, I pump him in my fist.


“Did I hurt you?” Bazur is immediately reaching for me. “I was too rough, I knew I was. You’re so tiny, compared to me Kaethe. I’m sorry, I—”

“Bazur,” I cut him off, “you didn’t hurt me. I was going to ask if you wanted to do what you said before in the tent.”

His brows lower and I run my tongue along his cock again. “Don’t you want to come on my breasts?”

Bazur stops breathing, another spurt of seed leaks from the tip of cock, covering my fingers that grip him. I slip off the bed, my knees sink into the soft carpet as I motion him to sit on the edge. Even from this angle my head is just level with his cock. Taking him in my hand again, I give the underside of cock a kiss and then lick up the seam of his balls.

“Well?” I ask, batting my eyelashes again. How had I ever been shy before? I feel capable, like I do when I’m healing someone. I feel in charge and sure of myself.

“Kaethe, akorzag, I can’t believe you’re going to let me do this.” He grits his teeth as I continue to jerk him. “Next time, it’s all going in your cunt.”

I nod and lick his cock once more. He’s so handsome and powerful, my fingers dig into the hard muscles of his corded thighs. My teeth graze his balls and he curses.

“Fuck, I’m coming,” he growls and I nod encouragingly.

“Get some on my face, I want to taste it.” He tenses and then his hand is on top of mine as we pump him together. His face contorts in pleasure and the first spray of his seed lands across my nose, followed by another one that decorates my lips. Together we aim his cock lower and I press up onto my knees so the next spurt hits my chest. The white, sticky substance is warm as it lands on my skin. There’s so much of it that a few more jets land on my chin and cheeks.

Bazur shudders as the last of it leaves his cock. Looking him in the eye, I lick my lips as I swallow it down. His eyes are fevered as he watches me, his massive chest rising and falling. I run a finger through the come on my chest and suck it clean in my mouth.

“You taste sweet too,” I say. Bazur stares at me so tenderly and lifts me from the floor. I’m sticky and satisfied but I don’t want to stop, not yet. I watch his cock harden again before my eyes and smile.

Picking up one of the shredded blankets on the bed, Bazur mops at my skin.

“Do you need anything, akorzag?” Bazur asks, placing a kiss on my temple.

“Could you bring me the trunk with my herbs please?” I ask. Bazur looks confused but nods, retrieving it for me quickly while I admire his naked backside. He sets the truck down beside me and I pop open the top.

“What are you looking for?” My fingers find the jar I need and pluck it from the trunk and set it down beside me. Myren and I made these last week and I’m so happy I snagged one.

“This.” I hold the jar of cream out towards him.

“What is it?”

“Something that will help you ease your way inside of me.” I watch him twist off the cap and stick a finger into the milky substance. “It’ll still hurt at first but this should help considerably.”

Bazur’s eyes widen and he twists the lid back on.

“Akorzag, I don’t want to hurt you. If you’re too small for my cock then we’ll figure something else out.” I kiss his cheek, his genuine concern is sweet. It makes me want him inside of me even more.

“I’m a virgin, Bazur. It’s going to hurt the first time regardless. This will help that.” He still looks unsure and I sigh. “If you aren’t inside of me in the next five minutes I’m going to run naked through the training yard.”

The wind is almost knocked out of me as he flips me onto my back.

“Where does this go?” he asks, unscrewing the top.

“Put some inside me,” I urge him. He scoops out a decent amount on his finger and spreads it all over my opening, tucking his finger just into my entrance to smear some in there. I moan at the contact, the cream mixing with my own arousal makes an obscenely sloppy sound. “Now put a lot on that monstrous cock of yours.”

He chuckles and shakes his head sending the black strands of his hair scattering around his shoulders. Using his hand, he uses a lot to coat all sides of his cock. The cream makes it shiny and he hands me back the jar to set on the nightstand. I have a feeling we will be needing this quite a lot.

“Now?” he asks. I smile and spread my legs as far as they will go. Letting his gaze lick over every part of me and watch his eyes darken even further.

“I need you inside of me, Bazur.”

His shoulders rise with the force of his inhale as he shuffles towards me. With our size difference, he grabs a pillow beside me and shoves it under my hips, raising me so that his cock is level with my pussy.

Bazur leans down, nudging my entrance with his massive cock. The cream has made us both slick enough that the head breeches me with very little effort. Already I feel full and the anticipation is making me shiver.

My hands cup his cheeks as I bring his mouth to mine. His kiss is devastatingly soft. He feeds me another inch of his cock before he feels resistance.

“Kaethe I—”

“Claim me, Bazur. You said you owned my pussy, now own it.”

With a growl into my mouth he gently pushes past the barrier of my virginity. There is a pinch and tug inside of me; I squirm at the pressure. The cream has definitely helped him but he’s huge, there’s no way to avoid the discomfort.

“Are you okay?” he asks me but I am too lost in the sensation to respond. “Kaethe.”

My eyes blink open at him and I nod. With one great shuddering breath he pushes the rest of the way inside of me, those ridges on the side of his cock drag along the walls of my pussy. He stills inside of me, both of us trying to catch our breath.

The pressure builds and builds and then it stops. The discomfort dulls and I realize the pain reliever herbs inside the cream are working. Thank the gods.

After a few minutes the pain is gone and now all I want is to feel him move inside me.

“Move. Please move, Bazur, I want to feel you.”

“Fuck, your pretty little pussy is squeezing me so tight, Kae. So fucking tight it’s making my headspin.”

“Fuck me, please. Fuck me.” Bazur lets out a growl and grips my hips in his hands, and then, oh gods, oh gods…

He’s slow at first, a quick retreat of his hips before snapping them forward, before he starts to really move. His thighs flex with the force of his thrusts as he pounds into me. Our skin slaps together echoing around the room.

We moan in time with each other, his hands holding my waist are firm as he fucks me onto his length. My breasts bounce in rhythm with his thrusts and my eyes start to close. The sensation is too much, too good. His scent wraps around me, dragging me higher and higher towards bliss. Those ridges inside of me only amplify the pleasure, while his cock hits a pleasurable spot deep inside of me.

“Give me your eyes, Kaethe. I need to see them as I fuck you.” He grits his teeth as he continues to power into me. Sweat glides down the hard muscles of his chest. “My pussy, my Kaethe. I’m the only one who’s had this pussy. You kept it for me until I could find you. Good girl.”

His praise warms my body, making my muscles tighten. Another part of me is unlocked and my pussy flutters around his cock. The muscles in my thighs burn as they stay open wide to accommodate his massive frame.

“It’s yours, you’re the only one who gets to have it,” I pant.

His mouth crashes down on mine as he swallows my moan.

“That’s right. Your pussy is mine, your body is mine, your soul is mine.” His chest rumbles with another growl. “Mine. Mine. Mine.”

“Yours!” I scream.

“This sweet pussy needs protection at all times, akorzag. Males want it, so I have to guard you even more now. It’s not enough,” he pants. “It’s not enough just to protect you. I want to keep you all to myself so no one can see you. I want you so wrapped up in me there’s no separating us.”

My pussy clenches and I scream as the force of my orgasm hits me. His claiming words sent me right over the edge and my pussy pulses around him.

“Fuck, Kae. Fuck, so tight, too fucking tight.” Licking the pad of his thumb, he begins to rub tight circles on my clit and until my body is hurtling towards another climax.

“You liked the sound of that? Of me being so fucking obsessed over you that I’m no better than an animal.”

“Yes,” I sob, the pleasure he’s causing me is almost painful. Fire licks along my body, my hands grip the top of the headboard. The force of his thrusts make the old wood bed creak and I’m certain we’re going to break it. Not now but very soon.

“I need another one, Kae. Need you coming on my cock while I fill you with my seed.” Bazur rubs me even harder, my breasts bounce in time with his thrusts. It’s the edge of the pain that tips me over. I scream his name as my body clenches down on him. His muscles lock and his thrusts become jerky. Throwing his head back, I watch as Bazur finds his own release.

The muscles in his neck are tense as he comes, filling me with a hot rush of his seed. There’s so much of it that it leaks out between us and soaks on to the sheets. Even as he’s coming down, he still thrusts into me making sure that my pussy gets every last drop of his come.

My throat is sore, I’m not going to be able to walk tomorrow, but I’ve never been happier. Bazur pulls out of me, a rush of come coats the insides of my thighs. He presses me into the mattress and kisses my lips, my eyes, my nose.

Rising from the bed, Bazur disappears into the washroom and I hear the faucet turn on. Moments later, he returns holding a warm, wet cloth and gently cleans between my legs. My cheeks warm as he wipes away the come and blood.

It’s so intimate I can’t help it.

“After all we just did together, you can still blush?” he asks, tossing the cloth aside and gathering me to his chest.

“I’m still me,” I reply primly and his soft laugh vibrates against my side.

“You are. I wouldn’t change a thing about you, you’re perfect.” I duck my head and hide my smile into his neck. “Are you okay?”

“I’m wonderful,” I murmur. We grow silent and I sigh tracing along a scar on his shoulder.

“What is it?” His hand slides under my chin and tips my face up to look at him. As if he can sense what I’m feeling before I can.

“Kaethe,” he prompts.

“It’s just that, I can’t help feeling like I robbed us of time together. If I had just told you how I felt, the moment I started feeling it, we could’ve been together like this so much sooner.” Bazur presses a kiss to my mouth.

“Akorzag, everything that happened led to this right now. Led to you laying naked in my arms after I just fucked you full of my seed.” I giggle and try to dip my head again. He holds my chin in his grasp so I have to meet his stare.

“We have forever to make up for lost time,” he says.

Tears threaten to spill from my eyes but I kiss him instead, pouring everything I am into it. Letting the kiss absolve me from my guilt over wasting time and allow it to weave together our souls and hearts. When I open my eyes into Bazur’s honey colored ones I see that he’s done the same. I snuggle into his warmth and feel a peace I’ve never known.


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