Captive [MXM]

Chapter Rescued

I was shaking. Horrified. My hands were soaked in dried blood. The moment was relived over and over and over again like a sick nightmare. Maybe I would have thought it were a nightmare if I weren't still cowering under the bed.

I flinched and pulled myself tighter when the door pushed open. I could see a pair of black combat boots just inside the room.

"Paige?" Came a woman's voice. Who was that? Had Maeve gotten help? Or was she here to hurt me for hurting Jakob. I trembled and stayed quiet. Another pair of shoes came into the frame. Black leather.

"He's in here," deep, rough, familiar, "hiding from that."

The body. Jakob. He was talking about Jakob. I was scared to announce my presence. What would Warren say when he found me under here? Would I be scared?

"Paige?" The woman again, "please, where are you? I got Warren like you asked."

Maeve. The woman was Maeve. I'd never seen or heard her in human form.

I was still scared, practically paralyzed.

"Stop," he sighed, "leave the room. I'll find him."

She hesitated before walking out of the bedroom. Warren walked towards the bed. I tensed up. He sat on the edge of it.

"You did quite a number on Jakob, Paige," he gave a low whistle, "the fact that you killed him here makes me wonder what he was trying to do to you."

I nearly gagged at the word killed. I didn't want the think about what he was trying to do.

"That makes me angry, Paige. He never should have put a finger on you," he said in a low voice, "I should have never let you go but I'm here now. I won't ever let you go again if you come out now."

I swallowed and still didn't obey him.

"I know where you're hiding already," he sighed and shifted so he could stand, "I saw your hand prints on the floor when I walked in."

Tears sprang forth as I squeezed my eyes shut. Warren crouched down by the bedside and peeked under. My lower lip trembled as I put my hands out to him. He pulled me out and cradled me to his chest as I sobbed helplessly.

The vampire kissed me on the forehead and walked to the door.

"It's alright, Paige. I've got you now," he hummed as I began to push at him.

"No, I don't want you," I wept and shoved at his chest, "you're a monster."

Maeve took pace beside us.

"What are you talking about, Paige?" He furrowed his brow and held me tighter.

"I saw what you did to those p-people," I whimpered and covered my face with my shaking hands, "and I don't want to be like you."

He frowned and kissed my forehead, "I'm getting better. I- I don't hurt anyone that doesn't deserve it anymore. I'm learning, Paige. You promised you'd stay with me."

I cried harder and hid against his chest, "just take me home, Warren. Please, I can't be here any longer."

He fell silent, "okay. Okay."

I screamed myself awake and thrashed against the covers. My hands were no longer caked in blood but they still felt filthy.

"Paige!" It was Maeve. She grabbed my shoulders and steadied me. I gasped and trembled as she pushed my hair back, "it's okay. Jakob is gone."

I pursed my lips at the mention of him, "please don't say his name."

She winced and nodded. I took a moment to look at her human appearance. Her hair was dyed red and she had long bangs on either side of her face. She was decked head to toe in black and had winged black eyeliner around her slanted eyes.

I swallowed, "where is Warren?"

"He's in his office cleaning things up," she sighed and helped me out of bed, "I don't think he'll be done for a while though."

I headed for the door, "Warren always has time for me."

She let me go as I stumbled down the hall and opened his office door without even bothering to knock. He was making a phone call and dragging his fingers through his hair. The moment he saw me he hung up without even a goodbye.

I whimpered and fell into him when he came to me.

"Paige, what are you doing up? I left Maeve to watch you," he frowned and cupped my cheek.

"I want to go back to my apartment," I whispered and clenched my jaw and my fists.

"No," he answered immediately, "I mean, possibly, but you're in no shape to be alone right now."

"I don't want to be alone," I trembled in anger, "I just don't want to be with you."

Warren frowned, "what? I know I should have found you sooner and I'm so sorry but why?"

My eyes watered, "because Jakob showed me what you've done. I always knew that you hurt people but not all of them could have been so guilty. I just- every time I look at you I think Can I love the man that did those things?"

"Yes, Paige," he furrowed his brow and tipped my chin up, "I promise I'm won't be like that anymore. I'm trying so hard. I- I can't quit completely but I'll never hurt someone that didn't deserve it."

I placed my palms over his hands that were cupping my cheeks, "but you have and I can't stop thinking about it."

"Thinking about me or about him?" Warren asked quietly.

A tear fell down my cheek, "b-both."

The vampire pulled me into his arms, "I'm sorry, Paige."

"I killed him," I sobbed into his chest, "I killed him and all I'm worried about is you."

"Stop it, Paige," he whispered and lifted me up, "don't do this to yourself. I can't watch."

I sobbed and buried my face in his neck, "he hurt me, Warren. He was trying to hurt me when I- when I-"

"Paige," he called and sat down in his chair, "please, I don't think I could take hearing that."

I squirmed closer and sniffled as he cradled me to his chest.

"Sometimes I wish I never met you. A lot of the time actually," I mumbled into his neck, "and when I was with Jakob sometimes I liked to think that he wouldn't have kidnapped me if I hadn't met you. But... I also thought about how you were trying to be better for me and it upset me so much because after that all I could think was I want my Daddy. The funny thing is, now that I have you I don't know what I want or what I think or how I feel."

"I know how I feel," he whispered and sifted his fingers through his hair, "I love you and I've made mistakes that I can't make up for but I'm going to do everything in my power never to make them again. I'll never hurt you again and just won't let anyone else hurt you either, Paige."

A new wave of tears sprang forth as I tipped my head back to look at him.

"Kiss me," I whimpered, "make me feel your words so I know they're true."

I expected him to be rough and hard but his kiss was sweet. I whimpered and cupped his cheek as he kissed me gently. Tears fell harder as I let him take my breath away. His lips were sincere against mine. They laid everything out in the open. Nothing was hidden from me.

After a moment he pulled back and caressed my cheek with a look of concern on his face.

More tears. My lower lip wobbled, "I love you, Warren."

I woke up confused and squirming. After a moment I realized I had passed out in Warren's lap.

"Paige, it's okay. I'm here," he whispered and cupped my cheek.

I sighed and melted back into him, "Warren."

"You fell asleep. I didn't want to let you go," he hummed and intertwined our fingers. I let a smile come onto my lips.

"Thanks," I mumbled and rubbed at my eyes. "For everything, Warren."

"You don't have to thank me, love," he whispered and kissed me on the forehead, "I'd do anything for you."

I sat up with a yawn and cupped his cheeks, "I wish I could make it up to you."

He sucked in a short breath when I pressed our lips together. Warren wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me back gently.

"I think," I mumbled against his lips, "I think I need a shower."

"Okay," he nodded, "you can use mine or yours. Nothings changed much."

"No, I mean I want you to take one with me," I whispered and hooked my arm around him.

"With you?" He asked and tucked my hair behind my ear.

I glanced down, "I just don't want to be apart from you right now."

"Well I don't have to be in there with you if you don't want. I can just wait in the bathroom," he offered and helped me to my feet.

"I know what I want, Warren," I whispered, "and I want you."

He nodded and took my hand so he could lead me down the hall. I tucked myself against his side and let him undress me when we reached the bathroom. It was strange to be naked in front of someone, especially after what I'd let Jakob do to me.

He helped me into the shower with him and adjusted the nozzles to the right temperature. I pressed my body against his and kissed his chest.

"I love you, Warren," I whispered and looked up at him as he brushed my wet hair from my face.

"I love you too, Paige," he hummed and kissed my forehead.

"Do you want to fuck me?" I trembled at the thought. There was no one that could make me feel like Warren did in bed but after Jakob I didn't feel comfortable letting anyone have me like that right now. Then again, I didn't want to seem like I was pushing Warren away again. I loved him but I didn't want to make him think that I didn't.

"I think you're the most beautiful thing in the world," he replied and took my hands in his, "but I'm never going to make you do that unless you want to."

"But if you want to-"

"Paige," he said firmly, "I know you're just saying that because you want to please me but love doesn't mean sex, darling. All I want is you as you are."

My eyes brimmed as I rubbed at my eyes.

"Okay, Daddy," my voice was wet as I sniffled.

He pressed kisses to my cheeks with a smile.

"Good boy," he hummed, "now let's get you cleaned up, babydoll."

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