Captivation: Want Nothing But You

Chapter 1717

Ethan shared her thought.

Give me a break! I mean, I didnt recall it initially.

Besides, who could have predicted that Klein would be so bold and oppose Rachel like that? Karen pouted.

The meeting with the Health Bureau was initially meant to include Rachel.

However, Rachel remained here, while Klein had left with the team without saying a word.

To be polite about it, it was overstepping boundaries, but to be straightforward, it was a clear sign that Klein didnt have much respect for Rachel.

Inside their office, Karen and Ethan shared looks, sneaking occasional glances at Rachel.

She sat at her desk, engrossed in project materials, seemingly unbothered by Kleins unauthorized replacement at the meeting.

Karen leaned closer towards Ethan and whispered, Do you think Rachel is completely unaware? Are you stupid? This is the deputy managers schedule.

Of course, shes aware of it, Ethan responded, tapping her head Lightly with his pen.

Karen winced in pain and clenched her teeth.

But just look at her! She doesnt look mad at all.

Ethan was also confused.

If Ethan were in Rachels position, he wouldnt stay this calm.

It was a clear provocation.

If he were in her place, hed either insist on Kleins return or, at the very least, talk to Alberto about it.

A N G E L A s L I B R A R Y But Rachel stayed surprisingly calm, as if nothing had occurred.

However, her calmness only increased the tension in the room.

Dont you know what they say? Ethan finally spoke up.

Karen met his gaze, the atmosphere heavy with tension, and together they said, The calm before the storm.

With those words lingering in the air, Karen slouched in her chair, opened a folder, and shielded her face, mumbling, Its done.

Ethans expression didnt get any better either.


Just as Karen was pondering how to go about negotiating a raise for herself, Rachels voice unexpectedly interrupted her lament.

What? Im here.

Karen quickly set aside the folder and approached Rachel.

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