Call me Alpha

Chapter 25: Bond's Pull

Ashira's POV

I never thought of a way out once I face the worst, that made me regret to just wait for it and try to come up with a resolve. Because right now, I have none.

“Our mate is an idiot! Idiot! Idiot!" my wolf cries and I flinched from the pain she is experiencing right now.

'He is. However, we're not normal so we have to deal with him."

'I don't want to lose my mate! I want him!"

I sighed. Talking with my wolf won't do me good right now. She's so head over heels of the idea of having a mate, of Aiden. I can't blame her, she must be savoring thrice the pleasure and happiness I felt around Aiden. And right now, she's suffering thrice the pain.

I walked around the room. It's been hours after Aiden left me here and I had wild thoughts of escape but I couldn't.

If I escape right now, it's like pleading guilty. That's what my pride is telling me. I may not know how to prove my innocence yet but I won't give them the pleasure of judging me through my actions. So even if I'd like to just go back to Regal, I'm deciding to stay.

For now.

If anything goes wrong and my life will be at stake then I will do everything I can to break out.

My phone rang. Wow. Aiden didn't bother confiscating my phone. So what? Is this a lock-up with privilege?

Letting me have my phone gives me a glint of hope. If he thinks I meant harm, won't he try and take away any means of communication I might have? It seems to me that he trusts me.


I run to my phone but the ring had ended before I could read each it.

I looked at my screen and Seth's name was on it. Quickly, I redialed his number and he immediately answered.

"How are you? Did he hurt you?" He said worriedly.

I sighed upon hearing his voice. I figured Seth was already informed of what had happened. Nick must have told him. It's so good to have someone stood for me. I mean, I never saw a bit of doubt from Seth before. At least someone's rational about this.

"A little. How did you know?" I sat on my bed, hugging a pillow tight between my legs.

"I'm at the ancestral now."

I looked around, trying to sense his presence but failed. Uh, wolf proof.

"Do you know how they found out?" I only knew Nick came and Aiden changed after.

"Nick heard it from Titus, Ash. He rats you out.”

I hissed. That bastard! After having his position back to him, he quickly grabbed his knife and stabbed me in the back! Now I know every respect-acceptance gesture he did is just a facade.

I growled then I heard Seth sighed. "I know, Ash. We shouldn't have trusted him."

I started blocking my wolf when she repeatedly curses and swears she'll kill Titus. His whimpers are making me tremble as she tries to take over and I can't let her.

I changed the topic before I lose control of my wolf.

"I need you to help me get out, Seth. I'm not gonna run but I don't want to be inside this room any longer." I almost hissed. I'm not gonna escape. But the feeling that I can stroll inside the ancestral is better than having the four corners of Aiden's room, full of Aiden’s scent. This is torture

When I heard him sigh on the other line, I knew what his answer would be.

"I can't. Aiden almost killed me. He's aware that I knew you were a stealer and about what I did to cover it."

I paled. Of course, he will know!

"What?! What did he do? Are you okay?" my voice almost croaked. I never thought of what may happen to Seth once my secret leaned but if he said Aiden almost killed him, I can only imagine how it is.

"I'm okay. Don't worry. It's just a scratch.” he even chuckled but I'm not convinced with it. "I can't help you out but I'll report every progress to you. I never believe you're a bad kind."

"Bad kind?" I frowned and curled my back, hugging the pillow tighter.

"Something about stealers. I can't explain what that means, I'm still confused about it."

"Where'd you heard it?"

"Aiden and Nick knew some information about stealers. Remember Alpha Zeuracious and Zynia?" "Yeah. What do they know?" I bit my nails as I try processing Seth's words. I wonder what Aiden and Nick knew about it.

"Everything about that tragedy. They kept it private because the information is risky to be known by stealers.” he trailed, remembering what I am. "I mean, the bad ones.”

Seth is not spouting any sense. It's mixed and I don't understand any of it. The only part I get is that he's implying I'm not one of the bad kind. But what kind of bad? Will I grow a pair of horns or wings? Will I look like a monster? What bad kind was it?

"You're terrible at explaining, do you know that?" I sighed. He is though. I'm itching to know more but I can't get it from him

He chuckled. "Heard that often. Hey, you're taking this lightly. Are you sure you're okay?"

" have no choice than to be." I snorted.

He went silent for a minute. I played with my fingers while hearing his breathing. Sigh.

"I told you to confess about it to Aiden. If you only listen.” he finally spoke.

I rolled my eyes. Why am I hearing this a lot? From Aiden and then from Seth. It's not like it can change anything at all.

"You think he'll act the other way? I don't think so." I smirked with the thought. Knowing Aiden from such a short time, he would not budge a bit. He will still do what he does best around me. Making me realize how powerful he is.

"Well..." he didn't finish his words and I nodded to myself. I knew he gets what I mean and that ends the conversation about it.

"Can you gather more information about stealer for me?" I asked. I needed to know more. What I am is a blur. Only half or below is what I knew. I need more.

"Yeah? Uh, Aiden forbids me to talk to you so I'm guessing I'm not supposed to tell you anything but I'll try. I wonder why you have your phone though.”

I chuckled with sarcasm. Even I wonder why. "I don't know. Maybe he forgot about it."

"That's impossible. It only means he trusts you.” I can hear him rolling his eyes with how he said it.

I snorted. Trust, my ass.

"What did he say about me?" I decided to ask. I assume he thinks odd about me right now but I wanna know how others discern it.

"He wants us to think in between about your case. That we can't trust you yet until they find something that might help to perceive your true intentions.”

I groaned from the last words. It's hard to accept hearing about it because I have no intentions to begin with. Hell, I'm not even interested in finding a mate when I did the mapping.

"He's not yet convinced that I'm tricking him? Based on how he acts with me, I bet he was."

Seth sighed after a long pause. I did too. Damn, can all I do is sigh in my situation?

"No, Ash. Don't think like that. He's not concluding anything yet..."

It's my turn to be silenced. If Aiden judges me the moment he found out, Seth must've heard of it so If he said he's not, I...

No, I shouldn't hope for the best but the worst.

"Ash... The only one who can come near you right now is Aiden. His reason confused me but he said so himself. When he did, then it's your chance to ask something from him." Seth said again.

I nodded though he can't see me. "I'll hang up."

"Okay. I'm just around.”

We ended the call and I laid my back flat on the bed. I looked up and started bursting my head with thoughts I never wanted to entertain.

“Our mate still wants us." my wolf peeked when the barrier I made weakened.

“Let's not assume anything. Let's wait for the worst.’

I blocked her again when she started whimpering. I sighed and closed my eyes when exhaustion drifted me to my sleep as a tear rolled down my cheeks.

Nick's POV

"What are you thinking?" I asked Aiden. He's been quiet the whole ride and it bothers me every time I hear his gritting teeth or low growls.

We're almost at my father's house and I'm starting to wet my pants. Michael, my father, was the former Beta of the pack. He's living far from the center ever since he got elected as the pack's elder. I don't know his reason though. Maybe he just wants to be alone with my mother since he barely had the chance to when he had the duty as the Beta.

I feared him. He's too strict and focused that I can't remember a single moment I had with him growing up. I won't think twice if Aiden got his attitude from my father because Alpha James is the opposite of Aiden. Alpha James is funny and a joker while his son, Aiden, somehow loses all of that. I can't blame him though. He grew up leading a pack and at a young age, that's equivalent to killing the fun of youth.

"I was talking with Michael," he replied with a sigh. That explains all the growling I've heard from him. "He's expecting us. Hit the gas.”

I did as he asked. Michael must be furious by now and I don't want to imagine how outraged he is. What's happening to Aiden is like history repeating itself.

Is it on his blood to meet a stealer? It seems so.

I hope my father knows how to detect a true mate out of a stealer. At least a way.

Because I'm not convinced one bit that Ash is one of the bad kind.

We reached Michael's house and Aiden quickly moved out of the car. I watched his moves and I can't help but think that his eagerness to know a way out of this mess is his way of hoping Ash is his fated one.

I followed after him as Michael stood outside his porch. Waiting for our arrival.

He bowed to Aiden as soon as we faced him. "Alpha Aiden."

"Michael." I can sense how serious Aiden is from his voice.

"You've grown up since your last visit." Michael said to Aiden and he smiled at him before turning his eyes to me.

"Hey, Dad."

He snorted. "And you need to grow up more, pup.”

I snorted back and ignored his remarks as I scraped my nape. This is one hell of a reason that I never wished to face this old man.

"Come in. Neticia is asleep, we can talk at the study.”

Oh damn. I was hoping Mom will be awake. How I missed her. I'm a momma's boy and the reason is obvious. My father is irritating.

We walked inside with silence. Michael is old. In his late 50's now. The same for my mom and she have trouble sleeping again once woken up.

"I am sorry for what happened, Alpha Aiden. I hope I could be of help.” Michael said once the door of his study was closed. Aiden sat on a chair in front of his desk where he sat behind. I stayed standing though. My father is strict, he always believed that it was Beta's duty to be alert whenever, wherever.

And if 1 sit right now, it would mean I'm slacking off. I almost snorted. I hope this talk will be fast. "Is there a way to know if my mate is deceiving me?" Aiden, as straight to the point that he is, said. Not wasting a dime of his time.

Michael pressed his hands together then rested his chin above it. He watched Aiden with a hidden amused and disbelief gaze. Pfft. I know what he is thinking. That it's amusing how Aiden was encountering this when it was his uncle that firsthand experience this at the North.

"This is different from before. During that time, your Uncle Zeuracious' mate, Zynia, was a stealer. And when Jorhia showed up, he was baffled by another mate bond's pull and since Zynia was a stealer, they thought she was tricking him.”

Jorhia, the stealer that truly tricked Alpha Zeuracious. The one no one knew about. The Jorhia that master being a stealer, well, from my opinion.

We heard this story before when Michael told us the truth about the past. I'm sure we're around 18 by that time since that is the age that wolves naturally howls for its mate. Ready to multiply.

"No one knew that Jorhia was a stealer too. She's one of the bad kind. They'd gone too far in trying to distinguish which one from them is the true mate. The process they underwent is filthy, ancient way, but both stealers are eager to prove they are the fated one.”

The method that the Ravenous pack elders suggested still hunt my mind. Zynia and Jorhia have to let another wolf to fuck them. To plant other seeds in their womb. If one of them became pregnant, then she is the stealer. Well, no one knee Jorhia was a stealer back then. The suspicion was directed to Zynia alone.

None of us are talking even though we heard it before. I don't know about Aiden but for me, it's like rereading a book to find some holes that we've missed to focus on. Aiden and I were not interested in the story when we first heard it.

Who knew we'll need it now.

"I kept this to myself but I side with your mother, Aiden. I also believe that Zynia's child was your blood. After letting a regular male wolf penetrate Zynia and Jorhia, it was Zynia who get pregnant. We believe that Zeuracious had gotten her pregnant. Jorhia on the other hand, didn't. That's enough reason to believe that Jorhia is Zeuracious' true mate because no one knew that she's also a stealer then."

"Tina and I believed that she had taken contraceptives days before the judgment. The drug is not yet famous before but a bit of wolfsbane is enough to delay the work of a wolf sperm. That's what we believed in."

Jorhia got pregnant after a month, she already completed the process with Alpha Zeuracious by then. Making it seemed that it's the Alpha's pup inside her. However, when the pup was born, the child's growth is of a regular one. Wolf with Alphas blood grows faster than a normal wolf. The pup was not Zeuracious's.

"What I needed to hear is how I'll know if Ashira is mine, Michael.” Aiden said, getting impatient. I figured he's just letting Michael talk about the past even if he's aware of it already. I bet he's losing control as he waits for what he came for.

Michael sighed. "Allow me to finish, Alpha Aiden.”

"I've heard everything you're saying.” Aiden replied, hissing.

"Tina met with Zynia before Zeuracious and Raekon's duel.” Michael continued, ignoring our Alpha's outrage. Aiden didn't seem to be shocked but I am the opposite. My eyes widened from what I heard.

"What? Zynia was punished with death, how is that possible to happen?” I cleared my throat when the old man looked at me. Okay, I'm the Beta now oldie! I have the right to butt in.

"That's why I'm telling the story again because the last time I told the both of you about this, no one seemed to heed the rest of it." He looked at Aiden again who didn't convey any emotions from his news.

Oh, well. We're not interested before so he's right.

“Just let the old man speak, dude.’ I told Aiden and huffed silently. I watched his shoulder as he heaved a huge breath but didn't speak a word.

"Zynia wasn't punished by death. Zeuracious can't do that to her so he let her go, let her escape. The pack is outraged, angered when they found out about her trickery and he knew she won't survive from the packs wrath. Zeuracious had resented her but he can't stand the thought of killing her and the child in her womb. They had completed the mating process and she's linked to him by that bond. Losing her is not an option for Zeuracious.” Michael continued.

"It spread on the Ravenous pack that their Alpha killed the stealer. They cheered, proud of what they thought their Alpha achieved. On the other hand, Zeuracious felt half of his soul has left with Zynia. He longed for her. But Jorhia, being the stealer that she is, surge him the overwhelming emotion that can fill the hole in Zeuracious soul.”

Aiden shifted on his seat. Not comfortable with my father's storytelling. I sighed inside my head because I knew what he wanted to do right now. I won't be shocked if he'll speak again to fast forward the story to where he will benefit from.

My father understood what Aiden might do so he sighed and huffed. Yeah, just answer his question, old man. Before his thread of patience rip.

"Fine. There's no way to be sure if she is your true mate.” my father, at last, said to Aiden. "As you know, even Zynia lost to Jorhia even though she's his fated one. Because she had no way to prove herself. But now both of you should know what to do."

My old man turned to me. Like I knew the answer. He even raised his brow to me as if waiting for it. And I was like, what the fuck? We're not in class to do that!

I snorted. "We'll find Zynia?"

Michael scuffed and leaned on the backrest of his chair. I rolled my eyes. I got it right, hallelujah. "Find her," he said to Aiden. "It been ages but I remember that she's living outside packs and borders. She's now a rogue. Let's hope she had the answer.”

Aiden hissed. "If she's a stealer and she's with the Rogues then how the fuck will she survive those thirsty dogs?" he has a point.

I nodded and my father narrowed his eyes at me like I did something shameful. What the hell.

I agree with Aiden, what's his problem?

Most wolves went rogue to find a stealer, to make them whole again. So what odds can help Zynia survive them? Unless she has become the rogues whore. But that's impossible because wolf tends to be greedy when it comes to mate. Well, for rogues, stealer is finding their mate like it's theirs.

"I know. But believe me, Alpha Aiden, she's still out there.”

My brows furrowed from his words. I watched Aiden’s back and decided to speak when he didn't. "You sound so sure. Don't tell me you're meeting her?" I said. He nodded and my eyes widened. "Then why do we need to find her? She can come to you and we'll talk!”

"She's stopping by time to time. Her last visit was six months ago. I don't know when the next will be. Unless you'll love to wait." he said, mostly to Aiden. Of course, Aiden couldn't wait.

"Where can we find the rogues?" Aiden asked, more to me. So we're doing that?

"We have the map of their spots, they're plenty and sparse,” I said. Aiden nodded and stood up. Ready to leave.

Michael stood up as well. I

"In the meantime, don't have sex with the stealer.”

"They haven't completed the mating.” I interrupt. Aiden growled from the tone of my voice, it came out almost teasing. I immediately shut my lips.

"You?" Michael almost laughed but held it and just cleared his throat.

"Oh well, it's not entirely forbidden but if you think you can control your wolf, then you may. Otherwise, don't even think about it or you'll lose your senses.”

"Explain it more, Dad. I'm interested." I said, smiling. My dad snorted but didn't say anything as he continues.

"If the mating process was completed, the wolf will be dependent on the mate. If the stealer is deceiving him then it will complicate things when he found his true mate. It will be hard to let go of the stealer."Then he turned to Aiden. "But if she's yours, truly, then there's nothing to fear. As I said, not completely forbidden. The risk depends on how well you control your wolf."

"A hundred percent.” Aiden answered and I almost rolled my eyes.

Yeah right. Like he didn’t struggle when he denied claiming Ash.

"I never doubt that." Michael smiled proudly and I snorted. They both turned to me and I stood straight. Ohhkay.

"If Zynia will visit again, I'll tell you first, Alpha Aiden.”

Aiden nodded. "Thank you, Michael.” and turned to me. "Let's go."

We went out of the old man's house and to the car. Aiden sighed as soon as we're inside. We gained nothing from my old man. He must feel devastated right now. I knew how impatient he is, and what's happening right now is not the outcome he wanted.

"Why don't you keep Ash and just wait until you're pulled by another mate bond?" I innocently asked as I drove.

He growled loud and leaned his back on the seat. What?

"Then what? Have another wolf fuck her brains out as I watch it?" He growled again. Okay. So he didn't like the idea of that.

"There's no need for that. We already know what she is.”

"You can let her go, Aiden. She can go back to her pack. Ash did not harm you yet to deserve being locked inside your room."

Aiden hissed like he's irritated with what I said. I don't care. I believe he needs to hear it. Ash may be a stealer but she did nothing to hurt Aiden or anyone. He shouldn't lock her up.

"Only I can decide on that, Nick. Butt out.”

I just sighed, my words won't matter even if I say something.

Whatever, Aiden. Don't regret your stubbornness later.

Ashira's POV

I opened my eyes slowly as I heard the rustling of locks and keys outside the door.

I slept and I don't know how long was I out.

When the door opened, Aiden’s tingling delicious sweet fragrance quickly filled my nose.

His eyes met mine and I felt thousands of currents run down my spine. It felt like I've never seen him for so long, the mate bond is already pulling me to him.

I sat down and looked away from his gaze because I felt like burning from it.

He closed the door behind him but I still can feel his hot stare on me. I did not bother to look up and met his eyes again because I might give in.

Aiden stood up at the edge of the bed and I bet his eyes are still on me.

"Go back to sleep." his deep voice is commanding, giving me an order. I can't sense any emotion in his voice at all.

I gulped, clearing my throat. "I will. After you leave.” I said and looked up, meeting his eyes. Another lump formed my throat when his golden-brown eyes glinted.

The side of his lips raised, forming a smirk.

"Who said I'm not sleeping here with you?"

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