Burnout (The Holland Brothers Book 1)

Chapter 32

Knox gives me a basic rundown of the bike, all the controls and how to sit, which wasn’t as obvious as I assumed. It takes a little bit for me to get it all memorized. He rides next to me as I walk the bike, focusing only on letting the clutch out, then moving my feet to the pegs as I accelerate a short distance and practicing with the foot brake.

After that, we ride side by side on a flat, open area. He lets me set the pace, but I find myself wanting to impress him more than ever, so I focus hard.

I’m not sure how long passes with him riding beside me while I get comfortable with the bike, but when I finally dare to glance over at him while riding, he’s got a pleased smile on his face. “You’re doing good. Follow me?”

I nod rapidly and my heartbeat picks up as he speeds up and takes the lead. He checks back frequently, only staying a little bit in front of me, but it’s hard to appreciate the view while I try not to fall off the bike. Too bad. Knox is in his element on two wheels. Every movement is practiced and skilled, and I love that he brought me here to experience it with him.

He stops at the end of a trail. Beyond it is a gravel road in one direction and desert brush in the other. “We’ll head back the same way. About halfway there’s a turnoff. The trail is narrower and pretty bumpy in spots, but we’ll take it slow. If you have any problems at all, stop or pull over and wait for me to come back. I won’t lose you.”

He waits for my approval.

“Okay,” I say and smile, not that he can see it behind my helmet.

I can feel him smiling back though as he stands on the pedals and takes off.

“Show-off,” I mutter.

Just as Knox had warned me, the trail is narrower and bumpier than the road I practiced on, but it isn’t too bad until we start to get into turns that require me to continually brake and accelerate. Knox is patient and attentive, constantly checking back on me. We’re going downhill and the air gets cooler the farther we go.

I breathe a sigh of relief when the path opens up and we can ride side by side again. I glance over at Knox and he motions with his head for me to look in front of us.

My next breath gets caught in my throat. The road looks out over a bluff of the mountain and there’s a waterfall. Knox rides a little closer to the cliff and then stops. I pull up beside him and lift my goggles.

“Pretty cool, right?”

“It’s stunning. I had no idea it was here.”

“Most people don’t. It’s far enough away from the university that it’s mostly serious hikers or riders and locals that venture out here. It’s even prettier in the summer after monsoon season.”

I stare at the beautiful view in front of me a few seconds longer and then look at him. “Thank you for bringing me out here.”

“You’re welcome.” He dips his head toward my ride. “How’s the bike?”

“Still in one piece,” I joke.

“You’re a natural.”

“Not really, but it’s fun to ride even if I can’t go fast or do any fun tricks like you.”

He revs his bike as if making my point. If I tried that, I’d probably accidentally let off the brake and drive myself off the cliff. “Fun tricks that I can only do because of you.”

That is a bald-faced lie. He would have found another way. There’s nothing Knox can’t do. He’s too stubborn.

“I’m serious,” he says. “I owe a lot to you.”

“You can repay me in shirtless handstands.”

“Done.” He winks and then leans in like he’s going to kiss me but has to settle for tapping his helmet against mine.

He turns off his bike and parks it, and then motions for me to do the same. We take off our helmets and goggles and leave everything. Knox holds my hand tightly as he goes first down the steep incline of a well-trodden path toward the bottom of the mountain. The waterfall ends in a pool that’s surrounded by large rocks that are hard to navigate.

Stepping up onto one of the larger boulders, he turns and takes both of my hands to pull me up next to him. Then he sits and kicks his feet out in front of him.

“This is breathtaking.” I drop down beside him, mirroring his body language.

“One of my favorite places in Valley.” He stares out toward the waterfall.

“Knox Holland likes waterfalls. Who would have guessed?”

“Waterfalls are awesome.” His face is dirty and his hair is messy, and he’s this sexy mix of playful and sweet and badass biker.

“What are the others?” I ask as I run a hand over my hair. I just realized I probably look as windblown and dirty as he does.

“Other what?”

“Favorite places.”

“Oh.” He leans back and lets his head drop to the side to look at me. “The practice track, The Tipsy Rose…I guess my other favorite spots around Valley aren’t that exciting.”

“What about outside of Valley? I know you traveled a lot for racing.”

“All the tracks start to look the same. I don’t really care where I am as long as I have my bike.”

I place one hand behind me and lean back. The very tips of our fingers touch. “I have a favorite beam.”

He lifts one dark brow in question.

“At my old club gym back home. It was perfect. The position in the gym, the feel of it. I used to lie on it just to think or visualize my routines.”

“I kind of figured they were all the same.”

I gasp, feigning outrage. “Are all bikes the same?”

“Point made.” He scoots forward and then jumps down from the big rock we’re sitting on and out of view.

“Are you crazy?” I yelp, carefully inching to the edge to make sure he didn’t die. He’s standing below in water that comes to his ankles, grinning up.

“Probably,” is his answer. He cups his hands and drops them into the water. The freezing water. I know it’s cold because after running some over his face and hair, he starts splashing me.

I squeal and move farther back.

He looks entirely too pleased with himself when I dare to peek over the side again. Knox offers me a hand.

“Are you going to splash me?” I ask before accepting it.

“Yes. But you can retaliate down here.”

His fingers are ice cold as I slip my palm into his. When my feet are dangling over the edge, he brings his other hand up to my waist and pulls me down the four-foot drop into the water.

I immediately kick my foot and splash him. We do that back and forth a few times, laughing and squealing as we douse each other in the frigid water until Knox wraps an arm around my waist and tugs me against his hard chest. His mouth is warm when it covers mine. I forget all about the cold and everything else but him. We could be standing in lava and I’d probably still happily burn if it meant I could kiss Knox a second longer. There’s something about him. I can’t get enough of him.

“Ready to head back?” he asks when we finally break apart.

“I guess so.” I like being out here, away from everything with just him. I don’t want it to end.

He smiles like maybe he knows exactly how I’m feeling.

We trek back up to the bikes. This time when I sit on mine, it feels more natural. And when we ascend up the hill, I’m able to keep up with Knox without him slowing down too much.

It felt like we went so much farther than we did and we’re back at the truck before I’m ready to go.

He puts my bike up first and straps it down.

“Today was really fun,” I tell him as I take off the jacket. It’s much warmer away from the water and out of the shade.

“Then why do you look so bummed?” he asks as he turns to get his bike.

“Because it’s over.”

His head tips back with a laugh.

“Will you bring me back sometime?”

“Any time you want.” Instead of putting his bike in the back of his truck, he gets on it and starts it up.

“Jump on the back,” he says while pulling on his helmet and then handing me mine.

My hesitation is short-lived, and I get on without questioning him. He looks me over in my jeans, tank top, and helmet and smiles. “Hold on tight, princess.”

Knox takes off, accelerating quickly while I hug him around the middle. He sticks to the flatter, wider trail but it’s exhilarating holding on to him while he maneuvers the bike expertly.

My face hurts from smiling so hard. Then he stops and places his feet on the ground. With one muscular arm, he circles my waist and pulls me around in front of him so I’m facing him but still straddling the bike (and now him).

If our helmets weren’t on, I’d kiss the crap out of him. The way his eyes bore into mine I think he’s on the same page. He revs the engine and I instinctively wrap myself around him so I don’t fall off. Knox drives that way, with me staring behind us, chest pressed to his. My heart soars and I feel so light and free, but somehow safe too.

He picks up speed and then goes up into a wheelie that makes me squeal. I’m certain I can feel the rumble of his chest against mine as he laughs at me.

When Knox and I get back to his house the various vehicles that are usually parked outside are gone. Everything is quiet, at least from the driveway. The silence is a stark contrast to how loud and boisterous it was the last time I was here.

“Where is everyone?” I ask, holding my new riding jacket against my stomach.

“Flynn had practice, Hendrick’s probably at the bar, and I’m not sure where Arch and Brogan are.” He runs a hand through his hair. “A rare moment of peace and quiet around here.”

He comes around the truck and wipes his thumb across my cheek. I follow the movement and blush.

“I’m a mess.” I’m covered in dirt. My jeans got the worst of it, but I got a look at myself in the mirror in his truck and know my face and hair didn’t go unscathed. “I should go back to my dorm and shower.”

“You can shower here.”

“I didn’t bring any other clothes with me.”

“Take whatever you want of mine. T-shirts are in the top drawer. Shorts and sweats are in the bottom right. Though you probably remember that from your snooping.”

“Hmm…” I bring a hand up to my chin and peer up like I’m deep in thought. “What will I pick? The black T-shirt or the other black T-shirt.”

He smiles, amused but not the least bit riled by my teasing. He kisses me and then steps back. “You can have the shower first. I’m going to unload the bikes.”

I start for the door. “I don’t think your undies are going to fit.”

He doesn’t miss a beat. “Guess you’ll have to go without.”

The house is almost eerily quiet. The evidence of the five brothers that live here is everywhere though. Empty protein shakers on the kitchen counter and miscellaneous sporting goods. And shoes—so many different pairs of sneakers.

In Knox’s room, I find a clean T-shirt and a pair of sweats, then take them to the attached bathroom.

When I glance in the mirror over the vanity, my reflection makes me laugh. The ends of my ponytail are no longer blonde, but brown. And there are streaks on my face around my eyes and on my neck.

Peeling my jeans off is a challenge. The dirt has made them stiff and they stick like glue against my skin.

I fold and set them on the top of the vanity and then just stand there staring at myself, my thoughts pinging around like a pinball machine.

Today was the best day I can remember in…forever. Riding dirt bikes was fun, but that wasn’t even the best part.


Unexpectedly sweet, loyal, beyond stubborn, and the most selfless person I’ve ever met. He bought me a bike. A pink bike. Even if it wasn’t expensive and he had the parts…he did it because he wanted to make me happy. I don’t think anyone has ever bought me a more meaningful gift.

Nerves flutter in my stomach as I quickly wash my face and neck. I grab what I need from the nightstand and then head back out to the garage.

Knox has taken off his T-shirt. My bike is already in the garage and he’s standing in the back of the truck to remove the tie-downs on his. His riding pants hang off his hips and the muscles in his back ripple as he works.

He glances over his shoulder as my steps draw closer. Those hazel eyes spark as he looks me over in my white tank top and black panties.

“Remember that time we went to the track and I watched you race?”

“Yeah.” He abandons his bike and hops down from the truck.

I walk over to where his motorcycle is parked along one side of the garage and run a hand over the seat. “I said, ‘you can have whatever you want.’”

I don’t look at him, but I can feel his heated stare on me. “And you said something like, ‘That’s a dangerous thing to say. I’d⁠—’”

“Have you bent over my bike so fast you wouldn’t know which way was up,” he finishes.

Turning, I lean back against the cool leather and hold up the condom I stole from his nightstand. “Is that still what you want?”

My heart beats so fast as he moves toward me at a much slower, controlled pace. Only the hungry look in his eyes gives him away.

When he finally reaches me, Knox plucks the condom from my fingers and slides it into his pocket. “I think we’ve already established that I don’t need a condom to fuck you stupid.”

One of his hands grips my hip, and his mouth takes mine swiftly, nipping at my bottom lip in a way that makes butterflies swarm in my stomach. Everything I’m feeling is so big, so hard to quantify, but I put it into my kisses and into the way I clutch at him, trying to get impossibly closer. I want more. More, more, more.

He turns me so I’m facing away from him and then he pushes me down until my stomach rests against the seat and my ass is up in the air.

All my reasons for not sleeping with him have become sort of beside the point. After Nolan cheated on me, I didn’t want to trust anyone. I was scared and wanted to safeguard my heart. I thought it was my fault. Not that he cheated, but that I didn’t really get to know him or his character.

Maybe I didn’t or maybe I only saw what I wanted to, but Knox has never tried to hide who he is. He’s always been honest with me, even when I haven’t liked the answer.

I trust him. He won me over one day at a time, showing me the good and the bad.

His fingers graze softly down my spine and then his mouth drops to my shoulder. The groan that escapes him rumbles over my sensitive skin. His lips move to my neck. Kissing, sucking, and then nipping until I’m panting and pushing my ass against him.

I can feel how hard he is through his riding pants.

“I want you.” The words are breathy and quiet.

He hooks a finger under the band of my panties and slides them down my legs, crouching behind me to slip them off. I have a sudden rush of nerves. His truck is blocking us from view of the road, but if his brothers came home or anyone walked up, they’d see me naked from the waist down and ass up in the air.

I stop caring the second Knox pushes my legs apart and groans.

“You are fucking perfect.” His lips graze the side of my ass and then he hitches one of my legs up over his shoulder. The new position has anticipation building in my core. Long, calloused fingers glide over my clit and pussy, then back, slow and teasing.

“I’m gonna make you come, princess. Don’t worry. Been thinking about this pussy all day.”

My body flushes and I moan as he dips a finger inside of me.

“Knox…” I start and then gasp as he shoves two more fingers in, stretching me. Pleasure rocks through me. It’s hard to think or form words.

When his mouth covers me, I stop trying to speak and let the sensations roll over me. He keeps up the rhythm with his fingers and alternates sucking and nipping. I grind into his face, unabashedly chasing the orgasm. But today it isn’t enough.

“I want you,” I rasp. “All of you. Fuck me stupid.”

He pauses, and I arch up and glance back at him.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m positive.”

He doesn’t move and I wonder if maybe I made him wait so long that he doesn’t want to anymore, so I add, “If that’s still what you want.”

His brows lift almost comically. “Princess, I’ve been dreaming of fucking you since the first time I saw you in that frilly pink dress and white shoes.”


He looks me straight in the eye and there’s no hint of teasing or bluffing when he says, “Really, Avery. That day and every day since.”

My stomach swoops at his admission. One second I’m half-bent over the motorcycle and the next he’s got me in his arms, kissing me harder than he ever has. I feel it everywhere. My hands roam over his chest and stomach and then lower to undo his pants and push them down.

He lets out a low growl when I wrap my fingers around the base of his dick, then he spins me back around and pushes me down on the bike like he can’t wait a second longer.

My heart races as I wait for him. I can hear the rip of the foil and our ragged breathing. The anticipation is almost more than I can take.

My breath catches when the head of his cock nudges my entrance.

“Hold on tight, princess.” He pushes in and my eyes roll back as my body stretches to accommodate him. I’ve barely taken him a couple of inches, but it feels so good. So full, so complete.

“So damn tight.” His words are clipped as he guides me farther onto him. When I’m finally taking all of him, we both go still.

“So damn big,” I say back.

He pulls out and pushes back in a few times until I can take him easily. Our movements are still slow and controlled, but it has my orgasm building fast anyway. Knox leans down, and with one hand, guides my face around enough that he can kiss me deeply while buried inside of me. It’s so sensual and comforting that tears prick the back of my eyes.

Knox tears his mouth away from my lips and bites the spot where my neck and the top of my shoulder connect. His movements become faster, pounding into me harder.

I can’t believe I held out so long. We could have been doing this for weeks. It feels even more incredible than I imagined.

When I start to whimper and cry out his name, Knox squeezes my ass from either side, clenching me around him tighter. “Are you going to come all over my dick, princess?”

“I’m close, but you feel so good I don’t want it to end.”

“Don’t worry. I don’t plan to stop until you’ve come so many times you’ve lost track.” With that, he thrusts faster until I’m crying out and squeezing him so tight that it’s hard for him to push in and out.

I barely have time to catch my breath before I feel the next wave of pleasure crashing.

“Avery,” Knox says my name throaty and low. Bursts of light flash in my vision and he goes still as we both come. My legs are shaking underneath him, and I’m thankful to have something holding me up.

We’re still a beat, catching our breath. His hands come up around my waist and his forehead drops to my back. It feels like he places a soft kiss on my spine.

When he finally pulls out and gets rid of the condom, I work on getting feeling back in my legs.

“Ready, princess?” he asks, walking back toward me. His riding pants are still on but undone.


He smirks and sweeps me up and into his arms. “I’m not even close to done with you.”

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