Burning Vengeance

Chapter 20.

Grabbing his shirt, she tugs him into her embrace before hitting the scorched earth, laying him in her lap. He smiles weakly. All of his former, formidable strength sapped from him with a single tick of a clock.

"Sorry. I know I told you not to leave me, but.... it's me who's going to leave you."

"No. You are not fucking dying on me!"

"I don't want to. I want to stay."

"Then stay, damn it!"

Alarik shakes his head, pained, his breathing grows shallow and ragged. "I'm so sorry, Fay."

"No! You should've just let me die! Why did you kiss me?" She clutches him and sobs. He reaches up and touches her cheek. His fingers are as cold as ice.

"Because I love you. It's as simple as that." She stares at him, his words penetrating deep. "It's better this way. I can take the curse with me. All of this pain and suffering, it will end."

"It won't end, not for me. It's only the beginning of my suffering. Life will be hell without you."

"Fay, I know this isn't fair...."

Her whole body trembles with grief and anger, but Alarik cups her cheek with the softest smile. "Sorry to be selfish, but just do this one last thing for me?"


"Kiss me." Her heart breaks as she stares at the man before her. The man who took her, the man who marked her... the one who changed the very course of her life. "Please. One last time." Alarik cups her face in his hands, wiping her tears away. He pulls her in, his mouth parted.

At the last second, she turns away. "I can't. This just.... it hurts too much." She cries quietly, her face hidden from view.

Alarik falls back, growing weaker. "I'm out of time, Fay."

She shakes her head, fresh tears falling down her cheeks. "No. Please, please."

A horrible pain grips Alarik. He arches his back, clutching his chest, as though something is clawing him from the inside. "Agh!"

She shuts her eyes, trying to pull her power into herself. But it doesn't come. He twists and screams, holding his chest as a horrific darkness falls over them both. "This isn't working. I don't know what to do, I-"

"Look at me. Look." He cups her face in his hands, gasping for breath. Even in his agony, he finds the strength to speak, to give her one last courageous smile. "Change things, Fay. Change things in this world."

"Alarik, I will do it for you."

"Thank you. I know you can. Because you are extraordinary. You are mine." He falls back, the last vestiges of his strength and lifeforce stripped from him. "You are.... the love.... of my life." His eyes close, his once powerful draconic body going limp in her arms. She hears a long, wracked breath escape him and he dies.

"No. Alarik, no!" Fury, darker than the darkest night, overtakes Fay in her grief. She clutches Alarik's lifeless body and screams. "GOD DAMN IT!" She doesn't know who she's screaming to. It doesn't matter. "I never knew love, not before him. Now, you take him from me?" Her unbearable heartbreak manifests into a bitter sob. She buries her face in Alarik's cold, still chest. "Please, I can't. I can't lose him too." She doesn't expect an answer. She knows she is screaming into a void of nothingness. But something does answer: her Dragon's Mark. Slowly, the familiar, warm hum beneath her flesh rises to a keen pitch. Her mark glows, softly at first, then brighter and brighter, until it rivals the light of the moon above. Power suddenly surges within her, as bright and strong as Alarik's blue flames. And she feels something. The thread of the curse. A thread, shining with the same ghost-white light as her mark, reaches back centuries, dividing humans and dragons. She can feel its legacy of brutality, of tragedy. How many lives it has stolen and ruined. She presses her face against his chest and sobs. But a crackling sound mingles with her despair and the air shimmers as if alight with countless fireflies. The light gathers, forming a shape, the shape of a young boy with a face she recognizes. "Soren?" He doesn't answer, but he's precisely as she remembers him the day he died. "What is this? What are you-" he walks toward her, right through patches of burning blue flame. He gives her a brief smile, then he bends down before Alarik. Closing his eyes, he takes hold of the curse thread.... and pulls. It's hard for him. He strains, giving all of his strength to the breaking of the thread. "Stop it, Soren, you're hurting yourself!" But he doesn't stop. He pulls and pulls until finally, the curse thread snaps. When it does, Soren falls back, disappearing in a cloud of vapor. "Soren!" Then she sees it: a thin veneer over Alarik's skin cracks like glass. The web of broken glass spreads across his skin, ever so slowly, before it covers all of him. After a long, tense moment, the veneer shatters, scattering like dust in the wind, leaving Alarik's body clean and bright. "A-Alarik?" Everything is still. The wind doesn't disturb a single blade of grass.

"Fay?" She thinks she imagines it. Her name on his lips. His eyes fluttering open. But it's no illusion. Alarik is alive, free of his curse and rising before her. "Is this.... am I...."

"Oh, my God, Alarik. You scared me!"

"Consider it payback for all the scares you've given me."

She laughs through her tears, running her hands over his body in disbelief. "You succumbed to the curse. You choked and fell out of my arms, you.... you died." Her voice breaks.

Alarik reaches over and brushes a lock of hair behind her ear. "I'm here now."

"I feared for the worst."

"I did too. I thought I would never see you again." Alarik presses his forehead to hers. "But I'm here, thanks to your brother." He pauses. "For a minute, there was only darkness. It was like a prison. But then I felt him shatter the lock. He sacrificed himself to break the curse, once and for all."

Tears fall from her eyes. She opens her mouth, but no words come. Instead, Alarik pulls her close, catching her mouth in an all-consuming kiss. She melts against him, letting every ounce of her give in to the feeling of his lips, his hands... then a dozen massive shadows pass overhead. They both look up.

"Are those....."

"Dragons, but.... they have riders." Several dragons soar above them, the humans they used to enslave riding them as they all head toward the burning town. A cascade of white falls from the dragons' jaws, dousing the fires. "That's snow, from the mountains."

"This is like a dream."

"It is. I think you inspired them, Fay."

"Inspired them?"

Alarik takes her hand, rising to his feet. They both make their way back to the town. Smoke from the extinguished fire dances over the square as they walk through. Slowly, humans emerge from the wreckage. Dragons and their riders land. Everyone forms a circle around them.

"Fay. Thank God you're okay." Leah emerges from the crowd, throwing her arms around her best friend.

"I'm so glad you are too."

"We all are." Theo steps forward as well and soon all of the humans and dragons alike, lower their heads, bowing reverently.

She lowers herself down too, bowing before Alarik.

"No, Fay. Rise."


Alarik doesn't hesitate. He reaches down and takes her chin, gently guiding her back to her feet. "They aren't bowing for me. They're bowing for you."

"Me? But I'm the cause of this destruction."

"No. Your power is what saved us from all of this, as did your heart."


"He's right, Fay. We're bowing for you." Leah says.

"As am I." Her breath leaves her on a gasp as Alarik lowers his hulking frame into a low, respectful bow.


"You were the only one to see the light through all the darkness. You found the answer none of us could. You called for peace, for unity. And unity is what I want with you." He rises, looking down at her with his brilliant blue eyes.

Her eyes flash blue in return and her mark thrums. "Alarik, do we....."

"Yes. We have split the power I once solely possessed. We share it. I think...... I think it was always meant to be shared." He takes her hands in his, tugging her close. The same way he did when they first met. "So, share my crown with me as well."

"Alarik, that is your birthright."

"No. It's your birthright. I want you to have it. And I want you to marry me." The world seems to shift on its axis at Alarik's words. She suddenly feels unsteady, her heart pounding. But he pulls her back with a firm hand at her back, a soft smile on his lips. "You have traversed hell. You've walked through the flames and survived it all. You are the promised one, Fay. You brought about a new world for us all. And you saved my life." Alarik pulls her into his arms, pressing her body to his. "I only want to move through this world and live this new life, if you are in it." He leans in, his lips practically brushing against hers as he speaks. "Stay by my side, Fay. Rule as the first equal to the Dragon King."

"As your.... equal?"

"Yes, as our Dragon Queen. And as the love of my life."

She expects protests, fights even. But everyone bows deeper, firm in their resolve. And Alarik awaits her answer, his eyes anchoring and honest. "Yes. I'll be your Dragon Queen."

Alarik's eyes light up. Through their renewed bond, she feels his heart race. "Yes?"

"Yes. I've spent my whole life so alone. I've had no freedom, known no kindness.... but you've given me all of that and more." She takes his hand, threading her fingers with his. "You've given me a purpose, something to live for. You were brave enough to lose me."

"You were the brave one, Fay." Alarik pulls her into a sweeping kiss. Her mark flames to life, electric with her elation.

The crowd erupts in applause, bowing before her and Alarik. Dragons send fire into the air in celebration.


A week later, she finds herself roaming the volcanic ruins of the Old Place, preparing for another crowning. Her crowning.

"Today's the day. How do you feel?" Leah asks.

"I can hardly wait."

"I can imagine. It's been a long time coming."

"It really has." Light spills in over the crumbling castle walls on this perfect, cloudless day. She breathes in the fresh, floral air. "How are things going back home? Any word?"

"We've started construction on the town, right at the base of the castle."

"Good. Now, we can all live as one."

"Thanks to the dragons, our people hauled out the last of the rubble a few days ago."

"At this rate, the town twice the size of the last one will be built before we even return." They both turn as Theo approaches. She feels Leah blush when he smiles at her and he turns to Fay. "It's time, my lady."

"We've been over this, Theo. Call me Fay." She smirks and sweeps past Theo and Leah, hiding the nervous expression on her face. Butterflies kick up in her stomach.

She makes her way down into the mythical cave-carved bedroom she once shared with Alarik, dipping her hand into the warm pool. So much has changed since she was last here.

"Yes. So much has changed."

She whips around to find the High Dragon Priest at her back, his calm, unreadable smile on his face. "My lord, you startled me."

"My apologies. I only came to offer my congratulations on your coronation, promised one."

She arches her eyebrows at the words he chooses. "Tell me. How far into my future were you able to see back then? Did you know this would all happen?"

To her surprise, the priest shakes his head. "If you want the truth, I foresaw something else."

"You did?"

"I saw two paths. One written for dragons, another for humans. But you.... you forged a third path. A path where both intersect and grow all the stronger for it."

Her breath catches and the Dragon Priest smirks. "

"I have your dress, Fay." She turns when Leah smirks. When she turns back, the priest is gone. Leah hands her a simple, hand-sewn dress she personally picked out. "Are you sure you don't want a real wedding ceremony?"

"I do want one, but that's selfish. Alarik's busy with new laws and helping our people, so am I. A ceremony would take us away from that."

"But you deserve to celebrate your union, properly."

She shakes her head. "We've both been so busy I've barely seen him. There's just too much to go. So, I'll perform my duty, get crowned and we'll exchange vows quickly without any fanfare." She unwraps the dress Leah hands her, but when she does, finds it in two more folds. "Wait. Are these-"

"Wedding dresses. Yes." She turns to find Alarik leaning in the doorway, every beautiful inch of him adorned in rich, royal finery. Leah slips out of the room, leaving them both alone. Alarik takes a step toward her. "You didn't think I was going to let you get away with not having a wedding, did you?"

"Alarik, this is so thoughtful."

"Shh. Can't have anyone knowing I've got a heart."

"I think that ship may have sailed, my king." He saunters into the room, wrapping his arms around her lower back. "You know, it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding."

"A silly human superstition. I rebuke it."

"Oh and what do dragons believe?"

"That their mates should only wear the best." His voice is smooth and silky, seeping into the shell of her ear with a kiss. She brushes her hand over some of the soft white fabric. "Go on. I had these made for you, to capture the strength and beauty I see in you."

"How can I pick?"

"You'll know when you try the right one on. It will feel like the dress you want to walk down the aisle in."

"Those are so beautiful, but I'd rather wear this one. It's just.... understated."

"You look beautiful in it. You look beautiful in anything."

"So, you still want to marry me?"

"Hmm...." he mocks, closing the gap between them and slides his hands up the ivory dip of her waist. "Yeah. I think I still want to marry you." He moves to kiss her, his lips almost brushing against hers, but then he pulls away, taking her hand instead. "We'll save that for our vows. Are you ready?"

She folds her fingers around his, strengthening her hold with a smile. "Yes. Let's start our lives."

"I can't wait."

The sun sets over the sparking mountainside when she reaches the highest peak. There, overlooking a majestic volcano, an aisle has been formed by everyone she holds dear. And waiting for her at the very end of it is Alarik. His sharp, blue eyes glint, reflecting the moonlight as she walks to him.

"Welcome, all. We gather here to unite our Dragon King to his mate and queen, Fay." The priest opens his arms wide, welcome Alarik to speak.

Alarik takes her hands. "Fay, when you think your life is going t be short lived, you treat each day differently. So, you can imagine how empty I felt when those few short days were gray, lifeless and without hope. That all changed when I met you. When I touched you and something unknown bonded us together." He smiles, losing himself in the memory of their meeting. "Thank you. Thank you for making each day bright and worth living. For showing me I had a future beyond the one laid out for me. I can't wait to unveil each new day ruling by your side."

"Alarik, that was so sweet."

"It's my truth."

"Now, it's my turn." She takes a deep breath. "Alarik, the two of us share something rare, something unique that transcends everything else. Not just our bond. That's a beautiful and wonderful thing, but that's not the reason I'm marrying you today. What we have is love. A real love. The kind that transcends anything, that allows two people to overcome any obstacle. For a long time, I didn't really believe a love like this was possible, at least not for a slave like me. But you've shown me that anything is possible and that no matter what, neither of us will ever be alone again." Alarik's eyes shine at her words. "I will love you to the end of my days and well into whatever lies beyond."

Alarik leans in and kisses her. A kiss so deep and tender that it makes her feel like she's floating. Then, his mouth floats down to her shoulder. She feels his fangs skate over her skin softly. And he whispers. "This won't hurt, I promise."

"I trust you."

Ever so slowly, ever so gently, Alarik pierces her skin with his fangs in the draconic tradition. But his promise is kept. She feels nothing but the slight pleasurable pressure of his action, until her Dragon's Mark awakens. The runic markings sing with his connection, shining and euphoric. Alarik holds her steady as she seals their bond, wholly and truly with him.

Then to everyone's shock, the earth shakes. A distant boom leaves her gasping. The volcano in the distance erupts, spitting tendrils of golden magma into the air as though celebrating their union.

"This has not happened in one thousand years." Everyone, including the High Priest, stares at her and Alarik, slowly lowering themselves onto their knees.

"It is time for your crown, my queen." Alarik whispers in her ear. He ushers forth two glittering crowns, as gold as the volcanic sparks.

"I don't understand. Why two? Is it a test?"

"No. It's a choice I want to offer to you. You're free and you're a ruler. It's only right that you have one of these. And that you decide." He traces the spires of the first gorgeous, sunburst tiara. "This one I had forged fresh in the shape of the rising sun, to symbolize the new dawn that you're ushering in." His hand moves to the second. "And this crown is ancient, worn by generations of dragon queens."

"Which would you like to wear as our new Dragon Queen?"

"I don't need a crown."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, it's just not me. I don't want everyone knowing I'm queen because of a crown. Rather, I want them to know it from the good I do."

"I'll join you in the task." He whispers, only loud enough for her to hear. "You ready to get out of here?"

"I was looking forward to cake."

"I had a different dessert in mind." Alarik nips at her ear, flashing a secretive, devilish grin. Then he runs to the edge of the cliff, diving off its ledge and shifting. She doesn't hesitate. Trusting him with all that she is, she picks up her dress, runs and jumps off of the edge of the cliff. Sure enough, she lands gracefully on Alarik's back and soars off into the distance. The wedding party cheers. She runs her hand down Alarik's powerful draconian neck, kissing his scales. He practically purrs beneath her. He spirals up into the night sky, dancing with the embers from the volcano as though they are dazzling fireworks. With an elated roar, Alarik arcs over the volcano and dives into its center. "Wait. Alarik, you can't take me into a-" but she doesn't burn. The ash, the magma, the fire and smoke.... it is all one with her. It tickles her skin with featherlight grace. Reaching out, she runs her fingers beneath the dripping magma of the volcanic wall. Her fingers tingle, delighting in the sensation, leaving a light trail of cool in their wake. A pleasing growl rumbles from Alarik.

With a gentle buck, he tosses her from his back, shifts mid-air and catches her. She lands beneath him on a soft bed of molten lava, inhaling sharply at the weight of his powerful body over hers. "Hot."

"Guess you caught me."

"Was there ever any doubt?"

"I've been known to take down a dragon or two, in my time."

His smile turns seductive, digging his hands through her hair as the embers fleck his mouth. "Sounds like a challenge." Alarik moves over her, the small shift enough to slide his length against the space between her thighs. "I've waited long enough. It's time for me to claim my prize."

"We've both waited long enough. Take me, Alarik." He grins. In a flash, he strips, tearing her dress from her body and pins her hands up above her head. She bucks beneath him as he takes her into his mouth, pinching and flicking her nipple with his tongue.

"Mmm." He sinks down out of sight, urging her thighs apart with his hands. "Open for me, Fay. Show me what's finally mine." Breathing hard, she parts her legs. Alarik slides his hands slowly up her inner thighs, higher and higher. He kisses her right below her center, throbbing with desire. He parts her with his fingers, exposing her clit to him. "Let me hear that voice of yours over the roar of this volcano." Alarik presses his thumb to her clit and she gasps. He slips it back and forth, torturing her until she cries out. Then he takes her in his mouth, sucking her aching clit until her fingers curl in his hair. "That's it. That's my girl." He flicks her clit with his tongue, back and forth until a wave of desire swells up within her.

"Oh, God. Alarik, please!"

He straightens and lifts her up. She wraps her legs around his hips and feels his stiff cock tease her entrance. "Are you ready for me, my queen?"

"Yes. I was made for you, Alarik."

He cups her ass and squeezes. She gasps and raises her hips. Then he slowly enters her, inch by devastating inch. She arches back, lost in the feeling of his rippling shaft penetrating deeper and deeper. Finally, his hips meet hers. Holding himself deep within her, he paints her body with lava-licked fingers, making her gasp. "God, I love you." She grips Alarik's shoulders hard as he thrusts. With each bone-melting movement, they sink deeper into the bed of magma. She swears in ecstasy. "I love you so much." She looks up at Alarik and he nips her bottom lip, driving deep into her. She leans back, trusting Alarik wholeheartedly. Her hair skims the churning lava, magically unburnt as he takes her with slow, deliberate thrusts. He picks up speed and she wraps her legs around him, holding him deep inside her. "God, you're amazing." Alarik's breathing grows ragged. He pulls her close as pleasure and devotion rise like a dragonfire inside her. She screams. He kisses her as a shuddering orgasm travels from his body into hers. She clutches him, with no intention of ever letting go. "I could look at you forever like this. So small, but so powerful. My fire-kissed queen."

"It's a good thing we have forever then." They nuzzle into each other's arms for a long time. When they finally have the strength, they dress and soar out of the volcano. She thinks he's going to carry her back to the party, but he takes her far from the Old Place. Far from obligation and court. They fly to a private, moonlit cave. Waves lap softly upon the shore, cooling her instantly when she dips her toes in. "What is this?"

"Just somewhere quiet. I want you all to myself tonight, even if it's just for one more night."

"This is beautiful, Alarik. And a perfect place to tell you something."

Alarik turns to her in the moonlight, his eyebrow raised. "What is it?" She bites her lip, turning the skirt of her wedding dress over in her hand. She slides her palms over her stomach. "Fay, are you...." she nods, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Yeah. We're having a baby, Alarik. I found out last week."

Alarik goes perfectly still, his sharp jaw hanging open at her words. "Y-you're...."

"Pregnant. Yeah. Are you happy?"

"Happy? Are you kidding?" Alarik takes another slow step towards her, closing the gap. Then he sinks to his knees and kisses her stomach with an elated, breathless laugh. "I've never been happier in my life."


Alarik rises, sweeping her into a kiss that makes her feet leave the ground. "Really, Fay. You've brought me more happiness than I ever thought possible."

"But this baby.... will be the first of their kind. Half dragon, half human."

"Yes. And that's beautiful. They will be a living symbol of our love. Of all you've done to change this brutal world." Her dragon takes her in his arms, his fingers tracing the mark that bound her to him that fateful night. "And if they're lucky, they will have your beauty, your kindness and your fierce spirit. The spirit of a girl who tamed the Dragon King."

The End.

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