
Chapter 31

The walk through the dark, with a bunch of werewolves around me and two of those with guns; wasn’t the most enjoyable experience of my life. I thought back to when I had gone looking for Danny, and it had been Jake at my side. He hadn’t really been much help, since he had been scared and now thinking about it why had I gone this way. I had to find Danny. I felt compelled to do it, had he been calling me to him then without even realising it?

Looking at him now, his gaze was focused on the dirt in front him and every now and then I’d catch the scent of blood. Mr. Blakes blood. Was he right, was he going to die tonight? Danny clearly smelt it too, because every time he did, he’d squeeze my hand.

The gate was open and we reached the line of bushland that remained back here. The dry grass crunched under our steps and I was glad I had left my shoes on. I couldn’t help wonder why we came out here. The property was remote enough as it was, without coming all the way out here and as we stepped out into the clearing behind Scott, the presence of the other wolves set me on edge.

Mr. Blake was slumped against a tree his head down, looking like he was asleep. It took me one look over the small crowd to find Michael beside his siblings who were still in wolf form. The pair of them huddled close by him, and the one that was Joe kept looking at his Dad, yet stayed obediently in place. Michael yawned.

I was so glad Jake wasn’t here.

Scott circled the area, practically strutting as the tension in the air started to increase. All those in wolf form either stood or started to get fidgety. So did I and glancing upwards, the moon sat over the horizon glowing silver and I started to feel a buzz take over, almost like a million bees had decided to swarm around me.

“Relax.” Danny whispered, clearly sensing my distraction as I let go of his hand.

I nodded, but what he was asking for was impossible. No wonder he had been so agitated the night he was due to change. The thought of trying to reach for the moon was there, so much so I thought it could be possible. Reality was, it wasn’t and my mood swung around to growing frustrated and angry. I wanted it and I couldn’t have it.

Why did it call to me, if it knew I couldn’t answer?

Scott was talking. I couldn’t make myself listen, as it felt like the beat of my heart had changed to a new rhythm; faster, stronger and it wasn’t just blood that ran through it anymore. Magic. That’s the only way to describe that tingle, I could almost see it as I stared at my hands and turned them over to see the blue veins around my wrist.

Silver glitter was sparkling back at me like diamonds, running up my arms and into my muscles and beyond that, into my soul. Pure joy filled my soul, making me feel giddy and my body was preparing to give in. I wanted to change, I wanted to be one of the gifted. The moon really did want me. It’s why it was shining it’s light in my direction.

How dark must the world be tonight with the moon only wanting me and how stupid was Danny when he tried to fight this?


His face hovered over mine, blocking my view of that amazing orb in the sky as his mouth moved, repeating my name.

“What?” I sighed impatiently.

“Stand up, focus. I know it’s hard, but come on!” He begged.

That woke me up. “What?”

Turning my head to the side, I was laying down. When did that happen?

“You passed out for a second. Get up.” Danny urged, looking nervously behind me.

I stumbled to my feet with his help, and glancing down at my hands again - the glitter was gone and looking up at the sky, the moon was just that. The moon. Scott was still talking, so was Michael. They were arguing and looking in their direction his brothers were standing protectively by their father. Everyone’s attention was focused on them, and daring a look at Hugo, his face was set in concentration at the scene playing out.

“I know them. He wasn’t hiding anything.” Michael growled, clearly frustrated. “You’ll find out soon enough, I’m done defending him and if you were expecting me to, you’re wrong!”

It occurred to me then, the last part was referring to his Dad.

“So, let me get this straight. After all this time, you want me to extend acceptance for your family, back into the pack, but not for your own Father?” Scott didn’t hide his sarcasm. “What do they think of that?”

Joe growled, but did little else and Michael shrugged. “You know as well as I do, you are more my father than he ever was. Give them time, they’ll understand.”

I managed to keep silent as Scott actually seemed pleased by that little spill. “And if you’re right and those two are no more different than any other those in my command? What of them?”

“You know my thoughts on that.”

“And the girl? Even her?” Scott looked straight at me, and it was then I noticed someone else in the pack around us.


To Scott, I looked away from him, but in reality, Ben had probably just helped me out as I glared and turned all my focus his way instead of the pack leader whose tone grated on my nerves.

“She is no better than her sibling. I have a sense of duty since I changed him, like you told me. The weak depend on the strong, and since she is his sibling, I extend that to her too.”

“You expect me to believe that?” Scott snarled, losing his humour. “Do not lie to me! You forget how well I know you and I know exactly what I saw when you were willing to risk your life for hers.”

Keegan shifted slightly beside me, growing uncomfortable with how this was going.

“Then you really don’t.” Michael snapped. “It’s the oldest trick in the fucking book! After Dad started talking about it, only then did I start to give her any attention. She has lived her life in her brothers shadow, make her think she is the special one and of course she’ll tell me anything I want to know.”

I gasped, quickly covering my mouth. This was what he meant before, about no matter what he said or did - it wasn’t real. Michael was right, it was the oldest trick in the book. But would Scott believe it?

He did seem to consider it for a moment.

“I told you about those mutts that had set up around here after she told me and your order to stay away only worked in our advantage because then when I broke the big bad wolf’s rules, I look like a romantic idiot.” Michaels tone hardened then, and as the words sunk in, I couldn’t believe he’d actually put Noah and his family at risk.

Danny growled, no longer happy with just playing along quietly.

I panicked.

“Besides, it wasn’t all bad. Look at her, you can’t blame me for trying to get at that.” He finished cruelly, not sounding anything like the person I knew.

It wasn’t real and I felt sick as I tried to remind myself that. This wasn’t going to be easy, but already I found my faith in him wavering and I hated that I felt guilty about it too. I tried to work out his angle; his plan. What was it exactly? Trick Scott into thinking he wanted to be part of the pack again and then what; kill him?

“Guess you should have told your girlfriend that then.” Scott muttered under his breath, and turning our way, looked thoughtful, like he was actually buying it. “Fine. I’ll get the majority of my answers soon enough anyway. I’ve always liked you Michael, your Mother only spoke highly of you, more than she did that pathetic excuse of a man. You’ve talked a good talk, so let’s see how you can walk.”

I took a step forward, not sure why as Scott signaled to two of the men by Mr. Blake to bring him over where he was. The old man reached out and patted each of his sons, as Justin seemed to shrink in size and Joe’s growls were short lived as he went to protect his father and met the hard end of a rifle in the back of his skull. With a yelp, he fell and as Mr. Blake was half dragged, half carried over, Justin laid down beside Joe. Something bad was happening, and he knew it.

Michael barely flinched as his brother was struck and he remained tight lipped as Mr. Blake was forced to stand beside him. I was conflicted as to how I felt about the old man then. Until he was willing to practically sacrifice me and Danny to Scott, I had kind of liked him. We had only met a couple of times, we never really talked, but he had that fatherly aura that made you just want to trust him.

I guess he had used that to his advantage, and yet I could imagine him having a great sense of a humour once upon a time. He had always looked tired in the time I had known him, and as he met my gaze, I wish he hadn’t because it was then he mouthed ‘Sorry’ to me and smiled. He knew he was going to die tonight.

“Prove to me, that you are loyal to me. That I can trust you again Blake.”

Michael and Scott started at each other for a moment, and again the tension fed through to everyone present. A gun was offered to Michael and I saw his jaw clench as he took it.

“Do it.” Scott told him casually, not making it an order. It had be Michaels choice.

He could shoot Scott instead. One bullet would be all it took and flicking something at the side of the gun, he loaded it and took a step back in the same second Scott did. Michael didn’t aim at Scott, no that deadly tip was pointed at his Dad.

“Michael! No!” He couldn’t be serious.

“Shut up.” Hugo growled behind me, as Keegan grabbed Danny who tried to stop me from leaving my place with them.

“He’s your Dad!”

Everyone reacted to my inclusion, the bulk of them nothing more than blood thirsty monsters who wanted to witness this. Some of the wolves whined in excitement, a couple too overwhelmed wrested each other as they knocking into their companions.

“Enough.” With one word, the group instantly settled as Scott shouted at them. “Michael?”

He hesitated.

Mr. Blake just stood there; defeated without even trying to do anything to save himself. It occurred to me then, that was why he wasn’t healing. He wasn’t sick, he had just given up and by getting out of the way, his boys can go back to their pack.

I kneed Hugo in the groin and ran over to the old man. “You can’t do this.”

“Move Sarah. This doesn’t involve you.” Michael snapped.

“It’s okay.” Mr Blake whispered to me.

Scott stood back watching, clearly enjoying the theatrics of it all.

“Sarah, this is your final warning.” Michael made the gun make a clicking sound, but that didn’t matter right now.

“Are you even sick?” I wasn’t sure if he’d even hear with Danny yelling my name as he struggled with Keegan.

I was crying and I couldn’t stop myself. How could Michael ever deal with what he was doing tonight? His brothers would never forgive him. Mr. Blake growled at his son, the first sign of fight he’d shown and I caught Scott folding his arms in front of his chest, glaring at the pair of us.

“I need to be put out my misery. They all know that.” He gave me a hug and that’s what Michael had been dealing with when we were in his room.

His Dad said that to make it easier, and it was why the other two had been so non-existent.

Hugo yanked me away from the doomed man, and despite knowing and understanding what was happening, I didn’t like it and as I was dumped in front of Danny, I kept crying and attached myself to him as behind us the single shot rang out. I’d underestimated Scott; all of them.

“Calm down. If you’re this worked up, your change is going to be a hellova lot more painful and harder to get through.” Hugo snapped as Danny simply rubbed my back and I couldn’t stop myself from crying.

“He’s right. It’s hard I know, but try and calm down. You need to be able to focus and deal with the pain yourself so we don’t have accidents.” Danny whispered. “You have to survive this Sar!”

Something nudged my leg and managing to look down, Justin was there with Joe slinking behind him. The understanding in their eyes, told me I was right. They all knew their Dad wouldn’t be here tomorrow and that broke my heart even more. Worse than that, they came to me when I had no right to act this way; it was their Dad.

Then I wondered about my own parents. If Michael told Scott about Noah and his family, did that include my parents? Is that why he mentioned them earlier?

Justin’s ears went flat against his skull as he crouched down, and I felt Michael behind me without needed to turn around. But I did and I bumped into Hugo as Scott was also right there. I looked at Michael, but he wasn’t there. His face was set to stone and his eyes were dull, yet that stupid half smile appeared making him look deadlier than Scott in that moment.

“Welcome to my world, Bright Eyes.”

“Right, well now for the moment of truth.” Scott grinned, looking like he just won the lottery.

All around people and wolves went in different directions, while some of the people started to change too. Scott grabbed my hand and distracted, I went with him.

“Sarah!” Danny called, and as I stopped, Scott kept going, dragging me with him now.

Some of the wolves gathered around Danny, stopping him from coming to me. I felt completely lost. Turning to where Michael stood by the wolves, I silently begged him to give me some kind of sign everything was going to be okay. Instead, he looked bored.

“You’re going to be fine Sarah. I’m right here.” Danny kept yelling out the encouragement I needed, and behind my, Scott got undressed.

“You all know you’re orders.” He yelled, the power in his voice making me shudder and after the sound of a couple of bones cracking, I dared to turn around and found myself staring at the wolf.

His green eyes were mixed with yellow now, the white fur that covered his snout more of a creamy ivory colour. The rest of him was black, grey and that same off white, with a slight brown patch down his sides. He wasn’t as nice looking at Danny, or even Jake. His coat looked muddled, and lacked that sleek finish to it.

That was all forgotten as he lunged at me, and raising my hands to defend myself was pointless and only helped him as his jaws clamped down on my forearm as I tried to block my face. His weight slammed into me, and I fell roughly, feeling like every part of me had been crushed, but that pain was nothing compared to what took over my arm. It was like it had been set on fire and then it was gone.

Scott circled around me, like an eager pup waiting for it’s owner to throw a ball. I couldn’t move from where I had landed, looking up to try and find Danny who was lost behind a wall of fur and lanky legs.

“That was the last part Sarah. Don’t fight it, embrace the pain.” Danny told me from somewhere over there.

He’d talked me through it a million times, but nothing was quite like experiencing it, not even as the first part of the change started. Whatever I had felt through Danny, wasn’t like this. It was a million times worse and despite knowing I was screaming, I couldn’t hear it. All I could see, hear and smell was pain.

I panicked. Was it supposed to hurt this much?

Curled into a ball, I tried to remember how to breath only I couldn’t as my spine felt like it was being torn out. Bones cracked, and muscles reshaped; the magic in this curse doing what it had done to everyone here tonight at some point. I wasn’t even sure if anything was happening or if maybe Scott had changed his mind and each time a part of me broke, was it really just him ripping me apart?

I breathed in dirt, and grass, unable to move my head or try and wipe it away. I think I saw Michael come closer, only he soon disappeared as another wolf joined Scott and every now and then I heard Danny. Suddenly all I could see was a million little twinkling dots and then I saw the moon.

The pain I had been trying to fight, control vanished as the white light embraced me. The tension and stress that been building to breaking point found a way out and I could finally relax. I wish Danny could be here, I’m sure he’d like this kind of peace. It was so welcoming, beautiful, and the horror from earlier was erased. This time when I reached out to the moon, it didn’t keep out reach and I felt like I was home.

Angels sung for me, a beautiful song that only the lucky ones got to hear. Once again I felt giddy with complete and utter joy and as the music got louder, I could hear the lyrics that were made just for me.

‘Come and join us, Sarah.’

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