Broken Bond by C.J. Primer

Chapter 14

The ride home is tortuously void of conversation. As soon as we get in the truck,
Cal cranks the stereo so loud that I can barely hear myself think. I elect to give him time to cool down, nibbling my lip nervously
while I try to think of something, anything to say to alleviate the tension hanging thick in the cab of the truck. I come up empty, so
I just stare out the windshield, sliding him occasional side-eyed glances.
His clenched jaw twitches. His fingers flex and tighten around the steering wheel, his knuckles going white. His throat bobs with
every hard swallow, and his posture is so rigid that his muscles must be aching. Still, he says nothing.
My mind wanders, images of the gruesome scene in the band’s dressing room flashing through my brain.
Was it my fault?
Violence is never the answer, but then again, I was the first one to throw an elbow into someone’s gut. Maybe if I hadn’t, things
wouldn’t have escalated the way they did. Maybe we could’ve laughed it off as a misunderstanding and walked out of there
Though judging by the look in Cal’s eyes when he stalked over to threaten the guy trying to grope me, a peaceful resolution
wasn’t on the menu. There was nothing calm or understanding in those eyes; only dark, twisted rage. Rage that he unleashed on
every man in that room who dared to step in his path of destruction.
It was scary as hell, seeing those guys come at him from all sides like that. Even scarier to see how easily he fought through all
of them without even breaking a sweat. It was like he completely disconnected in that moment and became someone else.
Something else. Something savage.
And it was all in my defense. Is it wrong that it made me kinda hot?
I contemplate that while suffering through his silence until we finally reach the familiar forest road of the six-pack territory. Hoping
the night is still salvageable, I decide to speak up in an effort to clear the air, abruptly leaning forward to turn down the volume on
the stereo and glancing over at Callum.
“Can we go back to your place?” I ask cautiously, and he whips his head toward me so fast that I instinctively flinch.

The cold edge to his tone catches me off guard and I draw a shallow breath, staring down at my hands and wringing them in my
lap. “Well since our plans kind of imploded back there, I thought we could just hang out or something.” I shrug, looking up at the
dark knight in the drivers’ seat. “It’s still early enough, right? Those jerks don’t have to ruin our whole night.
“Them?” Cal furrows his brow, shaking his head. “I was the one who lost control back there, Ness.”
I slide a hand over the center console, resting it on his forearm. His muscles flex underneath my palm as he handles the steering
wheel in a death grip. “It’s okay,” I breathe.
“It’s not fucking okay,” he grits out. His fingers tighten around the wheel, his knuckles turning white again. “Don’t you get it?”
Callum growls, darting me a glance. “I’m no good for you. I’m dangerous. I lose my shit and people get hurt.”
“You won’t hurt me,” I counter.
“How can you say that?” he scowls. “You don’t know half the shit I’ve done.”
“I don’t need to. I know you’re a good person.
“No, I’m not,” Cal snaps. “I’ve hurt people. Killed with no remorse.” He scrubs a hand over his face, shaking his head. The turn-
off for Norbury appears around the bend ahead, but he makes no move to start slowing down for it. 1
My heart thumps against my ribs, my anxious mind spinning. His confession comes as no surprise- I know he fought in the war
against the shadow pack. There were casualties on both sides. It doesn’t make the confirmation any less jarring, though,
especially in light of the havoc I saw him wreak tonight.
But it was in my defense. Shouldn’t that earn him a pass?
“Still want to come home with me now?” he scoffs, taking my silence as confirmation that he’s scared me off.
I’ve already told him I don’t scare easy.
“Yeah,” I reply confidently, turning at the waist to face Callum fully with my chin held high. “I do.”
He hits the brakes so hard that the seatbelt digs into my shoulder, swerving before he misses the turn for Norbury. The tires
squeal on the pavement and a similar sound leaves my lips as I slam my palms against the ceiling to brace myself. He retains
control of the vehicle, but my heart leaps into my throat, my pulse thundering in my ears.

“Jeez,” I mutter under my breath, but Callum doesn’t hear me; he’s already cranked the volume on the stereo back up.
He’s obviously still in a mood.
I chew my lip nervously as he navigates the streets of Norbury, whipping the truck into the parking lot of his apartment building
and claiming a space. I unbuckle and hop out after he cuts the engine, and almost as soon as my feet hit the ground, he’s
rounding the front of the truck to the passenger side, slamming a hand up against the window and crowding me in.
I draw a short gasp, looking up at Callum through my eyelashes. The shadows dance off the sharp lines of his features, giving
his face this eerie, haunting quality as he leans in closer, his chest heaving with rushed breaths. “If you were smart, you’d run
while you still have the chance,” he murmurs, pressing his body tight against mine, caging me between him and the truck.
“I’m not going to run,” I pant.
His jaw ticks and he pushes off the truck, taking a step backwards and shaking his head. “Then you’re not as smart as I thought
you were.”
“Callum!” I close the distance between us, grabbing his face in both hands. I stare into the turquoise depths of his eyes,
conveying my sincerity with my own. “I’m not running. I’m not afraid of you.”
His hands land on my hips, his breathing ragged. “You should be,” he grumbles.
I lean my face closer until we’re breathing each other’s air, our lips a whisper apart.
Don’t tell me what I should feel.”
He closes the remaining distance between our bodies with a tug on my hips. My chest meets his and his lips brush against mine,
his eyes sliding closed. “You don’t want this,” Callum sighs.
I caress the stubble on his jaw with my thumbs, his eyes opening to meet my defiant stare. “Don’t tell me what I want.”
The words have barely left my lips when he slams his over mine. A jolt of electricity zings through me, sparks simmering
between every point of contact of our skin. Cal muffles my gasp of surprise with his hungry mouth, palming my ass and lifting me
into his arms, kissing me with such fierce intensity that fireworks burst behind my eyelids. Our tongues twist and tangle, and I
barely register that we’re moving until he’s slamming my back up against his apartment door, fumbling in his pocket for his keys
without breaking the kiss.

He continues to devour me as he clumsily struggles with the lock, finally breaching the entrance of the apartment and kicking the
door closed behind us. I get major déjà vu when he carries me down the dark hallway toward his bedroom, but my apprehension
melts away with every glide of his lips against mine; every stroke of his tongue twining with my own.
Cal lowers me to my feet and we tear at each other’s clothes between urgent kisses, his hands pawing at my hips and my nails
scoring the skin of his chest beneath his shirt. He tears it off over his head while I shrug out of my jacket, whipping my own top
off and tossing it away. His gaze drops to my breasts and he wets his lips with his tongue.
“How’d you know red’s my favorite color?” Callum growls, tucking a thumb under the thin strap of my crimson bralette and toying
with it.
Suddenly emboldened, I unfasten the button of my skirt, shoving it down my hips. It hits the floor and I step out of it, relishing in
the way Cal’s gaze wanders down to my matching red lace panties.
Yeah, I might’ve bought this set with him in mind.
He licks his lips again, admiring my body with those stunning blue-green eyes. The way he’s looking at me has me feeling like I
could catch fire.
I step closer, reaching out to stroke up the muscular contours of his bare chest with both hands. “I want you, Callum,” I breathe,
batting my lashes as my heart threatens to beat out of my chest. “Do you want me?”
His hands drop to my hips again, fingers flexing against them as a pained groan escapes his lips. “You have no idea how fuckin’
bad I want you, Nessa.” He slides a hand up my belly, over the curve of my breast, then grabs my chin in a hand, yanking my
face closer. “No fucking idea.”
“Then take me,” I pant. “I’m right here.”
He scoops me up with a growl, tossing me down onto the bed. My back bounces against the mattress and pulses of white-hot
want race through me, goosebumps breaking out over my skin and liquid heat flooding my core.
He steps back to unfasten his jeans, his eyes not leaving mine as I unzip and kick off my boots while he rids himself of his pants
and shoes. Then he advances toward me, a predatory gleam in his eye as he mounts the bed and climbs over my body, nudging
my legs apart with a knee. I spread my thighs and invite him in, clawing at his biceps as he lowers his mouth to mine, capturing
my lips in another filthy hot kiss as he covers my body with his.

The hard swell of his dick nestles against the apex of my thighs, and I tear my lips from his on a gasp as he grinds against me,
my blood turning molten in my veins. His mouth drops to my neck, his tongue feasting on my sensitive skin while I writhe and
moan beneath him.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he growls, nipping the column of my neck.
“You won’t,” I gasp.
He pushes up on an arm, looking down into my eyes as he slides a hand beneath my bra to cup my breast. “I’m not so good at
gentle, baby.” He squeezes my boob and a shiver races down my spine, goosebumps covering my skin as he grinds his clothed
erection into my center again. Then his hand slides down my belly, dipping into the waistband of my panties.
My breath catches in my throat when his
fingers brush my clit. I pant his name as my back arches off the bed, his fingers trailing down my slit, rubbing through my
wetness. Christ, I’ve never been this wet. My little lace panties are soaked, and a satisfied groan leaves Cal’s lips as he glides
his fingers through my folds, pressing the tip of one to my opening.
My thighs tighten around his hips as he thrusts a thick digit inside of me and I cry out in pleasure, his mouth descending on mine
again. He kisses me hard, claiming my mouth as he pumps his finger in and out of my pussy, brushing my clit with his thumb. My
whole body seizes, my back arching off the mattress as I mewl into his mouth. I slide a hand between us, my fingers gliding
beneath the waistband of his boxers until my palm lands on his throbbing length.
He shudders in response and I wrap my hand around his thick cock, stroking it in time to the rhythm of his thrusting finger.
“Think you’re ready for me, baby?” Callum growls against my lips, nipping them. He twists his finger inside of me, pulling it out
slowly and swirling my juices around my opening. “You’re fucking drenched.”
“Yes,” I gasp, grinding into his hand shamelessly. His filthy words only make me hotter. “Please, Callum...”
He pulls his hand out of my panties and rocks back onto his heels, shoving his boxers down his hips. His massive erection
springs free, and I lick my lips as it bobs in front of him, remembering how soft and velvety it felt in my mouth when I blew him. I
wonder if it’ll feel as good between my legs. Hell, I wonder if it’ll fit. 2
I scooch backwards and wriggle my panties down my hips, sliding them off and tossing them aside, then sit up to fling off my bra,
too. Cal’s eyes zero in on my bare breasts and he immediately leans forward to attach his hands to them, kneading the soft flesh

and pinching my hardened nipples.
I’m so worked up that I can hardly take it. I wrap my legs around his waist, drawing him in closer, flinging my arms around his
neck and forcing his lips against my own. He kisses me gently, tortuously, moving his hips in a slow grind, his cock sliding
through my wetness and bumping my clit.
“Please,” I beg for relief, panting and rubbing against him. He presses a palm to the mattress beside my head and pushes up on
an arm, his muscles flexing as he reaches between us with the other hand, gripping his girth. He rubs the head of his dick
against my clit, eliciting more needy whines from my lips before moving down lower, lining it up with my opening.
His muscles tremble as he pushes forward, my inner walls clenching around him as he inches inside. He captures my lips in
another kiss to distract me as he breaches my resistance, swallowing my cry as I fist the sheets and a ripple of pain rockets
through me. He slowly rocks his hips, massaging the pain away with every gentle thrust, and when he thumbs my clit, the pain
quickly warps into blinding, all-consuming pleasure.
Callum breaks the kiss, pulling back to stare down at me, almost as if he’s checking in to make sure I’m okay. I answer by
slinging an arm around his neck, drawing his lips back. to mine, plunging my tongue into his mouth. His tangles with my own as
he buries his cock deeper, maintaining the same even tempo.
He’s holding back. His muscles are tense, his body trembling as he claims my body in a slow grind.
“Stop holding back,” I whisper against his lips, digging my fingernails into his shoulders.
“I don’t want to hurt you,” he rasps.
I grab his face in both hands, pressing my forehead against his. “You won’t hurt me. I trust you.”
He punches his hips forward and all the air leaves my lungs. I feel impossibly full, stretched to the limit and completely consumed
by the man on top of me. Being here in this moment with him surpasses every expectation I had for my first time. He thrusts
harder, faster, both of us losing ourselves in uninhibited desire; losing ourselves in each other. I lose track of where my body
ends and his begins; we move as one, our limbs tangling.
“Does that feel good, baby?” Callum asks, punctuating his question with a pinch to my clit.
“Yes!” I cry to the ceiling. “God, you’re so big, but it feels so good...”

“You can take it,” he growls, nipping my jaw. “Your pussy was made for me, wasn’t it?” He slides an arm around my thigh,
drawing my leg up between us as he fucks me deeper, faster, drilling me into the mattress with every brutal thrust.
“Yes!” I scream, scoring his back with my fingernails as he hits a spot inside me that has me seeing stars. “Yes, Callum, yes!”
He rides me harder as the blinding wave of my orgasm crests, my body shuddering beneath his and my inner walls spasming
around his thick cock. It hits me like a freight train, my vision tunneling.
“Fuck!” Callum chokes, his body tensing as he slams his hips against mine, finding his release while my climax continues to
rocket through me. We cling to one another, trembling breathlessly as we ride the waves of our mutual orgasms, panting through
the slow climb back down.
We just lie there for a minute or two to gather ourselves, then Cal brushes my sweaty hair off my forehead, planting soft kisses
on my lips as he eases out of me. He flops down beside me with a satiated groan and tugs me closer. I burrow into his chest,
the dull ache and stickiness between my legs serving as a sobering reminder of what we just did. His fingertips trail up my spine,
his chest rising and falling with ragged breaths.
As we lie there naked and tangled, his hands stroking my body reverently, it hits me how much I’m falling for Callum Conway. 2
And I have no regrets.

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