Bound To The Elf Prince: A Snow White Retelling (Once Upon a Fairy Tale Romance Book 4)

Bound To The Elf Prince: Chapter 47

Caelen takes my hand as he leads me to his chambers. The entire castle is lit with floating, blue and green orbs. Their softly glowing light casts dancing shadows on the walls as we pass.

“This is beautiful,” I whisper as I marvel over the ornately carved archways, columns, and corridors. The entire palace is constructed from pearlescent, white stone. Vines, flowers, and arboreal patterns are chiseled on almost every surface so perfectly they appear almost alive.

When we reach the center of the castle, I stare wide-eyed at the large atrium in the middle of the structure. A large tree bearing lovely purple, heart-shaped leaves and long, hanging vines of glowing, white flowers takes up most of the space. It is similar to the ones outside, but much larger. Around it, winding pathways cross bubbling streams that flow gently before diving beneath the stone floor to drain into one of the streams that joins the gardens outside.

Pixies flit through the atrium, landing on various yellow, pink, and blue blossoms. The smell of roses with a slight hint of citrus fills the air. There are inviting stone benches throughout and I can just imagine myself sitting here, reading someday.

Caelen points to the tree. “It is a sylven apple tree. As I explained, it has always been considered a symbol of hope and life for our people. That is why my ancestors placed this one here, in the heart of the castle.”

I note that some of the vines are heavily laden with apples and some only with white, glowing blossoms.

He continues. “I believe that the mirror showed me this symbol of life to convey that there is hope.”

I nod, unable to speak as I think on my potential death. I dare not speak for fear that my voice will betray my fears. I do not want Caelen to know I’m afraid, because I’m already committed to this course. Whatever the risk, I cannot simply abandon my people and allow Rina and Fredrik to rule.

I have always been one to face things head on and this will not be any different. I will not hide from whatever fate has willed for me. Instead, I will meet it on my own terms. Bravely and without regret. And if I die trying to do the right thing by my kingdom and my people, it will be an honorable death.

Drawing upon the memory of my family, I push down my fears and my worries and follow Caelen as we continue through the castle.

When we reach his room, I’m surprised by how warm and inviting it is. The large fireplace in one corner is already lit, casting a soft orange glow on the walls. Thick wooden vines twist together to form a four-poster bed, with a silken canopy of sheer, pale green curtains suspended from the top. The rich, emerald comforter with a silver-threaded pattern of leaves looks so inviting. But it’s the view from the balcony that takes my breath away.

Silk curtains sway gently on the cool night breeze. Hundreds of softly glowing lights below mark the enchanting city beyond. Waterfalls cascade down either side of the balcony, but I do not hear the dull roar of flowing water that I’d expect.

As if in answer to my unspoken question, Caelen says, “We use magic to dampen the noise.”

I turn to him. “The treaty between Eryadon and Rivenyl, that you agreed upon with my father, bound the use of your magic while in the kingdom. How do we undo this?”

“The treaty must be torn in half to break the binding spell.”

“Perhaps we could sneak into the castle and steal it and—”

His expression turns grim. “Ruvaen searched for it, in the castle library, before he escaped. Rina had already hidden it.”

Pain and anger twist deep inside me at the reminder of her betrayal. “My father trusted her. Completely,” I murmur. “I did too.”

Caelen’s strong arms envelop me as he hugs me to his chest. “I am sorry, Lyana. I cannot imagine how terrible it is to be betrayed by someone you loved.”

“She was like a mother to me.” My voice quavers. “I loved her so much.”

He runs a hand soothingly down my back and across my shoulders. “She did not deserve you, my Lyana.”

He lifts me into his arms and cradles me to his chest, carrying me to the cleansing room. “What are you doing?”

“I am taking care of you.”

Before I can ask anything else, he walks us both into the cleansing room. With a snap of his fingers, the large tub is filled with water; a light mist of steam rises from the surface. Carefully, he sets me on my feet. He unfastens my dress and it falls to the floor, pooling at my feet.

Heat flushes my cheeks as Caelen’s eyes travel over my form, full of desire and longing. His gaze holds mine as he removes his clothes and then walks toward me. I stretch up on my toes to kiss him, but a surprised squeak escapes me as he puts one hand behind my back and another up under my knees, gathering me to his chest.

He walks us both into the tub. A soft sigh of contentment escapes me as we sink beneath the warm water. Caelen sits behind me, his legs on either side of mine as he pulls me back against him.

“This is bliss,” I whisper as I allow my head to fall back against his broad, muscular chest.

“I agree,” he murmurs into my hair. “We could stay here forever, you know.”

It is a lovely dream, to imagine that we have nothing left to do but live out our lives like this. But I cannot abandon my throne and my people. “Caelen, I—”

“I know,” he whispers solemnly. He cups my chin and turns my head just enough to look back at him. “I have one request before we go into battle.”

“What is it?”

“Stay close to the dragon. You will be safer with him.”

“What about you?”

“I must lead Rivenyl’s army.” He pauses. “We will discuss it with Veron tomorrow, when we meet with the Dwarves.”

While I understand that I’m not a warrior, I am not useless either. “I can fight, Caelen. I have had training with a bow and arrow. And while I know it is not much, it is still something.”

“All the more reason you should be with the dragon. On the ground, it will be sword, axe, and shield on the battleground. In the air, you can use the skills for which you have been training.” He pauses. “Or perhaps you could remain in the mountain with the Dwarves while—”

“No, Caelen,” I state firmly. “We’ve already been through this. I will not stay behind and ask others to fight for me.”

He brushes the hair back from my face and narrows his eyes. “Why did the gods curse me with such a brave, but stubborn mate?”

I laugh softly. “Oh,” I tease, as I straighten and grab the edge of the tub, starting to pull myself out of the water. “If you consider it a curse to be mated to me, perhaps I should just find another room, and sleep elsewhere tonight and—”

Before I can finish my sentence, he grabs me so quickly, I let out a surprised gasp as he pulls me back down to him. He turns me in his arms to face him, my thighs straddling his hips.

He slips his strong arms around my back and pulls me so close there is no space between our bodies. His stav is a hard bar between us as he stares up at me, his gaze intense. “You are staying right here,” he says, hoarse with arousal.

I open my mouth to offer another teasing reply, but he crushes his mouth to mine in a searing kiss, stealing the breath from my lungs.

He positions himself at my entrance. My head falls back and a soft moan escapes my lips as he slowly enters me.

The deep stretch of my body as his stav fills my channel is the most exquisite pleasure as he begins to stroke up into me. His knot expands and it isn’t long before I’m falling over the edge into blissful oblivion, crying out his name as I find my release.

My climax triggers his own. He roars my name as he erupts deep within. Intense warmth floods my channel as he fills me with his seed.

I’m breathless and panting as he lifts us out of the water. He wraps a towel loosely around his hips as he carefully dries me off and then slips a silken sleep gown over my body. The material is softer than anything I’ve ever felt before.

Caelen carries me to the bed and crawls in beside me. He pulls me into his arms, and seals his mouth over mine in a passionate kiss.

His fingers trace down my thigh and he cups the back of my knee, pulling it over his hips. His stav is hard against the entrance to my core.

“You want me again so soon?”

“I always want you,” he whispers between kisses. “Will you take me?”

“Yes,” I smile against his lips.

Without hesitation, he rolls me beneath him, his gaze full of possession. He slices a line down the fabric of my nightdress with his claws, baring me to his gaze.

I purse my lips. “You know, this is the second sleeping gown you’ve ruined.”

“I’ll have more made for you,” he says, as he lowers his head and traces his tongue over my already sensitive flesh.

I arch up into him and a low growl vibrates in his chest. He rises up and positions himself at my entrance. His gaze holds mine as he sinks deep inside me. Each stroke of his body into mine is longer and deeper than the last.

When I reach my climax, we fall over the edge together into blissful oblivion. He’s still knotted inside me when he rolls us onto our sides, holding me close against his chest. I love being connected like this to him.

“Sleep, my Lyana,” he breathes in my ear.

As I drift away, he whispers words in the Elvish tongue that, although I do not know their translation, I understand they are words of love and devotion.

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