Bound by Tension

Chapter 58

"Amanda?" He repeated.

"Yes. I'm sure she's behind this. I don't trust that crazy friend of yours." I nodded. "She's the only one I can suspect right now."

Hames laughed. "You must be mistaken. I'm certain Amanda wouldn't do anything as stupid as this."

"Oh, really?" I scoffed. "She's a devil in disguise. Didn't you see how she was smiling while you were around but the second you left, she revealed her demon to me, claiming to love you and I have to stay away."

He ended his laughter. "Okay, I agree Amanda might be crazy sometimes but I know she can't be behind this."

"How can you be certain?" I glowered, hating the stupid trust he had for her.

"We've been best friends for ten years so of course I know her well enough to know she can't do this."

"I'm certain she is behind this. She wants you to think I'm crazy then lock me up in a mental hospital so she'll take my place but I won't let that happen. I'll be your wife for as long as I live and there's nothing she can do about it." I didn't care that I was raising my voice, I was beyond frustrated. "I can't believe you're trusting a psychopath 'Female' best friend over your 'wife'." I air-quoted, climbing off the bed.

"Where are you going?"

"To sleep in my friends' room, my best friends that won't try to make my wife go crazy to take her position." I scoffed, taking a pillow.

He chuckled, leaning back in the bed. "I know you would still go if I apologize. When will you ever be less stubborn?"

"Maybe when you start to trust me."

"I trust you. You're failing to understand that I know Amanda more than you do."

"Maybe ten years isn't enough to know a person's true identity."

"Okay, if it makes you happy, Amanda is also coming with Mom for the family dinner tomorrow-today, so we'll question her."

"And you think she'll confess so easily?" I rolled my eyes. "Bye."

"Don't forget to be ready for work in the morning, we have a lot to do. Just know if I die when you wake up, it's simply because you didn't sleep beside me tonight and it'll be all your fault, drama Queen."

I ignored him and left the room for Faith's room.


"Imogen," there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Yes, Faith?"

"Your husband needs you to hurry up. You're late for work now, Nikita and Lila already left. You've been there for hours now."

"Tell him to leave, I'll meet him at the office." I sank deeper into the bathtub.

She sighed. "He said he isn't leaving without you and would come in to get you out if you don't come out in five minutes. Please come out. If I return to him with the same story, he'll vent his anger out on me." I sighed too. "Fine, fine, I'm coming."

"Thank God!"

I stepped out of the bathtub and left the bathroom with a towel around me.

"Jeez, I can't believe you're this stubborn because you're probably mad at him." She almost rolled her eyes.

"Sorry to bother you, I really don't want to see his face if he keeps on frustrating my life."

"Your clothes are on the bed. Your breakfast must be cold now." She left her room.

I quickly got rid of the towel and changed into my sensible office wear.

I left for mine and Hames' room to do whatever I needed and grabbed everything I needed for work.


"It's here," I dropped the files on his table grouchily.

"You're still having the sulks." He said, typing on his laptop.

"I should easily forget that my so-called husband isn't ready to listen to me that his crazy best friend is behind this?"

"Jeez, I already said I'll pay attention to your words and will question Amanda tonight. Stop being a drama queen." He didn't raise his head to me.

I remained silent for a while. "Promise?"

"Yeah, I promise."

A smile slowly formed on my lips. "Great. I'm sure she's the one. I'll make sure she confesses."

He glanced at me, immediately returning his gaze to his Laptop. "Yeah, that smile."

"I'm going out for lunch, are you coming?"

"Nah, I have a lot to work on."

"Uh..." I was trying to think of an excuse to make him come with me but I couldn't think of one. "Okay, I'm leaving."

He only nodded.

I went downstairs to have lunch with Sarah and a few more staff. They, mostly Sarah, couldn't stop teasing and questioning me about my marriage with Hames. After lunch, Sarah and I chatted for a really long time before I remembered I had to return to work.

I returned to the office but Hames was still so busy on his laptop and wasn't paying attention to me at all. Believe me, it was very frustrating.

I got into my office and spent the next few hours working, hoping Hames was going to spare a glass at me through the glass wall but not a single glance.

I was finally done with work for the day. I arranged what I needed at home into my bag and brushed my hair into a ponytail, then left for Hames' table. "Hey, I'm done for the day."

He only nodded.

"Aren't you done yet?" I frowned.

"Nope, I'll be done in about an hour. You can go home, I'll be there soon."

-"but we have to prepare for the family dinner and you'd be late."

"I know but this is very important."

"More important than anything else?"


"More important than me?"

"Of course not." He smiled shortly.

"Then pay attention to me."

"I want to but I've gotta finish this on time."

"Pay attention to me." I ordered.

"We live together, I'll see you at home."

I dropped my bag on a chair and turned around the table to sit beside his laptop on the table, dropping my phone on the table too. "I'm bored. We haven't had a proper conversation at all today."

"We're having one now and you're disturbing me. If you keep on disturbing me then I might have to spend an extra hour working." He didn't take his eyes off the stupid laptop.

"Okay, I won't disturb you. I'll only watch you."

"That's sweet of you but you should go home to prepare for dinner. Mom doesn't like when things aren't done perfectly well, especially things like this dinner."

"Faith would work on that." I slowly unfastened the first four buttons of my shirt. "Why do I suddenly feel so hot?" I fanned my body with my hand, placing one of my legs over the other to make my skirt shift way too upwards, showing off an indecent amount of my thighs. Well, he was my husband so it didn't matter.

"The Air conditioner is turned on," he glanced at me then back at his Laptop but immediately returned his eyes to me. "What are you doing?" He scanned me from head to toe.

"Gaining your attention." I opened my shirt to make my chest in full view.

That did the trick to gain his full attention. He sighed and shifted his chair so he was directly in front of me.

"Why are you so stubborn?"

"I'm not being stubborn, this lack of attention is so frustrating. You haven't even said you love me today." I shrugged.

"So you're really desperate for my attention, right?" He smirked, placing his hand on my thigh and started caressing it.

"I guess so," I chuckled, loving the feeling of his smooth hand on my bare thigh. "Have I ever told you how much I love your thigh?" He placed a kiss on it.

"I don't think so." Yeah yeah, the compliments and attention, I loved that.

He held my hand to help me up to my feet then pulled me to sit on his lap.

"I'm so hungry." He stared at my chest with lust-filled eyes.

"I know." I kept my arms around his neck. "You didn't have lunch today."

"Oh, that's true but I want to eat you, baby."

"Eat me?" I smirked too.

"Yes," he continued caressing my thigh, making goosebumps appear on my skin.

"Okay then, let me see how you'll do it."

"Oh, I love you so much." He finally said the words I had been expecting to hear all morning.

I smacked my lips against his, kissing him passionately.

It didn't take a second before he returned the kiss, parting my lips to slide his tongue into my mouth with his hand moving a little faster on my thigh.

The kiss was serving as a courage booster to make me feel the need to do more than just a kiss.

As it continued, I slowly unbuttoned my shirt completely and was about to take it off but he held me back.

"This is an office. What if someone sees you?"

"I know, but I feel really hot. No one has the right to question what happens between a husband and a wife, right?" I quickly took off the shirt and returned to kissing him hungrily before he could protest against it. What was wrong with me? What sort of feeling was this? It felt like someone had taken control over me but I think I liked it.

My phone started to chime. *You have a new message.* The electronic voice setting I turned on this morning started saying on repeat. I paid less attention to that but to the fire burning in me.

He held my waist to support me, his eyes were also burning with an intense emotion.

The stupid voice didn't stop so I smacked the phone without looking at it, hoping for it to stop its disturbance.

'Reading message out, from an Unknown ID: Keep enjoying the romantic time with your husband, it's only for a while.'

We broke the kiss and froze in our position.

I quickly glanced around the office to know who could be watching us through any cameras but I only noticed the cameras that belonged to the company.

I glanced at the door and noticed someone peeking through the small transparent part between the door and the wall.

I gasped, pointing at the door.

The person was wearing a black beanie, sunglasses and her fully painted lips were quirked to a smirk.

I jerked to my feet and started running towards the door but Hames stopped me.

As the person started running, I observed a few strands of her red hair fall from her beanie. Who the hell could this Demoness be?

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