Bottom At Heart

Chapter 18

Clar looked up as his office door slammed open, the faint sound of Quinn swearing becoming louder. Floris strode in, cradling Heart in his arms. In an instant, Clar was on his feet, heart in his throat, arms outstretched.

“What happened?” He demanded.

Heart turned his head at the sound of Clar’s voice, and dropped out of Floris’s grasp, throwing himself into Clar’s arms. He buried his face in Clar’s shirt. Quinn was standing in the doorway, brows furrowed. At Clar’s nod, he closed the door behind him, locking it.

Clar smoothed Heart’s hair from his face. “What’s going on, Heart?” He asked gently.

Heart took a deep breath. “He found me. Says he’s going to tell if I don’t give him money.”

Rage boiled in Clar as he crushed Heart closer. “I won’t let that happen. I’ll protect you.” He promised.

Quinn came forward, tugging Heart back and out of Clar’s embrace. Carefully, he sat Heart down on the conference table, somehow magically procuring a cup of water out of thin air. “Drink this. Everyone, sit down. Heart. Tell me. Who found you, and what is he threatening you with?”

Clar sat next to Heart as Floris took the seat opposite. Quinn was rubbing Heart’s shoulders. Clar could see Heart visibly relaxing under Quinn’s touch. Heart glanced up at Quinn, smiling wanly as he sipped his water. Clar saw bruises starting to form on his slim wrists. Clar gritted his teeth. He’d kill the person who touched Heart.

“I guess I’ve run out of time. I always knew I would. I’m actually shocked I made it this far.” Heart admitted, making Floris reach out, taking his hand. Quinn sat next to him, his hand still on Heart’s arm.

Heart looked at Quinn. “I’m an Omega,” he said simply.

Quinn looked at him in shock. “An Omega?” He repeated, before leaning forward, inhaling Heart’s scent. He sat back, frowning. “You don’t smell like one though, at all.”

Heart smiled a little, rubbing a finger along the rim of his cup. “I use very powerful Scent Blockers. I’ve been living as an Alpha for most of my life.”

“Who else knows?”

Heart looked at Floris, who tightened his grip on Heart’s hand. “Floris was the one who found me, when I was in my first Heat. Kailee told me today that she’d suspected it for a few years. I told Clar after-” he broke off, looking at Clar, his cheeks reddening. Clar reached out to stroke his hair. Heart exhaled. “Anyway. Basically no one. And I wanted to keep it that way. Because…because-” he broke off again, his voice trembling.

“Because something bad happened. I understand. Thank you for trusting me, Heart. I won’t betray you. I promise.” Quinn said softly.

Heart swiped his face as tears started to fall. Unable to help himself anymore, Clar reached out and pulled Heart into his lap. Heart cuddled up to his chest as Clar put his chin on his tiny lover’s head. Floris still held his hand.

“What do you want us to do?” Floris asked quietly, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

Heart exhaled. “His name is Todd. He is the younger brother of one of my brother’s murderers. He said he saw an ad I did and hated that I was doing so well, so he came to extort money out of me. I told him to go fuck himself, but,” Heart looked up at Clar. Clar stroked his cheeks gently, pressing a kiss to Heart’s forehead. “He’s going to leak it to the media. I know he will. So I have to say it first.”


Heart looked over at Floris, who was shaking his head. “Why? It’s the only way. It’s going to come out anyway, why can’t I be the one to say it?”

“Because we’re not going to let that monster force you out before you’re comfortable. You are entirely within your right to not tell anyone. The choice to go public about your Rank is your decision alone.” Floris said firmly.

Heart curled up smaller into Clar’s lap. “But, I don’t know what else to do, Floris!” He snapped.

Floris stood, letting go of Heart’s hand. “You said his name was Todd? And he came from your same town?”

Heart nodded. “Yeah. Todd Myles or something. I don’t really remember. He’s a waiter at the Fleur Café.”

Floris hummed in acknowledgement, pulling out his phone. “I’ll take care of this. Quinn, if you could accompany me?”

Quinn stood, nodding. “As you wish, Mr. Graham. Clar,” he nodded at Clar and followed Floris out of the office.

Once they were left alone, Heart resituated himself in Clar’s lap so he was straddling him. He looked up at Clar with sad eyes. “I’m sorry,” he said softly.

Clar looped his arms around Heart’s waist. “Why are you sorry, my love?” He asked gently, resting his forehead on Heart’s.

“For everything. Me, this situation, all of it is such a mess.” Heart curled his fingers in Clar’s shirt, looking miserable.

Clar reached up, cupping Heart’s cheeks. “I’m not sorry, my Heart. I love that you trust me with yourself and your problems. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I want you in my life, always, Heart.”

Heart grasped his wrists, looking up at him. “Can you take me home with you?” He asked softly.

Clar stood, holding Heart in his arms. “Absolutely. Let’s go. I have a surprise for you, actually.”

He strode out of the office holding Heart. As he reached the stairs, he paused. “You really like being carried, don’t you, love?” He murmured in Heart’s hair as he started down the stairs.

Heart laughed, the fragile sound beautiful. “Guilty. But I’ll get down. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

“I’ll pick you back up later.” Clar promised as he threaded his fingers with Heart’s.

They made their way to the car. Heart buckled himself in, and took Clar’s hand again. As Clar started the car, he pressed a kiss to Heart’s palm. He glanced at his tiny lover. He reached over, still holding Heart’s hand, to caress Herat’s soft cheek. “I love you, my Heart.”

Heart turned his head to press a kiss to Clar’s knuckles. “As I love you, Clar.”

The drive to Clar’s apartment was quiet, each absorbed in their own thoughts. When they arrived, Clar scooped Heart back up into his arms. He got in the elevator, and pressed the roof top button. He stroked Heart’s back as the elevator rode up silently.

It dinged, and he stepped out, putting Heart back down. Heart frowned, looking around the little elevator room that opened up onto the rooftop. “What’s this? Why are we here?”

Clar took his hand. He guided Heart out of the elevator room, out onto the roof top that was bathed in twilight. As he rounded the corner, he heard Heart gasp. He smiled, pleased with himself. He turned to Heart, bringing his hand to his lips. “I may or may not have asked the apartment staff if they could set up a romantic rooftop picnic for my lover and me. I must admit I’ve very pleased with the results.”

Indeed, the little seating area had been cordoned off, and the railings and shade area were covered in fairy lights that shone warmly. The table was set for a dinner for two, with a large picnic basket placed on a low table. Twin wine glasses glittered in the twilight and fairy light. A single rose was placed in a crystal vase.

Clar guided Heart to the seat that would face out into the picturesque cityscape. He sat, leaning over to grab the wine from the cooler that stood next to the basket. He unstopped it and poured some for himself before offering it to Heart.

“Please,” Heart said, lifting his glass, offering it to Clar. Clar grasped the fine stem, taking it, and switching it with the one he had already filled. He set down the glass, filling it, before setting the wine on the table.

He smiled at Heart, holding his glass out. “To men’s lingerie,” he said, causing Heart to laugh loudly as they clinked glasses together.

“Out of all the toasts, why that one?” Heart asked, sipping the wine.

Clar shrugged. “If not for the brand ambassadorship, we may not have met.”

“Ah, so not because you’re happy to see me wearing thin scraps of lace. Got it.” Heart teased.

Clar rolled his eyes, laughing. “There’s that too,” he admitted. He smiled at Heart, who was looking at the glittering of the wine in the glass. Clar took a deep breath. “I actually wanted to talk to you about something. But now, I’m not sure if it’s the right time.”

Heart looked up at him. “Because of earlier?” Clar nodded. Heart sighed, setting down his glass. “Honestly, I have been expecting that most of my life. Especially given that I famous. It was bound to happen. I just never really gave much thought about how I would feel when it actually did.”

Clar reached out, taking his hand. “I know. And while it isn’t the most romantic of segues, it does highlight the thing I’ve wanted to ask you.”

Heart frowned at him. “What is it?”

Clar got up, bringing Heart to the patio love seat. He lifted Heart’s hand to his lips, and then leaned forward to kiss his lips softly. As Heart sighed into the kiss, Clar caressed Heart’s Scent Gland, reveling in his favorite scent in the world. He pulled away, pressing his forehead to Heart’s. “I think I knew from the moment I saw you, Heart, that you were my Mate. And I wanted to ask you, tonight, if you’d willing to Marking with me.” He saw Heart’s eyes widened, and his lips parted in surprise. Clar continued to caress Heart’s neck. “I want to claim you as mine, Heart, and I want to be claimed as yours.” He said softly, leaning forward to kiss Heart’s forehead.

He felt Heart’s fingers curl into his shirt, and heard the breathy laugh as Heart shifted, diving to Clar’s mouth for a deep kiss that made Clar see stars and grow uncomfortably hard in his slacks.

“Yes, of course yes,” Heart whispered into his mouth, his tongue darting out to lick at Clar’s lips, his tongue. “I want to be yours, Clar, forever. Mark me and I’ll Mark you.”

Clar couldn’t help the purr of lust as he pulled Heart into his lap. He had researched this a little beforehand. He moved his hand from Heart’s neck, pressing his face against it. Most sites say that it’s best to Mark in the primary Scent Gland, but it’s been known to happen that Mates prefer the secondary Scent Glands of the wrists. He licked against Heart’s Scent Gland, feeling his tiny lover go boneless in pleasure in his arms. He lapped against Heart’s warm skin and sweet scent, making sure to get the area wet. Finally, he wrapped his arms around Heart, and set his teeth very carefully against Heart’s skin.

He heard Heart’s erotic gasp of pleasure as his teeth broke skin. The metallic taste of Heart’s blood, coupled with the intoxicating scent of Heart, sent an involuntary rush through him. He bit deeper, closing his eyes as the overwhelming feeling. Still biting, he tentatively swiped his tongue along the skin he had between his teeth, and he heard Heart cry out, his fingers sharp against Clar.

“Oh, Clar, if you do that again, I will come.” Heart whimpered, rocking against Clar slowly.

With great effort, Clar let go of Heart’s skin, drawing a pouty moan from him. He moved and kissed Heart deeply, letting the other taste his blood on Clar’s lips.

Heart gasped and licked deeply into Clar’s mouth, tasting his blood and Clar as he sucked and lapped at Clar’s tongue and mouth. Finally he pulled away, reddened saliva stringing between them. He gave Clar a wicked look as he unbuttoned his shirt. “I wasn’t sure if I was going to Mark you like an Alpha or an Omega, but I think, I want to be your Omega,” he said softly, moving Clar’s shirt off his shoulders. He stroked the skin just above Clar’s heart. “Here. This is where your Heart will Mark you.” He murmured, leaning in to kiss the spot.

Clar closed his eyes at the soft wet heat of Heart’s tongue on his skin. Heart lapped at him, preparing the skin. Suddenly, he bit into Clar, and Clar gripped Heart’s upper arms sharply. Pleasure unlike anything he’d experienced raced through him, and judging by Heart’s moan, he wasn’t alone. He could feel soft suction as Heart bit deeper. Then he felt the wetness of Heart’s tongue run over the skin caught between Heart’s teeth and he shot over the edge, cumming in his slacks with a sharp moan and gasp.

Heart rocked against him twice, and then released Clar’s skin with a gasp as he threw his head back as he also came. Heart bit his lip so hard it split, and Clar reached up to grasp Heart’s nape, pulling him into a deep kiss. He could taste both their blood mingling on Heart’s tongue, and the taste of it made Clar hard again, impossibly.

They kissed and kissed, tasting themselves on each other’s lips, until long after the sun fell over the horizon. When night had set in, Heart pulled away, reluctant. “I want to drag you to bed, but I must admit, I’m hungry.” He said, smiling a little before standing up.

Clar stood and kissed his forehead. He wanted to get out of his slacks. He went to the table, grabbing the basket, before turning to take Heart’s hand. “That’s the wonderful thing about picnics, they can be relocated anywhere,” he said with a suggestive wink.

Heart laughed in delight, and tugged Clar forward to the elevator.

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