Chapter 7

He checked us in and we went straight to our room, than we went to the room that the meeting was been held in, but the two security guards didn’t let us in. “what do you want” the security guard said, “we have to see the president, now”

“it's about the stuff going on in California and here”, he got on his little walky-talky and called us in, We had to wait to see him for about an hour than all of a certain, their they were, Mr. and Ms.Obama, “it is a pleasure to meet you”

“you too, now what did you have to talk to us about”

“this book”, “what about it”

“this book is the cause of everything and we wanted to give it to you, we been hunting and tracking you down ever since we left California”

“you been hunting us and tracking us down”

“yes, i know that sound creepy but we had to give it to you”

“and i appreciate it, we will get this to the lab right away for test and everything else”, “ok, but be careful”

“we will, we will like you guys to come to D.C with us”

“really that’s all but we can’t”

“I didn’t want to do this but capture them”

“wait, what”, they ambushed us and shot all my friends with tranquilizer guns, i tried to run but they shot me in the neck.

A few hours later i was sitting on a plane, i looked around and seen everyone around me, than i seen a unicorn, the Florida lady, and Zoey, guess i was in the cargo part of the plane, “I’m scared, what are they going to do to us”

I don’t know but we have to get out of these ropes”

“yeah, i agree”, “anybody got anything sharp”

“I got a nail clipper and small scissors “Kim said,

“try using the nail clipper”, “were going to be here forever” Lola said,

“we never getting out of here” Zoey said, “how you know” max said, “keep going”, somehow she got free, i didn’t really think she could do it but she proved me wrong, she ran over and untied me and we untied everyone else and when we was about to walk out of the storage room, we got caught by five big huge buff men, they walked us to the president and we were about to land and he locked us in the airplane seats and he stood in front of us talking to us. He opened the book and started reading from it, “sir, please don’t read that”, “why not”

“sir, just don’t”

“sorry but i don’t take orders from kids”

“you know what go ahead and read it, hope the plane won’t crash”, he laughed and started reading a page, “Cleopatra, queen of the Nile and was the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt”

“see, nothing happened”, than a black smoke like dust appeared from the book and Barack dropped the book as dust circled around Michelle body then with a fast motion entered her body through her eyes, ears and mouth she started shocking and she fall on the plane floor, Obama tried to help her but she grabbed him by the neck and throw him, she stop moving for a minute, she got up and said, “your queen is here, now bow down to me”, we just sat there than she got mad, “bow down to me”, she unbuckled the sit bucks and throw us on our knees, “bow down to me”, she made us kiss her hand than she stole the book and busted down the door to the cockpit and break the pilot’s necks and opened the plane door and jumped out the plane.

The plane was beeping, red lights were going off and the dead pilot was laying on the control panel, none of us knew how to fly the plane so we went back to the cargo part and grabbed parachute’s and we jumped out, we didn’t know where we were at but i know that everyone that was waiting for the president will be after us, but i knew we were all in trouble, all hell is about to break loose. We landed in the water and we saw the plane crash into Washington D.C and while, everyone was checking on the plane calling the police, we sneak onto the land and ran but the horse was hurt and injured, Zoey went to go help her with the help of Florida, they ran one way and we went one but she called Kim and told her that they will meet up at cranches a restaurant in Washington.

“Why in the hell the only person who knows about D.C is gone, now”,

I know a little about it”

“yeah”, “but we need to find Michelle or Cleopatra” Lola,

“I may know where she is” max said, “where in this city, where you can stand and watch the world fall apart”

“the tallest building here”

“and that's the Washington monument”

“not a building but Let’s go”, it took us a two hours to get there, we took taxis, buses, back to taxis just to get to one place but we made it and there she was looking at the book and everyone was standing around, talking, saying “how she get up, someone get her down, is that Michelle ”, she opened the book and came down, “look who have arrived to see me destroy this city, these states, the country, and then the world”

“we didn’t come here to stop, we will do that later but now we our here to get these people out of here”

“you think your hero’s, well i hope you know some heroes don’t live to tell their stories”, she start reading, “let’s start with something easy, on Halloween night, you don’t really know, that werewolves, vampires, ghost and other frights are here to kill and bit, raise now my beautiful creature”, the book started to shock again but this time opened up the ground and creepy monster from the things in coffins to things in the woods, ”you know what will make this easier, to just sat up portals all around the world”,

we ran to the closes building and it was a big mall, we locked every door and window, we turned on the news, each tv we turned on a different new station, the first news station, “if you can see their is a portal right in front of me and it looks like something is coming out, oh my god, it look like Egyptian soldier, run, run”, than we heard screaming than it cut off, the second news station, which ways in china, we put on Chinese subtitles, “hello, everyone, we are in front of the blue portal thingy and it is beautiful, when you look at it, if you can see the Chinese government military is out here, their saying to back up cause something is coming out, wow, it’s beautiful, it look like some kind of creature, were going to try to get closer” than that’s when we saw, prehistoric creature from the ice age era, woolly mammoth, woolly rhino, smilodon, cave bear, Irish elk and many other huge creature, everyone was getting attack, we saw blood, guts, limbs being torn apart, it was so disgusting that a woman throw up on the floor, the janitor went to go get the mop and yelled for us to come see what is was, it was a portal right there, in the all with us.

A hologram popped and it was her, “hello, my servant’s, since this is how i get a hello by getting shot at, I’m going to kill half of you and make the rest of you bow to me, see the ones that survive soon”.

The building started to shock and everyone was scared, “everyone run to the basement were going to see if we can get out of here”, thank god we were evacuating, these huge lizard like creature came out with sharp teeth and had electricity coming from their tails, than it was these small little raptor things, then biggest one of them all, the three headed hound dog came out than a dragon with three heads, it was getting so crowded they break out of the mall and when they left more and more came. I ran downstairs into the basement and we sat there and came up with a plan.

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