Blood Lust and Love

Chapter 4


Isaac woke up the next morning in his comfortable bedroom suit. That was the only good thing about his day. The comfort of his bed reminded him of his mother. The only one that truly loved him.

Every day he'd said lay in his bed until eight o'clock reminiscing of the days with his mother.

She was a little blonde with green eyes; if anything Isaac knew that she looked a lot like Leah Knine. Thinking about her made him mad and jealous. Kai was the main cause of his anger. He was always just so perfect with his perfect little family. They probably ate meals every day when he had to starve most days, and they were probably touched with a loving hand by their mother when he was touched by the scolding hand of his father. It made him mad that even with Kai's disability that his family accepted him, and his own father couldn't even except him when he was normal.

He didn't really hate Kai, Isaac envied him. He wanted everything he had. He just wanted to feel the love, protection, and safely that Kai received unconditionally.

The first day that Isaac had met Kai in school, when he destroyed his sketchbook and insulted Kai and his family, he felt bad about what he did and he truly regretted it. But throughout the years, when he ran into Kai in public, at Alpha banquets, and at cross-pack parties that came once a year, Isaac couldn't help himself but be mean to Kai. He wanted to be nice sometimes, but the anger buildup inside of him exploded every time he was around him.

Isaac closed his eyes for a quick minute trying to forget it all.

He had thirty minutes until eight, but when he woke up he found that he dozed off for more than that. It was eight-fifteen in the morning and he knew he was in big trouble. In a flash, with big eyes of fear Isaac ran downstairs to greet his father in the kitchen.

His house was huge and his mother was held joy in every room, but now the walls were cracked from years of neglect, and beer bottles and cigars were scattered across the kitchen. Everyone seemed to be physically darker even in broad daylight.

He looked at his father, who looked back at him with anger in his eyes as he took a drag of his cigar.

Isaac's throat tightened, his chest constricted, and his heart raced. Small beads of sweat dropped from his face and he begged for mercy, "Father I was up I swear!"

"Save it you piece of shit!" His father roared which shut Isaac up. "Why can't you do shit on time. I let you stay in this house for free. All I ask is for you do get up at eight a.m to clean this house and make me breakfast. And you can't even do that. Just like you couldn't even protect your mother. You just cowardly stayed there like a little bitch!" His father yelled.

Isaac felt his throat sting at the mention of his mother. Isaac, who was around the same age as Peyton, was almost in tears. His mother was really a weak spot for him. Isaac thought he was worthless every time his father brought her up. It was true though. It was his fault his mother was dead because Isaac was too weak to fight at the time.

He remembered it clearly every day because it always came back in his dreams to haunt him.

When Isaac was five, he and his mother were going out for a run, then they were attacked by rogues. Isaac and his mother fought them both, truly that night Isaac showed more bravery than his father ever had. To prove it, one of the rogues left with half an ear and the other left with his tail missing. Those were damages done by Isaac at only five. The problem was that the rogues were targeting the Luna of the pack and they had succeeded. When his mother died, his father changed slowly every day.

"Are you fucking listening to me?" His father snapped.

"I'm sorry!" Isaac fell to the ground and bowed to him. He only spaced out for a couple of seconds.

"Come here." His father told him. Isaac was reluctant to move from the floor because he knew what was happening. "I said fucking move." His father who was sitting on a kitchen chair kicked Isaac for disobeying him.

Isaac stood up and his father grabbed his forearm and pulled him closer. He grabbed the cigar from his lips and put it out on Isaac's bare skin.

Isaac was ready for the pain but it never came. He looked at it as his father twisted the cigar in the same spot, completely putting it out. Strangely it didn't hurt like the other times.

Isaac looked at the white circle mixed with ash on his skin. It went through a couple layers of skin and it would leave another scar on his skin. He had many. His father suddenly got mad that he made no sound of crying. He slapped Isaac and grabbed his neck slamming him to the wall. His father's sharp elongated claws pierced through his skin. The pain still didn't come.

Even when his father threw him down to the ground and kicked him senseless. The pain never came. Isaac heard his own bones snap, and yet the pain never came. And when Isaac was coughing up blood, the pain never came. He knew something was wrong but he didn't question it one bit because for the first time Isaac was happy.

When his father stopped he spoke, "I want you to clean the house and get the fuck out by one. Don't come home until six in the morning. I have female guests to occupy." His father warned. He wiped away the sweat from his forehead and left the house, slamming the door behind him.

Slowly, Isaac could feel his bones start to heal and everything was painless. He laid there on the floor for a while thinking about all of this. It made no sense. There had to be an explanation. He thought back to when his nose healed yesterday, but the only person he interacted with was with Kai and not in a friendly way either.


Alec and Leah were still cuddled up in bed with each other around eight o'clock. Blaire and Peyton were in school and Kai was at Josie's house. Charlie was at his mate's house, and Jade skipped school because she stayed the night at Elizabeth's. Finally, Alec and Leah had the house to themselves for now.

"Do you want me to make you breakfast?" Alec asked.

"No it's fine I can make it." Leah hugged Alec tighter. She really didn't want to get up and start the day because Leah was perfectly content and so was Alec, but they both knew they had a lot to do today.

"Why don't you just lay down and let me handle it. It's Christmas and you do so much during this time of the year." Alec says. He gently rubbed her arm. She was the only person he loved to show affection too, except his kids.

"Awe babe, would you really do that for me?" Leah asked.

"I'd do anything for you." Alec truthfully says.

"After breakfast, we have to get a Christmas tree and decorate the house. We are so far behind. We haven't even put up lights or anything. I'm just so nervous. And you know this time of the year really hits me hard." Leah said thinking about her dead mother.

Laura, Leah's mother died years ago on the day after Christmas. It was a good thing that they were all on good terms though. Velvezhi and Leah spent the last few months with Laura before she died, and they all became close again. It was a true family reunion that ended with sorrow and peace. It was nice for all of them to bond again and be on good terms after such a tragedy. Every year, on the anniversary of the death of Leah's mom, Leah would do something special to celebrate her memory.

Alec knew Leah suffered through those times, so he was extra nice to her. On the anniversary of the death of Alec's parents, Leah was very good to him as well. They supported each other like no other person ever could. They were truly complete when they were together. Nothing was ever going to come in between them. They were going to last forever, especially since Alec would no longer age just like Leah. The only thing that could now separate them would be if someone murdered one of them, but they could no longer age. As long as they were careful, they would live forever.

That was the perks of being immortal. The ability of not aging. All they had to do was stay safe.

"I know. Which is why you should let me make you breakfast. Don't worry about it, I'll help you with everything. After this, we'll get the tree set up and hang up the outside lights. When the kids get home we can decorate the tree together." Alec kissed Leah and went to make her breakfast.

Everything was perfect.


Kai was laying on the floor of the living room with little Josie, watching her draw. Josie liked to draw just like Kai, but she wasn't as good as Kai. Even though her drawings didn't compare to Kai's, he still insisted that she should do what she loves.

"All done!" Josie said with pride. She was always so happy when she got done because she loved to show Kai.

"It's beautiful. Just like you." Kai said.

She laughed and blushed. "Are you sure?" She wasn't so sure because, in comparison to Kai's drawing, it looked funny.

"Yes, just do some shading right here." Kai pointed to a spot in her drawing that could use some extra shading.

As Josie improved her picture, Kai was caught in a trance by her beauty.

Her inner beauty compared well to her outer beauty as well. She was a nice little girl, with a good heart. She was raised by good parents too, and she was raised to never judge anyone. The first day she met Kai was when they were in the pack park, Josie noticed that no one wanted to play with him so she decided to make efforts to get to know him.

Ever since then, they've been the best of friends. That was the only true friend he had. He scored big with her, she was one of the kindest and loyalists young female wolves in the pack.

When Josie was done, Kai decided to give her the gift. Kai was so excited he decided to not wait until Christmas.

Kai reached into his back pocket of his jeans, "I have a gift for you. It's an early Christmas gift." Kai popped open the box and Josie gasped. She never received such a gift like this.

She held the expensive rose gold bracelet in her hands. She wanted to scream into a pillow or cry from happiness because it was just so beautiful.

Kai held her put it on and then Josie embraced Kai into a tight and lasting hug. "I love you," Josie said in a friendly way.

Kai replied, "I love you too." Although, he meant it in a different way, yet in a pure and innocent way.


Elizabeth poked Jade in the head to stop her snoring, then she yelled in her ear, "Hey best friend! Wake up! Wake up, wake up! You fell asleep on me last night and you didn't even tell me what happened. I'm offended. I've been in the dark for so long." Elizabeth acted all dramatic. With a fake gasp, she held her hand over her head, "Oh no! I've been abandoned by my parents and now you!" Elizabeth screeched, "I CAN'T BEAR IT ANYMORE. The neglect. The abuse." She dragged on about how Jade didn't care.

"Okay. Okay. I'm up. Calm down drama queen." Jade jumped up.

Elizabeth smiled like a lizard and jumped onto the bed folding her legs. She interlocks her hands and says, "Okay storytime."

Jade confessed everything that happened with her mate. Including the details of when they first met and had sex and to how hot he is.

"Can I met him!" Liz blurts. "Oh my god. I ship it so much I can barely breathe. The tale of two star-cross lovers." Liz waved her hands in the air like she was imagining it all.

"You're wild. And first I need to tell my dad. How do I even tell him?" Jade asked. "You know what he's like. I feel like the moon goddess did this on purpose." Jade grouched about it.

"Yeah, you might just want to tell me what kind of flowers you want at your funeral now," Liz commented.

"Out of me and Blaire. Why did this have to happen to me? Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change my situation for the world, but my mate situation is complicated. Why can't Blaire get a complicated mate too." Jade said.

"You never know she is still young." Liz laughed.


"So you're meeting him again today?" Liz asked.

"Don't tell a soul," Jade says.

"My lips are sealed." Liz puts out her hand. Jade and Liz do their secret handshake, and just like that the secret is sealed forever.


Alec and Leah finished early with shopping. After some hot chocolate, they began to put up the Christmas lights outside.

Dash even helped too. Leah would take the lights out from the box and untangle them then wrap them around Dash's antlers. Next, he would walk over to where the ladder was so Alec could easily reach them. It took around an hour with teamwork to finish the lights.

After all the lights were finished, the three of them walked inside. Leah fed Dash an apple as a treat for helping.

When the tree was put into the Christmas tree stand, Alec and Leah gathered all the wrapped presents from the locked room upstairs. They placed all the presents to the side of the tree so they had space to decorate it.

After that Leah made some hot tea.

Alec grabbed a cup of hot tea and sat with Leah at the barstool. "It's crazy to think we've come all this way. Our youngest child is eleven."

Leah smiled, "Yeah, our last kid too."

"What. You don't want another kid." Alec gave her a devious smirk.

"If I have to tell with another crying crotch goblin then I'm rolling out. You'll have the kids and the pack to yourself." Leah laughed. Truly, she was kidding. If she had another kid, she wouldn't mind at all. She would love that child with all her heart.

Alec's eyebrows raised in surprise, "You're lying. You wouldn't leave me. You love me too much."

"That's questionable," Leah replied.

Alec growled softly and Leah gave a wholehearted smile. "You're too easy to mess with," Leah replied.

Alec was going to reply but Leah's phone rang. Leah took the call, which only lasted for a minute.

"Who was that?" Alec asked when she was done.

"Jade. She won't be coming home today to decorate. I told her it was fine. She and Elizabeth have something planned." Leah says.

Alec's face turned into a small pout. "But she always comes to help. She hasn't missed decorating the tree ever."

"Aww, you're so cute." Leah pinched his cheeks which earned a big scowl from Alec. "What are you going to do when our daughters have mates and they don't come around anymore. You can't get their hero forever." Leah says.

"Then I'll kill him." Alec smiled.

Leah laughed, "Yeah and a good way to make your girls hate you."

"Let's not think about that." He says.

Alec was kind of sad that Jade wouldn't be able to come. He was more sad though of the fact that they are older. When they were younger, they needed no man except for their father. Now he felt like they didn't need him any. They were starting to follow their own paths.

Charlie went to go pick up Blaire and Peyton from their last day of school, and Leah went to Josie's house to pick Kai up. Now that Christmas break has officially started, they were going to have lots of fun.

Even though Alec hated Christmas music, he still played it anyway because his kids and his mate loved it. With Christmas music in the background and hot chocolate on the stove, they spent hours bonding and having fun.

When the Christmas tree was full of ornaments and lights they pushed all the presents under the tree. Then Leah put on a Christmas movie so the family could enjoy it all together. Damon even joined them in watching the movie. Alec and Damon were like brothers and throughout the years Damon participated in any family event with Alec and Leah. They loved to be with Damon and so did the kids.

While everyone was busy, Kai snuck upstairs into the art room. He wrapped the painting, since it was all done, and slipped in with the other presents. He couldn't wait to see his mom's reaction when she would open the present that he made for her.

"What are you doing buddy?" Damon asked Kai.

Kai smiled, "Nothing." Then he went to the living room to watch the movie.


Later that night, Jade was waiting patiently for Seth to arrive. When he did, he greeted her with a hug and a kiss. "The rest of my coven is patiently waiting to greet you."

Even though Jade was half-witch and werewolf, Seth's presence seemed to bring more warmth to her.

Seth escorted her to the home that his vampires dwelled in.

When they arrived, a small group of elite vampires was waiting outside the house. Seth wanted Jade to meet the most superior vampires of his coven first.

A man stuck in his twenties stepped forward to Seth and Jade first. He was Seth's right-hand man. He had blond hair and piercing blue eyes. He wore a green wool shirt and dark jeans. He greeted them, "Welcome, my lord and lady. They call me Eirik. This is my beloved, Apryl." Beside him was a woman who had raven black hair and pale white skin. Her scarlet lips formed a sincere smile and they both bowed.

A dark man stuck in his early twenties walked up and greeted them next. "Greetings my lord and lady. My name is John."

Jade met this rest of the coven and socialized with them. It took two hours before Seth decided that he wanted alone time and all the vampires seemed to disappear into the night.

"You never told me about your people." Seth prompted.

This was the talk Jade feared. About her people. She had no idea if this group of vampires had something against the Knine pack or not. But there was no point in dancing around the subject. So here goes nothing. "My name is Jade Knine. My father and mother are Alec and Leah Knine."

Seth froze and turned away from Jade. His back tensed.

"Is everything okay?" Jade asked.

Seth let out a deep breath and he relaxed. "Everything is fine."

"I'm sorry," Jade says.

"There is no need to be sorry. Besides, I have no fear when it comes to your father, but I have no intention to start a war with him." Seth replies. "Although, you should never feel sorry for being born by your parents. Feel proud to be their descendant."

Jade smiled, "It might be some work, but I feel like my dad may actually come to like you."

"I hope so. Because I want to spend eternity with you." Seth pulled her into a small kiss.


"He did what?" Alec questioned Blaire. He was trying to keep calm, but inside his blood was boiling.

"It's okay I handled it." Blaire laughed nervously with her hands in the air. She shot a small glare at Liam for snitching. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't fucking care what the hell you did!" Alec slammed his hand down on the granite kitchen island and it cracked. "He should be worried about what I'm going to do!"

"Alec! I have replaced this island table three times this year."

"Replace it again!" Alec stormed out the kitchen door and transformed into his wolf.

"Yikes! Your dad might hate me, but I ain't missing this." Liam left and transformed too to follow Alec.

Alec growled in rage on his way there. It seemed like the longer he ran the more he became enraged. Blinded by anger Alec ran into a thick tree head-on by accident. He wasn't watching where he was going. Liam who caught up to him and saw the whole thing laughed in wolf form. Alec's wolf turned to Liam's wolf and growled at him, completely silencing him.

Alec continued to successfully dodge and weave through the forest this time. When Alec shifted back, he formed some shorts that were strategically placed near the trees for anyone to use. It was common in werewolf packs.

His loud banging on Mason's door seemed to alert other houses nearby in the pack too. Mason's mother opened the door with wide eyes and looked at the fuming Alpha. Even though Liam wasn't that much smaller than Alec, Liam now looked puny compared to him.

Other pack members that resided near came out to see the commotion.

"Where is he?" Alec seethed.

"Who?" Emily, Mason's mother, asked.

"Your bastard son!" Alec growled through his teeth. "Give him to me right now."

Emily flenched but she did retrieve her son. Mason approached Alec carefully, "I can explain." He said in defense raising his hands in the air to prove he wasn't a threat to the outrageous beast in front of him.

Alec didn't care. He grabbed Mason by the collar of his shirt and threw him out into the open. There was an audience that watched what happened next.

Alec shifted back into his wolf and circle Mason, who was rattled by fear.

Damon ran up to Liam and asked what was happening, and when Liam explained that he had hurt Blaire. Damon shifted into his wolf form because he wasn't going to let anyone hurt his family. Liam shifted too.

Now Alec, Damon, and Liam were circling around Mason, who was their prey.

They left Mason alive but hurt in the end. Alec showed him mercy but warned him to stay away from the Alpha family. Once the other pack members heard of the treachery actions of Mason, his reputation changed.


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