Blood Lust and Love

Chapter 27


Leah jolted up from the floor the next morning. She gasped for air and just sat there emotionless. The nightmares were never-ending and she wondered if she would ever get a good night's sleep again.

Leah's nostrils flared and then she realized how exactly she was on the floor with a pillow and not in her bed. Plus, she didn't even have a blanket either. "Velvezhi!" Leah yelled. "Stupid witch." Nothing was more annoying than being knocked out in your own home. She was finally starting to understand how Alec felt when she would put him to sleep. Leah tore the house up and down trying to find Velvezhi, but she couldn't find anyone. Including Alec and her kids. The last room that she had yet to check was Alec's office. Opening the door, you could hear the creek in the wood. She peeked in and saw no one. Just about as she going to shut the door she noticed a knife on the floor. Walking in to investigate, Leah found the knife on the ground and she picked it up to inspect it. Looking around, she noticed that Alec's desk was a mess and that was very unusual. The whole place looked torn up. Books scattered on the ground as if someone just cleared the whole bookshelf. Papers spread out on the floor and over his desk. Leah looked behind her to see a dagger implanted in the wall, "What the hell?" She muttered to herself. "Someone wasn't having a good night."

That's when she noticed a strange liquid just dripping down from the side of his mahogany desk. Her eyes widened and she rushed over to pick it up. She recognized it as silver. The same kind they use on prisoners to get information out of them. A knife on the floor. Silver dripping from Alec's desk. That talk with Velvezhi.

She was hot. Leah could feel her temperature rise and her hands trembled with anger. She didn't know what happened or what to even think, but to her, it looked like Alec tried to hurt himself. She didn't know why either. Leah thought he wouldn't be capable of self-harm especially at this time that they are going. What in the hell was he thinking, she thought. Whatever it was, it had to do with whatever Velvezhi and he talked about. She scuffed, "I knew I shouldn't have let them alone together." Her teeth gritted together and her jaw clenching started to hurt.

She was slowly starting to feel herself lose control. Her fingertips started to redden and it traveled up her arms. Smoke started to radiate from her body. Trying to take deep breathes to calm down before there was another fire in the pack. "Calm down. Calm down." She paced.

Her hands pressed her ears trying to block out the pounding noise of her upcoming headache. The sweat that traveled down her body evaporated due to her increasing body temperature. You could see the vapor and smoke rising off her. Her fingertips ignited and that was gasoline to the fire. Before she knew it her whole body was in flames, and her eyes glowed red.

Alec had felt her anger long ago through the bond and was already making his way toward her. He walked into his office and frowned heartbrokenly. "Leah," Alec called her.

Leah slowly turned around to face him with anger written all over her. She couldn't even force herself to speak. That is how mad she was.

"Leah. Just calm down." Alec walked forward with his hands up. The last time this happened he ended up getting severely burned by accident. "Let's just talk about this," Alec said.

Leah glared back at the knife covered with liquid silver, "You're not the person I want to talk to."

Leah attempted to walk out to find her grandmother. Alec blocked her from getting herself hurt. "Please... I want to speak with you." Alec reached out his hand and grabbed hers. He grimaced in pain at the contact of fire. Almost instantly the fire receded to her forearm. Leah gripped his hand tightly as she was trying to fight it. Alec grabbed her other hand in his. The pain on Alec's face seemed to snap Leah out of it. That's always how it went. As much as the fire burned him, seeing Leah hurting or angry pained Alec even more.

After holding her hand and taking deep breaths together the fire slowly retreated and Alec was left with only minor burns on his hands that would heal in a day.

"Why? What is this?" Leah questioned.

"I don't know," Alec said. "I am sorry."

"That knife. Surely you weren't trying to hurt anyone else. So why hurt yourself. Is this about guilt? If you're hurting because of this war just know it's not your fault. Kai wasn't your fault and neither was anything else that happened to you or your pack."

Alec was silent. He didn't even know how to explain his actions or what his thought process was last night. All he knew was that he had failed.

Leah walked forward and hugged him. "I'm not saying I know what you've been through. I can't even imagine all the pain and trauma you've dealt with. But please don't hurt yourself. That would only hurt me more. So please don't." Leah begged. "Please?"

Alec just hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. Slightly nodding to himself.

"That wasn't very convincing, Alec."

"I just can't..." Alec muttered.

"What?" Leah asked.

Alec shook his head and chuckled, "Nevermind. It's stupid. That's all."

"Your feelings aren't stupid." Leah looked at his face and her eyebrows furrowed in anger. She stepped back looking at his face. She grabbed his jaw and turned his head so she could see the side of his face. Leah looked at his temple. There was a mark that hadn't healed yet. Silver.

"Oh my god." Leah put it all together now. She thought that he tried to stab himself fatally like the heart or even in the neck. "Are you insane!" She yelled. Alec traveled his hand up her arm and held her hand removing it from his jaw. Then he looked at the disbelief on her face. "What are you doing to yourself?" She questioned hurt.

Alec didn't speak because he didn't know what to say. Instead, he just kissed her hand.

Leah said, "Alec say something!"

"I just... don't know what happened." Alec thought back to his trauma preventing him in the first place.

"Do you not like what I gave you?" Leah cupped both sides of his cheek. Alec looked depressed.


"It's not that. You don't understand." Alec replied lowly. He tried looking away because he was becoming embarrassed. Leah refused to let him.

She sighed, "After this is all over. You need to see someone Alec. I can't lose you. Especially to yourself."

Alec nodded in agreement, "Okay."

They embraced each other tightly.

A few weeks went by, Leah was straightening up the house since a meeting would be taking place. Grace and Damon helped her since nothing had been done with the house in a few months. Every move that Grace made, Damon hovered over it afraid that she was going to get hurt. It didn't go unnoticed by Leah.

Isaac and Peyton were there as well but they stayed on opposite sides of the room. Everytime Isaac would turn his back he could feel Peyton's eyes on his back, and he didn't understand at all what was holding him back anymore. He didn't know what else he could do to appear as a good person to Peyton. Leah's brother, Chris, was there along with Christie and their children. Xena and Alice had stayed the night with their young adopted child as well. Charlie decided to visit his mom and the rest of his family bringing along the future Luna of the pack.

Seth and Jade joined to help since Alec agreed to allow Seth in for the meeting. It was the only way for Seth to be able to relate information from the pack to the clans. However, Alec was considering allowing Seth and his father's clans in since Seth demonstrated excellent self-control. After all the things Alec has witnessed from vampires, Seth's behavior surprised him. Seth vowed that his people were exactly like him. It was going to be a vote in the meeting for the entry of the vampires. Seth made a valuable point that sometimes natural enemies can have many special abilities to bring to the table in times of need.

Velvezhi and the other witches stayed with Cevielle in her house, away from Leah. Insuvai and Achira wanted to stay with Leah but she insisted that they'd keep Velvezhi company. Leah had already spoken with Velvezhi, who annoyingly didn't give up a word of what she said to Alec. After that Leah exploded on her. Even though Insuvai and Achira came to Leah's defense, Leah needed a break already from her family.

Grace and Jade bonded fantasizing over their kids growing up together and being the best of friends. As Alec walked in with confidence that caught everyone's attention, Seth wrapped his arms around Jade as she smiled at her dad brightly. Jade didn't know if it was the hormones or what, but she felt extremely happy today. She always felt happy around her mate. Alec smiled warmly at his family in the living room. Jade couldn't help but admire her dad. She had already thought about what to name her baby boy. Jade found it fitting to name him after her dad for one reason. Unfortunately, Jade's baby was directly related to Crow but she knew he was going to be nothing like him. Instead, her baby was going to take up after his grandfather, Alec. Jade was going to make sure of it. Jade knew that she wanted to name her child after his grandfather, but Alec didn't know that yet. She was planning on keeping it a surprise.

"I'll be there shortly," Alec told them. They nodded and headed up to the room waiting for Alec.

He didn't forget what today was. No one did.

Even with everything bad that has happened, there was still something good today. Not only were they cleaning for the meeting that was taking place now, but they were also planning a small party for Blaire's birthday today. Luckily, Blaire's was nowhere in sight and Leah had a feeling she wouldn't be coming back until later tonight.

"I'll be down afterward to help," Alec said to Leah with a perfectly healed face.

Leah nodded, "Take your time. I have plenty of help baby."

Alec looked over at Seth and Damon, motioning with his head for him to follow. Damon looked hesitant to leave Grace but he knew Alec had a few guards posted around his house while the majority were with the trainees.

Blaire was with Liam in the guest cabin he was staying at. He was originally sleeping in the guest room at Damon's house but after they were caught together, Liam decided to move himself out to the guest cabins to avoid conflict. The bright side about that was there were going to be no interruptions because the cabins were located at the edge of the pack border and no one went there. Not even the guards since it wasn't really considered to be important land. It was desolate and forgotten in the eyes of everyone. It was the place that Isaac's father's pack stayed at when they came for Kai's funeral. All the other nice housing was reserved for other more respected packs.

Liam made his temporary cabin cozy for Blaire since she wasn't used to rustic dusty places. He replaced the old bed materials with nice silk blankets and sheets. The lumpy pillows were replaced with stuffed feathered ones. Liam had thoroughly cleaned and swept the two days before. That gave him the time to replace everything with his money yesterday. He even bought scented candles to use instead of the lights, and there were still a few red rose petals on the soft silk blankets. The rest were on the floor. It was already previously established that Blaire was a virgin, contrary to what Mason said, and Liam wanted to make her first time memorable.

In the background soft slow music played on the speakers, and three remaining bottles of wine were on the nightstand beside them with small red wine glasses. The rest of the bottles were in the trash.

Liam laid on his side thinking about some things. Like mainly what was going to happen to him when Alec found out. Blaire pressed up against him with her naked body, wrapped her arms around his torso, and leaned forward to nibble on his earlobe, sending sparks down his body. "What are you thinking about?" Blaire whispered. That sent shivers down Liam's spine.

"I'm going to die," Liam stated.

Blaire started to laugh but then realized he was actually being serious. "He won't kill you," Blaire replied.

Liam chuckled, "I think you severely underestimate your dad's hate for me."

"My dad hates Crow. Not you." Blaire said.

"Just remember. Blue flowers. Blue flowers." He repeated.

Blaire rolled her eyes playfully and smiled. "You know what I want right now?" Blaire slowly kissed down Liam's neck. He craned his neck back locking lips with her. Liam reached his arm up and grabbed her by the back his her neck and he turned his body to face her. They continued kissing as Blaire traveled her hand down his bare muscular body.

She smirked as she had quite the effect on him. "Also this time, stop acting like you're going to break me, or else I'm going to break you." She sexually threatened him. Liam had never been aroused and afraid at the same time like that.

"Damn," Liam replied as was already hard, but if he wasn't then he would have been then. "I mean I can give you what you want if you want it like that." Liam wrapped his arm around her back grabbing her hard. The sparks were in full effect now that Blaire was eighteen. It was something unimaginable for both of them. They only had a little taste of it before when their pull was only effective because of the destruction going on around them, but now it was pure bliss and they were already addicted to each other in every way.

"Why don't you find out what I want." Blaire enticed him.

Outside close to the border, ten wolves were sent by Crow to capture Jade again. Crow knew after the first kidnapping security would be increased. He did want Jade back in his clutches but he wasn't willing to do it himself. Also, he didn't want to spare too many of his men due to the big plans he had, so he sent the ten most sneaky men to retrieve. Crow had hopes that this plan wouldn't fail. That's why he sent them through this side of the border where he thought it would be easier due to fewer people. If this plan didn't work, then Crow was planning to get Jade after he killed Alec and the rest of his pack.

The man leading the group was Crow's personal friend from the original pack of Crow's before the war. Most of them were killed but a few close members remained from Crow's first pack.

The men came across the borders using magic as a disguise from a spell that their witches cast on them before the left, but once they crossed the borders they were already put at a disadvantage by their advantage.

Leah felt it inside by the magic barrier she put up around their borders that acted like a dome, notifying when anyone used magic that wasn't her family or Cevielle. It also acted as a locator and a deactivation force. Leah knew exactly where they were now and their disguise magic had unknowingly canceled out.

Leah shouted once she felt it and that alerted everyone in the house. She hauled upstairs and burst into the meeting room. "Ten men have crossed the border with attempted magic!" She yelled.

Alec was the first to stand, "Where!" He shouted ready to kill.

"Rustic cabins." That was all she had to say. Everyone knew where they were. The only problem was that it was on the opposite side of the pack. Alec shifted once he got outside followed by rest and ran in that direction. Charlie, Damon, and the rest of the wolves able to fight joined them. Seth ran alongside his wolf pack ready to defend this land too. Leah couldn't run but she did grab the keys to her truck and reversed out of there as fast as possible. It would take longer than the wolves because no straight roads directly led there. It's not like she could walk there. That only left Jade and Grace, the pregnant wolves, in the house being guarded by the guardsmen from the outside.

Alec knew there were some houses located a few miles away that could probably get there first so he mind linked them.

The howls set off through the pack alerted the group of men that they had been discovered. They couldn't believe they had been spotted that quickly and the only sounds they could hear from miles away was coming from the small cabin ahead. The sound of soft music filtered through the sky as the sun was setting perfectly. The wolves shared a look of communication. If they came back empty-handed then they would be killed by Crow himself. However, if they killed at least one member of Alec's they would be spared. Hearing the moaning from the cabin over the music notified them that there were two in the cabin, and two were better than one. It was either them or the two in the cabin. Even Crow's old friend, the bigger wolf leading the group, knew that Crow wouldn't even spare mercy to him. Either way, it seemed like they were dead anyway.

Without wasting more time, the biggest wolf there barged through the doors frightening Blaire and pissing off Liam. Out of shock Blaire let out an ear-piercing scream and covered herself.

The wolf snarled then charged and leaped at them. With quick reflexes, Liam reached for his hunting knife under the bed that was low to the ground. He quickly stabbed the wolf in his ribcage and then pushes him to the side. The wolf fell to the ground and whimpered as he saw the long hunting knife in his side. The other wolves made their way into the cabin as Liam had the time to shift. Blaire had jumped up out of bed and grabbed the oversized shirt on the nightstand that belonged to Liam while they were sizing Liam up. The bad wolves chuckled to themselves. This was going to be easy and they assumed they would have enough time to evacuate with their dead bodies. Ten on two was an overwhelming number when it came to wolves, especially when they assumed the female was afraid to shift and fight. Blaire smirked behind Liam, she knew these kinds of men. The kind that underestimated her power, but what they didn't realize is that Blaire loved fighting as a witch.

Blaire's smirk only pissed them off even more because they've seen something like it before, but they couldn't place who it came from.

Blaire glared at all of them with hate. Two wolves barreled toward Liam, who was standing in front of Blaire, in wolf form, ready to protect his mate. Two wolves came barreling toward Liam. As Liam was ready to charge, the two wolves stopped in the tracks as they suffered to breathe. You could hear as the last gush of wind left their lungs. You could see their neck physically being crushed together as Blaire had her hand out in a tightly closed fist. She squeezed her balled-up hands together and turned her fist slowly. The wolves scampered back as he desperately tried to breathe. Physically the necks were being crushed with no apparent physical force and that terrified all the wolves in the cabin. The others backed away with fear. Hearing the sounds of gurgling echoed through the cabin as blood poured from their mouth. The sound of their esophagus being crushed almost made the weakest one vomit.

Even Liam had wide eyes mirroring most of them. He was shocked as he watched the two wolves fall to the ground with flattened necks and blood coating their fur. Liam made a mental note to himself not to piss Blaire off, especially during sex.

The wolves wanted to retreat but they knew if they did then Crow would kill them for failing. Their focus was shifted on Blaire who wasn't a normal she-wolf. If they took her out first then Liam would be the next easy target. Then they could possibly survive, or they were already considered dead.

At once, three wolves charged for Blaire. Liam knocked them all away and Blaire stepped back completely in the corner. Liam didn't move one bit until the reinforcements came. Even though Blaire could handle herself he still wouldn't let any of them get near her.

Liam guarded Blaire as they kept lunging at him and her. He kept fighting them back with the help of Blaire. Blaire concentrated hard on the wolf closest to Liam. Then he fell to the ground whimpering in pain so loud that Alec could almost hear it. With no physical signs of damage being done and the screams of pain, it distracted the bad wolf that Liam was currently fighting. His blood was boiling from the inside and he dropped to the ground scratching at his own body. The evil wolf left huge lacerations on his body which speed up the process of his death. Each wolf that even approached Liam dropped dead one by one.

That last the remaining last wolf, with the hunting knife in his ribcage, who watched in horror as all his men died in front of him. It was the most effortless fight he'd seen. Liam growled at him and was about to kill him but Blaire shouted, "Don't!" She hurriedly shouted afraid that Liam wouldn't listen. He stopped and that brought relief to Blaire, almost afraid that she wouldn't have acted quick enough. "He looks important. We can get information out of him." Blaire walked forward to the terrified wolf.

Liam objected and blocked her from going forward afraid she would get hurt. She reassured him with a look then she looked at the frozen wolf. "Bite me and I'll make your brain melt out of your skull. Then I'll use your liquid tissue for my omelet tomorrow." Blaire threatened.

Blaire walked up to the wolf and put her hands on the wolf's temple, "Tūṅku."

The wolf fell to the ground in a deep slumber. "He's sleeping. Alive but not for long. Not after my dad gets through with him." Blaire stated.

Liam shifted and found some shorts to wear as he looked around the cabin. Nine dead wolves laid on the ground, all suffering brutal deaths like Kai did. That made Blaire feel happier, and that was the only reason why she dragged out their deaths as long as possible. "This is the best birthday ever," Blaire said.

"Is it too late to get a new mate?" Liam jokingly said. "Because that omelet part didn't sound appetizing," Liam commented.

Blaire chuckled, "Yeah it was kinda gross." She thought about it disgusted as mental images floated in her head, "I only said that because my dad said that someone in school once. He told me the story a long time ago. I've always wanted to say that with conviction."

"Hopefully, you can tell your dad with conviction that Liam is your mate because he's probably going to kill him," Amelia interjected leaning against the door frame. She was a warrior from the closest house nearby a few miles away.

"Amelia." Blaire kindly greeted, "A little late to the party aren't we?"

Amelia walked in and her nose scrunched up as she sniffed the air. "That smell..." She trailed off and looked directly at the sleeping wolf with a knife in his side. "Mate." She whispered like a church mouse. Liam and Blaire's eyes widened at what she said. This day just keeps more interesting by the second. Blaire felt bad for her as her face contorted in pain. "I can't be with someone like that..." Amelia trailed off and Blaire's heart broke for her as she left the cabin waiting outside to clear her head.

After moving the dead bodies out, Blaire and Liam sat silently on the bed waiting for the others to arrive.

Amelia had already mind-linked the other houses nearby that the threat had been eliminated so there was no need for reinforcements. They were just waiting for Alec and the others to show up now.

Liam sat quietly waiting for Alec to arrive and come to terms with everything. Blaire sat next to him closely holding his hand in her comforting him while using one of the dead wolves as a leg rest.

It was so quiet that Blaire had started to hear Liam's race and saw the visible sweat on his face. Blaire thought that surely he was just overthinking it. Sometimes she didn't know what everyone went on about when they referred to Alec as dangerous. She has seen her dad kill before, but never seen him act angry or aggressive toward her. Blaire saw her dad in a different light than everyone else. Like all of Alec's family did.

"Alec! Wait a minute! Stop!" Blaire heard her aunt yelling at her dad. They both stood up anxiously and Liam released Blaire's hand. Alec had to duck to get through the wide frame and with the most serious furious expression, he quickly scanned the area. Then he took in Blaire and Liam's appearance.

Blaire in Liam's oversized shirt and Liam only in shorts. Their clothes were scattered on the blood-drenched floor. Rose petals, wine, and nice bedsheets, that was when Alec's eyes started glowing with anger. His wolf was out to play and Blaire saw Alec's jaw clench. It was the type of look that sent fear down through her body for the first time. Alec's eyes fixated at the bruises around Blaire's wrist from how rough Liam and Blaire were both going at it.

The bruises around her wrist formed the marks of handprints. Liam's hands. That was Alec's breaking point.

Alec's eyes were already glowing, and his nails elongated as he marched toward Liam growling. Alec grabbed Liam by the neck and slammed him against the wall. Without a thought, Alec plunged his hand through Liam's chest wanting to rip his heart out of his chest. Blaire screamed in horror and she instantly broke.

Liam grunted in pain and squeezed his eyes shut. He had to bite himself from screaming as he felt his ribs breaking and Alec's hand around his heart. Everyone was afraid to touch Alec, afraid that with one wrong move that could be the end of Liam's life.

Alec ignored the cries and screams of Blaire to not kill him. All Alice could do was hold Blaire back, afraid of what would happen if she was caught in the crossfire of Alec's wolf.

"You took my daughter out here in the middle of nowhere to get killed! Give me one reason why I shouldn't rip your heart straight out your chest for defiling my daughter!" Alec roared shaking the cabin.

A piece of plywood ended up falling from the ceiling and the light shook above them making it flicker.

"She is my mate. I would never hurt her like that!" Liam struggled to speak as he was trying not to choke on the blood coming up from his throat.

Alec faltered as he heard the screams of Blaire saying it was true. Alec positioned his arm ready to rip it out so he could join his brother in hell. He wasn't buying it. Liam closed his eyes prepared to accept his fate.

Surprisingly, Damon spoke up. "Alec, it's true. Take my word for it. Think about it. Who stopped Mason from attacking Blaire? Liam didn't defile her. Why would he do that after saving her? Look at your daughter!" Damon yelled to get his attention.

Hesitating and struggling to fight his wolf, Alec shook as his nails retracted, but his hand was still inside his ribcage not completely convinced to spare his life. Alec looked over at Blaire, who was hysterically bawling. Her entire face looked like it was covered in poison ivy and stung by bees.

Damon spoke, "No blood. No bite marks. And nine dead wolves outside. They protected each other. Liam could have saved her life for all we know." He reasoned.

Alec saw the look on his daughter's face. It was almost the same expression he had when he lost her mother.

Alec finally pulled out his hand and Liam dropped to the ground. Everyone watched with wide eyes at what just happened. They couldn't believe their eyes. It was just too much blood everywhere in this cabin.

Alec pointed at the sleeping wolf, "Throw him in the dungeons for tomorrow." Alec said as the thoughts of how to get information out of him were already forming in his mind. Then he left.

Blaire hit her knees and sobbed into her hands. Alice kneeled beside her holding her close, comforting her. Blaire's outlook on her dad had changed. Blaire crawled on her knees Liam because she felt too weak to stand. Liam groaned in pain as he rolled over to see Blaire. She cupped his cheeks and kept whispering her apologies to him. He gave her a soft smile. "I'm fine it will heal," Liam said lowly. There was a hole in his chest but it would definitely heal since his heart was still intact.

Alec was still furious but ultimately decided not to kill him. He realized that Liam's heart wasn't the only heart he was holding in his hands. It was Blaire's heart too.


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