Blood Lust and Love

Chapter 14


In the comfort of her room, Jade studied the brand mark on her lower back. She looked behind herself in the mirror. Her shirt was slightly raised so she could see it. It was still healing but it would no doubt leave the scare of Crow's initials. A simple "C" and "L" that were interlocked. That was going to be the scare that she would bare forever.

She hated it, and so did Seth.

Seth laid in Jade's bed shirtless. He studied Jade as she studied herself. Rising from Jade's bed, he slowly made his way over to Jade who was too occupied by looking at herself in the mirror.

Seth carefully cupped Jade's face and pulled her to him to distract her. He leaned in for a kiss and Kade gladly accepted the distraction. Kissing him was the best feeling that Jade has felt since being kidnapped. It was true that kissing his felt like fireworks going off like in the movies. She knew how corny that sounded, but it was true.

Being in Seth's arms made her feel safe and secure. Like for a moment, they were somewhere else. A forest near a waterfall perhaps. Away from all the troubles and thoughts of losing anyone else.

Although when they stopped kissing, reality hit her hard again.

Seth, who was caught up in his own gaze, stared at the mating mark on the side of Jade's neck and shoulder.

He just stared at it and Jade didn't even know what to do, but she had to say something. "You don't like it?"

Not really what she wanted to say but she was at a loss.

"Well, of course, I don't like it! What do you want me to say about it." Seth snapped.

"I want you to say something! Anything at least!" Jade worried.

"I don't like what that man did to you! I don't like that I can feel him in our bond! I don't like how he took advantage of you! I don't like that you have to block me out of your mind in order to keep him out too, but I understand." Seth yelled. Black veins appeared under his eyes as his anger surfaced about the whole situation. The quickly vanished as Seth picked up Jade's hands and held them. "I understand. I understand the pain you went through. Just because I hate him and what he did to you doesn't mean that I hate you. I love you, Jade." Seth tells her truthfully.

Tears of happiness almost spilled from Jade. She hugged her mate tightly not wanting to go. "I love you too Seth. With all my heart." Jade replied.

"Is there a way to remove the mating mark?" Seth questioned. He didn't know much about wolves and how their mating system worked, but this question ran through his head multiple times.

"My mom is looking for answers. We don't know yet, but we do know that you can't mark me right now. That will only make matters worse. If the roles were reversed and you would have marked me first, then if another male would try and mark me then they would die. Crow isn't my true soul mate, so if you try to mark me now my body would get rid of his mark and transfer my full bond link to you. The only thing is, I could possibly die from it. It's a very painful experience. So we are looking for other answers to get rid of the mating mark first with magic. My mom has contacted her grandmother in search of answers too." Jade answered.

"Well then if that is the case, I'd prefer your heart beating, unlike mine." Seth nodded. "After your father wakes up and we have this chat, I need to go back to my coven."

There was a loud banging sound heard from up the hall in Alec's and Leah's room. "Well, I'd say that he is awake now," Seth said and went over to Jade's bed to put on his shirt. He figured that second appearances would be best if he was fully clothed. It was bad enough that he was lent Alec's clothes anyway.

Jade grabbed Seth's arm before he went out of the door. "I actually have a question first."

"Go on," Seth spoke.

"You were in our dungeons being tortured. You could have gotten out sooner or at least had a snack. What stopped you from tearing someone's throat out?" Jade asked.

"You did. Why would I hurt anyone that you care about? One thing I do know about wolves is a pack is a family by heart." Seth spoke.

After that, Seth knew he was going to have to face Alec sooner or later. Hand in hand Seth and Jade walked out to the hallway.

Leah had Alec by the arm, she was trying to stop him from raging into Jade's room. The air became tense and thick. It almost became hard to breathe.

This Alec was a different one. Even the air seemed so deadly around him that Leah had to take a deep breath and step back. It has been a long while since she has sensed this anger radiating around him.

Seth could feel the intensity also, so he pushed Jade slightly back, still holding her hand. He wanted to distance her from himself and Alec. Just in case she could be caught in the crossfire.

"Get your hands off my daughter!" Alec roared.

Seth reluctantly let go of Jade, not out of fear, but only to make matters not worse. Seth put his hand out trying to reason with him, "I understand why you are mad. If you just listen to me I'm sure we can work this out and all be happy." Seth tried to reason.

"Don't give me that fucking shit! EXPLAIN TO ME WHY YOU ARE ON MY PROPERTY. I come home yesterday and you are sucking the life out of my daughter!" Alec roared and he was going to continue when he finally noticed something. He looked back at Leah in disbelief. "You're allowing this. And why is he wearing my clothes?" Alec seemed to go angrier by the moment.

"Trust me I'm not happy either. These clothes have no taste." Seth was regarding the blue jeans and a plain black shirt he was wearing.

"Get the fuck out."

"Dad, he is my mate. You have to accept him!" Jade begged.

"You don't tell me what the fuck I am and am not going to do. It is an abomination! A werewolf and a vampire. No kids, no future, only pain and suffering." Alec raved.

Jade crossed her arms, "I'm pretty sure that is what mom was looking at when you guys first met." She talked to Blaire for a long time last night. She found out many things about her family that she didn't want to know. Either way, her dad had no right to judge Seth, especially when Seth actually treated her right.

"Jade. With all respect. Do not talk about mine and your father's relationship." Leah spoke.

Jade realized that she had crossed a line. "Sorry, mom."

"Alec. We need to talk about this. This is our daughter's future. Either way, the moon goddess paired them up. We can not change that and if you hurt him, then you hurt your own daughter. Think about that." Leah told Alec.

Alec looked back at her and rolled his eyes, "This is bullshit. There is some sort of mistake. A werewolf and vampire can never be mated."

"Actually they can," Leah stated.

"Whatever, I'm done." Alec was pissed and walked past Seth. Alec stopped and looked at Jade. "No one will ever accept your relationship. You'll be looked down upon from the rest of the pack. Do you think that you and him can even live happily? Wherever you go everyone will look at you with disgust."

Jade had tears already formed in her eyes at Alec's harsh words. She even felt in her chest the pain. Her heart skipped a beat. And that's when they heard it.

Alec stopped in her tracks and listened carefully.

Seth's eyes widened and slowly lifted to see Jade's face.

Even Jade heard it herself. She gasped and listened carefully. This had to be a mistake. This wasn't possible. Not to her. Jade's tear dropped and hit the floor. It was oddly quiet that you could have even heard the teardrop when it hit the ground.

Leah looked puzzled as she watched Seth and Alec's weird actions, but she followed their stares toward Jade. Leah's eyes raked down Jade's body and stopped where everyone else's did.

"I'm pregnant?" Jade whispered out loud so she, herself, could believe it.

Just another thing to add to Alec's bad day. His eyes flickered golden yellow. "I'll kill the baby myself!" Alec gritted through his teeth and made his way to Jade. He slowly walked in a menacing way.

"No!" Jade's words left her mouth without thinking. She didn't even know what she wanted yet. It was an innocent baby. One that shouldn't bear the sins of its father. More importantly, it was Jade's baby. It was true that Jade never really wanted children, but at this moment she has never been so unsure in her life. A part of her wanted to keep that baby that was already so attached to her.

Jade stumbled back and tripped over her own feet in fear.

"Alec no!" Leah yelled.

Before Leah could even do anything and before Alec could even reach Jade, Seth stepped in front of Jade. His black veins appeared on his face. "You're not touching her." Seth stood his ground.

"Step aside. She is carrying a bastard child, and I will get rid of it." Anger got the best of Alec. He didn't even know what he was saying at this point.

"If she decides to keep the child, then it is my baby. Not anyone else's. I won't let you hurt her or the baby." Seth stated. Seth knew that he couldn't have any biological children, no vampire could. So if Jade wanted to keep this baby, then Seth would gladly accept the responsibility of being the father.

In a burst of anger, Alec punched the wall and his fist went straight through. "I wouldn't hurt her. I just want her to get an abortion." Alec said.

"Alec!" Leah scolded. "That is her choice." She agreed.

"I'm going for a run." With that, no one said a word as Alec walked back into his room to grab a spare change of clothes. He was too angry to even think at this moment.

Seth helped Jade to her feet. For comfort, Jade wrapped her arms around Seth and held on to him tightly.

Alec stormed downstairs with anger and the clothes in his hand. He burst out the door only to be greeted by Blaire.

"Dad!" She called his name a couple of times to get his attention. "Dad! I need to speak with you." Blaire jogged up to him with Liam behind her.

"What do you want." Alec snapped.

"I need to talk with you because I just got done talking to Peyton. It's about Isaac and his dad." Blaire said.

Alec pointed to Liam, "Does he have to be here." Alec was starting to get sick and tired of seeing faces that he hated.

"He's my friend." Blaire crossed her arms.

"Talk," Alec commanded.

Blaire told her Alec about the fight that Peyton and Isaac had, and about what Isaac confessed. She told Alec everything that Peyton knew about Isaac from the funeral, and about all the suffering Isaac went through by the hands of his father. Blaire went into as much detail as she could remember from the conversation that she had with Peyton earlier. Peyton didn't really know what to do with what he saw, so he just told his older sister.

Alec paced back and forth in anger before he made up his mind. He may have not been able to save Kai, but he could surely save this boy. He wasn't going to let Isaac suffer in the hands of his father the same way Alec suffered in the hands of Crow.

In the angry state that Alec was already in, he went off. Alec shifted and ran off in the direction of the pack that Isaac's father's owned, with clothes in his mouth.

Alec was already pissed and someone was going to feel his wrath. Even Blaire could tell by the way that Alec ran off in wolf form that someone was going to get hurt.

Leah comforted Jade who was now a mess in the hallway. Jade slid her back down the wall as she fell to the ground crying heavily.

"Everyone is going to think that I'm an abomination. I don't know what is so wrong about a werewolf and a vampire being together. I just don't understand." Jade said to herself.

"Nothing is wrong. You are not an abomination. Your father, he is just mad. Mad at the world, but I know he still loves you. Disregard what he says because it is your choice about the baby. I won't judge you either way and your dad will come around soon." Leah rubbed Jade's knees in comfort. "It is normal for a vampire and werewolf to be mates. Actually, it's a lot more common than what everyone thinks."

Jade wiped her tears and tried to clear her nose, "Thanks, mom. But right now I think I need to talk to Seth alone about this."

Leah nodded her head and was about to leave when Blaire ran upstairs.

"Mom!" Blaire called.

Leah was immediately alerted because of her tone.

"I think I made a mistake. I think dad is going to hurt someone, or possibly worse, kill an Alpha." Blaire referred to Isaac's father. The Alpha of a child, who he beat on a regular basis.


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