Blissful Hook (Swift Hat-Trick Trilogy Book 2)

Blissful Hook: Chapter 32

‘Are you sure everyone still has to come? I have no problem with having our own party instead, preferably in the comfort of your bed.’

An overplayed pop song is floating through Gracie’s huge apartment as I throw another rippled chip in my mouth. I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve tried to change this awful music only for Gracie to stop me with an impressively terrifying glare. She throws a piece of curled hair over her bare shoulder. She knows that she’s teasing me with the smooth skin peeking out of her dangerously deep-cut sweater thing and leans forward on the island, ocean blue eyes locked on mine. ‘This is important to Oakley. You know that.’

‘I know,’ I groan. ‘You can’t blame me for not wanting your brother’s beady eyes on my back every time that I get near you, though. It’s been months since we got together. He should be over it by now. You should see the stink-eye he gives me in the locker room.’

‘Don’t worry about him. Just ignore it.’ She shrugs me off and walks around the giant, marble-topped island, stopping in front of me and placing both her palms on my thighs. My eyebrows jump as her warm touch burns through my jeans. I place my hands on hers and lace our fingers together, desperate to touch her. I pull her forward and grin proudly when she lands in my lap, straddling me. A surprised squeak escapes her before she wears a grin nearly as wide as mine.

‘Don’t even start,’ she giggles.

‘Start what?’

Leaning forward slightly, she rolls her eyes and grabs the back of my neck. She scratches her nails along my arms, my neck, until her fingers become tangled in my hair. She pulls me so close that I can feel her warm breath spread across my cheeks. My eyes watch her carefully, dangerously even, as her tongue wets her lower lip, the slow movement making my dick form a thick ridge in my jeans.

‘You can’t stop this party from happening, baby. But if you behave, I promise it’ll be worth it for you in the end,’ she purrs, her cheeks flushed.

‘Is that so?’ I grab her hips tightly and pull her against me, letting out a grunt of approval. She nods slightly, eyelashes starting to flutter. Trailing my hand up her side, I don’t miss the roll of her body when I trail my hand up her side. Her chest slacks against mine and she rests her forehead on mine, blowing on my mouth.

Flickering my gaze to the clock behind her, I groan, ‘We don’t have time.’

She nods but stays rooted in my lap. I chuckle under my breath and push the stray, curly blonde hairs out of her face as they fall in a small halo around flushed skin. ‘Unless you want your brother to walk in on me eight inches deep inside of you I suggest we get up.’ My words must strike a chord because she jumps away from me, nose wrinkled up in disgust.

‘You’re the worst.’

I throw my head back and burst out in a fit of laughter. ‘I’ve been told.’

She turns her back to me and heads towards the bathroom with a confident sway in her hips. Groaning lightly, I watch her teasing display while reaching down and readjusting my aching cock.

Oh, Gracie. You little minx.

Ava and Gracie are in what looks to be a very serious conversation in the kitchen as Oakley and I sit on the couch, a hockey game playing on the television in front of us. It feels almost surreal to sit here with him, hanging out like we used to years ago. Our lives are so drastically different from back then; so much more complicated, yet somehow better beyond words.

‘How’s your mom doing?’ he asks, turning his attention to me with a raised brow.

After busting open like a walnut and explaining my past to Gracie and what happened to my mom, we both decided that it was a good idea to tell Oakley. It’s not like he has any right to know, but if I’m going to get through this, I will need his support.

‘Sober since she left with Brooks, not like that means anything.’

‘It’s something at least. Have you seen her?’

I push out my breath and lean my head against the couch. ‘No.’

‘Are you going to? Soon at least?’

Am I? I have no clue. The sooner I see her, the sooner I’m going to want to find Allen. And if I find Allen— ‘Not sure,’ I grumble, forcing myself to stop thinking of that bastard and the thousands of ways I want to hurt him. I’ve been dreaming about all the ways I want to have him screaming for me to stop hitting him, the way Mom did when he was beating the lights out of her without so much as a flicker of remorse. ‘I don’t know what to expect.’

Oakley doesn’t respond for a few seconds so we sit in silence, both of us reeling in our own feelings. I’m not sure what I expect from these people, honestly. Some sense of clarity? An overwhelming feeling of support? This is still so new to me. My head can’t get a handle on it. I don’t know how to act, let alone how to show my appreciation for things that I’ve never received before. I’m seriously fucked up.

‘Brooks will take care of her until you are sure. Don’t rush,’ he says a few moments later, nodding reassuringly. I look over and send him a silent thank you just as our two energetic girls come walking into the room. They steal our attention without so much as a word.

Gracie happily plops herself in my lap and places a soft kiss on my jaw. ‘What are you boys talking about so seriously over here?’

‘Just guy stuff.’ I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her into me and resting my forehead against her side as I greedily breathe her in. I’ve never been so grateful for someone before Gracie. She’s brought out parts of me that I never thought I would be able to see. Made me feel things that I never thought I was able to feel.

She’s my light—my guide as I walk through the darkest parts of myself, always leading me back home.

Back to her.

Where I should have been a long time ago.

A few minutes later, Gracie and I have migrated back to the kitchen. Alone. Her ass is on my thighs as we sit together on a black leather bar stool. The same pop music keeps playing around us but as I continue sitting here beside her with my head in her neck, it seems to bother me less and less. That seems to be a common theme when I’m around Gracie. The things that used to bother me just don’t anymore when she’s with me.

‘You’re doing good so far. I’m proud of you,’ Gracie mumbles while leaning back further against my chest. Although I would be lying if I said her subtle praise doesn’t fuel a rise in my pride, I can’t help but let my eyes roll when I feel a grin grow on my lips.

‘Anything for you.’

Her fingers crawl up my forearm in a soft motion and she sighs, ‘Can I ask you something?’

I tighten my grip on her waist, plant an open-mouthed kiss on her collarbone, and nod.

‘Promise you won’t just run off? This is important to me.’ Her body is tense as she anxiously awaits my answer. Although I can’t help but feel confused, I don’t hesitate to calm her mind.

‘I promise.’

‘Pinky promise?’

‘Yeah, yeah, yeah. What’s up, baby?’

‘I was just thinking about something with everything that’s happened recently and I don’t know, I just thought that maybe. . .’ she cuts off her nervous rambling with a sharp inhale.

‘Holy shit, Gray. Out with it,’ I groan.

‘Move in with me.’

The words are tossed from her lips quickly that she spins around in my lap, her eyes wide with what I can only assume to be shock that she actually asked me to move in with her. My mouth drops now, my own surprise obvious before I feel her hands on my face. Her touch is gentle, almost non-existent as she rubs her thumbs along my jawline.

‘That’s not a question.’ I swallow nervously.

Her silence is a clear enough sign that she’s hurt by my all-so-awkward response to her, but come on. Living together? That’s a serious step. One that I don’t know that I’m ready for. I don’t even know if she’s ready either. Feeling Gracie jump from my arms, I desperately start to clutch at my thoughts, as if maybe they would choose now to save me before they end up getting me locked in the dog house for whoever knows how long. I’m let down like usual.

‘Adam!’ she shouts with forced happiness when the front door opens. I curse myself out and groan while running my hand through my hair.

Way to go, you fucking ass hole.

My scowl is obvious as I stand and follow after her. I have to bite back my possessive growl when Adam wraps his arms around her in an obviously friendly hug. I know that acting out will only fuel Gracie’s anger with me. It doesn’t take long for Adam to sense my annoyance, though. He chuckles and backs away from her, but not without seizing the golden opportunity to piss me off even more with a teasing wink.

‘Nice of you to join us, Tyler,’ he teases half-heartedly. I brush him off and wrap my arm tightly against Gracie and pull her into me possessively. The conversation that happened a couple minutes prior won’t stop me from touching her and staking an invisible claim over her that isn’t even necessary. Everyone already knows she’s mine.

‘Hey, man.’ I nod.

“Can I talk to you a bit later?” he asks, sounding oddly nervous for such a confident guy. I don’t hesitate to nod with a lifted brow. Adam doesn’t give me details or an explanation, he only sends me a look that says, leave it alone for now. So I do.

When Oakley joins us and starts explaining the specifics of his team switch to Adam, I tune out the conversation and grab onto my girl’s hip instead, pulling her back into me with a scowl. Her body is still tense under my touch but I don’t care. She doesn’t get to be the one running away without giving me a chance to fix the mess I’ve made. She’s supposed to be the better half of me. She’s not supposed to sink to the level I’ve been trying so hard to stay away from. That’s not who she is and I won’t let her follow my shit example.

‘Is Braden here?’ Adam asks.

I pop myself back into the conversation and shake my head. ‘Not yet, should be here soon,’ I say and adjust my grip on Gracie so I can wrap an arm around her waist. I can almost hear how fast my heart starts pumping when finally she lets her body relax again, sinking into mine.

A few beats later, there’s a knock on the front door. Ava pulls it open and Braden’s confidence fills the apartment. ‘Hey, little H. Nice pad, can’t believe you’ve never invited me over before.’ He clicks his tongue while setting two cases of beer down on the floor. ‘Looking as good as ever, Ava baby.’

‘And you’re just as flirty as ever,’ Gracie snorts, moving away from me and towards Ava who simply flips Braden the bird with a dimpled grin. They both pick up a case of the foamy alcohol before heading off to discard them in the kitchen.

‘It’s about time you showed up, you fucker,’ I grin and slap my hand in Braden’s open one.

‘What can I say?’ He smirks. ‘I was a little tied up.’

‘I always knew you were into some kinky shit,’ Oakley says before bursting out in a fit of laughter.

‘I’m the only one who does the tying in the bedroom, Lee,’ Braden throws back, not missing a beat.

Before we all get a play by play of Braden’s adventures in bed, our attention is pulled elsewhere. Ava’s uncomfortable gag makes me cringe as she places a hand over her mouth and rushes past the four of us, heading to what I can only assume would be the bathroom. I watch Oakley’s eyes pop open before he’s taking off after her in long strides while reaching into his pocket to grab his phone when it begins to ring.

‘Tell Ava how bad Tyler is in the sack, little H?’ Braden asks, looking between us with a grin. He must pick up on the tension that has morphed around the both of us in an uncomfortable second skin when his eyebrows jump. ‘Or not?’

‘Not,’ Gracie grumbles before I can answer, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes at me from her place beside the fridge, a few too many feet away.

‘Trouble in paradise?’ he prods, unable to help himself. I shove him with my shoulder and send him a steely glare that effectively shuts him up.

‘Gray?’ The quivering sound of Oakley’s usual confident voice makes ice form in my gut, sharp edges tearing me to pieces. I’m moving towards Gracie without missing a beat. I watch her head shake furiously seconds before her knees buckle, her body folding in on itself as she collapses, falling right into my open arms.

An agonizing, soul-tearing cry rips through the room and her body begins to shake with ruthless sobs, leaving my jaw unhinged as I look over at Oakley, phone resting unlocked in his hand. The pure anguish flaring in his watery eyes says everything so he doesn’t have to.


She’s gone.

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