Blindsight: Complete Series

Blindsight: Book 2 – Chapter 15

WE ONLY STAYED FOR two days at the cabin, but not by choice.

Hunter had attended to both phones with constant focus the entire first day we were there. What took all of his attention were texts from JW and some of his enforcers. They hadn’t threatened anything, but the tone of the messages were clear.

Need you soon.

Work to do.

Not done yet.

Don’t forget who your family is, Son.

That had been the last one, and I’d watched it visibly take the air from Hunter’s lungs. He’d looked up at me, coffee steaming out of both of our mugs the third morning at the cabin, and I knew then we had to go back.

“There’s no escaping him.” Hunter’s eyes shone with anger as he stared out at the glistening lake in the distance.

“I know.” I tried valiantly not to choke on the sob in my throat. “Will it ever be over?” I took his hand in my own, caressing his knuckles with my thumbs and tracing the black ink that decorated his skin.

“I can’t answer that. I thought I could. I thought this was it. But I don’t know what the fuck these texts mean.” He ran a hand through his hair and I knew there was so much more he wasn’t telling me. I could see it in his eyes. He couldn’t hide all his secrets. Just as plainly as he’d said that I would blow the plan, he couldn’t keep his emotions from betraying him. At least not from me.

“So we go back.” I tightened his hand in mine. His eyes swung to me, surprise and empathy radiating in their depths.

“We go back.” He nodded slowly. “You’ll stay with me. I’m not letting you out of my sight.” His hand gripped mine with fierce strength.

“I know.” I nodded. “I’ll pack up.” I had to leave before the tears overflowed and seared paths down my cheeks. I wouldn’t let him see me cry. Not again.

He let my hand drop and I stood, padding down the small hallway and veering into the tight bathroom. I shut the door and locked it quietly as my stomach twisted painfully. I bent over the toilet and felt my insides coming out one empty heave at a time. What had happened to land me here, hiding out on a stranger’s bathroom floor? How was it that the FBI didn’t have a search warrant out for me by now? Where was JW in all of this? And above all else, why did this feel like just the beginning of the war?

My insides ached with turmoil before I finally succumbed and flushed the toilet moments later, swiping a handful of tissues at my eyes before catching my reflection in the mirror.

I frowned, my heart feeling shattered into one thousand tiny pieces. I was a girl suddenly caught in a war zone, looking lost and terrified. I wiped at the stubborn tears one more time before sucking in deep breaths to try to compose myself for the fight of my life.

“I’m droppin’ you at my house first, then going to see JW,” Hunter said when we were a few minutes out of the city. We’d left only an hour after the last ominous text had come in.

Don’t make enemies of family.

It’d had my heart fighting to fly from my throat with fear.

“What? I’m not leaving you.” I shot a deadly stare at him. “Besides you said you wouldn’t leave me, and I won’t leave you either.” I crossed my arms, ready to stick to my guns.

“Not a chance in hell. I don’t trust him.” Hunter glanced at me then, his eyes holding me for a brief moment before flicking back to the road. “I won’t have you near him,” he growled and I saw the whites of his canines flash in the bright sunlight. He looked dangerous – deadly. I wouldn’t want to be the man to oppose him.

“Hunter, I don’t want you to go alone.”

“I’ve decided,” he deadpanned as his hands gripped at the wheel. “I put you in danger once with him, it’s not happening again. My house has top of the line security, and I can tap into the cameras from my phone whenever I want. And there’s a panic button in every room. If there’s a problem, push one, and the cops can be there in ninety seconds. They’re right around the corner.” He quirked an ironic grin at me. It did not settle my nerves.


“Sorry, Princess.” He dropped one hand from the wheel and tightened it on my knee. “I’ll take you everywhere with me, around the fucking world and back, but not there. Not ever again.” His grip tightened in both warning and anger.

I sighed, defeat settling into my bones as Hunter turned down his peaceful tree-lined street. Kids skipped rope and played outside, a peaceful summer Sunday in a picture perfect Midwestern childhood.

More irony. Step-son of the leading criminal gang of Chicago cruising by in his Lexus right now. He pulled the car into the garage and then shut off the ignition. “Ready?” He turned and placed a hand around my neck.

“Let’s do this.”

“There’s my girl.” Hunter placed a swift kiss on my lips and then was bounding out the door. He was around my side and escorting me out, carrying bags over his shoulders, as we entered his home.

“Code is 0618, day we met.” He winked at me as he punched it in.

“You changed it to the day we met?” I laughed as his unexpected sweetness melted my heart a little.

“I change it often. It seemed the happiest date in recent memory, so I went with it.” He grinned, his cheeks lifting as they colored just slightly.

“You’re cute.” I pressed on my toes and nipped at his jawline.

“You say that now.” He wrapped an arm around my waist and gripped my ass in one tight squeeze. I broke into a fit of giggles and fell into his arms, releasing the tension that had been building since the morning when we’d first headed south.

“Let’s get this security tour over with. I’ve got a meeting to get to.” Hunter placed a kiss on my nose, causing reality to crash in on me.

“What do I do while you’re gone? How long until I worry? And who would I even call?” The anxiety ratcheted my voice to extreme decibels.

Hunter smiled wryly before swiping a palm across my cheekbone and into my hair. “You’re cute when you’re worried.” His smile deepened as his eyes roamed my face. “Does it make me a selfish asshole that I like that you’re worried about me?” His rakish eyes twinkled.

“Shut up.” I swatted his chest before melting into his embrace again.

“I took care of myself just fine before you.” He placed a kiss on my forehead.

“That was before,” I murmured against his sweet lips. “What about now?”

“You’re right.” He sighed and pulled me into a bear hug with his arms wrapped around my shoulders, enclosing me, tightening my muscles and making me feel protected like only he could. “I’ve got you, Princess.”

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