Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 89

A crash of thunder woke Natalia. It was raining hard against the window. Victoria was fussing in her crib.

“I'll get her,” Uri said, rising before her.

He brought her over so she could nurse.

“So good to be home,” she said.

“Glad this is all over,” he said, cuddling in beside her.

Both their phones buzzed at the same time. Uri rolled over to look.

"Viperian broadcast. Ten am. Council meeting. All heads of households are required to attend. That pretty much means everyone will be there.”

"Everyone? Like when I was voted onto the Council?”

"Yeah. Everyone.”

“That's huge.”

“Good thing it's Sunday and not a workday.”

He rolled out of bed to go into the bathroom.

Natalia heard someone run up the stairs and tap on their door. She guessed it was Mag.

"We're awake, Mag. We got the message.”

"Okay. Just making sure. That gives us an hour to get there,” Mag said.

"We're getting up. I'm nursing.”

She heard Mag ran back down the stairs.

Uri came out and started dressing.

“I'll take Victoria when she’s done so you can dress,” he said. “They didn't really give us much time, did they?”

“No. I wonder what's up? They can't just want an update on Gussy. They wouldn't require everyone to be there for that.”

"I already gave them an update,” Uri said. “When you were in the shower last night.”

Natalia sat up with Victoria still nursing.

“I can't believe how stiff I am. My muscles are sore.”

"What do you want to wear? I can get it out,” he said.

“I want to be comfortable. One of the loose dresses. I'll rely on you should we need any knives.” He pulled out two.

“The blue one.”

Victoria fussed.

“Am I moving too much for you? I'm just stretching. Oh, my word, she is sucking hard.”

“Figured out she needs to get as much momma as she can.”

“She's going to suck me dry. Are you done, child? Her belly is so full. There. Done.”

She handed her over to Uri who left to go into the nursery. Natalia groaned when she rose and went into the bathroom. By the time she dressed and went downstairs, she found everyone was waiting in the living room, except for Uri who was in the dining room with Victoria.

"Quick breakfast,” Mag said.

Natalia felt as if everyone was staring at her while she ate. Even Uri watched her since he was already finished

“I can drink my tea on the way,” she said, rising from the table.

She felt as if her loose dress was even looser.

“This dress is starting to feel like a sack.”

“You're looking pretty good,” Uri said, putting a free hand on her ass.

The limo was waiting outside with Kate's car parked behind it.

"We'll follow,” Mag said.

She and Zena were riding with Kate.

Natalia slid into the limo. Uri followed with Victoria. They fastened her into the car seat. She didn't fuss at all.

“I didn't even look when we got home yesterday to see what was cleaned up,” Natalia said, looking out the window when the limo pulled out.

“Neighbors are missing some bushes,” Uri said.

“And their lawn is gouged up a little,” she said, finding little else amiss.

"Hardly can tell,” he said.

"So what happened yesterday when we were busy?”

"Once we got back to the tower and you were gone, Moralis left. He had some things planned. There were community raids on more drug houses. Lots of media coverage. The Mayor was caught having an afternoon tea party with excessive police coverage that was taking away the coverage needed for the city. That's going to really help Moralis's campaign.”

The limo passed a billboard.

“Moralis Arnes for Mayor,” she said.

“Yep. People have been busy putting up the signs.”

“No traffic,” she said.

“Moralis got on the news and declared that the city needed to do a lock down. Everyone was encouraged to stay home to secure their residence and their neighbors. Looks like people followed what he said.”

“Was there any real damage to Viperia?”

"Only to a few gates. The hoards that were allowed into the city, did minimal damage. All cosmetic. Easily erased.”

"And grubbies at the farm got well fed.”

“They feasted.”

The limo pulled onto the main street heading to the west gate of Viperia. Traffic suddenly became bumper to bumper, but traffic still moved. The gates to Viperia were wide open and both lanes were admitting traffic.

The limo was waved into a privileged lot, along with Kate's car. Bonnie came around with umbrellas for them. The rain was falling heavy, but they were out of the wind. Once out of the limo, Natalia wrapped Victoria onto her and followed Uri into the building.

Natalia remembered the auditorium like room that everyone filed into. It was the same one where she was voted onto the Council. The room was filling up fast.

'Go sit up with the Council,’ Uri said with a gentle shove.

She saw him join Mag and the other ladies, who were grouping with Grazie and his children. Tia was already in her Council seat.

Natalia wove her way through the people and up to her seat. When she reached it, she was thinking she should have handed Victoria over to Uri, but now it was too late.

“Morning, Nattie,” Kareen said.

“Morning. Kareen. Tia."

The other Council members greeted her, and she greeted them back. She settled in her chair aware that it was already past ten, but that there were still people finding their seats. It wasn't until ten- thirty, that Kareen rose.

“Good morning. I hope all are well. We have gathered to recognize the people of our community.” “All people?” someone said in a loud voice.

“All people,’ Harold said while standing on top of a chair.

He was holding his daughter, Becky. His wife sat proudly beside him.

“All people,’ Kareen said. “There have been questions about who is or who isn't a Viperian. That is almost the same as saying who is or who isn't part of our community. Devotion and loyalty are traits that must be considered.’

There was a small disruption by a group, but Kareen raised her hand, quieting them

The question has been asked. What makes one a Viperian? The Council has met. We've found that it's not an easy question to answer.’

“Only Viperian's have venom,’ the group of troublemakers called out.

Kareen waved a hand toward Natalia.

“Natalia was born Undent. She now has venom. If only Viperians have venom, then she is Viperian.’ “She's blonde. Viperian's only have black hair and green eyes.’

Over forty people stood.

Kareen waved a hand toward them.

“They are in disagreement with you. They all have either gray or brown eyes. Some have brown hair. They all have venom.’

There was a moment of silence. Everyone sat.

'Viperians come in all sizes and colors,’ Kareen said.

“Here, here,’ Harold said.

'So I ask, why are we so concerned with who is or isn't Viperian? Shouldn't we be concerned with who is loyal to our community? Shouldn't we be concerned with who is willing to risk their life for the good of our community?"

There was more silence.

The last two days of riots and acts against Viperia were due to the work of Gussy. Many know he was evicted from Viperia. Initially, his aggression was directed toward Uri and his family, using the fact that his daughter doesn't look like a... a typical Viperian. Because of that aggression, Uri and a team of Viperians went after Gussy. But who actually took him down?’

Everyone looked around.

“Rise Nattie.'

Natalia stood

There was a ripple through the crowd.

“Nattie has shown loyalty to the Viperian community. We know she is not Viperian by birth, but she is a member of our Viperian community. So we are back to the question: What makes one a Viperian? Is it a look? That answer you gave of black hair and green eyes was rebutted. Viperians are no longer branded with just those traits. Viperians aren't the only ones with venom. We are a changing people.’

"You have to survive being bitten,’ someone said.

'Yes. Nattie was bitten. She has survived. Perhaps, we should consider that this has made her Viperian for she is as Viperian as any of us.’

“She doesn't have fangs,’ someone else called out.

'Yes, the only thing, she doesn't have, but does that matter? Who would you rather be a part of our community? Gussy or Nattie?’

There was again a moment of silence.

“May I speak?’ Natalia said.

Kareen nodded and sat.

Natalia unwrapped Victoria.

“This is Victoria. She's been shunned for her coloring. Shunned because people don't think she is Viperian, in spite of the fact that she does have one Viperian parent and that parentage was proven. She's been called a Specter, and people have been terrified of her. She's a baby. She's warm. Anyone here who doubts that is welcome to come up and touch her.’

No one moved.

“Does she have venom? Perhaps too young to tell. Does she speak Viperian? Yes, she does. She's probably more advanced than most babies I've seen. But she doesn't have black hair or green eyes. Her coloring is the same as mine. In fact, her coloring is the same as Uri's grandfather.’

She heard Mirren stand. He was seated behind her. She turned to look and he was nodding that what she said was true.

The only thing we don’t know is if she has fangs,” Natalia said. “And while that really isn't important, because she is Viperian by birth, it is important to maintain continuity within the Viperian community since all children born of a Viperian parent are known to have fangs.’

There was head nodding and murmurs of agreement.

“Victoria. The people here don't believe you are Viperian because you haven't shown your fangs. Will you show them, now?”

Natalia didn’t know if this was going to work, but she had to give it a try. She knew Victoria, even though she was a baby, was very advanced. Victoria had listened to Mirren and learned not to fuss when she, her mother, wasn't around.

There were a few chuckles throughout the room.

Victoria didn’t move, but her eyes were open and looking up at her.

Uri rose from his chair.

Victoria," Uri said. “Show us your fangs. Momma wants to see.’

Victoria's eyes shifted to look at Uri.

“Show your fangs, Victoria,” Mirren said. “The Council approves.’

There were more chuckles.

Victoria's eyes moved back to Natalia.

“This is going nowhere..." someone said.

Victoria yawned. It was a big gaping yawn for such a little girl. And there were her fangs, exposed for all to see. Natalia for the first time could see how the fangs fit, recessed into the gum.

Victoria closed her mouth and wiggled her lips while she slid the fangs back in.

“Victoria has spoken,” Kareen said with a big smile. “The Council recognizes Victoria and her mother, Nattie, as Viperian.’

There were fifteen seconds of silence.

This Council meeting is now ended,’ Kareen said.

Natalia felt overwhelmed with her daughter's fangs and relieved at the same time.

People now came up, wanting to get a closer look at Victoria. Everyone also wanted to touch her. Uri made his way over by her to stand. When her arms grew tired, he took over. When Harold approached, Uri knelt.

Victoria seemed fascinated with Becky and reached out an arm.

“She's so cute,’ Becky said.

Harold nodded with a smile.

Becky touched Victoria's hand.

“Some day you two can play together," Uri said.

Becky smiled big.

It felt like hours before the crowd dissipated. Natalia was glad there were times she could sit. Uri, however, stood the whole time, happy to hold Victoria.

“Come over to Sherri's old house, Tia said. “We're having a big lunch.’

“Thanks,’ Natalia said.

“And here. You just earned this.’

Tia handed her a ring.

“What's this for?"

"You're a Viperian woman now. Wear that on the middle finger of your right hand.’

Natalia slid it on. It fit perfectly.

Tia smiled.

“See you in a bit."

Natalia nodded, feeling overwhelmed. She followed Uri out to the limo.

“Maybe you'll find out how many venoms a woman has,’ Uri said.

If 1 do, I can't tell you."

'What?' he said.

She shrugged, then changed her focus to Victoria while she strapped her into her car seat.

“Why didn’t you show your fangs before, my sweet girl?" she said.

“Mommy scared.”

Uri jerked to stare at Natalia and then at Victoria.

“I heard that loud and clear,’ he said.

“I told you she had a voice, but now she’s speaking louder.’

“Mommy scared,’ Victoria said again

I'm not scared.’

“Bad sleep,’ Victoria said.

“Oh,’ Natalia said, realizing what was going on.

“What?’ he said, looking at her.

“I had nightmares during my pregnancy. I dreamed of getting bloodied by my own baby’s fangs." Victoria didn’t show her fangs because she didn't want to scare you? Because of your nightmares?’ Uri shook his head in disbelief.

“Mommy scared.”

“I'm not scared, Victoria. I know you won't bloody me. Those were silly dreams."

Victoria pursed her lips and closed her eyes.

Natalia smiled.

“My perfect little Viperian daughter.’

Uri smiled.

"You just have to worry about me biting you."

“Worry? Or enjoy?"

The next book in the series is Bitten Kitten.

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