Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 84

“What do you have up your sleeve, Moralis?" Mina said.

“Sewer’ he said.

"You're going to use that pipe in the lake?" Natalia said with a little dread.

“That pipe those curlers tried to use to cheat years ago? Tia said.

Moralis nodded.

“It's still there. A little swimming is involved, but at least it's not winter. It gets us into the main sewer line. The city has grates on all the drains from the streets, but the main sewer line has a branch into Viperia. No grates. No barriers.’

“Only a sewer rat would know this,” Sophie said.

Moralis grinned.

“What a wonderful compliment,’ he said.

Uri chuckled.

“And one rat knows another,’ Natalia said, looking at him.

“We can make it where no one has to swim by adjusting the pipe,’ Moralis said.

Natalia knew there was more to it. Moralis was making it sound simple.

"You sound quite knowledgeable about this,’ Tia said.

“My Council work has required me to have such knowledge,” he said.

“Right,’ Tia said, with some disbelief.

“We can use one of my dock sections to create a raft that will hold up the pipe to the surface. I'll need a few hands to help. Anyone up for a swim?’

“I know that means me,’ Uri said.

I'm too dressed up,” Char said.

Natalia had the feeling Char didn't want to get wet.

“I'm in,’ Grazie said.

“I can help on the surface,’ Tia said. “Leave the new mothers out of this one.’

“Four will do. Let's go.’

Ill go with as a watch,’ Natalia said.

Tia looked to object, but held her tongue.

Moralis led the way upstairs and out of the house. His destination was the boat house.

“I only have three wet suits and flippers.’

Ill have to help from the raft,’ Tia said. “I'd rather not get wet.”

Uri, Grazie and Morals stripped down and put on the wet suits.

“Undo the last dock section,’ Moralis said, handing wrenches to Uri and Grazie. “I'll get the rest of the gear we need.’

Moralis pulled buoys off his boat and the walls of the boathouse. There were over a dozen.

“Nattie. Put those on the dock.

Char had joined them and helped, but it still took three trips. Tia joined them on the second trip, bringing coils of rope. Moralis joined them on the third trip with a small tool box.

Uri and Grazie were floating in the water with the dock section. They helped put the rest of the buoys onto the section.

“That section has its own set of flotation bladders. These buoys will hold up the piping,” Moralis said in explanation.

Natalia wasn't surprised that Uri and Grazie already seemed to know this.

“Nattie and Tia. Ride on the dock. We'll swim and push you to the location. Char? You coming?’

“I guess I don't want to miss this.’

Natalia was glad she was already dressed in dark colors. She stepped onto the section and sat with Tia. Char joined them, staying as much in the middle of the section as she could.

“There should be no boats out. We have an after-dark restriction,” Moralis said.

The section moved easily through the water, almost as fast as a boat. The lake area was quiet, and most houses were dark. However, many people had small lights on their docks. The only smells in the air were water, cut grass, and fish.

Natalia leaned over the front of the section and saw why it was moving so easily in the water. There were skis attached at the bottom, allowing it to glide effortlessly. Both Uri and Moralis had a rope attached to themselves and the section, and were swimming hard with their legs.

“I married an otter,’ she said with humor.

Tia cracked a smile.

“River rat,’ Tia said.

“I said that once and was corrected. This is a lake, not a river.’

“Shhh,’ Uri said.

Natalia knew it was just his way of telling them he was hearing them talk about him. She knew they were talking low enough not to be heard.

It was sometime before they stopped moving. Natalia knew one of them had dived. She couldn't tell who.

A head popped up.


It was Moralis.

Natalia had the feeling all three of them knew what needed to happen.

“Rope,’ Uri said.

Tia handed rope to him and Grazie. They both dived. Natalia almost ran out of breath when they finally resurfaced. They handed the ends of the rope up to them.

“Buoys,’ Morals said.

Natalia handed them buoys which she saw they were fastening all around the section.

“Hand over the ropes to this side.’

The ropes were now over the top of the section.

“Put the rope in the pulley wheels.’

The pulley wheels on the dock section had always confused Natalia. Now, she knew what their purpose was. She wondered what plans Moralis had in the future for this section of dock and the pipe. He didn’t know they would be doing this.

“Sit on the other side of the section.’

The section dipped when she and Tia moved. Char seemed frozen to the spot. The ropes slid through the pulleys. The weight that was obviously on the end of the ropes seemed to be counter balanced by their presence.

The pulling stopped.

Moralis took tools out of the tool box. Then all three men disappeared under the water.

Tia looked at Natalia.

Natalia shrugged.

The men seemed to be under water a long time. Someone surfaced only to dive back down. A few seconds later another surfaced, but also dove back down. Then the third surfaced to breathe and dive back down.

Finally, all three surfaced, gasping for air.

“Damn gunk,’ someone said.

The ropes strained and were being pulled again. The section leaned dangerously, making Tia and Natalia, edge farther toward the side that was higher in the water. Char, however, remained in the middle, looking a little terrified. Grazie joined them in being a counterbalance.

“Almost there,” he said to them. “Prepare to move to the middle on my word."

There were a few more hard pulls.

“One, two, move."

Tia and Natalia moved just as the end of a pipe poked up. The whole section rocked violently, but then settled. No one moved while the waves spread out. A few moments later, they would hear them lapping on the shore.

The section was sitting dangerously low in the water. Then slowly it rose.

“We're drained,’ Uri said.

Natalia scanned the area to see if they had drawn anyone's attention. Everyone seemed to wait. “Clear,’ she said.

Moralis heaved himself up onto the section.

Il go down and check.

Natalia recognized the piece of pipe. It was the same pipe she had climbed down that winter. Moralis climbed down inside and disappeared. The section only leaned a little from his weight. Natalia kept scanning the area. She could feel Uri and Grazie making adjustments to the ropes that held the pipe to the section to level it off. Buoys were moved around as well

It was a long ten minutes before Moralis reappeared.

“We're good. Who wants to go to Viperia?’

“Nattie. Go. You can check on Victoria. Grazie and I will stay here to watch.’

Ill come to provide Council approval,’ Tia said.

“Like hell, I'm staying on this thing, Char said.

Moralis climbed back down the pipe. Natalia followed, holding tight to the thin metal ladder. The ladder ended and she slid a little before the pipe leveled out more. Moralis was waiting. Once Tia and Char joined them, he took off at a fast pace. They all had to bend over to fit. She wondered how they managed to displace so much water that she knew had to have filled the pipe.

It wasn't long before they were in the main sewer area and running fast. Moralis seemed to know the way, which didn't surprise her. He stopped when he came to a turnoff.

“Call Mirren,’ he said to Tia.

Tia put the call through.

"Yes, Tia," Mirren said.

“Moralis, here. We're in the sewer. We need an army. We can get you out of Viperia.’

“Where do we meet you?

“We're on the south side. That huge grate used for storm water collection. Nattie's here to check on Victoria, too. It's just me, Tia, Nattie, and Char here. Send a twenty-foot ladder. And some florescent marking paint.’

Ill send out the word and someone to get you out.’

The call ended.

“Let's go.’

Moralis took the turnoff. They ran full out for sometime until they reached a dead end. Natalia panted for breath. A huge circular cement pipe went up over their heads. There was no ladder or way to climb up. However, as they all caught their breath, she spied hand holds.

“Climb up?’ she said.

"We can, but for everyone who is going to be coming and going, a ladder is better.’

There was a clang, then the sound of something metallic hitting the cement sides. A ladder soon came into view.

“Got it," Moralis said, taking hold.

He settled it on a clear area, then climbed up.

Natalia waited.


She climbed up. As soon as she reached the top, Moralis said Tia’s name.

“Welcome to Viperia,” Mag said. “I have one very unhappy little girl, here."

Natalia took Victoria in her arms.

“Shhh. Mommy here."

Bonnie was also there.

“Drivers guild is gathering,’ Bonnie said to Morals. “We're also checking all the bachelor houses for volunteers.’

A few minutes later, Mirren arrived.

Moralis brought him up to speed

Natalia nursed Victoria, while she listened.

“We need a first wave to go through who doesn’t mind getting wet,” Moralis said. “They'll need to set up a dock sections, so we can keep people dry and get them to shore. Uri's on the other end. He'll direct them. Once we get this set, then we'll send out reconnaissance teams to see what's going on. During that time is when everyone who is willing to help will be brought out. Hopefully, our recon tells us what we need to tell them and what to do.’

Mirren nodded.

“We have three Council members here...

Five,” Kareen said, coming up. “I heard and I approve.’

Rubert was the other Council member with her.

“I also approve. I have my entire staff getting notified. I already have thirty guys coming.’

“Tia? Nattie?"

“Approved,’ Nattie said. “This has to stop.’

“Approved,’ Tia said. “With this much help, we could take over A'ppollo.’

Just the gangs for now,’ Kareen said, sounding half serious.

Mirren smirked and nodded.

More ladders arrived.

“Moralis. I have ten volunteers for your wet wave.’

“Follow me," Moralis said.

They all disappeared down the ladders.

“I have the breast pump here, too. Or are you staying?’ Mag said.

'I need a bathroom first,’ Natalia said.

Someone guided her to a business that had opened its doors. It was another half hour of expressing breast milk for Mag before Natalia was ready to head back. By then, she could see there was a steady stream of people heading down the ladders.

Mirren was at the entrance giving directions and guidance.

“Heading out?’ he said to her.

'Yes. I have to make sure Uri isn't doing anything stupid.’

“Give him some credit. I think he has more brains than I do.’

“That might be the problem.’

Mirren smiled.

“He's survived this long doing Council work. Believe it or not, this isn't the worst he’s had to deal with. We now have lots of help. All of Viperia has united.’

Natalia watched five women who she knew were maids.

"The Maids Guild has stepped forward.’

“I didn’t know there was one.’

“They keep it a secret,” he said.

I'l follow them."

She watched the ladies slide down the ladders like firefighters. When it was her turn, she did the same. In the tunnel, she wondered how everyone was finding their way. At the end of the turnoff, she could see no one was going to get lost. Bright letters, written in Viperian, directed them to take a right. Moralis must have gone back through with the fluorescent paint he had requested. She found that every turn, coming and going, was clearly marked

While everyone moved through the sewer at a fast trot, everyone slowed to a stop at the pipe. She could see that someone was being a gatekeeper and only letting people through at designated intervals. It was ten minutes before it was her turn

'Go as fast as possible,’ the gatekeeper said.

Natalia followed suit, running stooped down as fast as she could. When she reached the ladder section, she had to pause until someone finished the climb, then she climbed up fast.

A hand helped her out. She was surprised to find it was Uri. Three more people exited the pipe. He helped them, then another man took his place.

"Wow," she said, looking around.

Dock sections extended across the lake to the other side.

“Good thing this wasn't the widest part of the lake,’ he said.

She watched as people came out of the pipe and were directed across the docks. Everyone ran as quiet as they could.

“What's happening?’

“Everyone goes across and waits for instructions. We're waiting for the last recon team to come back before we decide where we're sending everyone.’

“Where did you get all the docks? Never mind,” she said.

The docks she knew that had been in the area were gone.

“We borrowed a few," he said.

“This is going to be a mess to sort out, she said.

He shrugged.

“Come on. Let's go over.’

She followed him at a trot across the dock sections to the far shore.

“How's Victoria?’ he said, slowing to a walk and making his way into the park.

“Cranky. She wanted her momma. She has milk to last her for another feeding.’

Natalia felt overwhelmed. All around her, sitting in any available space, were Viperians. Most were dressed in dark colors. A few were festively dressed. No one talked. No one fidgeted.

Uri led her around the people and up a hill. Moralis was in the middle of a group. He spied them and waved them up.

“We have Gussy at the bar. We have locations of the gang leaders. I'll leave you to Gussy. We'll take care of the gangs and the lowlife Viperians.’

Ill need a handful to accompany me,’ Uri said.

As soon as the words were out, Bonnie appeared up with three other women

"You need some skilled people,’ she said.

“I have my crew,” Uri said.

“And me,’ Natalia said.

Uri nodded.

“Let's go over here.’

“Nattie, for your benefit,” Bonnie said. “This is Beau, Connie, and Janice. Younger sisters. We work well together.’

“Good to meet you,’ Natalia said.

They all nodded and smiled a greeting.

“I want you three to go into the bar,’ Uri said, gesturing at Beau, Connie and Janice. “The rest of us will surround the bar. We'll wait until Gussy leaves. We won't confront him in the bar while he’s surrounded by gang members and cronies.’

Everyone nodded.

“Does everyone know what he looks like?’

Everyone nodded.

'We need to wait until he flushes himself. I know with what Moralis has planned, that will definitely happen sometime tonight. We just have to be patient.”

Everyone nodded.

“We heard leathers and certain gang colors are in order,’ Bonnie said. “Wait here. We'll go find some costumes.’

The four of them left, leaving her and Uri standing in a sea of waiting Viperians. Uri did a slow spin. “This is so amazing,’ he said.

“United Viperia, she said.

“I've never seen anything like this."

He turned back to watch in the direction that Bonnie and her sisters had gone.

They're back,” he said, taking off in their direction.

Natalia could see they were wearing leather vests and red bandannas on their heads.

“We have motorcycles if we need them,’ Bonnie said.

Uri smiled and nodded.

Natalia thought it wise not to ask where they got them

“Let's go,’ Uri said.

They traveled through the park and suddenly they were surrounded by people drinking and dancing. Bonnie and her sisters blended in and were gone.

Uri led her along the edge.

“Roof is probably the best location,’ he said. "You take the building across and to the front. I'll go up on the bar roof and watch the back."

She nodded.

With the crowd of people, it was easy to see what direction they needed to go. There was no street traffic since it was elbow to elbow people. She soon saw the sign for Bruiser Bar and slipped away from Uri, heading to an alley by the building across from it. No one seemed to take notice of her. She knew there was no way to do this without being seen. Natalia decided to time her jump up on to the brick wall with the music. Moving to the beat, she positioned herself, then she jumped, climbing as fast as she could

At the top, she was surprised to find three guys looking over the edge toward the front. One was Viperian. He turned her way, having heard her, but she had already thrown the knife. She was glad he fell onto the roof and not over the edge. The other two were Undents and totally unaware of her or their lost companion.

One turned and unzipped his pants to pee. She threw her knife. He fell into his own stream of urine. His pal turned and laughed, probably thinking his friend lost his balance. Natalia threw her knife, but he shifted and it skimmed off his leather jacket. He now realized she was there. Looking like a bull ready to charge, he squared off. He stupidly took off his jacket, then motioned to her with a finger, like he was asking her for her best move.

Natalia threw her next knife. It hit him in the chest, right in the heart. He stood there like a statue, then dropped like a rock. She retrieved all her knives and peered over the edge. It was a wave of people. She looked across to the other building. Uri was standing there. She could also see two dead bodies on his roof.

He texted her.

Glad you saw those three.

Soam I.

She turned her focus to the street and the entrance of the bar. People were streaming in and out. She didn't know how she was going to identify Gussy.

Then the text came from Bonnie.

Gussy not in bar.

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