Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 81

There were shadows of people across the street on the walkway between two buildings. It was the same area where she and Uri had been accosted my five men that first day she had been with him. It had been the first time she had seen men die by a bite.

The shadows receded.

Natalia thought she smelled fear. Apprehension?

She took a few steps in that direction and the shadows disappeared altogether. Natalia did another slow spin, taking in all the people and the sounds. For a party, it wasn't loud, despite there was music playing in the background. All talk was in Viperian, which was normally quiet. There was a lot of touching and brushing against each other by both the men and women.

The man the women had undressed was now having hard intercourse with one of the them. However, it wasn't a breeding. The other woman seemed to be waiting her turn.

Natalia listened hard.

Again, she turned toward the walkway. She felt drawn in that direction and stepped up to the curb. Someone put a hand on her shoulder.

I wouldn't go over there. They're just watching, but they're not welcome.”

Natalia knew the young woman as Liza.

'Who are they?’

“Outcasts. Young men not up to our standards.’


'You could call them that.’

“Why are they scared?’

Liza's nostrils flared.

“They're probably just cautious because we don't want them around. Please stay within the park or the house.’

Natalia returned to her chair.

The man was now having sex with the other woman. There were now women moving about topless. “So this is what you'll be doing at a bachelor house when you get older.’

Victoria was no longer fussing, but she was awake.

Char came back over with a few other women who wanted to see Victoria.

“Don’t know if I like her seeing bachelor house life already.’

The women chuckled.

“Boys gotta learn how to make a woman happy,’ one woman said.

“They need to get practice somewhere,’ Char said.

“Summer gatherings like this are common,’ another said.

“We're lucky with the park being here,” Char said. “We can spread out. They're usually contained inside or within a backyard."

Natalia noted the man having sex try to bite the woman, but she pushed his head away and bit him instead. Everyone now seemed to be watching the pair.

'So he's getting practice with sex, and she’s practicing her bites?"

Natalia noted some sly looks.

Char smiled.

"You got the picture. It takes practice to handle all our venoms."

“How many are there?" Natalia said.

“More than enough.’

“That's what I keep hearing.

All the women smiled.

Natalia now understood what she was seeing. Men being used as guinea pigs. Their reward was sex. She wondered if Uri had been part of such parties, thinking she needed to ask him.

Just how many times can you bite one of them?’

Char shrugged.

“Depends on how much venom is injected. Something else we also learn to control.”

'So did Mina pass on what it took to get Uri to breed?

Char smiled slyly again.

“I don't think I should say.’

“No? Just pass it on that the next one who tries will have to contend with me.’

“Don’t worry. Uris now off limits because of you."

“Nice to hear.’

Char and her group rose and left.

Liza came back over.

“Come in. We have kabobs in the kitchen.’

Natalia had the feeling they wanted her out of the park.

She followed Liza over to the house. The decor was different from when she had last been there. There were more loveseats and sofas for lounging. The dining room was no longer set as a dining room, but looked like another living room.

In the kitchen, there was a woman holding an ice pack to her mouth

“Idiot jerked when I bit. Bent my fang wrong. It hurts like hell.”

"You have to learn to do it fast,’ someone said.

'l was concentrating on the bite.’

“It'll be okay by tomorrow,’ Liza said. “I had the same thing happen once.’

'Ends my evening early.’

She sounded disappointed.


The woman left with her ice pack.

'Are there other ways to practice?’ Natalia said to Liza.

Liza shrugged.

'Skin bags are available, but there's nothing like a live body."

She smiled.

“Do the men remember?’

Liza shook her head.

'If they did, we'd run out of men willing to show up. They just remember sweet sex.’

She chuckled.

Natalia took a kabob. It was warm, raw, and juicy. Victoria looked like she was chewing, but then she went back to sleep.

Natalia had this vision of the future. Her daughter chasing down squirrels and rabbits, ripping off their hide, and snarfing down the raw meat. She decided she had better do some education on the proper time and place for eating raw meals.

She wandered out to the backyard. There were a couple of tables with chairs. There were six women playing Pikers.

“Want to join the next game? Five dollar ante.’

Natalia shrugged.


She had some money on her. It wasn't much to lose. She watched the current game and wondered if she could go as fast as they were playing. When the game ended, one woman left. Natalia took her chair. Because money was involved, she decided to take Uri's advice on the game and not do her own experimenting. She concentrated hard and played the cards like Uri had told her.

“Damn. Where did you learn to play? one woman asked after two rounds.

“Uri, she said.

She was concentrating so hard on the cards, that after the fifth round and the end of the game, she found she had won.

The ladies immediately dealt the next game.

Natalia raked in the money, leaving her five dollars. Everyone else threw in money.

They were nearing the end of the second gate, when Natalia smelled it. Victoria jerked at the same time.

Something needed a bath.

Natalia played her cards with little attention. Again she won.

“Do you smell that?" she said.

Everyone flared nostrils.

“Sweat,’ one said.

Natalia nodded.

Five Viperian men hopped over the fence.

“Evening, ladies.’

Natalia knew in a moment they weren't invited guests. The women stood, but instead of looking alarmed, they smiled as if they had something in mind.

“No, biting," one man said, wagging a finger toward them.

Natalia rose and turned toward them. The whole attitude of the men changed as they focused on her. They went from looking cocky to looking alarmed.

Natalia took note of the change.

“No biting by who?’ she said, taking a step in their direction

Natalia knew it was an empty threat, but every single one of them backed up a step. This made her curious since she expected them to bunch together for protection if they were scared of her knives. However, they kept a scattered formation.

In an instant, one leaped over the fence and was gone, leaving his companions.

“Where you going, boys?’ one of the women behind Natalia said.

“Didn't know she was here,’ the obvious leader said.

As soon as the words left his mouth, they all scattered, jumping over the fence and were gone. Natalia could hear them running in many directions. There were additional running footsteps and she figured a few women from the park must have seen them and gave chase.

“They must have heard you're the one to beat in Pikers,’ someone said.

There were some chuckles.

Natalia picked up her winnings.

'I best leave while I'm ahead,’ she said, wondering why the men had been scared of her.

Less than a year ago, she had been terrified of them. Now, it was the other way around. She didn't think it was because of her knives

She went through the house and refilled her glass in the kitchen. When she went through the living room, three women had a man penned down on the floor. He looked as if he was in agony. She stepped out and sat on the porch.

Her phone told her a few hours had passed. Victoria was awake, but not fussing.

She sent a text to Uri.

Done for the night?

She looked over the park. There were still more women than men. Most of the men were naked, surrounded by three or more women.

Char separated herself from a group in the park and came up by her.

"You're full Undent, right?"

'Yes, of course. Why?"

“There's a rumor that you have a venom that kills. Kills Viperians.’


“Someone stalked a couple of those lowlifes that ran from here. They were talking about you and your venom. Causes red foaming of the mouth and death.”

“That's got to be the bad tea.’

Char grinned.

That's got to be it. Didn't put those two together.’

“Those three that died by Sophie's place.”

Char nodded with a grin.

"You got a reputation, girl.”

Char chuckled.

“Hopefully, it's to my benefit and keeps those guys away from me,’ Natalia said.

Her phone dinged.

“It's Uri. He'll be here in half an hour. Bonnie was over by him, so she'll get him then come for me.’ “Thanks for the warning.’

Char trotted back over to the park. Natalia heard her spread the word that Uri was coming. It started a chain reaction. All the chairs and tables disappeared. The lights were taken down from the trees. Natalia didn’t even see the men leave, but they were gone. Clothing was put back on. Women passed her to go into the house. She suspected the party would resume in the back or somewhere in the house. The only remnant of the party was the music playing in the background.

Char reappeared, wearing a short dress over her shorts.

“Let Tia know what you experienced with those boys,” Char said.


The limo pulled up.

“Good night, Nattie.’

“Good night, Char. Enjoy the rest of your night.

Char smiled.

“Oh, I will."

Bonnie stepped out of the limo and opened the door. Natalia slid in next to Uri. He leaned in to kiss and rub her cheek.

“Smells like they were having a party here," he said.

"You ever go to a bachelor party put on by the women?”

He shook his head.

"Too busy with schooling during those time. Besides, it's just an orgy."

Just?’ she said.

“I'm sure they're practicing.’

“The men or the women?"

He smiled.

Natalia realized they tended to speak Viperian when in Viperia until they would go through the gates.

“I have to call Tia,” she said, once the gates closed behind them.

He nodded.

Natalia made the call

"Evening, Nattie. What's up?”

“I heard a rumor, but it's not the rumor we were expecting.”


"Apparently I have venom that can kill a Viperian. Causes red foaming around the mouth.”

There was a long pause.

Natalia looked at her phone, thinking she had lost the call.


“Was this from the death of those guys who drank the bad tea?”

“That's what I'm thinking.”

"So we really didn't need Mole’s rumor.”

"Haven't heard anything about that one, yet.”

“Still too early.”

“Perhaps, we'll have a quiet weekend,” Natalia said.

“Perhaps. Thanks for the update. Anything else?”

“That's it. Have a good night.”

"Good night, Nattie.”

Natalia put her phone away.

"You have venom? Damn, I knew you were dangerous,” Uri said, edging away from her.

She smacked his leg that was still beside her.

"Apparently, that's what spread when those three drank the bad tea and died the other day.” “You're a dangerous woman,” he said.

“Good. They'll leave us alone, then.”

Natalia sighed and leaned back.

The limo stopped. She heard Bonnie get out, then saw her walk away. The door to the limo closed, and it drove on.

“Where are we going?”

“Somewhere,” Uri said.

"We're not going home?”


She turned to stare at him.

“Where are we going? You do realize we have Victoria with us.”

“l do.”

She waited, but he didn't say anything else.

“That didn’t tell me a thing. Who's driving?”

He didn’t answer.

“Is this a club decision?”

He shrugged.

“I hate it when you just shrug.”

“Who's driving?’ she said in Viperian.

There was no answer.

She looked out the window to see if she could figure out where they were going. It didn't take her long.

“We're going to Hell? With our daughter?”

“There's no one there,” he said.

“The last time we were there it was empty. How do you know it is now?”

"You stay all-fired up,” he said.

“I have Victoria with me. Of course, I'm going to stay all-fired up. What are you up to, Uri?"

He turned to look out the window.

Natalia felt like she was going to explode.

The limo pulled up to the gates of Hell. He slid out, pulling her with him.

“Careful,’ she said, resorting to Viperian to remain quiet.

Moralis stepped from the driver's seat.

“I should have known,’ she said with a roll of her eyes.

He grinned.

Uri held her arm and they walked fast into Hell. There still appeared to be no one around. The usual smells of stink, smoke and drugs was still absent as if no one had been there since their last visit early Thursday morning.

Natalia was furious being pulled along by Uri.

“Let me go. I can walk by myself.’

“She needs more tea,” Moralis said.


“Must if I can drag her along like this. Usually, she’s dragging me,’ Uri said.

Natalia had no idea what they were talking about. And they weren't being too quiet about what they were saying.

"You give me more tea and you'll be sailing over buildings,’ she said.

Uri loosened his grip, but he didn't let go.

“Where's the stash?’ Uri said.

“Where they would never suspect,” Morals said. “Cement truck. I think it's funny that no one looked into why it was there.’

They came to the street with the flat bed trailer and the cement truck.

"You have enough for all of us? Uri said.

"You are not drinking any of that tea,” Natalia said with force.

“Plenty,’ Moralis said. “A few good swigs and we'll be carrying that limo home."

Uri and Moralis both laughed.

Natalia thought they had gone insane.

Moralis opened the door to the truck. Uri got in, pulling Natalia with him. Moralis followed and shut the door.

“Lean forward,’ Moralis said, mouthing the words.

Uri pushed her so her head was down.

“Explain,’ she said with a hiss, making sure she didn't squash Victoria.

“Settle,’ Uri said.

He breathed in to her ear.

“Stop that before I slap you,’ she said.

“Just give us three minutes,” Moralis said.

He held his phone, tracking the passage of time.


He got out. Uri pushed her to follow.

Moralis pulled a rubber tube from a pocket. He poked it down into one of the fuel tanks.


Natalia saw with horror as Moralis sucked hard. Uri took the tube next. While he was sucking, Moralis huddled them together, then he took the tube, putting it near Natalia.

“Fifteen seconds,’ Moralis said, raising to the tube to her mouth, but he didn't let her touch it.

She could smell fuel, not tea.

“Are you insane?’

She felt sick that they had just drank fuel from a truck. Was this some new high Viperians got? Moralis pulled out the tube and put the cap back on the fuel tank.

“Where's the new factory?’ Uri said, wiping his mouth and licking his lips.

“Over here.’

At a trot, they headed for a building. Moralis looked around before opening a door that led to a basement area. Uri pushed her in. Once inside, they closed the door.

And they stood there.

Ten minutes ought to do it,’ Moralis mouthed.

Uri nodded.

Natalia was fuming. She thought they should be too due to the fuel they just drank until she realized, she smelled nothing on their breath.

She was now totally confused.

“Time,’ Moralis said.

They left the building. There was no fast walk. They now ran. Natalia felt Victoria whimper from the jarring. She eased out her stride to make it as smooth as possible.

They slipped through the door and back to the limo. Moralis opened the door for them, then he took the driver's seat.

Natalia waited until they were a few blocks away.

“What the hell went on back there?

Uri smiled.

"You're a wonderful actress.’

“I'm not acting. I'm furious.’

Just what we needed,’ Moralis said from the drivers seat.

'We needed you to act that way. For authenticity. We're setting a trap,’ Uri said. “When we were here the other night, Mina set up all her usual surveillance devices. We also spread some rumors that we were going back tonight to get more tea.’

“And what did that do?’

'Gussy's group was in here earlier setting up their own cameras. Hopefully, they caught us on camera,’ Uri said.

“And? They're going to try drinking fuel? They're going into an empty building, thinking it's a factory?’

“We're giving them empty leads. A stick with a string, but there's no carrot, so to speak. Causing some internal strife within Gussy's own group.’

'Gussy can control the Undents with drugs,’ Moralis said. “But he can’t control the Viperian lowlifes without giving them something in return. Super tea is a great reward.”

“A reward that doesn't exist,’ she said, seeing their point.

“Exactly,’ Uri said. “And when they don't find it, they're going to be pissed at Gussy.’

Natalia shook her head at the planning.

"You're definitely fully recovered from your head injury if you could think of all this,” she said.

Uri kissed her cheek.

The limo pulled over. Bonnie appeared. Natalia watched Moralis walk off.

“How the hell did you get Bonnie to let Moralis take the limo?"

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