Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 66

Natalia stopped herself from running after him. She could sense movement around the house the moment Victoria was in her arms.

You feel that?

Victoria was now wide awake with her eyes open.

“Why so many?"

She could feel about six or seven intruders. An answer came to her almost instantaneously. Whoever they were, they were going to keep Bonnie and Uri busy while someone got into the house. Natalia grabbed a throw blanket from the rocking chair and wrapped it around them before trotting down the stairs. She could think of three hiding places. Under the floor in the basement was only if she got desperate. She had learned grubbies didn't eat clothing since most of it was synthetic. Wrapped in a blanket, she would probably be safe as long as the blanket wasn't cotton.

She paused in the living room and looked at Victoria.

No, the basement wasn't an option. It wasn't worth the risk.

Her second thought was the cave-in. She could get there through the basement or jump down. No... jumping down with Victoria wasn't an option. She could get there through the basement. Who would look in a pit? Someone not expecting it. Whoever got in the garage would look at it right away. That was not an option.

There was the secret room in the garage. However, could she get to the switch for the door? It was in the drain that was over the cave-in where Uris car was usually parked. That wasn't an option. She moved to the garage door and out. By staying to one side, she managed to get to the garage door for her car. There was no cover there. But if she slid around and...

The backdoor to the garage opened. She froze, glad she had pulled the blanket over her head. Two men entered. They were dressed in black and had their faces covered.

Both men’s attention was drawn to the cave-in. They edged around it for the door to the house. Then, they slipped inside and were gone. They never once looked up and over to where she was. Who would look in the garage for a baby? No one. She might just get away with hiding in plain sight, she thought, while she edged to the point where she was between her garage door and Uri's. Maybe if someone did look her way, she would look like some object covered with a blanket to protect it. That had some good logic to it considering the condition of the floor. She squatted down, deciding to stay right where she was.

Outside, she could hear people running. She could hear Uri and Bonnie keeping each other apprised of where the people were. She didn't hear any knives thrown.

Natalia closed her eyes and focused on what she was sensing through Victoria. She could only guess that they were keeping Uri and Bonnie busy and maybe even Mag and the others so they could get into the house. That meant the only target was her and Victoria. Maybe only Victoria. Natalia felt pissed.

No one was going to mess with her baby.

It had been some weeks since she had carried any of her knives. It was time to start wearing them again.


There was sheer panic in the voice.


Uri must have figured out this was all a ploy. He was running through the house.


Natalia almost moved if it weren't for the word from Victoria.

Catty-cornered from her was a black figure. She had no idea how long the person had been there. Had he lost his escape route and was hiding? Or was he waiting for someone to come out? He didn't seem to be aware of her. His focus was on the door to the house.

“Nattie? Where are you?”

Her heart pulled at the urgency in Uri's voice, but she couldn't move. She dare not even speak in Viperian considering they were dealing with Viperians.

Tell daddy to be careful,’ she mouthed into Victoria's ear.

She didn't know why she told her. Victoria spoke too softly anyway.

The house was now frighteningly silent. She felt like they were in a waiting game.

There was a noise at the door to the house. At the same time, the door to the garage opened. The man bolted toward the house. As soon as he moved, she could see he wasn't a Viperian.

Bonnie opened the door to the house, causing the man to skid to a stop. Behind him, coming through the back garage door, was Uri.

"Who are you and why are you here?” Uri said.

“I don't want any trouble,” the man said, holding up both hands as if to show he wasn't armed. "Good. Who are you?"

The man looked frantic.

"He's going to jump,” she said just as the man did just that.

She stood when he leaped into the cave-in.

Bonnie disappeared into the house.

Uri stayed where he was, but his eyes were now on her.

“I heard her,” Uri said.

He raised his hand and pointed to his head with a finger.

“I heard her in here.”

“Turn on the lights out there,” Bonnie said, almost screaming.

“Beetles,” Natalia said, knowing the beetles avoided light.

Uri lunged to hit the lights for the garage.

There were screams in the basement.

“Bonnie?” Natalia said with horror. “Bonnie?”

“I'm okay.”

Natalia swallowed hard with relief.

Uri grabbed a halogen light that Bonnie used when she worked on the limo. He plugged it in and aimed it down the cave-in.

The screaming faded with a gurgle.

Mag and Zena ran in.


“I'm okay. Victoria is fine.”

“We have beetles loose,” Uri said. “Bonnie is in the basement. I have the bright light on this side.” The two disappeared into the house. A few moments later they heard Mag’s voice.

“Who's that? Or what was that?”

“We don't know,” Bonnie said.

“I don't like how we feed our beetles,” Natalia said in a flippant way while she edged around the cave-in.

“I'm so glad you're safe,” he said, looking greatly relieved.

He took her carefully in his arms as soon as he could. She thought he was shaking a little.

Thank you, Victoria," he said.

"Uri, toss down a hammer,” Bonnie said, calling from below.

He released her to get a hammer from the tool box and toss it down to Bonnie.

There was some pounding.

“I'm going to see who this was. You stay up here,” he said.

However, she followed him into the house and down into the basement.

Mag was just closing the door to the beetle room. The handle was broken. The man who had jumped down there was nowhere in sight.

“I got his wallet,” Bonnie said, flipping through it.

Zena had a flashlight and was searching around through the basement.

“I'm not seeing any escapees,” she said. “I think they all followed the body.”

“We'll have to get that door fixed tomorrow before you have any workers down here,” Mag said. Uri nodded.

“I don’t know this person,” Bonnie said. “Undent. I suspect a teddy bear.”

"Someone doesn't like Undents, but they have no problem using one,” Uri said in a low voice. “This was organized, too,” Bonnie said. “I didn't recognize anyone else, but they weren't dressed to be recognized.”

“They were after Victoria and me,” Natalia said.

Everyone was in silent agreement.

“I'm going to step out to get a bite to eat at one of the all-night places,” Uri said. “Then I'll sit on watch again. I'm not sleeping.”

“I'm not letting you leave,” Mag said. “We don't know if the house is being watched. If they see you leave, they might try again.”

“I'm hungry, Mag.”

“I'll fix you a sandwich,” she said, heading up the stairs.

“Thank you,” he said, trailing after her.

Natalia followed as well.

"Who's watching the cars now?” Natalia said.

“Kate's out there,” Uri said.

Natalia followed them into the kitchen. She could see that the kitchen was back to normal. Mag was quick to make a sandwich for Uri. He grabbed it off the plate and left to go out to relieve Kate. "Would you like something?” Mag said.

"A hot cup of tea would be nice. To settle the nerves,” Natalia said.

Mag put on a full kettle and pulled out a number of mugs.

“I don't think anyone's going to sleep,” Mag said.

"Did they go into the guest house?”

“No, they just blocked the doors. We had to go out a window, but by then they were gone.” “Because Uri figured out it was just a delay tactic and he went into the house. Caused them to flee.” Mag shook her head.

“I know Viperians with strong opinions, but they would never do something like this.”

“Maybe I should go to the next Wednesday meeting with Victoria for all to see.”

"Might be wise,” Mag said.

Bonnie came up from the basement.

“I nailed a board across that door. It won't stay shut,” she said. “The cage is a little iffy too. The drilling and excavation have loosened a few things.”

“Keep the lights on down there,” Mag said.

“I did.”

“I'd be a lot happier if he was using a Viperian crew for the tunnel.”

“Lots of construction happening this time of year. Hard to get those guys.”

The kettle whistled.

"Tea?" Mag said to Bonnie.

She nodded.

Mag poured tea for all of them and two extra mugs.

"Where did Zena go?”

Bonnie shrugged.

“I'm taking this out to Kate,” Mag said, leaving.

A few moments later, Zena appeared with a container.

“Fresh cookies,” she said.

Everyone took one.

Mag returned.

“I was hoping that was why you disappeared,” Mag said, helping herself.

Natalia took another cookie.

“I'm going back upstairs. Someone's sleeping now, but I have a feeling she'll be hungry soon.” Everyone nodded.

Natalia went upstairs and settled in the rocking chair. Victoria slept for another hour before wanting to nurse.

“You suckle hard, young lady. The more I feed you, hopefully, the faster I'll lose this baby fat. I only have so many outfits that can hold the knives, and I have to fit into one of them.”

The rocking chair was much too comfortable. The next thing she knew Mag was taking Victoria to change her diaper.

“It's still early,” Mag said.

“I'm getting up.”

Natalia noted the clock in the bedroom showed that it was a little after six. She showered, then sorted through the pants she had that could hold knives. There was one pair that she could squeeze into.

“Tight fit, but you'll have to do,” she said.

She stepped over to the nursery, but Victoria wasn't there.

“Mag? Do you have the baby?”

She trotted fast down the stairs.

Mag was quick to come out of the kitchen.

“Yes, we have her. I don't think we should leave her alone for a while.”

“l agree.”

"Here's the wrap.”

“Time to strap on the baby,” Natalia said with a chuckle.

She could hear noises in the basement.

"Workers here already?”

“Uri stole a door from next door. He's replacing the broken one. Zena found some new screen to fix the beetle cage. She's also down there. Bonnie's on lights to keep the beetles at bay, but their pretty busy with their snack from last night.”


“I'll get you some tea. Do you want some breakfast, too?”

“No, I'll wait. Tea, yes.”

Natalia's phone rang.

“Nattie? Are you awake?”

"Yes, Grazie. I'd have to be to answer the phone.”

He sounded rattled.

“Tia has to go to work. Can she drop the girls off over there? I have to head to the hospital. Corean is in labor.”

“Yes, that will be fine.”

“Thank you.”

The call ended.

Mag came out with her tea

"We'll be babysitting the Grazie group today. Corean’s in labor.”

Mag nodded.

“No problem. They're a good group of kids. Those pants look a little tight.”

"Yes, they are. Incentive to lose my baby fat.”

“You're only two days past giving birth. You need to give it a little more time.”

“I want to wear some knives. These pants are the only ones close to fitting,” Natalia said in a quiet voice.

“I understand,” Mag said.

Natalia went down into the basement to see what was happening.

The new door was hung, and Uri was holding the light while Zena worked inside.

“There. Done. Probably stronger than before,” she said, backing out.

Uri closed and locked the door. He tested the key which worked.

“That looks like a stronger door,” Natalia said.

“Metal door. Took it off the garage next door,” he said.

"Grazie's group is coming over. Corean’s in labor.”

"Good. We can use some help. I need to clear out the garage. An extra crew is coming in to speed up the tunnel building. At least through our garage so we can get the new pad poured.”

“It's going to be some time before we can park cars in there,” she said, following him upstairs “We're going to use the garage next door to park our two. Just leaves the limo and Kate's car outside. Might have Bonnie park the limo elsewhere. Oh, wait... we'll need it tomorrow to go to the lake with everyone.”

"You just stole a door off that garage so it's not secure.”

“I'll go replace that one later today, but I had to fix the beetle door first. Top priority.”

“Do I need to report this to the Council?”


“I'll give Kareen a call later.”

Uri paused on his way to the garage and turned toward her as if he had just remembered something.

“Morning, little girl.”

He gave Victoria a kiss on her cheek, then he gently put his arms around them both.

“I love both my girls,” he said, breathing deep in her hair.

“I love all my men,” she said.

She felt him smile.

“That should be “all my man’, he said.

She smiled.

"Yes, you, too,” she said, being a tease.

He chuckled.

"You look ready to do battle,” he said. “Stay out of the bedroom or I might attack you. You look rather titillating.”

“I figured with what is going on that I need to be prepared.”

“For what? Me or intruders?"

"Yes, all of the above. And you're not touching me until the birth control implant gets placed.”

“A bite from me negates it,” he said.

“And an angry woman will have you sleeping on the sofa forever.”

He kissed her cheek.

“I don’t need any more angry women.”

“What are you going to do about Mag?”

“I hired a cleaning crew to come later today and tomorrow. She just has to supervise.”

"And the carpets?”

“Cleaning crew will rip out all the carpets that Mag doesn’t want. We'll then inspect the floors and decide what we want to do. I hate carpeting. I ripped a bunch out of this house when I moved in.” Natalia detected some movement out of the corner of her eye.

"Oh," she said.



Uri turned to look.

“Male beetle looking for new territory. Keep an eye on it.”

He left to go into the kitchen, but was soon back with a pair of tongs. She pointed where it had gone. He reached under sofa and grabbed it.

She laughed.

“I think it's holding on to the tongs harder than you're holding on to it.”

“I wouldn't mind if it was a female that escaped. They don't pinch, but it's always a male thinking he’s finding new territory.”

Uri headed for the basement.

Natalia went upstairs to get her tablet. She turned to go back down, but Mag was there with some tea.

“Thanks, Mag.”

"Did Uri tell you about the cleaning crew today and tomorrow?”

"Yes. So, you take it easy. Or as easy as you can, considering the construction chaos. Remember, lake tomorrow,” she said.

"After breakfast, we're going over there to decide what needs to be changed after the cleaning Maybe even think of what color to paint the walls.”

“I'd like to hear that. Give me something to do other than feed someone or myself.”

“I'll get you,” Mag said, leaving.

Natalia settled in the rocking chair. A short time later, Grazie's group came.

“Tia just dropped us off. She had to get to work, so I hope you don’t mind that she didn't stop in,” Tracy said.

“No problem.”

Mag came up.

"Did you girls get breakfast?”

"Yes, we're good.”

"Stay out of the basement and the garage because of the construction.”

"We will. We brought books and computers.”

"Good. Later, we're all going over to the other house. I can set a playpen up downstairs for Grace. Let Nattie be for a while.”

Everyone left. Natalia was glad for the silence, but felt a comfort that there were lots of people in the house. She focused on her school assignments. An hour later, Mag brought up breakfast and changed Victoria's diaper. She could hear the girls talking downstairs. They were keeping themselves occupied and sounding like they were having fun. Natalia waited an hour after breakfast to call Kareen.

“Morning, Kareen.”

"Good morning, Nattie. How are you doing?”

“I'm fine, but I need to report an incident.”


“We had intruders at the house again.”

Natalia gave the details.

Kareen was unusually silent afterward.

“You still there?” Natalia said, making sure she hadn't lost the call

"Yes. I'm finding this very disturbing.”

"Also, we think a teddy bear was used. They left him behind and he tried to go through the beetle room to escape. Uri has decided to do some home remodeling which has added to the chaos. Construction caused the garage floor to collapse. The hole might have confused the man which is how he got into our basement.”

“Teddy bears get a little frazzled towards the end. The beetles probably only sped up his demise, but not by much.”

“Do you have any idea who may be doing this?”

"I-'m not sure.”

Natalia thought Kareen sounded a bit off. She was always very confident in her replies, except for now.

“Perhaps, I need to introduce Victoria to Viperian Society, so they can see she’s just a baby.”

“Yes, might be wise. Thank you for letting me know, Nattie.”

The call ended.

Natalia felt unsettled.

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