Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 110

A few minutes later, there was a bell and a quiet announcement.

“Code red. Code red.’

Bonnie looked up.

“Uri is trying to die,’ she said.

Victoria woke and whimpered.

“What floor is surgery?’ Natalia said in a whisper.

There are two, but I'm betting they took him to the first floor,” Bonnie said

Her ears perked up and she left.

“It's just Mag,’ Kate said.

“Don't go,’ Natalia said, fearing to be alone.

“I'm staying right here,’ Kate said, pulling up a chair.

A nurse stepped in.

“They need blood donors.’

Natalia looked at Kate who looked at her.

“Sorry, I have to go,’ Kate said.

Natalia nodded. However, as soon as Kate left, Rayna, Uri’s mother, stepped in. She had a bandage on her arm,

"You gave blood, too?” Natalia said.

Rayna nodded.

“Everyone who is family is being pulled in. They even called in Zena. How's my little granddaughter?’ Victoria smiled.

Is that a cat?’

“My kitty,’ Victoria said, petting Tail.

“Her birthday present.”

“Tail. Her name is Tail," Victoria said.

“She won't last long.’

“No eat,’ Victoria said with vindication.

“Huh, so she knows."

“Daddy said no eat, no bite, and no hunt. Both she and Tail are very protective of each other. Guard kitty.’

“Attack kitty," Victoria said with a grin.

The was a sound outside the door. Mag appeared in a wheel chair. Bonnie was pushing her. “Stupid hospital,” Mag said.

"You should be resting, Mag,’ Natalia said.

I'm rested. We might as well all be together.’

“If we had cards, we could play Pikers,’ Bonnie said. “Kate, I thought you always carried some in your car?’

Kate shook her head.

“When I last visited my mother, I left them."

Ill go check my car,’ Rayna said, leaving.

"You two stay. We need to get some tea and breakfast.’

Bonnie left.

“We walked into an ambush,” Mag said in a quiet voice. “They were aiming for Uri."

'Anpu said pretty much the same thing.’

“That guy can throw a knife. I swear he threw clear across the street and took out the guy who shot Uri."

A nurse arrived with a cart, ending any further discussion. Natalia was glad of it. She didn’t want to talk about what happened. She really wanted to shut it out and hear that Uri was alive and would recover.

The cart held a tea service, half a dozen cups, and food. Bonnie returned and helped to serve. Natalia ate and drank without even remembering what she ate since she focused more on Victoria. There was even a small bowl of raw meat. Natalia didn't know if it was for them or Tail, but Victoria fed the meat to Tail and no one said anything.

Rayna arrived with cards. The cart was cleared and used as a table. Natalia hardly paid any attention to what she played. It wasn't until she let Victoria choose the cards that she started to win a few hands.

That girl is going to be hard to beat when she grows up,’ Bonnie said.

Mag laughed.

“What did you expect out of a Uri kid?"

It was now approaching noon.

A doctor stepped in. He looked pretty solemn.

“He's out. He's breathing."

Then he left.

“What does that mean,? Natalia said, feeling anxious.

“He's alive,’ Bonnie said. “At the moment.’

Natalia wanted to get up and run after the doctor.

“Can I see him?’

Bonnie rose and left.

“Damn, you scared me. Let us know next time that you're out here.’

Bonnie was talking to someone.

Natalia looked to Kate and Mag

“Probably Anpu,’ Kate said, shuffling the cards.

“Maybe they should have assigned Anpu to watch over Uri instead of me.’

“That's... our job,” Mag said. “And Bonnie. We failed.’

Kate let out a breath of concern.

Natalia looked to her, but Kate remained silent.

“I have to get up and use the bathroom.’

Natalia slid her legs over.

“I need some clothes, too.’

"Zena brought a bag. It's in Mag's room,” Kate said rising.

Natalia thought she was going to get the bag, but she stepped over to help her stand and guide her to the bathroom. The hospital gown she was wearing was open in the back. She had to remind herself that she had tromped around the Sex Festival in less than the gown.

When she came out, Kate had a bag.

“Thanks, Kate.’

Bonnie stepped in while she dressed.

They'll let you see him. He's down the hall in the one of the intensive-care rooms.

Natalia dressed as quickly as she could. The bandage reduced some of her movement, but she found she could walk on it without too much pain.

“I'll watch Victoria,’ Kate said. “She can't go in with you.’

Bonnie led her down the hall. The only other person in sight was Anpu leaning against the wall right outside her room. As Bonnie led her down the hall, he remained where he was.

Bonnie stopped at a door and gestured for her to go in. Natalia would have welcomed her company, but she remained outside. She stepped in with caution, bracing herself for what she might see.

Uri's eyes were open and he was looking toward the door. There were two IVs hooked to him and a monitor. She could see how fast his heart was beating and how many breaths he took. What disturbed her the most was how motionless he was and how pale he looked. His eyes didn’t track her coming in to stand beside him.

“Uri. It's Nattie.’

"Yeah," he said, hardly moving his lips.

She touched his hand, but it was cold. His fingers curled around her fingers.

“I hear the house is a mess, but you'll love it. You can do more remodeling.”

He neither moved nor acknowledged what she said. His eyes remained aimed at the door.

“Don’t you dare die on me,’ she said, finally letting the tears flow.

“No,’ he said.

His voice was barely a whisper.

She squeezed his hand and wiped her eyes on her sleeve. He squeezed her hand back.

Natalia sniffed and turned.

Kareen stepped into the room at a slow pace. Natalia expected her to ask how they were, but her face seemed extra grim. She felt tension fill the room. Even Uri stiffened.

“What on earth were you thinking?’ Kareen said in a low, reprimanding voice to Uri.

“I was protecting my family," he said in a hoarse voice.

“This is not the time to be risking everything. You have a security network around you. There was no need for you to expose yourself. This is not the time for heroics. You know what we're doing. You know why we have people positioned where they are.’

Natalia felt as if Kareen had slapped them both in the face. She felt shocked by Kareen's words. “This is not the time for jealousy,” Kareen said.

Her eyes were full on Uri as if Natalia wasn't in the room.

Natalia had the feeling that some of this was about Anpu.

"You are too important for this sort of behavior. You were risking everything, Uri. Everything. Remember... what we have given you can just as easily be taken away."

Uri blinked his eyes in response.

“Don’t ever do this again.’

He blinked.

"You are on reprimand and probation. Do you understand?’ Kareen said.

Uri blinked.

“Do you understand?’ Kareen said again in a slower voice as if making sure the words sunk in. Yes,’ Uri said.

To be sure... Victoria will reside in Viperia.’

Uri blinked.

Natalia gasped and ran out of the room as best she could. She ignored the discomfort of her leg and the bandage. Sliding, she skidded into her room. Bonnie, Kate, and Mag were there. Victoria was gone.

“They took her,’ Bonnie said.


Natalia skidded back out into the hall and to Uris room. Kareen was already gone.


She could see tears in his eyes.

“What is this?"

He closed his eyes and didn't answer.

Natalia suddenly felt very alone. She looked to the door, expecting to see Mag or Kate, but there was no one.

“Are... are you allowed visitors?’

“No. Just you,” he said in a murmur.


“Probation. Death sentence. Prison. Sometimes they are one and the same.’

“Because you were protecting your family?’

'l... I shouldn't have gone out without the all clear.’

"Your position at the Bank is more important than your family?’


He took a few breaths.

“Council... sees my position as crucial to everything. Family secondary.”

Natalia stared at him. She felt like a puppet on a string.

“Fuck this. I'm getting our daughter back.

She returned to her room. Her leg was now throbbing. She stared at everyone there.

“How dare you let them take my daughter,” she hissed at them

“Our hands are tied when it comes to the will of the Council,’ Bonnie said.

Mag and Kate didn't look happy.

“It wasn't my will. Mother beats Council," she said with conviction.

“However,’ Bonnie said, mouthing the words and looking to the door. “We can track her.’

"You don't think they'll remove her earrings?’ Natalia said in a low voice.

“They did," Mag said, opening a hand to reveal them. “But that's not how we'll track her."

"The Council may have told you that you have to share blood to be family,’ Mag said.

“But while you wear that ring on you finger... Kate said, twirling her own ring on her middle finger on her right hand. “ are within the sisterhood. That can be as strong as a blood tie."

“How are we tracking her?’ Natalia said.

Bonnie smiled.

“I think they keep forgetting you have me as a sister. Never underestimate the Drivers Guild." Tail," Victoria said, trying to look around Tia.

“Do we have to take that thing?’

Yes, Pearl. Unless you want a screaming child. It's harmless. Just think of it as a moving stuffed animal,’ Tia said.

Victoria didn't like that Tia was carrying her. Things didn't feel right.

“Do you want to ride in back or drive?’ Tia said.

“Sit in back with that thing? I'll drive.

Pearl opened the back of a car. Victoria made sure Tail had jumped into the car while Tia strapped her in.

“Which safe house are we taking her?’ Tia said.

“We haven't decided yet,’ Pearl said, sliding into the driver's seat.

Tia shut the car door and proceeded to run around to the other side, but the car jerked and sped off.

Victoria watched with concern while the figure of Tia disappeared. She thought Tia didn't look happy.


Victoria was now sure she didn't like what was going on.

“Mommy is busy right now,’ Pearl said.

Tail crawled in her lap.


“Bad person,” she murmured into Tail's ear.

She watched where they were going and recognized when they went through a gate, leaving Viperia. That concerned her until the car reached a different gate of Viperia and drove through, going back in.

Bonnie, Kate and Mag had taken her for a lot of walks there while her mother was busy. She recognized where she was immediately, but she didn't recognize the house they pulled up to. The house was only a block from the pond where she had watched the swans the last time she had taken a walk with Zena.

Pearl unstrapped her and lifted her out.

“Walk, Victoria said in a demanding voice, to be put down.

“Stop struggling,’ Pearl said.

Victoria had almost squeezed out of Pearl's arms when the front door was opened and she was whisked inside. She was about to scream when she caught sight of Tail scooting behind a chair. Pearl released her.

“Keep her inside. There is a damn kitten somewhere. I don't see it anymore. Hopefully, it ran off.’ “Someone will find it and have a snack.’

Victoria didn’t know who this woman was.

“Shouldn't be too hard to keep track of a one year old."

“I don't think she’s had lunch, so feed her and let her nap. You'll have an easy afternoon.’

Pearl left the way she came. Victoria watched the front door get shut and locked.

“Come along, dear. Let's have some food. Do they feed you normally? Or are you stuffed with Undent food?"

“Who are you?

“I'm your Auntie Telsa.'

Telsa took her hand and half dragged her to the kitchen.

“Sit down.’

Before Victoria could do anything, she was lifted up into a chair and pushed close to the table. "You probably need tea. You don't look like they feed your right. Your coloring is terrible."

Telsa poured tea into a cup and gave it to her.

Victoria noted it was the black tea. She just stared at it.

Telsa next sliced up some raw meat and put it on a plate before her. Then she sat with her own tea and meat.

“Eat now.

Victoria sipped the tea while she thought. She knew Mag and Zena had a hard time keeping track of her. How was this one woman, who didn’t know her, going to keep track of her? Victoria smiled and picked up a piece of meat.

That's a good girl."

Victoria chewed through the meat, knowing exactly what she needed to do. A fake nap time would give her the time to escape

"You have a kitty?’

Victoria shrugged.

“Kitty gone,” she said.

“Yes. I'm sure it is."

After the meal, Telsa led her upstairs to a room

“Nap time."

Victoria got up on the bed and lay down. She could see the sensors on the door. However, she could also see Tail sneaking behind Telsa who seemed oblivious of her. Victoria closed her eyes until Telsa walked off. She opened them to watch her go into another room, then come back out to go downstairs.

A few minutes later, Tail was sitting in front of the bedroom door.


Victoria slid from the bed to tiptoe over by Tail.

“Where is she?’


“Kitchen. That gives us a clear way to the front door.’



She followed Tail into the room where Telsa had gone at first. There was an open balcony door. There were flowering vines on both sides of the balcony.

Victoria nodded to Tail that she understood. She climbed up onto a chair and then onto the railing. She used the trellis to climb down. Tail did the same. In a flash, they were out the gate of the backyard and cutting across the neighbors lawn.

“We should find Gracie.’

Victoria racked her brain to remember who lived in Viperia. Not everyone did. She knew Becky didn't.

“Raphie does. Piza.’

She crept into some bushes to get her bearings.

“We have to find one of them."


“But first, we need to get away.’

Victoria went around the block, doubling back, so she was near the pond. That was her point of reference.

'I think this way to Raphie’s.’

She picked a street with a familiar sign hoping to recognize a house. However, after a few blocks, there was a park. She stopped and smiled. Not only did she recognize the park, but one of the cars parked at the curb.

“That's Becky's car.’

She crossed the street to the car, then slowly crept around it. There were other children in the park, but it was easy to pick out Harold and Becky.


“Don't let her daddy see.’

Victoria watched Tail flashed across the park, using trees to hide. Becky was running along the line of some bushes. Harold was sitting on top of a picnic table. She didn’t think he was paying attention, but she corrected herself, when he looked up at Becky. He knew right where she was at. Victoria looked around. Tail was no longer in sight. Becky had turned and was going back to her father.

I need my hand wipes, Daddy.’

“Car is unlocked,’ Harold said.

Victoria smiled. Becky was headed right this way. She also caught sight of Tail coming back. Becky came around the car, but put her finger to her lips. Victoria swallowed her voice. Becky had to reach up to open the car door on the street side.

“What's wrong, Becky said, taking out a small hand towel.

“Adult problem. Daddy is hurt. Mommy is hurt. I got taken away. Something is wrong."

“Get into the car. I'll see what I can do.’

Victoria climbed in with Tail. Becky shut the door. Victoria huddled down behind the driver's seat. She felt like she was sitting a long time before both front doors opened. Becky climbed into the passenger side and shut her door. Harold climbed into the driver's seat and shut his door.

There was the sound of a phone. She knew by the tone that Harold had it on speaker and was making a call.


'Hi, Grazie, this is Harold. Something is up.

“A lot is up, Harold. Can you narrow it down?


That's being kept totally under wraps, but this is what happened. His house was fired on and destroyed. He was shot. Mag and Nattie were shot. Everyone is alive. Uri, just. Council put him on probation. They took Victoria from him to make sure he keeps in line. I hear Nattie is beside herself." "You know all that and it's a secret?”

Tia is on the Council. She was the one who took Victoria, but then they took Victoria from her. She's furious. Victoria is family, you know.’

“I know,’ Harold said. “Pass on that a squirrel told me a secret and that the baby is safe in the nest.’ “I got that. Keep the squirrel safe. Uh, both squirrels?’


Kitty," Becky whispered.

'Yes, both squirrels,” Harold said.

“Thanks, Harold. Stay safe.”

I'm smelling some rats, and I love rat hunting.’

Grazie laughed and ended the call.

Victoria heard Harold shift in his seat. She looked up, and he was looking down at her.

"Hi, squirrel. We'll tell your mommy not to worry about you. Do you want to go home with us?” Victoria nodded.

“Good. Stay down there out of sight."

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