Bitten (Book 1 - Book 4)

Chapter 105

Natalia stepped out of the restroom to head back to her office. Her quick trip hadn't been so quick. She had found a bit of lunch staining her new blouse and had spent the time to wash it out. When she reached the middle of the hall, the lights went out. She glanced at the emergency lights down the hall. They didn’t go on.

Shit, she thought.

She kept on moving since the dark wasn't hampering her. However, she was suspicious. When she reached her office, she was glad to see that her office phone was still lit up. It was getting its electricity from somewhere else. She dialed Ursula. The phone rang to her voicemail.

It was later than she thought. It was almost five-thirty. Most everyone would be gone. She tapped her cellphone to get a hold of Bonnie.


“Lights went out on my floor."

“The whole block looks like it went out,” Bonnie said. "You stay right where you are.’

The call ended.

Natalia wondered if she should call Uri, but he would be in the limo by now. She figured Bonnie had told him, and he was coming up for her. When she heard the footsteps, she fully expected to see him, but it wasn't Uri.

“Follow me,” Anpu said.

He was dressed in dark slacks and a black long sleeved shirt.

She rose with her satchel. He led her out to the hall and to the stairs. Once in the stairwell, he led her up instead of down. He moved fast, and she had to run to keep up.

When they reached the next floor, she saw that the door had been jammed closed with a two-by- four preventing anyone from exiting. Anpu cleared the jam and continued up.

Every door they came to was jammed shut. Anpu removed the board on every floor. She was wondering why he had jammed the doors. After five floors, she decided he hadn't done this. There was no point in him doing so.

Once they past a floor and the jam was removed, it wasn't long before she heard people exiting and heading down. The voices were both Viperian and Undent.

Anpu cleared the jams the whole way up to the top floor. And at a very fast pace. She was breathing heavy and feeling warm when they neared the top. Anpu waved her on when they reached the door to the top floor.

'Uri’s still here. He's waiting.’

She exited the stairwell, but Anpu stayed behind.

This floor wasn't so dark since the emergency lighting was working. When she passed the light, she spied Uri standing in the hall. Beside him was Ravi, the current President of the Bank.

“Nattie,” Uri said.

"What happened?” she said.

"Probably someone hit a transformer,” Ravi said. “There is so much construction.”

"At least it was at the end of the day,” she said.

“I was just telling him about the shop you're opening up,” Uri said.

"Yes. I'll have to invite Sittel, Nancy, and Beah,” she said.

Ravi had three wives which was allowed because of his religion.

"A clothing store?” Ravi said.

“Custom clothing. Like this blouse. I'm hiring a friend I went to school with. She's a great seamstress. Geared more for the person who just doesn't fit in with clothes off the rack.”

“That is a fine blouse,” Ravi said. “May 1?"

She held out her arm. He felt the cuff and seam.

“Nice fabric. Perhaps I should get Sittel to go. Then you or your seamstress can get her measurements. Her birthday is coming up, and I'm always at a loss at what to get her.”

“I think we can arrange something,” Natalia said.

“It's so good to hear that area of town is being renovated. It has been an eyesore for so long,” Ravi said.

“Lots of work ahead,” Natalia said.

“I don’t know how you find the time,” Ravi said.

“Well... My girlfriend will manage the store. I hired a tailor that was displaced from the downtown renovations. I just hope I get work for them.”

“I'll have Sittel spread the word,” Ravi said.

“I should call her and let all the Garden Party ladies know,” she said.

“That alone will fill the store,” Ravi said with a laugh.

The lights flickered and came on.

"Ah, good. I hated thinking about going down the stairs,” Ravi said.

“I'm sure the generators kept the essentials running,” Uri said. “Elevators are essential.”

"Yes, but when you don't know what caused the outage, it's wise to take the stairs.”

“I think that's what the emergency posters say,” she said.

Uri shut and locked his door.

As a group they moved toward the elevators. Just when they reached them, one opened. Ursula and two policemen stepped out.

“Nattie,” Ursula said.


"How long have you been up here?”

“Now what has she done?” Uri said, sounding displeased at the implied accusation.

“Lights went out a little before five-thirty,” Ravi said. “She was here a short time after that.” Natalia knew by his defensive response that he knew she was being targeted.

“The time it took me to walk up the stairs,” she said.

"All the stairs were blocked,” Ursula said. “Nobody could get out.”

“Nattie came from the stairs,” Ravi said.

"I did see two-by-fours on the floor by each door,” Natalia said. “But the doors weren't blocked when I passed them.”

Which was true because Anpu had been ahead of her removing the jams.

"Someone is blaming her for the destruction of the transformer that caused the whole city block to black out,” Ursula said. “And something else.’

"Tsk, tsk. Someone needs to look elsewhere,” Ravi said. “Nattie has been right here.”

“Where's the transformer?” Natalia said, wondering what the something else was.

Based on the previous accusations, it had to be regarding some illicit liaison with another man. She almost laughed at the idea that someone thought it necessary to black out a whole block instead of using a light switch to darken a room for a tete-a-tete.

“Three blocks down,” Ursula said.

“I don't think I could have done that between the time I walked out of the office with my department at five and when I arrived here. I did stop in the restroom. I had some lunch on my blouse.”

She touched the spot, but it was already dry. The stain was gone as well.

“That's what I thought,” Ursula said. “And it doesn't look like you carry a shotgun in your satchel.” “Hardly.”

“Sorry to have bothered you, but I have to do my due diligence,” Ursula said.

“I'm aware of these allegations. They are becoming ridiculous,” Ravi said.

They all stepped into the elevator.

“Nattie was telling me about the new clothing store she is opening up in the new development area,” Ravi said.

“Hell?” Ursula said in Viperian with a tone of disbelief.

“That place called A Hell Of A Place,” Natalia said, verifying the location. “Custom clothing. My girlfriend, Lisa, is a great seamstress. She made this blouse. And that tailor down on Seventh Street was evicted because they are renovating that area. I hired her on as well.”

“When is it opening?”

“Next Saturday. We're going fast and furious.”

“Make an announcement at the Women’s meeting,’ Ursula said in Viperian.

“I'll put an advertisement in the paper. I think I'll hire the A'ppollo dance troupe to hand out flyers.” Ursula chuckled because she knew it involved Anpu.

“You might as well.”

Natalia noted Uri rolled his eyes.

The elevator made a few stops and when they reached the ground floor, it was full.

“Have a good weekend everyone,” Ravi said.

“You as well,” Uri said.

Ravi's white limo was parked behind Bonnie. His driver was waiting to open the door for him just like Bonnie was waiting for them

Natalia slid into her seat. Uri slid in beside her. She was surprised to see Anpu sitting across from them.

'Uri,” Anpu said.

“Anpu,’ Uri said.

His voice was flat as if showing his displeasure.

Natalia brought out her phone and called Kareen.

“Kareen, this is Nattie.’

Ill call you back,’ Kareen said.

The call ended.

“Why do I feel like I'm being kept in the dark?"

“Literally?” Anpu said.

He kept a stoic face. Uri led out a loud breath. She had the feeling he didn't like the fact that Anpu here. She didn't like him being there as well.

“Do you know where this is coming from?’ she said.

Anpu shook his head.

“We don't need company on the ride home,’ Uri said.

"You're just giving me a lift, Anpu said. “I have a performance tonight. I shouldn't hoof it and wear myself out.’

She knew he had just run up twenty-four flights of stairs and probably back down them.

"You should make yourself useful,’ she said, despite she knew he already had. “I'll make up some flyers. I'm opening up a business in Hell."

“Word is already out,” he said. “I'll be happy to circulate them around.’

The limo pulled up to one of the main theaters in town.

“Thank you,” Anpu said, opening the door once the locks clicked.

They clicked again when he shut the door.

The reason I was late and hadn't left yet is because Moralis came up to visit, Uri said. “He had a two pm press conference and mentioned your business as an example of the progress that has occurred due to his programs.’

Natalia laughed.

“He also has forwarded me a dozen people all looking for places. Most of them are from the downtown area. Undents. So we're going to make a killing just on the subsidies for taking in displaced businesses,” he said.

If 'm going to continue to work at the bank, we may need a project manager to handle this. I don't think Lisa is the one for this type of work."

“Glad you said that. I hired one.’

She eyed him.

“Who? Someone we know?’


“Why doesn't that surprise me?’

“Since he's home being mom, he has the time.’

“With how many kids?’

“Grazon and Grace are the only youngsters that really need watching. And he and Tia have maids now. He's pretty freed up and getting antsy to be doing something. I already have meetings scheduled with him and future tenants tomorrow. I'll get you the lease agreement for Yiggy tonight.’

“Good. Lisa sent me a text that she gave notice to both her employer and her apartment complex. I'm picking her up at nine.’

“I'll already be there. I'll drive myself. You take the limo with Bonnie and... Kate is going to help?" Mess

“Good. You don't need Anpu or Mina.’

“That reminds me to make up the flyers."

Uri frowned.

“Everything helps. I just need to make sure I have business to keep these people busy."

Uri shrugged.

“All the upscale clothing places offer alterations,” he said. “It may be a tough business to get off the ground.’

He paused.

“Especially in Hell."

His words didn't offer her any comfort.

“Uh Oh,” Uri said when the limo pulled into the garage.

Natalia looked out the window. Zena, Mag, and Kate were standing there with Victoria.

I wonder what she did now,’ Natalia said.

Uri stepped out of the limo and gave her a hand out.

“What happened?’ he said.

While they headed into the house, Kate told them about the man who had cut holes in the sliding glass door and ended up as grubbie food.

“That's scary,’ Natalia said.

“Striking in broad daylight. They are getting more and more brazen,’ Mag said.

Bonnie came into the house to hear what happened.

“When is the glass being fixed?" Uri said.

They had all ended up in front of the patio doors. There was cardboard tapped over the holes. “They are coming tomorrow to look," Zena said. The guy wasn't too optimistic. Depending on the model and age of the patio door, it might just mean a new patio door."

To replace a piece of glass?" Uri said.

“Double pane unit,’ Zena said.

“Nothing is ever simple,” he said. “l want dinner.’

Natalia watched him go.

“How was Victoria?"

“She was fine,’ Kate said.

Natalia took Victoria from Kate.

'Did you help nap the bad man?’ Natalia said to Victoria.

Victoria grinned and nodded.

Natalia felt rushed through dinner. It wasn't because Uri ate fast. He always did. It was all that she needed to do for promoting the store.

“I'm a terrible artist,’ she said while she worked at the dining room table trying to come up with a flyer. “This is harder than it feels like it should be."

Just take a picture of some fabric, thread and needles. Then take a picture of that blouse that Lisa made,’ Mag said.

“That might work. And then fit the wording around it. Mag why are you so sensible sounding. Mag shrugged.

Natalia watched Victoria shrug, imitating Mag. She was sitting across from her coloring in her color book.

"You got it easy, little girl."

Victoria was in bed, and Uri was yawning when she finally printed off her flyers.

“How many should I do?’

“I only have half a ream of paper,’ Uri said.

“Maybe a hundred?

“Start out with that,’ he said. “Let's go to bed. It can print away. We don't have to watch it."

As soon as the printer started printing, he grabbed her hand and pulled her upstairs.

“Did you hear anything from the Council about your... guards?"

Uri was slowly taking her clothes off.


He was breathing down her neck, and she couldn't focus on what he was saying.

“Don’t bite me,’ she said.

He pushed her into bed.

All she could think about was their door was open. Victoria's door was open. Was the alarm set or had they given up on it?

She closed her eyes in pleasure. It didn't matter.

“Are you getting up with me or lazing in bed all day?’

Natalia opened her eyes. She turned her head to look at the clock. It was seven in the morning. Victoria is already downstairs,’ Uri said.

I'll get up.’

Uri whipped the covers off of her and dragged her into the shower. She almost laughed since it reminded her of the earlier times when they were together.

“Every time Anpu is around, you get horny,’ she said in the shower.

Just claiming my territory,” he said.

“I might just have him come around more often.’

He poked her.

Their shower was quick. She knew he was in a hurry, and she didn’t feel the need to be too clean since she had the feeling today was going to be a dirty day.

Uri left to go downstairs before she finished dressing. She trotted down as soon as she could. He was already heading toward the garage.

I'll see you there,” he said.


Natalia sat at the dining room table Victoria was coloring again, but adding numbers to her picture. She looked to be done with breakfast.

“Are you going with me today?”

Victoria nodded.

“Tail coming,” Victoria said.

“No, Tail should stay home.’

Victoria shook her head as if disagreeing with her.

Mag stepped in and set breakfast down with a cup of tea.

“Thanks, Mag.’

“Kate will be over shortly. She's rounding up supplies.’

“Okay, thanks.’

Natalia ate while watching Victoria who seemed totally focused on her mixture of coloring and writing down numbers.

'Did Daddy show you those numbers?

Victoria nodded.

“Colors have number,’ she said.

'I didn’t know colors had numbers,’ Natalia said.

“Black zero. Red nine.’


Natalia wondered if this was some kind of game.


Victoria smiled.

Kate came in.

“I have the limo loaded with cleaning supplies and a cart. Bonnie wasn't sure if we could drive to the building or not.’

“A cart would be nice. I'm not sure what Lisa is bringing. We're picking her up at nine.’

Ill be ready.’

“Thanks, Kate.’

Kate grabbed her dishes and took them into the kitchen.

“Where is Tail? I haven't seen her? Natalia said.


"You don't have a big lap there girl."

Victoria giggled.

Natalia rose to check the printer. Half of the flyers were on the floor. She picked them up and sorted them. They looked rather childish.

“Oh, well. I'm not an art person. The basics are there.

That reminded her to call Sittel. It was a short conversation. Sittel said she was heading out to a farmers market and couldn't talk long. However, she said she would tell the Garden Party ladies about the shop. Natalia ended the call, thinking that few people would be willing to go the distance. She had to admit, Hell was out of the way.

It was Kate who found her and reminded her that they had to leave. Natalia scooped up Victoria. Tail."

“No, Tail isn't going.’

Natalia strapped her into her car seat, only to find Tail sitting beside her.

“Tail can't come.’

Tail," Victoria said with a mopey face.

Natalia reached for Tail who scooted away.

“We don't have time for this.’

“She can catch rats at the apartments,’ Kate said.

'l thought Harold was good for that."

Kate broke out laughing.

Bonnie backed out of the garage.

'I guess Tail is going. I would feel better if she was on a leash or something."

“Dogs are on leashes,’ Kate said.

“Tail, sit," Victoria said.

Tail sat beside her.

Kate chuckled.

When they pulled up to Lisa's apartment building, she was waiting out front with a pile of boxes. "I already have some stuff packed.”

Bonnie found room in the trunk for some of the boxes. The rest were put on the limo floor between them.

“A kitty.”

"Victoria's birthday present.”

“It's so pretty.”

Lisa was excited about her new place and chatted away. Kate remained silent. Natalia smiled and chimed in when she could.

“We can drive in," Bonnie said, when the limo pulled in through the parking lot gates

“Looks like we can drive to the shop. Pretty soon you have to park out here and walk in,” Natalia said to Lisa.

“Since I'm living next door to where I work, I won't mind,” Lisa said.

The limo pulled up to the building

“What the...” Natalia said. “Is that a goat?”

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