Billionaire's Stubborn Slave Wife

Chapter 225: Your ability is worth only one dollar

After a week of familiarity, Lauren basically mastered the work that she should do as the secretary of Chop Hate, although her ears would hear some insulting words from time to time, but after the downfall of that woman in the banquet hall, such voices, would not directly appear in front of her.

Lauren knocked on Chopper Hate's office, clutching a stack of papers.

Just walking into the office, the exaggerated laughter of Chopper Hate came to her ears. This makes Lauren very strange, since they deal with the chopped hate, they have never seen any smile on the face of the chopped hate, today in the end what happened, will make him so excited ah?

"Lauren, you haven't heard from Matthew for a few days, are you a little uneasy in your heart?"

The sound of Lauren's footsteps caused Chopper Hate, who had his back to her, to turn his head with an evil smile on his face.

"I don't want to know anything about Matthew, I'm completely desperate for this man, I just want to do my job now, these papers you want to sign."

Lauren put the document in her hand with a calm face and placed it in front of Chop Hate.

Chop hatred a pair of hawk-like black eyes, locked tightly on Lauren's face, not letting go of any expression on her face.

"President Chop, if you have a lot of time if you have a lot of time, please sign these documents, I want to send them to the planning department."

Chopped Hate nodded, brought his eyes back, and quickly signed his name on the document.

"Delivered to the planning department, in addition to give you a free gift of good news, Matthew's hands on one of the biggest business, and is his recent exhausted project, now I intercepted the foot first. This is thanks to your help, huh?"


These two words caused Lauren to raise her watery eyes and look at Chopper Hate with a puzzled expression.

"Chopped Hate, what do you mean by that? When have I ever given you a favor."

Chopped Hate pointed to the necklace Lauren was wearing around her neck.

"Lauren, why do you have to defend yourself? If it wasn't for your help, how would I have been able to get this soon-to-be project in Matthew's hands so smoothly? If you hadn't sent someone to follow Matthew causing a dispensable car accident. If you hadn't sent someone to follow Matthew and caused a car accident, how would I have been able to get this project without any problem? Don't worry, I will reward you well. A large sum of cash has already been credited to your account."

Lauren's originally pink cheeks instantly turned pale.

"I didn't, I didn't do this thing. Chop hatred, you must have sent someone to do it, why did you do it, did you get some advantage by letting Matthew mistake me for doing it? You're simply evil, a demon just like Matthew."

Chopped hate eyes, has been resting on Lauren's face, clearly see the hatred in her eyes for himself, debauchery face written with a fun smile.

"Lauren, your reaction now seems to be out of proportion to the insistence that comes out of your mouth. But this matter has caused such a reason, you are futile even if you want to change it, but if I were you, I would rush to Matthew's face right now and explain to her that I didn't do this."

Lauren's delicately painted cheeks were instantly covered with anger.

"Chopping Hate, you're despicable."

Slamming the file in her hand onto Chop Hate's desk with force, Lauren ran out of his office.

Looking at Lauren's eagerly departing back, a smile of ulterior motive appeared on Chopped Hate's face.

Lauren, who ran out of Chop's Group, casually stopped a cab and went straight to Yin's Group.

"I want to see Matthew."

Lauren stated her purpose directly, thinking she would definitely be stopped in some way, but to her surprise, the staff pushed her smoothly. Into the elevator, straight to Matthew's office on the thirty-fifth floor. "Miss. Li, you came quickly, Matthew is very angry now and refuses to take his medication, so I'll trouble you with these."

Lauren just walked out of the elevator, Lu Miner put the pills in her hand and a glass of water, stuffed in Lauren's hand, and when Lauren reacted, there was no Lu Miner's figure long ago, she looked around and didn't see a single person, as if the whole floor, only herself.

Lauren took a deep breath, didn't knock, and walked straight into Matthew's office.


With a harsh roar, a stack of papers flew toward her face, and Lauren had the scare to avoid them.

"Lauren, you still have the guts to appear in front of me, I'm giving you one last chance, now get out of here right now, I don't want to see you, you lowly woman." Seeing Lauren, Matthew's heart, a blazing fire instantly burned up.

"I came over to explain about your car accident, not me......


The words have not yet finished, Lauren's face, received a heavy slap, the hands of the pills and cups, can not withstand so much force, fell directly to the ground. Looking at the broken cup, Lauren's face, a trace of bitter smile.

"Jianren, you still have the guts to appear in front of me, it seems that I really indulged you too much before, I let you go, let you and chop hatred together, and now you actually choose to join hands with that man once again, do you know, this business plan, how important for Yin's Group ah? Do you know how long it took the staff of the planning department to design the plan, but they didn't expect that everything would be ruined by your hands?"

Anger made Matthew's face turn very blue, wrapped in white gauze right hand, clasped hard on Lauren's neck.

The dark eyes are as deep as bottomless pits staring intently. The body emits a cold and dangerous aura.

"Lauren, I don't want to kill you, it makes me sick to touch you, now get out of my face immediately, I don't want to smell the slutty odor coming from you in my office."

Matthew let go of his hand and sat back in his seat, his eyes full of sarcasm and contempt. The handsome face showed an evil smile.

Lauren gently got up from the floor, rubbing her hands on her battered cheeks.

"Matthew, I'm here to tell you that I had nothing to do with your car accident, everything was done by someone sent by Chopper Hate, and whether you believe it or not is not something I can decide." When she finished, Lauren picked up the pills on the floor and placed them on Matthew's desk.

"This is what your secretary told me to give you, so if you want your arm to get better as soon as possible, eat it right away."

With a deep look at Matthew, Lauren turned and walked toward the door.

"Stand still."

Forced by the pressure coming from Matthew, Lauren stopped and turned around, looking at Matthew.

"Is there anything else?"

Without speaking, Matthew got up from his chair and came to Lauren's face. A pair of hawk-like black eyes emitted a deep and lurid light. "Stay with me."

Two short words, but Lauren's face instantly turned pale, a pair of watery eyes filled with Matthew's horror.


Lauren's thoughtless refusal made Matthew's face instantly turn iron blue, with a pair of lightning fast eyes vaguely bubbling with cold light.

"I don't mind the smell of other men on your body. You should just be content that today, no matter what, I'm going to use my smell to wash away the smell of other men on you." Matthew easily controlled Lauren's hands, which kept dangling, with one hand, and tied them above her head with a tie, while the other hand tore Lauren's shirt right off her body. The coolness in her upper body made Lauren realize what was happening in front of her.

"Matthew, you can't do this to me?"


Matthew looked at Lauren's eyes with a flash of hostility, and his lips pulled out an undisguised sneer.

"You can sell to other men, you have to sell to me, and don't worry, I will write you a check for your performance."

A domineering aura instantly surrounded Lauren. With Lauren's resistance.

"Matthew, let go, you're hurting me?"

Such a plea, for Matthew has been controlled by the desire, not half the effect, but let into a more crazy situation, the dark eyes flashing cold light.

"Lauren, I have to have you today."

Matthew directly pushed Lauren to the floor, hard ying floor, cackling Lauren let out a painful scream. Show eyebrows clenched together.

"Lauren, does being with me really make you this miserable?"

Matthew did not realize that Lauren's pain was coming from the firmying floor, but thought it was because of his touch that made her face, with such an expression. "Even if you suffer, I'm going to do it."

Lauren's seductive body. The body, for Matthew, is a fatal blow

A tearing pain, so Lauren clenched her teeth, not gentle movements, so that the corners of her eyes, sliding down two lines of tears.

The tears on Lauren's face made Matthew's handsome face instantly sullen and appalling, with a cold twinkle in his dark eyes.

"The more you hate it, the more I'm going to leave my scent on your body."

Lauren's tight choke makes Matthew unable to control his passion.

"Look at me, Lauren, I told you to look at me."

Matthew forcefully cupped Lauren's chin in his hand and forced her to meet his gaze, his cold, ice-like, dark eyes looking directly into hers.

"Lauren, this is what happens when you betray me."

Lauren was unresponsive, causing Matthew to lose interest and forcefully rip the tie off her wrist, throwing it directly into the trash can next to her. The bottom of his eyes were filled with disgust.

Looking at Lauren, who was lying motionless and naked on the floor, the disgust in Matthew's eyes became more apparent.

Returning to his desk, he rips off a check, fills in a number on it, and slams it in front of Lauren's face.

"Lauren, you're only worth so much cash. Next time, if you want to earn more, you'll have to show what you're made of."

Lauren struggled to straighten her clothes and picked up the check that Matthew had thrown on the floor, and when she saw the amount on it, Lauren's originally pale face turned even paler, and the strength to support her body seemed to be drained in an instant. The strength of the body, as if in an instant was drained. The strength to support the body, as if drained in an instant. swayed against the cold wall. "Matthew, in your eyes, am I only worth this hundred dollars?"

Lauren's tearful eyes stared unblinkingly at Matthew.

"Lauren, if your performance today alone, this hundred are given more than enough, but I can warn you, you such performance. It's not going to attract the chopping hate."

The disgust under Matthew's eyes made Lauren completely desperate. After a while, Lauren opened her eyes in pain, opened her bag, pulled out a coin from it and dropped it in front of Matthew. "Matthew, your performance just now is only worth so much as a coin. Had I known that you would be so unhelpful, I really should have found a cowboy, and I believe that all cowboys are a hundred times, a thousand times, better than you."

No longer paying attention to Matthew's anger-filled eyes and murderous gaze, Lauren stepped with a high and proud stride and left his office directly.

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