Billionaire’s Ex-wife : Craving You

Chapter 115

Chapter 115
I can’t believe they’re summoning me for questioning in this case; it’s just so unbelievable. Seriously, what the heck is going on?
As the car slowly came to a stop outside the detective’s office, my anxiety was escalating with every passing moment. I had to
keep reminding myself to stay calm and not do anything that might give them further cause to suspect me. The weight on my
shoulders was already overwhelming, and this situation wasn’t helping.
Taking a deep breath, I carefully reached into my purse, retrieved a mint, and gently placed it in my mouth. Just as I had
anticipated, the mint’s coolness spread through me, gradually working to calm my frayed nerves.
Exiting the car, I casually tossed the car key into my purse, retrieved my sleek, dark sunglasses, and shielded my eyes with
them. With an air of confidence, I gracefully strolled into the building, completely unfazed by the lingering gazes from onlookers,
as well as the female cops deeply engrossed in conversation with another person.
Honestly, I couldn’t blame them. After all, it’s not every day you see someone donning a five–thousand–dollar mini leather gown
paired with a sixteen–thousand–dollar fur jacket, red sole heels, and a luxurious Birkin bag. It was all part of my strategy to make
a lasting impression. Looking impeccable was a necessity, especially when you had to send a powerful statement with your
presence. I was determined not to resemble a heartbroken ex still hung up on her past relationship, even though, truth be told, I
was. But they didn’t need to know that.
Coming to a halt in front of the older lady, I greeted her with a friendly, wide smile. “I’m here today because I received at
summons for questioning related to the case of the missing youngest Southwark.”
She acknowledged my statement with a nod and then gracefully gestured towards the hallway. “Please, have a seat in there, and
I’ll go and fetch Detective Ryan.” Following her instructions, I made my way into the designated room.
I couldn’t help but inwardly roll my eyes at how stereotypically dimly lit the room was. Just as I settled into my seat, the door
slowly creaked open, revealing a young man who I presumed to be Detective Ryan. He entered with a polite, apologetic smile.
“I’m sincerely sorry if you’ve been kept waiting, ma’am.”
I was quick to notice his polite manners and found it quite agreeable. “Not to worry,” I responded, and he took a seat across from
me, opening his notepad. “I’m curious, though, why is this room so dimly lit?”

He hesitated, his pen hanging over the first line of the book, a concerned expression on his face. “Do you have a fear of the
dark?” he asked, sounding genuinely worried, almost as if he were willing to alter the room’s lighting if it made me uncomfortable.
I casually brushed off his concern with a small smile. “I’m not afraid of anything,” I assured him, although I couldn’t help but think
about the one exception, poverty. I had no intention of returning to a life of financial struggle. “However, I’d appreciate it if we
could move on with your questions so I can return to my regular routine. The flight to Seattle was both lengthy and unpleasant.”
Detective Ryan tilted his head, maintaining his focused gaze on me. “I’ll have to kindly ask you to take off your sunglasses,
ma’am. Feel free to put them back on when you’re ready to leave.”
I slowly set my sunglasses aside with deliberate care, offering a faint but friendly smile. “Are you looking to read my honesty
through my eyes, perhaps? Rest assured, I have no intention of being anything but forthcoming during this interrogation.”
“That’s reassuring,” Detective Ryan remarked in a rather nonchalant manner as he continued to jot down notes in his notepad. It
was clear that he harbored doubts about the veracity of my words, a common skepticism given the nature of his profession.
“Could you please provide more details about your past and current relationship with Mr. Southwark?”
I crossed my arms, maintaining an air of indifference as I met his gaze. “He used to be my employer, but our relationship evolved
into a romantic one following his divorce. Now, he’s my ex.”
He nodded thoughtfully, his expression remaining stoic. “May I inquire about the specific reasons that led to the termination of
your romantic relationship?”
Chapter 115
“I was essentially a rebound for him, and he served as a stepping stone for me to climb the social hierarchy. When he informed
me of his intentions to rekindle things with his ex–wife, I made the choice to release him.”
Detective Ryan raised an inquisitive eyebrow, clearly in search of further information. “So, you simply let him go, just like
I offered a knowing smile, fully aware of his underlying suspicion. It seemed he might be contemplating whether I had a motive to
abduct the missing girl as an act of vengeance for his departure. “I didn’t just leave him, Detective. I was offered at substantial

sum of money and a house, more than sufficient to help me achieve my aspirations. There was no reason not to grant his
He nodded, diligently jotting down notes once more. “Now, could you provide additional insight into your relationship with Ms.
I couldn’t help but clench my jaw, working hard to keep my contempt for her in check. “She was my boss, but it’s safe to say she
began to view me as her rival once she discovered I was involved with her ex–husband.”
Detective Ryan continued with his line of questioning. “So, there was no hostility between the two of you?”
I offered a wry smile. “You mean aside from the icy glares we exchanged whenever our paths crossed? No, there wasn’t any
overt hostility,” I replied, a touch of sarcasm in my tone. “She resides in Seattle, and I’m in New York, so it was quite rare for us to
come face–to–face.”
He shifted the conversation. “What about the little girl? Did you ever have the opportunity to meet her?”
“I never had the chance to meet her in person,” I answered truthfully. “I’ve only seen her in photographs, but I can’t recall ever
meeting her face–to–face.” Detective Ryan nodded once more, diligently recording the information in his notebook.
I cleared my throat to regain his attention, and he looked up at me. “You’re barking up the wrong tree here. Abducting a child is a
heinous act I would never contemplate. I grasp the immeasurable value a child holds for a mother, and I can empathize with how
Hazel must be feeling right now.”
“Are you a mother?” he asked unexpectedly, and I offered a shy smile.
I gently rubbed my stomach and nodded. “About to become one,” I responded. “I only found out two days ago.”
Detective Ryan nodded and offered his congratulations.
“Thank you, Detective,” I responded with sincere gratitude. “I’d like to request a favor, though. Could you kindly keep this
information from Ravel? I understand you’ll be providing him with updates on the case, but I’d prefer to break this news to him in
person. Moreover, it wouldn’t be right for Hazel to find out that the father of her child is expecting another baby.”
If Detective Ryan was taken aback by the revelation that the baby belonged to Ravel, he didn’t display it. He gave a reassuring
nod. “I have no intention of meddling in any private matters that don’t pertain to our mission of locating the missing child.”

I offered a warm, appreciative smile. “Thank you for understanding.”
Detective Ryan rose from his chair, and I followed suit, standing alongside him. “That will be all for now, Ms. June. It’s imperative
that you refrain from leaving the country until further notice.”
A sense of unease crept over me, and I couldn’t help but furrow my brows. “Detective, am I considered a suspect in this case?”
Detective Ryan’s diplomatic expression remained unwavering as he reiterated, “It’s essential to understand that everyone
connected to this case, be it directly or indirectly, is initially regarded as a potential suspect until proven otherwise.” With a subtle
bow, he concluded, “Until we meet again, Ms. June,” gently gesturing for me to leave the room.
Quickly, I snatched up my sunglasses, using them to shield my eyes as I exited the building. The determination in my stride was
unwavering as my mind zeroed in on the next destination: the residence of the true culprit. I was convinced that only one
individual possessed the same depth of malevolence that I did, and that person shared the same level of desperation. This
journey was far from over and that is what Hazel and Ravel is yet to understand.

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