Bide (The Sun Valley Series Book 2)

Bide: Chapter 20

It’s pitch black outside by the time we leave the batting cages.

I have to drag Luna out of the place. My little perfectionist was reluctant to leave until she aced her swing, and I wasn’t complaining because, shit, she looked damn hot doing it. Only when the employees start shooting me pleading eyes, silently begging me to let them close up and get home, do I force the bat out of her hands and corral her outside.

Her voice carries across the empty parking lot, her excited chatter as warm as her hand in mine as we stroll to my car parked in the furthest, darkest corner. An almost painful smile splits my face at how much she enjoyed something I do, something that’s a pretty major part of me.

“Next time, I’m teaching you how to pitch,” I tell her as I open the passenger door for her, waiting for her to slide in before jogging around and getting in the driver’s side.

Luna’s head lolls towards me, smile distorted by her cheek smushed against the headrest, gaze soft and genuine. “I’d like that.”

I’m not sure who leans in first.

Probably me.

I just know that one moment I’m staring at her, wondering how the fuck I got so lucky, and the next, blue eyes are reeling me in like there’s an invisible string tugging me closer. We meet in the middle, a clash of soft, smiling lips and warm skin.

She’s playful tonight. Nipping at my bottom lip, chasing my tongue with hers, gripping my wrists in an effort to keep me at arm’s length when I cup her face, stopping me from taking control.

It’s a constant battle for control between us, one that I’m determined to win, one that I will win because when I let myself imagine this girl, submissive and willing…

Fuck. Mindblowing.

A gasp escapes her as my tongue lashes against hers, a sound that quickly dissolves into a moan when I bracket her throat and dip her head back for better access. Just like that, she’s putty in my hands.

Her squeal rings in my ears as I haul her onto my lap, my shirt bunched in her hands as she steadies herself. Even without the halo and the wings, she’s a fucking angel perched on my lap, hair wild and eyes hungry. I waste no time in reattaching our lips purely because I don’t have the self-control to not do so. The hand not wrapped around her neck blindly searches for the switch that slides my seat backwards, giving us more room, and avoiding the possibility of Luna’s ass jamming against the horn and accidentally drawing more attention than the rapidly fogging windows probably already are.

When we’re horizontal, her chest flush against mine and her long legs folded on either side of my thighs, I grasp her ass and push her hips even closer to mine, not wanting a single speck of distance between us, groaning as the heat between her thighs bleeds through our clothes. Too many clothes, the devil on my shoulder insists.

In one swift movement, I yank her hoodie up and the straps of her tank, tossing the former somewhere in the backset so I can properly worship the bare tits revealed. Eagerly, I suck a pretty pink nipple into my mouth, lashing and laving at it with my tongue. Her little whimper when I tug it between my teeth sends a rush of heat to my cock, her hands tugging my hair harshly having the same effect.

We groan in unison as her ass grinds against my jean-covered cock, straining uncomfortably in an attempt to bury itself where it wants to be—pure fucking heaven, I just know it.

If her wild grinding is anything to go by, Luna wants the same thing.

Her head falls back as a blissed-out whimper escapes her, depriving me of seeing her face twisted in pleasure but I’m too distracted by her tits to care. Fuck, they look good in those lacy bras she loves but they look even better like this, completely bare to me. So fucking soft and supple and sensitive.

So fucking sensitive.

I bet I could get her off just from nipple play alone. I’m sure as fuck going to try. Not right now, though. Right now, I want to, no, need to, see her face as she comes, to feel her unravel around my fingers.

Releasing her nipple with a pop, I shove her backwards just enough to yank her top all the way off. Her leggings are harder to shed, too tight and not enough room for her to wriggle out of them. Frustrated and impatient, I grasp the seam between my fingers and pull.

Luna gasps and squeals my name as the fabric rips. “Jackson! Those were-fuck.” Her protests trail off in a stuttered moan, pretty blue eyes rolling to the back of her head as I slip my hand inside her panties.

“What was that?” I taunt, grazing my teeth against her jaw at the same time I graze her clit lightly.

Her reply comes out as a choked gasp. “Nothing.”

“No?” Wetness soaks my fingers as I pinch her clit, her body spasming and writhing on top of me. “Could’ve sworn you said something.”

“Nope,” she gasps. “Fuck, keep doing that.”

Smirking against her neck, I give Luna no warning before ripping her panties off too and spearing her quickly with two thick fingers, instantly welcomed by dripping, warm heat. Desperate cries leave swollen lips as her pussy clamps around me, her hips resuming their erratic grinding. Nails biting into my biceps, her head drops to my shoulder, her breath hot and ragged against my skin.

“Good girl,” I rasp, smashing the heel of my palm against her clit. “Ride my fingers, sweetheart.”

She does as I say, bucking wildly against me, using me for her pleasure. I drive my fingers upwards, scissoring them inside of her until her entire body is shaking. Her wanton cries are like music to my ears, a particularly loud one almost deafening me when I slide a third finger inside her and she goes feral, coming violently and soaking my hand.

I don’t stop. I couldn’t stop if I wanted to because my hand is doing that thing it does, disconnecting and gaining a mind of their own, except this is so much fucking better than mindless sketching. My sole goal is bringing Luna pleasure, and it doesn’t take long to achieve that again, her second orgasm just as violent and dizzying as the first. She takes longer to recover this time, body twitching, head lolling, yet hips still rolling as she fucks herself slowly.

“I want more,” she whines breathlessly, pleadingly, her hand purposefully grazing the front of my jeans and making my head swim.

My movements grind to a halt.

I take a good look at my girl, and God, is she a sight. Flushed cheeks, lips puffy and abused, blue eyes hooded but bright. Nipples puffy and tender, wetness coating the apex of her thighs, body marked red from my hands and teeth. A literal wet dream spread open and begging in my lap.

Actual perfection that I reject again. “I’m not having sex with you for the first time in a car.”

“Aw,” she croons breathily, hips still grinding and trying to coax me into moving, “you want it to be special?”

Kissing my teeth at her attitude, I yank her face forward at the same time I drive three fingers further inside her. “There’s not enough room for me to fuck you properly in here.”

Her eyes roll to the back of her head, her pussy squeezing with a vice-like grip as I work her slowly. She’s so fucking wet and sensitive, it doesn’t take long to get her where I want her. The moment I feel her climbing towards her peak, I still.

I pull out of her slowly, smirking when I feel her clamping in an effort to keep me inside her, and bring my fingers to my mouth, taking my sweet time licking the glistening wetness off my fingers as she watches.

So fucking good.

Shifting my grip to her chin, I thumb that bee-stung bottom lip. “I don’t want you here. I want you naked in my bed, wet and begging for me all night long. I’m gonna fuck you so hard you won’t be able to move without thinking of me for days. I wanna ruin you, Luna, and I can’t do that here.”

She goes frighteningly still.

Her jaw drops as she gapes at me, and I momentarily wonder if I’ve gone too far. I start to apologize, silently cursing myself for getting carried away, but I’m cut off with a searing kiss. Suddenly, it’s my turn to fucking melt.

Her kiss is more frantic than it was a moment ago, more urgent. She pulls apart from me just long enough to hurriedly yank my shirt over my head, dainty fingers grazing my skin and igniting a fire wherever they touch. Her gaze is scorching as she rakes it over my torso, and I silently thank Coach Kelly for all those obligatory workout sessions.

Luna’s tongue and hands wander in tandem, the latter toying with the zip of my jeans. It takes a monumental amount of self control to grab her wrist and stop her. A little self preservation too because I’m so fucking hard that I have a feeling one brush of her fingers will be enough to have coming. God, one look from her would probably be enough at this point. “What’re you doing?”

She sits back on my thighs, giving me a perfect fucking view of her naked body, a combination of mischief and want glittering in her eyes. “Trust me?”

Slowly, skeptically, a little because I’m intrigued and a lot because I’m a weak man around her, I release her. I let her unzip my jeans, flexing my hips so she can drag them down enough to reveal the tent in my boxers, the fabric so strained I’m convinced it’s about to rip.

Sinking her teeth into her bottom lip, Luna scoots forward and lowers herself down, rolling her hips against mine and drawing a groan out of me. The only thing between us is the thin material of my boxers, and that might as well be nothing. I feel every bit of her wet warmth, her clit pulsing as she drags it along my cock. Her breath hitches as she repeats her movements, harder and closer this time.

She drops her head to my shoulder, kissing her way up my neck and catching my earlobe between her teeth, the dangerous lilt in her voice promising all kinds of dirty things. “Is this allowed? Technically, I’m not touching you.”

A strangled laugh strains my throat. I answer by gripping her hips tightly and flexing mine up to meet her. We’re both wound equally tight, both chasing the same high. My hips pump to meet the roll of hers, every slide and bounce and moan making my stomach tense and my balls tighten.

A voice in the back of my head urges me to shed my boxers and bury myself inside her, but I don’t. Not yet. I don’t think she’s ready for that, for the commitment that’ll come with.

We’re dry humping like a couple of fucking teenagers, so it seems fitting that I come in my boxers like a teenager too, groaning as I explode, closing my eyes and imagining it’s her tight pussy that I’m filling up with my cum. She’s not far behind, shuddering and shaking, the sounds leaving her easily classed as heavenly.

A little fucking lightheaded, I struggle to regulate my breathing. I wasn’t even inside her and I came harder than I have in my life. And just the thought of being inside of her has my cock hardening again.

Blinking a couple times to clear the blurriness still lingering at the edge of my vision, I glance down at the limp, naked body curled around me. It’s amazing, fascinating even, how she goes from this sex confident, erotic seductress to this adorable cuddly girl clinging to me, sighing contentedly as I stroke her hair and kiss her forehead.

“Jackson?” She mumbles, fingers tracing the curve of my jaw.


She props her chin on my chest and gazes up at me. “I like you too.“ Her voice quivers slightly, eyes filled with vulnerability flitting back and forth between mine. “I don’t think I’ve told you that.”

She hasn’t, but I knew. Actions speak louder than words and all that shit. She might not be good at expressing her emotions verbally, but she’s fucking fantastic at expressing them physically. But still, it’s nice to hear. “Good to know.”

I’m not sure how long we lie there, completely uncaring that we’re butt-ass naked in a random parking lot. Eventually, she forces herself into a sitting position, no small amount of satisfaction running through me when I notice her thighs quivering. Her tits brush my chest, nipples still peaked and hard and red, as she leans forwards to rifle through the pile of discarded clothes in the backseat. Only the strongest man would resist molding his hands to them, and I have never claimed to be a strong man.

Swatting me away, Luna sits back with a back. The lusty haze in her eyes is gone, replaced by a hint of annoyance, some shock, and a tiny bit of awe, I think. She frowns as the scraps of black fabric in her hands before narrowing her eyes at me in accusation. “You ripped my leggings.”

Smiling with faux guilt—I don’t feel guilty in the slightest about destroying the fabric keeping me from the sweet spot in between her thighs—I reach back to grab her hoodie and shove it over her head, hiding her perfect naked body from my greedy eyes. “I’ll buy you new ones.”

Her pout lessens slightly, the corner of her mouth twitching slightly. “And new panties.”

“I’ll just rip them too.”


“Fine.“ Gently depositing her in the passenger seat, I click her seatbelt into place before smoothing back her hair, letting my hand linger on her cheek. “Whatever you want.”

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