Chapter 141
Chapter 141 Odalys asked coldly , What exactly are you trying to say ? Sophia and I are both signed under the Bennett Group .
Shes swimming in resources , while Im stuck playing minor roles and running errands for others .
Is that what you call family ? Tve been signed with the Bennen Group and havent seen a single paycheck .
Is that what family means ? For Sophias sake , you dont even care about right or wrong , and you immediately slander me .
And now youre talking about being family ? What does family even mean ! Her questions left Atlas silent .
He could feel a discomfon settling in : Atlas had always thought of them as family , that they shouldnt be splitting things up like this .
But looking back , he realized he had never actually paid her , no salary and no resources .
She had been working for free all along Tut , that was to be expected .
Were family .
Why should she care so much about that ? Atlas thought to himself .
ng to sound confident .
When we get back , Ill have Henry send you your wages .
You just want money , dont you ? Atlas said , trying Odalys listened to him , then turned and walked toward him .
Atlas watched , excited , as she pulled something out .
To his surprise , she paused for half a second before swinging her empty hand in front of him , then slapped him hard across the face Ouch Stellan grunted , unable to look at the slap mark now burning across Atlas face It wasnt right to hit someone , but for some reason , when Odalys slapped him , Stellan couldnt help but feel a sense of satisfaction .
Stellan remained silent , feeling like something was wrong with his thinking .
Forget the wages .
Lets just call the wage my compensation for you due to this slap .
When you get back , ask Mr.
Bennett to buy you some ice for your face , Odalys said coldly .
Atlas was furious , his face turning red .
Odalys warned him sharply And by the way .
Sophia came to find Rafael tonight because of you , didnt she ? How else would she have turned around and accused me of sending her , after slar got caught ? My hands are going to start itching every day .
And if you keep slandering me like this , I cant guarantee I wont keep slapping your face every todalys didnt want to cause trouble , but she would not let anyone falsely accuse her .
6:32 PM ₫ ₫ Chapter 111 Atlas was stunned .
He stared at Odalys , then glanced over at Sophia *** What are you talking about ? Sophia wouldnt come to meet Rafael at night .
Why would she do that ? Atlas heart sanki If thats true , then Sophia is really a lost cause .
Is she so desperate for attention that the wants to try something with an old bachelor ? Atlas thought .
Earlier , Atlas had seen Sophia hugging Fumian , and he had managed to ignore it .
But he couldnt tolerate her with Rafael **** If you dont believe me , ask Kenny .
We were out for a walk last night and saw her sneak into the room .
If we hadnt stopped her , she would have been in his room by now , Odalys said with a low laugh .
Her words hat Atlas like a bomb , He turned around in disbelief , looking from Sophia to Rafael and quietly asked , What were you doing there last night *** Atlas , 1 ._ ** Sophia stattered , her lips trembling , unsure of how to explain herself .
Sophia suspected that her undergarments had been tampered with , so she came show , and she couldnt explain why only her underwear had been touched .
cube to ask if it was Rafael .
But there were four women on the variety And if Rafael pushed her too far and talked about what happened in the room that day , shed be ruined .
Sophia was in a panic .
It felt like all her plans were falling apart .
-Sophia tried to speak , but suddenly she was lost for words .
eyes welled up with tears as she glared at Odalys , then stomped her foot and shouted .
Odalys , why are you targeting me ? After shouting she spun around and ran off , making her way back .
Seeing this , Atlas quickly hurried to follow her *** Ms .
Stone , Francis called out as he approached .
When his tall figure appeared in front of her , it was striking for a moment .
After all , with his background in modeling .
Francis height was definitely an advantage .
Whats the matter ? Odalys raised an eyebrow .
She didnt have much of an opinion about Francis .
He always seemed to be looking for quick I just wanted to explain .
What happened earlier wasnt related to Group A.
It was all Sophias drama .
Not everyone in Croup A is targeting you .
Ad leading 6:32 PM cc · Chapter 141 Francis said in a lushed voice .
He looked at Odalys with a scrutinizing gaze .
* Francis felt like he couldnt quite fa figure out this woman .
She seemed to have an effortless air about her as if nothing really mattered .
She didnt care about maintaining any kind of image or persona like the others .
While everyone else came to the variety show trying to keep up appearances , Clalys was the only one who didnt bother .
*** Got it , Odalys responded quietly , her tone even .
She didnt say anything else but turned and quickly moved to her side and pulled her out .
d started walking toward the door .
Freya and Selah Do you think shes actually interested in Rafael ? Selah asked , clearly worried Rafael was creepy , and he probably hadnt bathed in days .
They could smell a foul odor even from a distance .
Who knows Odalys replied indifferently .
As the group began to disperse , Rafael seemed a bit agitated .
He called out .
Whats going on here ! You came here for a variety show , and now youve made my wife leave .
Whats wrong with you all ! Kenny noticed , signaling his assistant with a glance to step in and calm things down.
Everyone else slowly began to leave , and the cameraman moved the camera away .
Oh my God , now Im really curious .
Whats Sophia up to sneaking in at night ! Is it a date , or is there something more to it ? ] I admire Odalys so much .
Her skills are incredible .
She doesnt let anyour walk all over her .
Thats how women should be .
When youre tough , people dont dare mess with you .
] The Bennett family members all seem crazy , honestly .
Theyre so unpredictable .
I really dont like them .
] Later that night , the news about Sophia meeting an old bachelor went viral again with hashtags [ Shocked ! Sophia secretly meets an old bachelor at might ] [ Whats so great about an old bachelort ) , and Sophia practically threw herself at an old man ) .
There were also hashtags related to Odalys : 115e like knock then down and walk away ] Odalys , be strong , and thats your foundation ] , and [ Dont prove yourself when slandered Just These hashtags took over the trending toples once more , and the gossip within the industry was in full swing .
After all , the Bennett Group was already under pressure , and Sophias reputation had been in the gutter for a long time , 6.32 PM c d .
Chapter 111 Those who had been suppressed by the Bennett family in the past wasted no time in piling on and tearing Sophia down .
Sophia , however , had no idea about the storm brewing online .
She was running back home , straight to her room , locking herself inside .
No matter how hard Atlas knocked on the door , she refused to open it .
Sophia , open the door .
Atlas called from outside , worry in his voice , He never expected Odalys to publicly embarrass Sophis , let alone slap him twice in front of everyone .
If Atlas hadnt shown up when he did , he wasnt sure what would have happened to Sophia .
Atlas.There was a bitter chuckle from within the room .
Sophia let the emotion build before finally opening the door .
She stood in the doorway with her hair disheveled , her head lowered , and her eyes red as she turned her face away .
A tear rolled down her cheek , and Sophia forced a hollow smile .
Am I a terrible person ? Otherwise , why would she hate me so much !