Betrayed by my mate. Book one Betrayed

Chapter Chapter three

(Aurora POV)

It's been about a year that Ethan and I have started to train with our father. I've gotten closer to Raina and her brother Alexander. I even got to meet Alex's wolf Hunter and he has the most beautiful black fur. I'm not sure why but when I'm around Hunter that I always feel calm and safe with him. Anytime that Hunter is around me that he will always have a need to put his head into my lap for attention and to keep any other males away from me. A few month ago, my brother had his first shift to his wolf. He makes it look so easy when I know that it can be very painful the first time and becomes easier as time goes. His wolf is a good size, like the size of a pony and his fur is a dark brown. Of course, Hunter is still larger, like the size of large horse but he is going to be the Alpha king and would make sense that his wolf is larger. Today my father told us that we won't be training because he'll be needing to referee a fight between Dani and Damien for the right to be Gamma to Alex. The fight is to be taken outside for it will be easier for them to switch to wolf form. Everyone was already out there waiting on my father to start the fight. When I got outside heading toward the area the fighting will be taking place, that's when I spot Raina standing next to Alex. I couldn't help but to run toward them wanting to be near Alex.

"Hey Rai Rai!"

"Aurora, over here. I saved you a seat."

I hurry up to get the seat between her and Alex.

"Hi, my little moon. How's life treating you?"

"Same as always. Alex?"

"Yes, my little moon?"

"So, how's does this work?"

"How does what work?"

"This fight!"

He smirks at me like he was holding back a laugh.

"Calm down little moon. Alright, this fight is to determine on who will be my Gamma when I become Alpha king. It's usually something past down to the Gammas son but sadly Xavier never found his mate. So, his nephew Dani wants to be my Gamma but, Damien feels he be better for it. This fight will decide who will be the best choice."

"What happens to the one that loses this fight?"

"Actually, nothing will happen. The only time something will happen is when there is a challenge for the Alpha. The result for losing that will be banished from the pack but only a sibling or son may challenge the Alpha."

As I was sitting down, I felt a hand grabbed on my arm dragging me away from the ring. I was surprise when I looked up to see that it was Alex.

"What are you doing Alex?"

"Shh, just give me a second of your time."

"But were going to miss the fight."

"It will only take a few moments of your time and I promise that its going to worth your time."

"Alright, hey Raina? Well be right back so, save my seat please."

"Sure, but Alex you better bring my best friend back ASAP."

He growled as Raina stuck out her tongue out at him. We didn't walk to far away from the fight ring and when we stop Alex turned around handing me a small velvet box.

"What's this for?"

"Well it's a birthday gift. Your birthday is in a few days from now."

Why would the son to be Alpha King even bother to think about getting me a gift for someone like me? I'm not much higher than an omega.

"Hey, my little moon what are you thinking about right now?"

"Why would you even bother to get me anything for my birthday?"

He walked over to me putting his hand to my cheek. It felt so warm and comforting that I couldn't think about anything but the warmth of his skin.

"Please, don't think that about yourself and accept my gift to you."

I didn't know what to say after that but to stand there and nod at him. He smiled and handed the box over to me. I open it up to see A rose gold charm necklace with a heart charm on the loop of the necklace.

"Wow, its so beautiful. Thank you, Alex."

"I'm really glad you love my gift my little moon. Well we better get back before my sister hunts us down."

We walk back over to the fighting ring were Raina was waiting for us to get back. I decided it be best if I put my necklace away, so I don't lose it. The good thing about the fight that It didn't take too long at all. Dani of course was the one who won but no surprise there. Yeah there were times that I thought that Damien was getting the upper hand on Dani but in the end he lost. Alex, I know was not shocked about the outcome of the fight. He has fought both Dani and Damien before so he knows what they both can do. As I watch Alex walk over to Dani to congratulate him that's when I noticed two girls walking toward him. One girl that had long dark brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a blueish white tank top and black shorts with some blue. The other girl had straight blonde hair and blue eyes. She wore a similar outfit as the brunet hair but hers were pink instead of blue.

"Raina, who are those two girls walking over to your brother?"


She looked over to where the girls where and she didn't look happy at all and I swore I heard her growl.

"I can't believe she's still here. I thought my brother told her to leave him alone and to go back home. Well the girl with the blonde hair is Kimberly and the brunets name is Jasmine. Kimberly is the daughter black pine packs Alpha and Jasmine is the Betas daughter. Jasmine is an alright person, but Kimberly is the worse. She has it in her mind that her and Alex were meant to be together. Come on so I can put her into her place away from Alex."

Before I could say anything to Raina, she was already dragging me toward the girls and her brother Alex. I can already hear him telling Kimberly to leave him alone and her begging him to not push his mate away. I'm not sure why but I wasn't liking her hanging onto Alex pushing her chest into his arm. I started to feel so hot, my heart started to race in my chest, and I couldn't hear anything besides the beating of my heart. I didn't even notice that Raina was still next to me, but I couldn't hear what she was saying only her mouth moving. All I can hear was the blood rushing through my veins, my skin that felt like it was on fire and wanting to rip all my clothes off. I look at Raina who was trying to get my father and Alex's attention. I feel like I wanted to throw up or pass out. My father already next to me trying to tell me something but I still couldn't hear him. When Alex came over him and my father started talking about something. They were both talking and pointing at me for some reason. Wait I think they are arguing, and my father doesn't look happy at all. He than looked at me and I can see all the color draining from his face but what did Alex say to him. After awhile my father nod to Alex as he started walking over to me and when his hand touch me the burning pain started to calm down a bit.

"It's going to be alright my little moon." I heard him but why can I hear him. "Just breath for me. Try to calm your heart down."

'You need to listen to him Aurora.'

'Who are you and why are you in my head?'

Just than my bones feel like their breaking.

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