Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 89

Chapter 89
23 New Mates
Cayden POV
As soon as Micah says mate, I know what the hell is happening but he doesn’t. Mason is sniffing the air and walking toward Eli.
Mason lets out a growl that would make most wolves sh*t themselves, but Eli smiles. “Your mates are here and safe now, calm
down.” Their eyes shift back to their normal color as they look between us. “They were prisoners of the collective that Clara and I
were held in.” Now both their growls fill the room. “Enough” Eli gives Alpha command and they both quiet. “I know you are angry
and scared but going crazy in the hospital will not help your mates. Clara goes to stand near Eli before she turns toward the
twins. “They will need time just as I did, but I have faith that the two of you can help them overcome all they have been through”,
Clara says. She walks over to Mason first and wraps him in a hug. I wait to hear Eli growl, but it never comes. She hugs Micah
and his sadness is palpable in the room. “Have faith in the goddess. She knew that you and your brother are who the girls need
to be happy. Anything worth having is worth fighting for Micah.” He squeezes her a little tighter before he finally releases her. She
rejoins Eli and we wait to hear from the doctor. I say a prayer to the goddess to protect Eudora and Edita.
After what feels like hours, the doctor comes back out to speak with us. “The young ladies are stable but they are in no way out
of the woods. They are severely malnourished and have bruises covering most of their bodies. I believe their wolves have been
suppressed and are not healing them.” I hear a whimper and I know it’s Mason. “We are going to do everything we can for them,
Betas.” They both nod and my heart breaks for the pain I see on their faces. “Can we sit with them doctor and try to offer them
healing,” Micah asks. “Give the nurses a few more minutes and then absolutely. Anything that will help them heal can’t hurt.” We
all take a seat and Mason breaks the silence. “What are our mates’ names?” “Eudora and Edita are their names. They came to
the collective when they were five years old after they were taken from their pack. They couldn’t remember anything about their
pack. They said that their daddy was a big wolf and their mommy was pretty.” I smile at the memory of the little girls who were so
innocent. I wish I was able to protect them as much as I wish that I could have protected Clara. I look up and my sister is walking
toward me. She sits down and pulls me into a hug. “You need to stop blaming yourself for things that were out of your control.
You are a survivor as much as those girls are, as much as I am. You are the reason that the three of us are alive.” She pulls back
and I love the strength and happiness I see in my sister now.
Micah POV
After about twenty minutes, the doctor comes out and leads us to the room. When he swings open the door, the most intoxicating
scent of lilac invades my nose. Dax is losing his sh*t when he sees our mate is hooked up to machines and her face is covered

in bruises. I do everything I can to keep my wolf under control. If that f**ker wasn’t dead right now, I would rip him apart with my
bare hands. That witch is next in line for death for helping him hurt people I love. Mason goes to Edita’s bedside and takes her
hand in his. This is not how I expected finding our mates to go. I wasn’t sure if we would share a mate as that happens often with
identical twins. I’m grateful that we don’t. I want this beautiful woman to myself. I just pray that Clara is right and she accepts me.
I can’t live another day of my life without her. I take a deep breath and pull a chair next to her bed. I take her hand in mine and
I’m grateful to feel her warmth. The tingles that dance wherever our skin touches feels amazing. I brush my fingers up and down
her forearm. I notice that the monitor that lets me know my mate is alive starts to beep faster with my touch. Even though she is
unconscious, her body recognizes her mate. “Let’s try to help our mate Micah”, Dax says. I place my forehead against hers. I
think about healing her and I can feel the energy moving out of me and into her. I pull back when I’m done and place a soft kiss
on her forehead. She doesn’t wake up but the bruises that were prominent on her face are now gone. I just pray that she wakes
up soon before my wolf and I lose it.
Mason POV
I can’t believe all this is happening. I’m so grateful that Cayden rescued our mates from that horrible place. What if they had
died? My wolf growls “don’t talk like that. She is here with us where she is meant to be.” “I know Jett, but what if Clara is wrong?
What if they can’t get past what those bastards did to them?” “Then we don’t deserve to call ourselves their mates.” His words
sting and I hate that he is right. I don’t care how long it takes, I will prove to this woman that no one will ever hurt her again. That
she is safe here with me. That she is meant to be mine. I hold her soft hand in mine while I look at the most beautiful face I’ve
ever seen. Despite the bruising and cuts, she is gorgeous. I turn to see Micah doing the healing spell before I stand and do the
same. I think with all that has happened we forget that not only can the doctors help our mates but we can. My overwhelming
sadness was clouding my thinking. I place my forehead against hers and as soon as the energy passes to her, I pull back. Her
face is completely healed and I can’t help but run my fingers down her cheek. I take my seat again before I take her hand in
A light knock sounds on the door and Eli walks in with Clara. She walks over to Eudora first and bends, whispering something in
her ear. She comes over and does the same in Edita’s ear. Despite our hearing, I can’t make out exactly what she said. She
stands back up looking between myself and Micah. “Congratulations to you both and I know where your minds are right now. I
know you both have the strength to prove to your mates that they are everything to you despite what they have been through”,
Clara says. We both stand and bro-hug Eli before we wrap Clara in another hug.
A moan gets my attention and I turn to see my mate’s eyes fluttering open. The minute she sees us, the fear I see in her eyes
guts me. I start to walk toward her but Clara lays her hand on my forearm, stopping me. Clara starts to walk toward my mate. “Hi

Edita, do you remember me from the collective?” She nods and it takes all that I have in me not to scoop her up in my arms and
hold her to my chest. “You are safe here. No one is going to hurt you, I promise” Clara says. She offers her hand to my mate and
she takes it. “Where is Eudora”, she asks with panic in her voice. “Your sister is right there. She is fine, she just hasn’t woken up
yet.” “How did we get here?” “Cayden destroyed the collective and he and my mate saved you both.” She looks around the room
between Eli, me and Micah. Clara points to Eli, “that is my mate. He is the Alpha of the Nightfire pack.” Her eyes get like saucers
and I hold back a chuckle. “That means you are a Luna, Clara.” “Yes it does.” She looks back at me before she drops her gaze.
“Edita, that is Mason and that is Micah. They are the Betas of this pack.” She manages to look at me again before she drops her
gaze. Without her wolf present, she doesn’t realize that I am her mate. Clara must know what I am thinking. “Edita, have you
been able to feel your wolf yet?” “Yes, I can feel her now.” My heart sinks. She knows that I am her mate and she hasn’t claimed
me. Jett whimpers and I hate this for both of us.
Calliope POV
I wake to find myself outside our cottage. The night air feels cold against my skin and I have no idea how the hell I got out here. I
remember going to sleep. Movement in the trees gets my attention and I reach out to Aurora. It’s strange but I can’t feel her. I
start to panic until I see a red wolf walking toward me. “Aurora, how is this possible?” “You’re still asleep but there is something
that the goddess wants you to see.” This is the craziest dream I have ever had but I go with it. Aurora lays down and I climb on
her back. She takes off and I don’t know how long we run before things start to look familiar. “Aurora, why the hell are we here?”
She doesn’t answer and continues to run, crossing the border. I pray no patrol guard sees us right now. “No one can see us,
Calliope. We aren’t really here.” She enters the pack house and when we reach the cells my heart sinks. Bradford is huddled in
the corner of the cell holding onto Julie. “Is this real or am I imagining this happening? Where is Anthony?” “I wish it wasn’t real
but it is. Anthony left and is in hiding. They never made it out of the pack.” The rage that begins to build is blinding. “We have to
save them. They are in here because he tried to protect me. I will not allow my father to hurt another person that is important to
me.” “The goddess agrees but the rest is up to us, Calliope.”
She turns heading up the stairs and back out of the pack house. “What are you doing, Aurora? We can’t leave them here.”
“Calliope, we are not here but we will come back for them. I have to show you something else before we head back. We run
through the trees until we come to a clearing that is covered with flowers. The temperature that was cold is now warm against my
skin. Aurora stops and a few feet away is a bassinet. I’m confused, but it doesn’t stop me from sliding off Aurora’s back and
walking toward the bassinet. I reach it in ten steps. I look down and the sweetest little pup is sleeping peacefully. I turn to Aurora
to ask her what this means, but she is gone. The pup starts to cry and I can’t help but lean down and scoop her in my arms. I
start to walk with her pressed to my chest. She quiets and I feel a sense of peace. I start to feel exhaustion like I’ve never known,
but I’m not ready to let go of the pup, so I lay down on the soft grass with her on my chest. I don’t know how long has past but I
wake up in a panic when I realize the pup is gone. I look around and realize I’m in my room. I wipe sweat from my brow and

reach out to Aurora. I can feel her but she is quiet. “Aurora, who was the pup in our dream?” “She is our pup.” I can’t have heard
her right. I don’t even have a mate. Before I can ask her any more questions, we get a link that there is a wolf at the southern
border. I throw the blankets off and rush outside. We shift and rush toward the border and Piper joins us. Carter is already
waiting and as soon as I see the man, I shift. I run to him, wrapping him in a hug when I hear a growl and the word “mate” from
behind me.

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