Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 74

Chapter 74
8 New Pack Member
Calliope POV
I see fear flash on his face. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you.” “You didn’t scare me. Explain what you’re doing sneaking
around our cottage before I scare you.” “I was just curious about you. I have never seen a she-wolf like you.” “You were spying
the other day when I shifted weren’t you?” He nods and I cross my arms over my chest. “Why are you here?” He smiles at me
and for the first time I notice how handsome he is. He has shoulder-length blonde hair and I can tell that he is muscular. I focus
on his answer. If he poses a threat, it won’t matter how handsome he is. “My name is Oliver. Abigale is my sister. When she and
Carter found each other, I was only sixteen. She asked me to come with her. She is the only family I have left.” “That doesn’t
explain why you are sneaking around Oliver.” I hate being so cold knowing who he is to Abigale, but I have to protect my mother.
No one will ever hurt her again. “He is no threat in that way”, Aurora says. Before I can ask what the hell she means he starts to
talk again. “Abigale told me she was bringing you and your mother to the collective. I saw you when you first arrived and you
were so beautiful. I just wanted to see you again. “You know that this seems creepy?” He chuckles “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to act
He walks toward me and I keep my expression even. He sticks out his hand and I take it. “My name is Oliver Shifler.” “It’s nice to
meet you. My name is Calliope and my mother is Jasmine.” “No last name” he asks but I don’t answer him. I don’t know if any of
the collective members know my father’s surname. I don’t want anyone to know who my father is. “It is nice to meet you. I hope
now that we know each other I won’t see you sneaking around our cottage.” “No, you won’t, but I do hope that you will allow me
to get to know you better.” “He is not our mate”, Aurora says, and I laugh. Now I know exactly what she meant. He looks at me
confused. “It’s nothing, my wolf is just being her pushy self. I can always use more friends.” I hope he understands what I mean.
Aurora growls but she knows that I love her. “I need to go inside and get washed up after training. I’ll see you around Oliver.”
“Yes, you will” he says, before he starts to undress. I turn heading for the porch. I look back and a gray wolf runs into the trees.
Once I’m in the house, I head upstairs. I get into the shower, letting the water wash away the grime of training. Once I’m
showered, I head over to Abigale and Carter’s cottage. I promised Sarah that we could hang out today, but I want to talk to them
first. As soon as Sarah sees me, she rushes over, wrapping me in a hug. The woman that helps my mother with the pups leaves
when she sees me. “Have fun with Calliope” she says to Sarah as she heads out of the cottage. “Good afternoon little one.”
“Calliope, I was waiting for you.” “I wouldn’t forget about you but I do need to talk to your mom and dad before we go back to the
cottage.” She smiles and leads me to the office. She doesn’t knock and when the door swings open, I cover her eyes and pull
the door closed. “Why did you do that, Calliope?” Thank goddess she doesn’t know what she saw. “Your mom and dad are busy.

I can talk to them later. Let’s go to my cottage.” I usher her back down the hall and toward the front door. “Calliope” I hear
Abigale’s voice. I turn and smile. “I’ll bring her back in a few hours” I say and wink at her. She mouths “thank you” and we leave.
As we walk back toward my cottage, Sarah starts to skip. She is so innocent and I hope that she gets to stay that way for a very
long time. “Hey bug” I hear a voice say and Sarah squeals. Oliver comes walking toward us and scoops Sarah up. “Uncle Oliver
come play with us.” Aurora growls but she has nothing to worry about. I will never be with anyone but my fated mate. “Aurora
calm down. You know me better than anyone.” “It’s not you that I’m concerned about.” “Wolf talking to you again.” I look back at
Oliver. “Yes, she is. Are you ready Sarah?” “Yes I am” she says and takes Oliver’s hand. “Bug, I think Calliope wants to hang out
with you for girl time.” She looks up at me with pleading eyes. I look back at him and he is smiling. “She’s hard to say no to, isn’t
she?” I can’t help the smile. “Yes she is.” “Please, Calliope, he is really fun.” “Yes, your uncle can hang out with us. I will make
some lunch and we can watch a movie.” She squeals and starts to run toward the cottage. We start to walk to catch up to her. “I
hope your not upset that I’m joining you.” “Not at all but I hope you understand that friends means friends.”
As we run through the trees, Silas keeps looking at Cora. We run until we reach the clearing. Silas sits on his haunches. I’m
confused, but then Cora comes over rubbing her side against him. Silas gives a low growl of approval. I know what Clara said
but I’m still nervous about this. Before I can over think it, Cora shifts and my beautiful mate stands bare before me. She heads
for the trees and I shift. When she comes back, she has a t-shirt and basketball shorts that are huge on her. She hands me a
pair of shorts and I notice her eyes check me out before she turns away. I pull her into my arms just enjoying holding her. I kiss
the top of her head before I step back. I sit on the ground and pull her onto my lap. “So I have a question for you. My parents
were wondering if we would be alright with them having a fancy party.” She looks into my eyes. “A party for us” she asks. I push
a strand of hair behind her ear. “Yes, for us. If you don’t want to, that’s alright. There is no pressure. They are just excited about
having another daughter to introduce to everyone.” She smiles and it reaches her eyes.
“Of course” she says and her look changes to one of concern. “What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?” She smiles
again “I know your giving me time before we take our titles but I would like to be a pack member before the party.” “Clara” I start
to say. “I don’t want others to know that you mated a rogue if I can help it.” “I’m not ashamed of where you came from, Clara. It
does not make you any less than.” “I’m not ashamed of things I didn’t have control over, but that doesn’t mean I want others
making assumptions about who I am.” I nod because I want her to be comfortable. I stand with her in my arms and set her on her
feet. I lean down and press my lips to hers. I pull back and take her hand without a word. When we reach the pack house, I lead
her right to my father’s office. I knock “come in Eli”, my father says. I open the door and both of my parents are having lunch. I
love that they do this when my father has a busy day. I have always promised myself that I would do the same to spend time with
my Luna when I become Alpha.

“Is everything alright Eli” my father asks, and I smile. “Can you perform the ritual to make Clara part of the pack?” He looks
confused at first, but then he smiles. Goddess bless my mother because I’m sure she linked him. “Of course” he says and
stands. “Clara come stand here.” We walk toward my father together. He takes the chalice from it’s place on his shelf. My mother
hands him the dagger from his desk drawer. “I, Alpha Lincoln Thomas of the Nightfire pack, invite you Clara Josephine Merritt, to
become a member of the pack. Please make your vow to the pack.” “I, Clara Josephine Merritt, vow to be loyal to the Nightfire
pack and to keep all its secrets.” She takes the chalice and drinks. I see the moment she is connected to my father. After a few
seconds, she chuckles and my father smiles at me. Oh goddess what the hell did he say to her? “Welcome to the Nightfire pack
Clara.” My mother comes around and wraps her in a hug. When she steps back, I wrap my arm around her. It feels so natural
and she leans into me.
“Clara and I discussed the party and we both agree that we would love to have one.” “That’s great, we will plan for it to happen in
a week” my mother says. “Larissa and I will take you dress shopping.” The smile on Clara’s face makes my heart clench in my
chest. I hope that I can put that smile on her face every day for the rest of our lives.
Alpha Grant POV
I’m in my office going through paperwork. An omega knocks and comes in with her head down. “Alpha, a messenger brought this
for you.” “Thank you”, I say, and she leaves my office. I open the card and inside is an invitation to a ball at the Nightfire pack. I
read through the invitation, wondering why Lincoln and Amelia would be having a ball. The door to my office opens and I look up
ready to reprimand whoever it is that came in without knocking until I see it’s my Luna. “Evelyn, is everything alright?” “Yes,
Grant, I just wanted to see what you wanted for dinner tonight.” I smile “you know that the omegas can cook for us.” She shoots
me a glare “you know I enjoy making you dinner.” I stand and pull her into my arms. I peck her lips. “What is this” she says,
picking up the invitation off my desk. “Some social event at the Nightfire pack.” “Oh I love Amelia and Lincoln. Will we be going?”
I can see she wants to and I would do anything to make her happy. “You can’t lie to yourself, Grant, no matter how much time
passes”, Thiago says in my mind. I push him down because I’m in no mood to hear his bulls*t about the past. I did what I had to
do for us to have our mate.

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