Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 56

56 Beloved
Maureen POV
Clarice begged me to go on a run. I had spoken to the Alpha and Luna to make sure it would be alright given we aren’t
technically part of the pack. They have both been so kind and told me that my mother and I may both shift freely. I know my
mother is still nervous about being here and about Damien, but I really believe we belong here. I hope this pack will be a safe
place for Penny to grow up. We are coming back through the woods toward the path that leads to the beautiful cottage they have
let us so graciously use. As we approach the path, Clarice growls low. We notice a man walking and I expect her to keep moving
toward the cottage but she shocks me and stops in front of him. “Clarice” is all I manage to get out before she scents the air. The
smell of lilacs fills our nose.” “Mate” she says, and I’m ready to freak out. “Clarice no, we have to think about Penny. She lost her
father. We already lost our mate and I won’t live through it again. You know Damien is still out there and he won’t stop trying to
get us.” “Maureen, he’s a warlock, he’s strong” Clarice pleads with me. “Do you think he is really going to want a rogue with a
child?” She whimpers and takes off toward the cottage. I can feel her heart breaking just as much as mine is.
I shift intending to rush into the cottage and away from him. He doesn’t realize who I am because he never looked into our eyes.
I hear the door open and my sweet girl runs out onto the porch. “Mama, I want to ride Clarice, please”, Penny says in her sweet
voice. My mother comes out behind her and I see her staring at the man. I’m sure she can feel something is off with me. I don’t
give her a chance to ask any questions and shift. She helps Penny get on Clarice’s back and we take off. She lays her body
down snuggling into Clarice’s fur. Being with our pup helps the heartache we are both feeling right now. We run for a long time.
“Clarice, I think it’s time to take Penny back and get her ready for bed.” “Alright” she says, which isn’t like her. She would
normally give me some witty response or at least talk to me. I hate that we can’t just be with our fated mate. The goddess gave
us a mate and he was taken away. It’s better to hurt now and move forward than to be rejected or lose him. Clarice’s low growl
brings me back to the moment. That’s when I realize that warlocks have come into the territory. “Clarice, Penny is with us.” She
starts to back up but we can still see when the Alpha and Luna arrive. We shift and I turn to Penny. “Sweetie, I need you to be
very quiet right now.” “Ok mama, I will.” I position us behind a tree and that’s when the scent hits me, lilac.
I scan the clearing but I don’t see him. I wish Penny wasn’t here with me because I would be out there helping the pack. I watch
him step out from the trees in front of us. Everything in me wants to protect him, but I can’t leave Penny. A million scenarios run
through my mind, but before I can act, he rushes out into the clearing. I watch him protect a group of wolves and pride blooms in
my chest even though he isn’t mine. He is a good man. In the blink of an eye, the feeling of pride is replaced by fear as I watch
him fly through the air hitting a tree. The sound of his body striking the tree makes me sick to my stomach. “Mama, he’s hurt” my
sweet girl whispers. I turn back and bend down so we are eye to eye. “Yes, he is sweetie and mama needs to help him, but I

need you to be a good girl and stay right here.” “Do you promise mama?” “Yes, I promise” she says and I kiss her forehead. I
start toward my mate, looking back to check on Penny as I move forward. His body is lifeless and I say a prayer to the goddess
that he is still alive. I grab under his arms to pull him back into the trees.
I look up to see Lily and Pheobe dealing with the attacking warlock. I’m in awe of their strength. I know they don’t need any help
from me and I focus on helping my mate. The feeling of tingles on my hands where I’m touching his skin is hard to ignore. “Don’t
ignore it, claim him” Clarice says. “Stop, I told you we can’t do that. Focus on helping him, Clarice.” Once we are far enough, in
the trees, I call Penny over so she is near me. “Is he alright mama?” “Not yet baby but mama is going to help him.” She smiles
and I turn back to the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. I shake away those thoughts and concentrate on healing him. I lay my
hands on chest. I can feel the glow start in my fingertips and into his body. After a few minutes, the glow dies down and I can
hear his heart rate slow. I rub my hand down his face, feeling his warm skin. “Is he better mama?” “Yes, sweet girl, he is.” I look
up when I hear Lily’s voice calling out to him. “John, where are you” she says. I look down and his eyes are open looking at me.
Sh*t I say when I see the realization on his face. “Beloved” he whispers. I stand and Lily rushes over looking at me with concern
on her face. I turn and grab Penny’s hand. We run for a minute putting some distance between us. I stop “Penny, I need you to
climb on Clairce’ back right now.” She nods and I shift. She climbs her snout and onto her back.
I hear footsteps and look back to see John running toward us. “Go to the cottage Clarice, now.” She whimpers but does as I ask.
We run and in a few minutes, we’re at the cottage. I shift and usher Penny up the stairs. “Maureen please”, I hear as we reach
the porch. I take a breath and before I can turn to face John, the door to the cottage opens. My mother has a look of disapproval
on her face but, thankfully, she hands me a dress to put on. I slip it over my head, grateful to have a way to cover myself. “Penny
go inside with grandma.” “Maureen”, my mother says my name like a command. “Mother, I will be in in a minute.” I know she
wants to say more, but thankfully, she goes inside.
John POV
I’m consumed by darkness but I can hear distant voices. I feel warmth throughout my body and the pain I had when I hit the tree
is gone. I hear Lily’s voice and I will my eyes to open. The woman from earlier is leaning over me and the little girl is with her.
She looks down and our eyes meet. I feel like I can’t breathe. “Beloved” I say and she acts, she acts as if I burned her. Before I
can say a word, she takes off with the little girl. I push to my feet. “John what are you doing, you’re hurt” Lily says as I start in the
direction she just went. “She is my beloved, I can’t lose her.” “Her name is Maureen” Lily yells to me and I can hear the
happiness in her voice. I love my cousin and going with her was the best thing I ever did. When I finally reach her, she is in wolf
form and takes off. She will not get away from me that easily. I teleport to the trees near the cottage and wait for her to arrive.

When I see her wolf come down the path and shift, I take a deep breath. I step out of the trees and say her name. She stiffens
before the door opens. The woman from earlier is still shooting me a death stare. Once we’re alone, she turns back and I can
see her beautiful face. Her eyes are the most piercing blue. “John, we need talk.” Her words are like a bucket of cold water on
my hope. “Before you say anything please hear me out.” She nods “you are my beloved and I accept you. I accept everything
about you. I will never want anyone but you. You were chosen by the goddess for me and I accept the gift that you are. Please
accept our bond and be mine.” I see a single tear roll down her cheek. I step forward but she raises her hand to stop me. I feel
like there is a rock in my stomach and I can’t breathe. “John, I know you believe what you just said but it’s not that simple.” “Yes,
it is” I say before I close the distance between us. I’m close enough to touch her but I don’t. Her breath catches before she
composes herself. “Tell me what you’re thinking right now.” “John, I am a rogue with a child. I have a man that is hell bent on
claiming me no matter who he has to kill.” “The f**k he will”, I say before I can stop myself. She smiles but it’s gone as quickly as
it came.
“John” as the words leave her mouth a growl comes from behind me. I turn and a wolf is stalking toward us. Maureen steps in
front of me and I’m just about to step around her when she shifts, jumping in front of the wolf. No f**king way is anyone going to
hurt my beloved. I wave my hand, freezing the wolf in place. I have no idea who this wolf is, but until I do, he won’t be moving. I
can see the fear in his eyes when he realizes he can’t move. Maureen’s wolf looks back at me and I can see softness in her
eyes. I hope that means she wants to accept me and will help Maureen see that we are meant to be together. I walk until I am
standing next to her staring at the wolf. “You thought that because the pack was under attack it would be easy to try to take my
beloved.” I hear a sound that reminds me of a cat purring coming from Maureen’s wolf. I smile before I link Lincoln. “You will
never have my beloved. The Alpha and Luna are on their way.”

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