Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 12

12 How You Feel
Amelia POV
Did he just really ask me that question? “He most certainly did and I swear to the goddess if you lie, Amelia, I’m going to keep
you up all night singing until you tell the truth”, Star says. “You traitor aren’t you scared” I say and she recedes in my mind
without answering me. “Now who is talking to their wolf” Lincoln chuckles. “Before I give you my answer can I ask why you’re
asking me this question?” He takes my hand and I feel faint tingles that I once felt for Atlas. It isn’t possible my bond isn’t even
broken. “Have faith that all things are possible and be honest”, Star whispers. He starts to answer but I raise my hand to stop
him. “That’s not fair you asked me a question and I need to stop being afraid because of what Atlas did.” “I need to be honest
with you.” I can see his distaste for even Atlas’s name but he stays quiet. “I was twenty when I found out that Atlas was my
mate.” “Despite my father forbidding me to accept the bond because of his Beta status I did.” “I wanted my goddess given mate.”
“We were happy or so I thought until all this happened.” I take a deep breath and continue. “Before I met Atlas, I found men
attractive but I never wanted to be with any of them.” He growls and his eyes darken. I get to my point so he understands why
I’m telling him all these things.
“The first time I met you I was more than attracted to you.” “Both Star and I felt something, but couldn’t describe it.” “When you
touched my hand, I felt a sensation I’ve never felt.” “It wasn’t exactly the mating tingles, but it was something that made me
nervous.” “I couldn’t understand why I would be feeling anything still being mated to that ba**ard Atlas” He smiles and I keep
going because if I don’t get this all out I will never have the courage to do this again. “Every time I have spent time with you that
feeling, connection has felt stronger.” “When that girl downstairs said she was your future Luna earlier both Star and I felt anger
and jealousy.” “I don’t understand how it’s possible but yes I feel a connection to you and your wolf.” The smile on his face is
Lincoln POV
As soon as the words leave my mouth, I can feel my heart beat speed up. I want to know the answer, but that doesn’t mean I’m
not afraid of what that answer might be. What if she says she doesn’t feel what I feel? “Lincoln, you know in your heart that’s not
true, just let her talk”, Talon says. When she starts to speak, I feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest. I hate hearing
about that ba**ard but knowing that she feels something for me is amazing. “It’s my turn” I say squeezing her hand in mine.
“Amelia, the moment I met you, Talon and I both knew you were special.” “I have never felt a connection to a she-wolf.” “I know
you still bear his mark and the bond is not completely broken but I know in my heart that you are my mate.” I see a single tear
run down her face. I reach up, wiping the tear from her cheek with my thumb. She places her hand on her bump. I’m sure
thinking about what this means with the pup growing in her belly.

I start to reach my free hand toward her belly while looking in her eyes for permission. She smiles and nods while I place my
hand against her. She lays her hands on top of mine. We sit in silence for a few minutes before I feel movement under my hand.
“Oh, my goddess was that the pup?” She laughs “yes, he is always kicking me.” “We’re having a boy” I ask with wonder in my
voice. I can see her smile fall at my words. “What’s wrong Amelia?” “I know you think we’re mates and I believe that your right
but it’s not fair of me to expect you to be a father to another man’s pup.” “You’re the Alpha of this pack.” “They expect you to
have your own heir.” I bend down on my knees in front of her. “Amelia, look at me.” “You are my fated mate and I choose you and
our son.” Now the tears run down both her cheeks. “Please don’t cry, I never want to see you cry.” “I just can’t believe this is
happening.” I stand up and help her to her feet. “This is definitely happening.” “I plan to make you mine the minute that you are
ready.” I pull her into me wrapping my arms around her. She comes willingly and wraps her arms around my waist.
We hear someone clear their throat and she stiffens in my arms. I look back to see a smiling Lily. “I’m gone for a minute and
you’re already working your charms on her Lincoln.” I feel Amelia bury her head in my chest. “I’m not going away Amelia”, Lily
says. Amelia steps out of my arms and stands by my side. The blush on her face is beautiful. I can see she doesn’t know what to
say, so I save my mate. “I am Amelia’s second chance mate.” Lily’s eyes get big and she starts to jump up and down screaming.
“Oh, my goddess this is amazing.” “You two are perfect for each other.” She rushes over and wraps Amelia in a hug. As she hugs
her, I remember something Amelia said when we were confessing our feelings. “Amelia” she pulls back from Lily. “What were
you talking about when you said a woman said she was my future Luna?” Before she can answer, Lily does. “Oh, please let me
tell him” she says to Amelia. Amelia nods and Lily turns to me. “Jennifer decided to approach us in the dining room being rude as
usual.” “She not only said she was your future mate and Luna, but that Amelia was a filthy rogue wh*re.” I see red and Talon is at
the surface. How dare she say such things? Even if Amelia were just a visitor, she has no right to do such a thing.
Before I know what’s happening, Amelia wraps her arms around me and I bury my head in her neck, breathing deep. For the first
time, I catch a faint smell of creamsicles. “She is our mate, Lincoln.” “I have no doubt, Talon.” I take a few deep breaths before I
pull back with a smile on my face. “You smell like my favorite treat as a kid.” She looks at me with confusion. “You smell like
creamsicles.” Her cheeks blush and goddess I love to see her blush. She leans in and breathes deep. She smiles “you smell like
rosewood.” “I love that smell.”
Amelia POV
As soon as I see his eyes turn black, I know his wolf is at the surface hearing Lily’s story. I rush over, wrapping my arms around
his waist. When we both catch each other’s scent, it’s just one more reason for us both to believe that we are mates. “He is
definitely our second chance”, Star says. I still can’t believe he is willing to accept the pup growing in my belly. He is an amazing
man and Alpha. “Amelia would it be ok if we spoke with my parents.” I can feel the nerves that I had before our conversation
come back tenfold. I can’t imagine his parents are going to be happy he’s mate isn’t pure and is carrying another man’s pup. He

steps in front of me, “Lily can you give us a moment alone.” “Of course, Lincoln” she says and she is gone. “Amelia, I can tell
your nervous but I have spoken with both my parents about my feelings for you.” “You told them I’m your mate.” “You were that
sure?” He smiles “I told you I have no doubt that we are mates.” “My parents have always been supportive and this is no
different.” “Ok, let’s go talk to them.” He smiles and takes my hand leading me down the stairs. As we walk through the pack
house, I can hear the wolves chattering. I’m sure talking about their Alpha holding this strange she-wolf’s hand. He squeezes my
hand, bringing my focus back to him.
We enter the dining room and his parents are sitting with Lily and Michael at the table. When they notice us, I’m shocked to see
smiles on all of their faces. “Mom and dad could you join me and Amelia in my office please.” “Of course”, his mother says,
jumping up. His father following behind her. We head out of the dining room and the last person I want to see right now is
walking toward us. As soon as she sees my hand in Lincoln’s, her face morphs into anger.
Lincoln POV
When I see Jenn and the look of anger on her face, I step in front of Amelia. Jenn looks into my eyes and I see a mixture of
anger and hurt. “You have to be kidding me, Lincoln.” “I will only warn you once, Jenn.” “I would be very careful of the next words
that come out of your mouth.” “I think I was perfectly clear earlier about my mate.” “Are you saying that the pregnant rogue is
your mate.” I growl “I warned you.” “Michael take her to the cells for insulting the future Luna of the pack.” “She is to stay in the
cells for two days.” “Lincoln you can’t do this.” “She is marked and pregnant.” “You’re throwing away the future you could have
had.” “I can and I just did.” “I suggest you take this time in the cells to think about if you can remain a member of this pack.”
“Amelia is my mate and the pup in her belly is my son.” Michael takes her arm and leads her out of my sight. She is yelling the
whole way and I hate that Amelia had to listen to her bulls*t. “Amelia please don’t let her upset you.” “I’m fine” she says, but I’m
sure that what happened in the past is playing on her mind. I am nothing like that ba**ard and the only woman I’m ever going to
want is Amelia.
We reach my office and my parents take a seat in front of my desk. Amelia takes a seat I placed next to me. “We just wanted to
let you know that I am Amelia’s second chance mate.” “I told Amelia that I will complete the bond when she is ready.” I look to
Amelia to make sure she is ok. “I’m sure this is not what you expected for your son.” My mother raises her hand and stands
coming around the desk. Amelia stands and my mother pulls her into her arms. “Welcome to our family Amelia.” “We can’t wait to
have our first grand pup.” “Thank you for accepting me and my pup.” I stand next to her “our pup.” She wraps her arm around my
waist. “I mean our pup” she says smiling at me. She looks to my father. He stands coming over and hugs Amelia. He pulls back
laying his hand on her belly. “You keep my grand pup safe.” “I will, I promise” she says before I pull her back into my side. I am
truly blessed and I will do whatever it takes to make sure my mate and pup stay safe.

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