Ben and Lucy: The Sunken Kingdom

Chapter 27 Miwa

The morning came too soon for Paddy, the cave was cold and hard but he had slept. As the sun lightened up the cave Paddy saw the inside for the first time. Nothing too exciting for a cave. Stone walls, dusty floor. He wondered if the cave led anywhere. He decided to search the inside of the cave further. He did not want to go back outside just yet. He got himself up and stretched, his bones ached from the hard ground. The light of the sun lit up the cave and surprising he could see his way inside. Paddy went deeper into the cave as he did he noticed a tunnel that led further into the mountain. He continued his path deeper into the cave. A light down the tunnel attracted Paddy and began to move toward it. Deeper into the caverns he went. The light should have not penetrated this deep inside, yet as he continued the light grew instead of dissipated.

Paddy heard something. Heavy breathing. He crept closer, nervously he was drawn further in. His hand slid across the cave’s wall. The rock was dry and warm. The warmth felt good. The tunnel grew warmer the further he went. He was glad for the increased temperature. After being in the water and sleeping in the cave last night he was cold through to his bones. Now the warmth drew him in. The breathing was heavier and louder. Paddy stepped even closer. The cave’s tunnel turned toward the right. Paddy could see the tunnel opening up, still he could not see what lay ahead. One more step he thought. Paddy paused. He crouched down as far as he could. Whatever was around the corner could be very dangerous indeed. The heat was now more intense than ever before. Paddy peered around the corner. His jaw dropped open.

Charnac worried in his room. No movement had been heard for hours within the walls. His food had been more abundant than in past days. The supplies were tripled what he had been receiving. Charnac wondered why. Could Shamus be moving toward the Sunken Kingdom and Eloise? He listened. No sound came from the halls. He placed his ear to the walls. Nothing. He turned back toward his food. If he was left alone then he could not eat it all at once. He would not have enough for the days that might come.

Charnac’s mind wondered. He was now thinking of how to escape. How could he open the doors? He examined his cell. He looked around for anything to help. There must be something. His eyes scoured the room. Sticks, dirt, some clothes for bedding. Wait, what held the bedding together? He tore the sheets off the bed. There! Charnac began to kick at the corner of the bed. If he could just get it loose. Minutes grew into an hour. Charnac was growing weaker and weaker but he continued. Finally the bed gave way. Charnac worked and worked, finally he got the nail out. This he gathered into his hands and went to the cell door. Again he paused and listened. Still no sound even after all of his pounding. How could they have left him alone? What was Shamus thinking?

Charnac worked slowly but his mind was concentrated on the task at hand. After another hour and a few more tries the cell door began to give. Finally the door swung open. Charnac had picked the lock. Amazing. Charnac could not believe his luck. As he pushed the door open the heavy gate made a creaking noise. Again Charnac paused for any sounds. Nothing. His luck was holding out. He gathered up more food. He knew that now he would need the food sooner more than later. No use holding out if he was now loose within the dungeons. He ate the food ferociously. The food was not in the least bit tasty but he was not picky at this point.

Charnac continued working his way up through the dungeon. Through each door and up every step he was sure to run into someone but alas no one was around. Where did everyone go? Slowly he made his way up the steps out of the dungeon and toward the door that led to the main floors. As he reached for the door he heard a sound to his left. He braced himself against the wall. He anticipated a guard or at least a servant. What he saw surprised him. Slithering up to the door was a huge snake. The snake paused and then moved toward him. Charnac stood motionless. The huge snake curled itself around Charnac’s legs and made its way around his body, wrapping Charnac up until he could not move. Then the snake moved its head directly in front of Charnac. The snaked looked directly into Charnac’s eyes.

“Charnac, I would advise you to return to your cell.” There is no need for locks as you can see, you and I are the only ones present in the dungeons. The front gate is locked and you cannot escape me. I do not want to bite you as that would have adverse affects on you that my master would not appreciate nor would that be very good for your future. So if you would not mind too terribly, I would suggest that you heed my warnings. By the way I am called Sylvester.” At this the large snake smiled at Charnac and released him. As the huge serpent slithered back toward the gate. Charnac regained his breath. Charnac reluctantly retreated back down the steps and down toward his cell.

“Charnac, you may move about within the dungeon and any food you find you may have. Don’t for a minute think that you can escape.” Sylvester called down to Charnac through the halls of the dungeon. At the end Sylvester let out a hideous laugh. Charnac’s blood ran cold. “Charnac, get used to this place. The rest of your life will be lived here.” Charnac made his way back down slowly and as he did he noticed the bodies of the other prisoners that he did not see before. The bodies were not normal. They appeared twisted and disfigured. Charnac realized this must have been the work of Sylvester. Charnac began to look through the bodies. He might just be able to find what he was looking for.

Paddy breathed again. Before him was a huge dragon. The warmth was coming it. Paddy quickly remembered his legends. Could this be the one dragon that lives in the mountain, Miwa? The dragon was laying in a ball, all curled up. Heat emitting from its body. Paddy’s fear was overcome by his curiosity. Something about this dragon was different. He did not feel threatened. He stepped into the cavernous room. Quickly the dragon turned around. Her eyes concentrated on the small figure before here. Paddy bent down, bowing in front of the dragon. He slowly stepped forward with his head down and his hands outstretched in front of him. Paddy kept his palms upward. He was surrendering to the creature.

Miwa growled, but did not breath fire. This small creature before her was gentle and caring. She could read his intentions. He was not like the ones in the past. There were no weapons. She allowed him to approach her. Paddy continued forward until he was inches away. Paddy stopped. Miwa leaned her snout to his hands. He gently caressed her skin. She raised her head. She purred. Paddy looked her in the eyes. The two exchanged looks. They had accepted each other. Paddy threw his arms around the beast’s snout. Miwa moaned and then exposed her side. Paddy noticed a spear sticking in her side. Miwa grimaced in pain. Paddy stepped closer to the wound.

“Don’t worry my new friend. I will help you.” Paddy spoke to Miwa. As he touched the spear, Miwa flinched slightly. Paddy padded Miwa. “Now, now. This will hurt a little but then you will be ok.” Miwa allowed Paddy to continue to work on her. The pain seared through her as he pulled the spear out. Then the pain subsided. Paddy covered the wound with leaves and his shirt. The greenish blood soon stopped. Miwa closed her eyes and soon fell asleep. Paddy relaxed and laid against the beasts side. She was warm and he felt safe. The dragon’s pulsating body and slow breathing soon soothed him as well. Paddy soon joined Miwa in sleep. The two new friends slept soundly side by side.

The team awoke fresh and ready for travel. Ben and Lucy were first in the team room along with Eloise. Then Growler and Mattie arrived. The table was prepared for breakfast.

“Make sure you eat well. You will all need your energy and your senses need not be distracted by hunger or thirst.” Eloise instructed them. Baggy and Max stumbled in, being drawn by the sweet smell of honey and baked bread. Joliet was next to enter the room. All looked upon her. She was defiant and brave. No one questioned her. Roscoe and Pierre were the last of the team to join. Finally they all sat down to eat. Very little conversation was exchanged. Joliet stayed to herself. Lucy moved closer to the young lady. The two exchanged glances. Lucy was trying but Joliet would have nothing of it. She glanced over to Ben. Ben smiled back at her. Joliet quickly turned away. Adrienne stepped into the room and Ben’s eyes quickly lit up.

“What a nice surprise, are you here to see us off?” Ben questioned Adrienne.

“Yes, you need a good sending off.” Adrienne smiled back at Ben. Joliet gritted her teeth. Pierre kept a close eye on Joliet. He thought to himself that she could have been the girl in the hall. He moved over to her.

“So the young brave will be joining us. No kind words for your sister?”

“Always the kind words flow from her.” Joliet sniped.

“Ah, do I sense a bit of jealousy?”

“What do I have to be jealous of?”

“Oh I think you fancy the young Ben, do you not?”

Joliet’s eyes flashed anger. Her look shocked Pierre. He easily could see the will in her eyes. He knew. Joliet was not the one who would betray them. She was in this hunt to be with Ben. He smiled. Oh the young.

Ben was falling all over Adrienne. Her beauty captivated him. All in the room could tell that the boy was smitten. Only Pierre knew how Joliet felt. He would keep that to himself. He might be able to use that bit of knowledge later. He was also now convinced that Joliet was not the one he had heard in the dark hall. Her scent was different.

“Ok, all of you have had your breakfast and drink, please prepare for the journey. All of your items have been brought. You will now need to move quickly so the rest of the palace will not know of your departure.” Eloise spoke to them all.

Eloise waved her hand toward the east wing of the room. There on the table all of the individual items for each member laid. Ben and Lucy’s backpacks. Growler’s sword and even a shield. Roscoe’s bow and arrows. Pierre’s saber, a set of iron claws for Baggy and a studded collar for Max. Joliet had nothing. She bowed her head. Again left out.

“Joliet, I have something special for you.” Eloise spoke. All turned toward her. “I have had this cape specially made for you. It is light weight but has the strength of a Terrordon’s scales. Please take this as a gift for your bravery.”

Joliet was embarrassed. She took the gift reluctantly. As she placed it around her she could feel the energy within. She smiled.

“Now, you all must make your way through the hidden door. behind this curtain. As she lifted the curtain a door appeared. Growler was the first, he turned the knob and the door opened. He held the door for Ben and Lucy first. As they crossed the threshold their shapes disappeared.

Ben and Lucy turned to say goodbye but they found themselves inside of a cavern with only one way to go. the doorway had become a wall of granite. As they waited for the others, each member appeared in mid air through a mist. Baggy and Max, Growler, Pierre, and Roscoe. Then finally Joliet’s turn. Adrienne gave Joliet a hug. Her Jasmine scent filled Joliet’s nose. She always hated that scent.

“Goodbye my sister. May the luck of Isa be with you.” Adrienne said softly.

“Yeah, whatever. See you when we return.” After that Joliet stepped through the door. The door began to shrink and finally disappeared. The door was now gone and replaced with a wall.

“Don’t worry my dear, when they return the door will open again. Charnac will know how to open the door.”

“What if they return without him?”

“Then the wall I am afraid, will not open and they will remain forever on the other side.”

Adrienne’s fear grew at these words. If something happens to Charnac then she will never see her sister again. She now had a decision to make. Why did her sister have to volunteer? Things were going as planned until then.

“Come now Adrienne we must prepare for Shamus.”

“Yes, we must.” Adrienne replied softly.

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