Behind The Alpha Book 7 Graham

Chapter 16

(Chapter Song ‘Popular Monster’ by Falling In Reverse)


I spin around to a gun in my face, throwing my hands up. “I-I uh…”

He narrows his eyes. “You’re the professor. You tried to sabotage us.”

I shake my head as I back up. “No…No, I…it was…an accident…I would never…” I chuckle as I look around for a way out.

“Yeah. Yeah, you did! You killed my best friend, fuck head! He had a kid!” He aims the gun on my brain.

“WHOA! Hey! I’m sorry for your friend. I swear. I have no idea what you’re talking…” My back hits a truck and he puts the barrel to my brain.

“Bullshit. Good bye.”

I close my eyes tight and wait for my end. I hear an oof and open one eye. Confusion fills me and I open the other one. The soldier’s on the ground and Destiny is standing at his side, inspecting his nails.

He puts his hands in his pockets and smiles at me. “Hey, Graham. How’s it going?” He asks like he’s at a fucking tea party.

I push off the truck and walk to the other side of the unconscious soldier. “How’s it going? I’m fucking cracked! That’s how it’s going. I’m literally in a fucking nightmare!” I motion to the army behind me.

“It’s not a nightmare. Well, I mean it is, but not like a dream.” He says.

“Wait. This…isn’t in my head?” I turn my head slightly and eye him.

“No.” He chuckles. “You don’t have that great an imagination.” He steps over the soldier, wraps an arm around my shoulder and guides me to the army. “No. You…” He plants a finger on my chest. “Are a bookmark.”

“A what?!” I scrunch my face at him.

“A bookmark. Come on, you’re a teacher. You should know what a bookmark is for.” He tilts his head to me.

I look at the ground then back up at him. “I’m a place holder?”

“Yes.” He grins as he thumps a finger in my chest.

I look at nothing as I try to process. I shove his arm off me. “A place holder for what?”

He lifts his chin and smirks. “Not what…” He leans to me. “Who.” His brows raise as he looks me in the eye.

My mouth shrinks and my brows stitch up. “What did you do?”

He shrugs and ticks his lips down. “Nothing. Just put Humpty Dumpty back together with some…minor adjustments.”

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” I throw my hands up.

He rushes me, grabs my nape and looks behind me. He points in my face and stares into my eyes. “Unless you want to die really painfully and kill me in the process, you’ll keep your voice down.”

“No! Fuck you! What the hell is going on?!” I yell.

He lowers his head, groans and shakes his head. He lifts his hand and snaps his fingers.

I’m standing in a pale blue room with stark white walls, ceiling and floors. I’m dressed in white as I spin around the room with no door.

“HELLO?!” My voice echoes around the empty room.

“You just don’t know when to shut up.” Destiny’s voice booms so loud I have to cover my ears. I double over and when it’s over, I raise my head. He’s standing in a t-shirt and jeans.

I look at him with cautious confusion. “Where am I?”

He ticks his head. “A pocket. A quiet place between worlds.”

“A pocket.” I say as my bare feet slowly cross the floor to him.

“Yeah. There’s a lot of them between the walls. Some more special than others. This one is like my meeting room to gab and throw back a beer or two. Speaking of which, you want one?” He points to me as he raises his other hand to snap.

“No, thanks.” I tuck my hands under my armpits as I tilt my head. “What’s happening to me?”

“What happened to you was something that wasn’t really in the plan. I just kind of made a marginal note and went with it.” He says as he stuff his hands in his pockets.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Well, to put it bluntly, you were a much needed distraction.” He smiles.


He nods. “See. I couldn’t have Zan or anyone discover my plan to kill dear old dad and take his job so, I wrote you in as an amendment and boom. Graham walks again.”

“Why do I feel like that was a horrible idea?” I raise my chin and eye him.

He scratches his nose and sniffs. “Well, um…” He coughs like he’s uncomfortable and not wanting to tell me. “I may not have thought it completely through.”

I walk up to him and narrow my eyes. “What did you do?”

He shifts in the spot.

“Destiny!” My voice booms as my wolf growls in my chest.

He twists his lips. “It’s not a big deal, ok. It’s just…You were part of the universe for a long time.” He looks around the room. “You know what? Let’s go somewhere else.”

He snaps his fingers and we're in a forest. It’s night, but it’s not blue.

He’s leaning on a tree with a smug look on his face that I wish I wipe off with a good solid punch.

I throw my arms up. “What did you do, you son of a bitch?!” I growl as I throw a finger in his face.

Hey scowls as he pushes off the tree. “Don’t get nasty. I gave you your life back.” He leans to me, pointing at his chest.


He crosses his arms. “Putting a human and wolf back together, atom by atom, is a delicate procedure and I didn’t have a lot of time.”

I jut my chin out. “Tell me.” I growl.

“It can’t be done by just any cosmic. It requires patience and care and a lot of alcohol…”

“TELL ME!” I flare my eyes at him.

He holds a hand up to me. “Ok…Maybe, I couldn’t find all the pieces when I was putting you together.”

I get right up in his face. “What the hell did you do, Destiny?!”

He holds up a finger. “Uh…It’s Eternity now. Get it right.” He pokes my shoulder and pushes me back. “I may have had to improvise.”

I glare into eyes . “What the fuck did you?!” I grit as I grab his shirt in both fists and get nose to nose with him.

“Hey, just calm down, alright!” He scowls.

I look around at the trees. I turn to Destiny and look at my hands. Ripping them off, I step back and stare at him with confusion. “What are you doing here?”

He huffs as he straightens his shirt. “About time. I can’t stall for you forever.”

I walk up to him. “What did you tell him?”

“Nothing. Back off.” He shoves me back. “You know he’s breached the veil right?”

I rub my neck. “Yeah. I saw.”

“So whatever you plan on doing, move your ass because if he calls again, I may have to spill.” Destiny tilts his head as he eyes me.

I drop my arm to the side. “I just need more time.”

He nods. “I can’t keep this up, man. The more I’m exposed, the more Rex can tap me. The longer you keep Graham in the dark, the less time they have to prepare for the invasion.”

“I know…I just…” I sigh. “I can’t find him. I can’t break the connection without the Tanuki. It’s the only way. Once I put him together with the Kitsune, it should sever the connection between me and him and he can go on with his boring life.”

“Or…he could explode into a bazillion little pieces.” Destiny crosses his arms and scowls. “Then all my hard work. My cosmic blood, sweat and laughter would be for nothing!”

I point in his face. “You got your job title. I didn’t fucking sign up for this!” I grind at him.

He looks me in the eye. “You can’t tell me going over there isn’t better than your side.”

I look down and turn away. “No. I can’t say that, but I can’t keep jumping like this.” I flop my hand to him as I turn. “I’m losing my mind, man. It’s just…” I look to the world I want to be a part of. “The more I see, the more I want and it’s not good. I may have seen the other side, but I know I don’t belong there and I’m not a total asshole like the other guys. I know what this is doing to him. It’s not fair, man. Destiny. We're torturing him.”

He slowly walks up to me. “Then be a big boy and tell…him.”

I lower my eyes and think. “He won’t handle it. I could barely handle it when you told me and I’m ten times stronger than him. I’m just protecting him, ok. No. If I sever the connection, he’ll think he’s cured.”

“Or dead.” Destiny says again.

“Quit saying that! He won’t die. The plan will work if I can find the Tanuki.” I say.

“Look. I didn’t spend forever, painstakingly putting Graham back together, for you to wreck everything. Now, if you insist on this bullshit plan, I may have to take out some insurance that it better work.” He glares into my eyes.

“What kind of insurance?” I narrow my eyes.

He thumps a finger into my chest. “If he explodes, you explode.” He threatens as he ticks his jaw.

“You can’t do that.” I grit.

“Yeah. I can. A little instruction on the right molecule and boom.” He flares out his fingers.

“You’re an asshole.” I clench.

“And you’re on borrowed time. If they connect the Lefus, your time is up. If I was you, I’d be working with Graham instead of trying to get away from him and do the part you’re destined for.” He motions his hand to me.

“No. Your plan is bullshit. I won’t do it.” I cross my arms in defiance.

“Fine, but let me remind you of one tiny, little detail. If Rex gets me, WE'RE ALL FUCKING DEAD!” His scream blew my hair back and I had to shield my eyes as he blinked out.

I hear soldiers barking orders as I lower my arms.

The world is deep blue and the army is ahead of me.

“Fucking cosmic dick!” I growl under my breath and break into a sprint out of there before I get caught.

I have to get back to base and find that dog before this whole thing blows up in my face…literally.

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