Before I Rise

Chapter The Ally

Marcus’s POV

Multiple cars started pulling into the pack house culde sac just as I slid into place next to Em. I was a little shocked I even made it in time to greet them. After completing my patrol around the border, I showered and got dressed as fast as I could. I thought it would be rude if I didn’t make it. Especially since he booked a flight here without any hesitation right after I called him. He also was able to bring extra warriors to help us.

“Here, let me fix this for you.” Em reached her hands up and fixed my shirt collar. “Are you nervous?” She asked me.

I shook my head, “No. If anything, I’m incredibly grateful he showed up and is able to add to our numbers. It will be nice to have him here to help.”

Em gave me a small smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. It was the exact same look she gave me when I told her he was coming. I asked her if she had a problem with it, but she promised me she didn’t. However, I didn’t really believe her. I wasn’t sure what was going on in her head about him, but that was going to have to wait for now.

“Is he here yet?” Dave asked, as he walked up the stairs to the porch we were all standing on.

“He’s pulling up now.” I told him, as I pointed to the cars parking.

One by one they got out of the car and lined up in front of the steps. He finally got out and walked up to us, wearing his warm smile on his face. I immediately felt calm seeing him. In a way, him being here made me almost believe that everything was going to be okay. It definitely helped that he brought way more men than we had initially discussed him bringing yesterday on the phone.

“Thank you for coming, Jensen.” I said as I stuck out my hand to meet his.

“Of course Marcus. It’s good to be here, I just wish it was under different circumstances.”

I nodded my head in agreement as he let go of my hand and moved it in Em’s direction.

“Good to see you Em. Congratulations on becoming Luna.”

Em took a few seconds to shake Jensen’s hand. “Thanks,” she mumbled to him. Jensen didn’t take it to heart and moved on to the next person. I, however, was perplexed as to why she was acting this way to him.

“Well well well. Look who it is! The man who still after all these years, refuses to cut his hair. Tell me Dave, have you at least started washing it?”

Dave scoffed and rolled his eyes. “At least I’m not going gray. Be honest Jenson, have you ever heard of hair dye? You look old as shit man.”

They just stared at each other for a few seconds, before erupting in laughter and hugging each other. It warmed my heart to know that even after all these years of not seeing each other, they still were close.

“How’s Claire? Still feisty?” Dave asked, as they pulled away from each other.

Jensen’s face stretched into an even bigger smile than before at the mention of his mate.

“Of course she is! I wouldn’t want her any other way. How’s Lilly? She still making her famous apple pie?”

I tuned them out as they got caught up with each other and turned my attention to Em. She had the most serious look I have ever seen her wear while watching Jensen and Dave interact.

“Are you ok? Don’t tell me you are, cause clearly you aren’t.” I whispered to her as quietly as I could. I didn’t want to risk anyone hearing us.

She finally stopped her stare down and looked at me. She was quiet for a few seconds before finally answering.

“Yeah I am, I promise. I just have a lot on my mind from yesterday’s events. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude or anything.”

I took her hand into mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze. “We are going to be alright, Love. I promise you.” She squeezed my hand back and finally placed a real genuine smile on her face.

“Marcus, perhaps my warriors should be shown to their rooms while we discuss the plan of action.”

“Sounds good Jensen. Em, do you mind showing everyone where they will be staying and then afterwards you can join us in my office?” I asked her.

“Sure, but there’s a few things I need to do today. Do you mind just filling me in on everything later tonight or do you really want me to be there?”

“No, that’s fine. Just make sure if you plan on leaving the pack house, that you have Jules go with you.” She nodded her head in agreement and asked all of Jensen’s warriors to follow her.

I was happy she wasn’t putting up a fight about having Jules accompany her every time she went outside the pack house. I was worried she would be opposed to it when I first brought it up to her, but she was in total agreement. I guess she had the exact same concern I did about her not being able to mindlink anyone if she was in trouble. Jules was also pretty accepting about it as well. My ideal candidate would have been Alexis, but she isn’t connected to the pack and can’t mindlink anyone either. I was initially going to ask Alicia if she would stay by Em’s side, but she has been acting weird ever since yesterday morning.

All three of us made small talk as we walked to my office. As soon as we walked in, I pulled out all the maps I had along with the papers that had our defense plan. I had Em and Julie make copies, so that everyone in the pack had one and knew exactly what to do if things go south.

“How many men did you bring exactly Jensen?” I asked him, as I laid everything out on my coffee table.

“Seventy. I would have brought more, but we started to see a slight increase in our rogue sightings. By the way, where is Alpha Alexis? Is she still here?”

Dave and I didn’t answer him as we stood there and stared at him in disbelief.

“What?” He asked us, wondering why we were staring at him.

“You… You’re having rogue sightings and you decided to come here? Are you sure that was the right thing to do? Not that I’m not grateful, but aren’t you concerned?” I asked him in total disbelief. Not only would I have not left my pack, but I certainly wouldn’t send seventy of my warriors to help a pack when mine might be in trouble.

“Oh! My bad, I guess I should elaborate more. The rogues we are seeing aren’t the rogues you guys are dealing with. They seem to be seeking asylum, trying to not get caught up with what’s going on right now.” He explained to us.

It made sense, Desert Rose Pack was known to take in those in need. It’s how the pack has always been. I just assumed with everything going on, they would be more apprehensive in letting rogues stay or join them.

“Phew, for a second there I was worried about your mental state.” Dave jokingly said.

“You’re still letting rogues stay with your pack?” I asked Jensen, hoping he would provide more clarification.

“Yes I am. I figured the more I let stay with us, the less numbers they have.”

“Makes sense.” Dave said with a shrug before sitting down on one of the couches.

“How is Alpha Alexis doing?” Jensen asked us while taking a seat next to Dave.

“She is doing okay. She is actually on patrol right now with Jacoby. I think her getting out and doing something is helping her.” I said, as I finally sat down on the opposite couch.

“I can’t imagine what she is going through. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.” I hummed in agreement with Jensen. My heart broke for her every time I thought about it.

I pointed to the map on the coffee table. “This is the tunnel the pack will be taking if the rogues break across the boundary line. I’ve written out instructions for all the pack members to follow them, well all the pack members that will be leaving. I’ve already informed you about the patrol schedule when we spoke yesterday. Are you comfortable with having your men added to it?” I asked Jensen.

He nodded his head, “Yes. Of course. Put them wherever you like, the same goes for me. I am simply here to help where needed. Whatever you want me to do, I’ll do.”

“Great, because I have an idea I am hoping you will be on board with. Would you be willing to not be part of the patrol? I was hoping that since Alexis joined the patrol and now we are on opposite schedules, that you would be the Alpha that would be running the day to day operations. I want to make sure pack members still have an Alpha around to help if needed.”

“That sounds like a good idea. What about you Dave, are you on the patrol schedule?”

I answered Jensen’s question before Dave could. “No, I actually wanted him to be here with you.”

Jensen let out a light chuckle. “Looks like ‘Double Trouble’ is back together again.” The minute they fist bumped each other, I seriously questioned whether or not they would actually be getting any work done.

“Did the Luna ever talk to your Elder about the rogues?” Jensen asked me.

“Yes she did. Apparently you were right about the blood, she believes it is from black magic. She informed us that if we can capture a live rogue, she will be able to make a concoction from it to help protect us from being burned. She is also wanting to communicate with the Moon Goddess, however our next full moon is two weeks from now. Fortunately, she told us that there’s a possibility Em could go under and communicate with the Goddess. Elder Morgan isn’t sure it will work, but she wants to try.” I informed him.

He was quiet for a few minutes, soaking in everything. He cleared his throat and rubbed his face.

“Does Em want to do it?” He asked me.

“She’s… apprehensive about it. She wants to try, I just think she is worried it wont work. Elder Morgan is preparing everything she needs before we try. Hopefully in a few days, we’ll be able to make contact with the Goddess and get some sort of direction.” I explained to him.

He nodded his head in understanding. “I would be too. Though if anyone can do it, she could.”

That caught my attention. “What do you mean by that?” I asked him. Jensen’s face changed for a split second before returning to his normal chill look.

“I just mean a Luna is supposed to be connected to the Moon Goddess in her own special way. There’s no way you or I could do it, and it sounds like we don’t have time to wait for Elder Morgan as well.”

It made sense, however something about the way he looked for that one second made me question if that’s what he really ment or not. I wasn’t going to push it. I had other things to do at the moment.

“Well, I think that’s all I have for you right now. Do you have any other questions or ideas you want to share?” I asked him, as I stood up and started to fold up the map and papers to put away.

He shook his head, “No. I think you are doing a fine job Marcus. If I come up with anything, you’ll be the first to know.”

He stood up and patted me on the shoulder in a fatherly way. It meant so much to me for him to drop everything and get here in a rush.

“Thank you Jensen. Now, if you two will excuse me, I have to go find Em. I promised her I would fill her in and also have dinner with her.”

“Perfect timing, Lilly just got done making apple pie.” Dave said as he stood up and stretched.

“Oh hell yeah, I haven’t had her apple pie in almost a decade and I am starving!” Jensen began to walk to the door before Dave stopped him.

“Uh, who said you were invited?” Dave teasingly asked him.

Jensen rolled his eyes. “Me, myself, and I. Let’s go Beta. See you tomorrow Marcus.”

I waved goodbye to both of them before walking off in the opposite direction, searching for my mate.

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