Becoming strangers again (Lily and Ryan)

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

Leaning back, I intertwined my fingers and fixed my gaze on Mr Waper. "You heard me, Waper, I reiterated firmly.

With a resigned sigh, he turned on his heel and exited the room. My attention then shifted to James. "So, are you going to regurgitate the same inquiries those fools asked, or do you have something fresh for me?" I inquired, my tone laced with impatience.

A chuckle escaped James's lips. "Your confidence leads me to believe you already have an escape plan in mind," he remarked, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"That wasn't a question," I pointed out, raising an eyebrow in response to his observation.


you reiterate what you disclosed to them, Mr. Williams?" James redirected, his tone now more businesslike.

Letting out a weary sigh, I ran a hand down my face, feeling the weight of the interrogation bearing down on me. "My were to fetch Sophia and bring her to my office because she was the only one capable of saving the company's reputation," I explained, my frustration evident in my voice.

He twirled his pen thoughtfully. "And how, exactly, was she supposed to do that?" he probed further.

"Because she was the one who submitted the stolen designs," I replied flatly, a hint of frustration creeping into my tone. It seemed it was time to redirect the narrative and make them realize they were barking up the wrong tree. "She was hiding from someone.

James's interest piqued. "What do you mean by that?"

"At first, I assumed she was hiding from us," I explained, "but given that she was murdered, it's clear she wasn't actually evading us. It's possible that the same person who was after her is the one who killed her."

"Are you going to elaborate on that?" James pressed for more details.

"When she resigned," I continued, "she informed her supervisor that she was relocating to an Asian country. However, we later discovered that the Asian country she claimed to have moved to was Singapore. Our investigation revealed she never left the country, prompting us to pay a visit to her mother." I blinked. "And the rest, as they say, is history"

"So you believe the person she was trying to evade ended up being her killer?" James inquired, leaning forward with interest.

I nodded in confirmation. "Are you going to try that?" I redirected the conversation, gesturing towards the untouched water, He glanced at it skeptically, scoffed, and decided to take a sip before handing it to me. I accepted the bottle and emptied its contents in one go.

"How can we be sure she wasn't hiding from you?" James pressed further, his tone probing.

With a solemn expression, I slowly lowered the now-empty bottle. "I entertained that possibility initially, but my perspective shifted after her untimely demise," I confessed.

"You've shared your narrative, Mr. Williams. Now, allow me to offer my perspective, James began, his tone measured as he prepared to deliver his analysis. I listened intently, curious to hear his conclusions drawn from our discussion

"I believe she was hiding from you, James continued. "She knew you would pursue her once you discovered she had stolen the design. And that's exactly what happened. Unable to tolerate the tarnishing of the company's image and reputation that you had worked so hard to build, you tracked her down and ultimately ended her life"

I couldn't help but chuckle at his assertion. "Is something amusing?" James inquired

"What you just suggested," I replied, my amusement evident, "does it sound logical to you?" I probed, questioning his capacity for rational thought. "Why would I contemplate killing someone who could potentially aid my company in overcoming this predicament?"

"Because you have other means of rectifying the situation," james retorted, rising from his seat with

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