
Chapter Becomes 129


Chapter 0129

Serena’s POV

Bill calls out to me, “Serena, are you okay?”

I blink, my mind foggy. For a moment, I feel completely out of it, as if I’m not really here.

“Serena!” Bill’s voice cuts through the haze.

snap back to reality, the rhythmic sound of crashing waves and the salty tang of the ocean filling my senses. I’m back on the beach, the sun warming my skin. Bill looks at me with worried eyes, trying to see if I’m okay.

“I’m okay,” I say. “I just zoned out for a second. Sorry.”

“Is something bothering you?”

For a moment, I wonder if I should ask Bill if he’s the chubby kid I met who was bullied at the beach. I really couldn’t remember that boy’s face, but there’s something familiar in Bill’s eyes that make me think it might be him.

Still, I decide against it. Bill might be offended if I mistook him for someone who was picked on.

“It’s nothing,” I say, managing a small smile. “Just my pregnant brain acting up.”

Bill continues to look at me with concern, but he nods, accepting my explanation. “Do you want to rest? Is all this walking tiring you out?”

“Oh no!” I quickly reply. “I’m enjoying everything so far.”

I look out at the shore, and it takes my breath away. The golden sand stretches endlessly, glistening under the sunlight like tiny jewels. The waves roll in gently, their white crests sparkling against the azure


I can’t resist the urge to feel the sand beneath my feet. I take off my sandals and wiggle my toes in the warm, soft grains.

“Hey! What are you doing?” Bill asks, a mix of surprise and amusement in his voice. “You know you’re not supposed to overexert yourself.”

I flash a mischievous grin at him. Without a word, I head towards the shore, feeling the cool water lap at my feet. “C’mon Bill! We don’t have all day!”

“Be careful, Serena!” Bill calls out as he follows me to the water.

“Relax! I’m fine. Just enjoying the moment.”

We walk along the shoreline together, the gentle surf washing over our feet. The sun shines brightly, casting a warm glow over the ocean.

As we stroll, we start collecting seashells along the way, chatting and laughing as we find different shapes and colors. Suddenly, I spot a pink seashell nestled in the rocks.

“Look at that one!” I exclaim, pointing to the shell.

We. both go for it at the same time, our steps perfectly in sync. Qur fingertips touch as we reach for the



shell. I feel a spark. Warmth spreads from the touch, sending a shiver down my spine.

Bill glances away quickly, a faint blush creeping up his cheeks. I bite my lip, my heart racing. I can’t help but look down at the sand, my face feeling hot.

“Got it!” Bill says softly, clearing his throat and avoiding my eyes for a moment.

We stand there for a moment, our fingers still touching, the pink shell held gently between us.

I gently pull my hand away and smile at Bill. “This one’s definitely a keeper,” I say softly.

We continue walking along the shore, enjoying the peaceful sounds of the waves and the feeling of the sand beneath our feet.

After a while, we start to feel tired. Bill glances around and spots a small, grassy dune with a few smooth rocks nearby.

“How about we rest over there?” he suggests, pointing to the spot.

I nod, grateful for the chance to sit down. “Sounds perfect.”

We make our way to the dune and settle onto the rocks, the grass cushioning our backs. The view of the ocean from here is even more stunning, and we sit in comfortable silence, taking it all in.

“So, have you found your inspiration yet?” Bill asks, wiping sweat from his eyebrow.

I smile and look out at the sea. “Plenty. This place is perfect,” I say softly.

“Glad to hear it. And just so you know, I still have another surprise for you.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Oh? What is it?”

He chuckles, a hint of mischief in his eyes. “You’ll see.

After a few minutes, Bill stands up and extends his hand to me.

“Ready for your surprise?” he asks.

I take his hand and let him help me up. “Lead the way,” I say,

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