Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 182

Chapter 182 – Bailey

My head felt like a storm was spinning through it… my whole body ached, even parts I didn’t know could ache! I felt like I had been run over by a herd of elephants. What the hell had happened to me? I pried my eyes open tenderly, realizing in shock as my eyes attempted to focus that I was in a hospital room. I had been at the wedding not long ago, hadn’t I? My eyes drifted to Asher… oh, Asher…

He did not look too great. He was anxiously pacing the floor of the room, his back currently to me. Had he been here long? Had been here long? What had even happened? My mind was filled with questions that I was so desperately trying to find answers to, which was pretty difficult when it felt like I had a band of drum players currently residing in my head. We were in the car, I think…

My mind was such a blur of information. Flickers of images… rogues… fighting… screaming… blackness. Snippets of conversations I think had happened… but then, they just didn’t seem to fit with the wedding… doctors… Asher… could they have been while I was here in the hospital? Is that possible? Eden… Morgan… Asher… oh… definitely Asher. Had he told me he loved me? Were they dreams? Can you dream if you’re out of it?

Itried to speak, desperate to let Asher know I was okay… well, maybe not quite okay. I felt like a doll right now that has been through a washing machine, but I am awake, that has to be good, right? I tried again, but my throat felt tight, and my mouth dry. Asher was moving toward the bed, but his gaze toward the





Chapter 182 Badey

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floor, I think he could be mindlinking.

‘Zion knows. I told him.’ Akira told me tiredly, she sounds as shattered as me right now. If I had been hurt, she had to have been using all her energy to attempt to heal me. Yet she still felt the need to tell Zion we were okay. Aww… seems the wolves were as close as we were. My heart warmed at the thought.

‘Thanks. I think he is mindlinking.” I told her.

‘Yep. Zion said he is. He was trying to get his attention, but he is gossiping with the Alpha. He’d hate to interrupt their lovefest.’

I smirked at her description. She may be tired, but she was still her usual charming self, it seemed. I watched as Asher suddenly dropped into the chair next to the bed, and his eyes suddenly met mine. The shock within them was so adorable I could have hugged him if moving did not hurt like a ba**rd. His eyes were darting all over me, like he was checking if it was really me, though who else it would be I was unsure.

“Bailey!” he stuttered, like he was struggling to get his words out, and I couldn’t help but smile. But I think it came out more as a grimace of pain too, as I moved my leg too quickly under the sheet and it hurt. It seemed Akira’s healing had only done so much. I was still badly bruised right now…

“You are awake!” he said excitedly, reaching over to gently stroke my face, his touch making me sigh in contentment. I had missed him so much. I smiled up at him again, while he

suddenly spoke again, causing me to jump slightly. “I should let the doctor know!”

I was not sure where that idea came from, but he obviously decided it was urgent as he rushed from the bed to the door.






Chapter 182-Bailey

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“Doctor!” he all but yelled, as I watched him almost tripping up over his own feet in his desperate attempt to make it to the door in a hurry. Not to mention then almost smacking himself in the face with the door as he opened the door, once again in a little too much of a rush. I had to hold back a giggle. He was the


‘I think I’d like to see him do that again.’ Akira giggled, and I held back a smile at her teasing of Asher. He was just excited we were awake, right?

“Doctor! Doctor, she is awake!” Asher yelled down the corridor, I assumed to the doctor, but at the volume he was shouting I think the whole of the pack had likely been awoken by his announcement. I am sure the whole pack wanted to know I was awake; and even if they didn’t, Asher had clearly decided they were going to know anyway!

‘Wow. That was interesting. He is a weird one.’ Akira

announced, before curling up within my mind to snooze, as Asher turned back towards the bed and began making his way to me. I once again couldn’t help but smile. He is so perfect, and while Akira may be right, he may be a little weird, and I had no clue what that had been all about, he was adorable.

“Could you not just have mindlinked him?” I suggested, realizing that all he had just done was probably not even necessary. My voice sounded so husky right now, and it hurt a little to speak. Asher faltered a little at my words, I assume, as he considered my words, before he grinned at me. The most heart-melting grin I think I have ever seen. Before he shrugged at me.

“Ah well, I fancied making a fuss.” He winked, and I found myself giggling, despite the fact it hurt. “Admittedly, I may have




Chapter 182 Bailey

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forgotten at that moment to mindlink, I was just so pleased to see you awake! My first thought was you.”

Oh my god, he was killing me…

‘Find me a sick bucket.’ Akira teased, evidently still choosing to pay attention despite the fact she was meant to be resting.


“Hell yeah! I have been so worried, Bailey. You have given us such a scare.” Asher whispered, and I could see the anxiousness upon his face. I hate the thought of him being worried about me. Though my mind flickers back to the conversation I thought I recalled. Had that been what it was? Him talking to me when he was worrying? Telling me how he


I found myself looking up at him, my gaze penetrating, so unsure if what I was guessing could be right, as I tentatively said “Hmm, I heard.”

Asher’s eyes widened in shock, before they moved across my face like he was trying to read my feelings. Was he nervous? “You heard?” he mumbled, and I nodded slowly.

“I think so. I have snippets of things in my mind. Images… conversations… that don’t make sense, but you saying that makes me wonder if the conversations were from while I was unconscious.” I whispered, as it felt a little easier on my voice.

Asher nodded. “That would make sense. The nurse did say you may be able to hear us. What did you hear?” he asked, and from the expression upon his face he looked a little nervous.



Chapter 182 Bailey

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“Was I not supposed to hear?” I asked, and his gaze met mine, and the way he was looking at me gave me butterflies.

“If it was the things I am thinking, then all of that has been held inside for too long… I wish I had told you before…” he began just as the door opened, and the doctor walked in, causing Asher to roll his eyes. “Wish I hadn’t called him now.” He said with an ironic smile. I knew exactly what he meant. There was nothing like bad timing…

“Ah, Miss West, it is so good to see you awake!” the doctor greeted me, as he made his way to my bed. “Am I okay to give you a quick check over?”

I nodded. Unsure why I would have refused him. They had so evidently been treating me so far, and I wanted to feel better, and for that I needed their help. I lay as he did what he needed to do, wincing each time he caught areas on my body which were badly bruised or had wounds still upon them that Akira had yet to heal. Making notes as he went along, he kept muttering to himself, making me worry something was wrong, and I kept glancing across at Asher, who looked so anxious right now.

The doctor did a fairly detailed examination before he smiled at me before doing the same to Asher. “Well, Miss West, I am glad to say you are looking like you will make a full recovery. The injuries do look to be healing on their own now after the treatment we gave, along with the assistance of your wolf, of course. You certainly gave us a scare, poor Beta Asher hasn’t left your side. Not even slept for a moment.” My heart tightened at his words. I don’t know why I was surprised at that. But the thought of Asher not leaving me and not even sleeping made me feel guilty.



Chapter 182 Bailey

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He narrowed his eyes at the doctor, before I saw his face turn

into a frown, and he was suddenly getting up and walking out of my room. Not a word, just storming from my room, leaving me suddenly alone and wondering what was going on.

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