Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 178

Chapter 178 – Miles

We continued to drive. The stench from the rogues was sickening. Even with windows open the fa**h** they could go, the stench was sticking at the back of my throat; but I knew there was little I could do. I needed these disgusting creatures’ help. “We must be getting close.” I said with a snarl. “You not heard back yet?”

I was getting tired of their lack of information. Their so-called contacts were supposedly helping. Trying to assist in bringing Bailey back to me. Anything so she did not get back to her temporary home. There she would have too much help. Too much protection. At least if the rogues could attack this car, there were only the three of them, they could over power it.

But, despite my persistent harassing for updates, there was nothing. I was beginning to lose patience and wonder if these fools were even helping at all. But, I knew I had nothing else. Without their help, I was alone. My pack turned their back on me in returning Bailey to us, so I needed this. I needed to turn to rogues for help. Pestering them for information right now was my only source of hope. And, in fact, at their last attempt to contact them they were uncontactable. I only hoped that meant they were on their tail.

“I will try again. But you have to give them the time they need.” The rogue in charge snapped. I felt my anger bubbling as I looked across at him, my brows raised, he seemed to be getting a little ballsy now. Was he getting tired of my persistent demands? Because if that was the case, he could **k right off. I am paying them for their services right now. They ought to be



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grateful I was willing to even spend time around their stinky selves…

I had long since turned off my phone, sick of the excessive number of attempted calls and the number of messages arriving from members of my pack. Mainly my family. All trying to make me see the error of my ways, it would seem. Well, that was their opinion, of course. In my mind, I was doing nothing wrong. Not now. The only thing I had done wrong was letting Bailey go in the first place… rejecting her… forcing her to accept the rejection… But, I was about to fix that. Put fate back to how it was intended.

But, all of that aside, I had no intention of listening to any of them back in the pack, giving me** down the phone about me stepping up and dealing with the mess I had created. I think they would find the mess that was currently ongoing in that pack right now was down to Kaia and the fact she had no self- control over her carnal desires. She should never have agreed to marry me if she wanted another man. The thought still sickens me. But, I feel no guilt for killing him. He knew she was my wife, and soon-to-be mate, he knew he should not be touching her the way he was. He had deserved all that had come to him.

My Dad and my Uncle acting all holier-than-thou about it was a f**king joke, because I can guarantee if they were in my situation they would have done the exact same thing. Betrayal by your woman was no small thing as a werewolf. Especially one in a senior rank. It was demeaning. Humiliating. If anyone was to find out, it would have them questioning me as a man. I would not tolerate it. I had no choice but to kill him. Jet snarled, as I felt his anger building, and I knew I needed to bring this back under control before he became too much to handle.



“Well, we are getting closer to her pack now, and if we are, that has to mean she is likely already back!” I told them, growling at the thought. If she was back in the pack, I knew I stood little chance of bringing her home with me. She would have the Alpha on her side by now, no doubt. And others…

“I need to pee.” A female voice from the back of the car spoke up for the third or fourth time since we had set off. This was turning into a f**ng joke. I am sure she was intentionally trying to irritate me. I glared at her through the rear-view mirror.

“Are you f**rugged, a small smirk upon her lips. “Well, I need to go again. I have a small bladder, and I drank a lot when we ate. Unless you want me to pee in the car, of course.” She repeated her words from earlier, and I quickly pull up at the side of the road to allow her to get out to go and pee. Her and her f**king toilet breaks were doing nothing but delaying us further, and I think she f**ing knew it too.

“She needs to quit with this, or next time I f**ng leave her, got it?!” I snarled to the others, knowing they would not want to leave her behind, and they all nodded, though not one of them said a word. They all know that I needed their help; and it drove me crazy that right now I was so dependant on someone else. I was an upcoming Alpha, I was the one others usually turned to. I was the one others looked up to. Not someone that needs help from others…

“Right he got back to me. He asked what happens if she is hurt?” he asked tentatively, and my eyes turned to him fiercely. That better not mean what I think it does.

“What the **k does that mean?” I snapped. “You know what



Chapter 178 Miles

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happens. I made it clear. You get **k all. No money. Nothing. And then I will be out to hunt each and every one of you down!”

“Uh-huh, he figured as much.” He nodded with a shake of his. head. “Well, you might like to know their car broke down. Not far from where our guys were. Seems some other rogues had seen them too though. Took a liking to the girls. But, your girl was running. It seems she was separated from the others. And anyway, it seemed she was running for her pack, maybe thinking she was closer to the pack than she thought, because she had shifted back. I assume to shout for help. Well, he went to get her… she fought a little… he fought back… he isn’t quite as patient as we are. His wolf can be a little unpredictable. Maybe a little heavier handed at times… And… Well.. ” his voice faltered, as my eyes narrowed angrily.

“He killed her?” I growled.

He shook his head. “No. But once he had gained control of his wolf again, he realized at that point there was no hope of you giving him the money, so he left her. They were not far from her pack, chances are someone will find her. Especially if the others in the car ran for help.”

I felt anger racing through my body. This was simply not right. How did that f****ker think he had the right to hurt her? He had been ordered to bring her to me. Not to hurt her. “Where is he?” I roared.

“Not a clue. Making his escape, I would imagine. Be glad he was honest. He could not have said a thing. Said he couldn’t find her. But why waste your time on him right now? If you want your girl, hadn’t you best go and find her?” he suggested; and I realized he was right. Even if she was safe within her pack now, which in




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truth, I think that may be for the best right now, as it sounded like she needed medical treatment, I wanted to make Bailey see that us being together was the right thing. Not just for me, but for her too. We could make this work, and we could be a successful Luna and Alpha. The pack would be happy with that, I know they would. I just needed Bailey to forgive me, and be happy with the idea too.

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