Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 176

Chapter 176 – Donovan

Hearing what was happening over at Autumn Valley Pack was tearing me apart. And to know there was so little we could do from here right now broke me even more. I hung up the phone from Morgan and Marc and looked across at Jordan, whose eyes were filled with defiance. “Dad, you know there is not a lot we can do, right?” he said, and I began to wonder if this boy was mine at all. Or if he had what it took to be a Beta. This was his sister, and he was ready to sit and wait for Miles to bring her back here?!

I shook my head at him in disgust. “You might be ready to sit and wait, Jordan, but I am not. Did you hear what your sister and her mate even said?! Everything that boy just said was right.” I said coldly, referring to Marc, as I pushed back my chair, and moved toward the door.

I needed to find my friend. He needed to deal with his son before I did, and if I did, I know I would not be forgiven. I moved along the packhouse corridor, already sick of this day. A day that was meant to be one of celebration, but had turned into one that was nothing but a disaster. All at the hands of Miles – our packs apparent upcoming Alpha. But that should not be allowed to happen, and it was about time his father realized it.

Thankfully, guests were dissipating from the pack now as the celebrations seemed to be drawing to a close. Though the drama queen of a bride and her family had already made a sharp exit as suggested from the back doors and returned to their pack with an offer of another large payment to their pack to keep this whole sorry mess quiet.


Chapter 176 Donovan

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Though, whether I agreed with it or not was yet to be decided, but I knew one thing, I would be ensuring that Miles did not become Alpha. That had been decided within my mind the moment I had discovered he had killed yet again for no real reason. He had no control and no discipline. He did not have what it took to be an Alpha. He was a bully. Brutal and cruel. But, I wanted the reputation of the pack to remain intact for the benefit of Ellis, for it was him that deserved the title; and I would do all I could now to ensure it was him that took that title from his father.

I knocked lightly upon the door of the Alpha office before walking in. “Marshall, we need to talk.” I demanded as I walked in, to find my friend sitting at his desk, looking more than a little stressed as his eyes met mine.

“What now?” he grumbled, and I felt ready to rip his head from his shoulders now, but held back to see how he would react to my news first…

“Well, where would you like me to start? Your son, your delightful **king son, has been hunting my daughter down, as we full well know, and it appears he hired the assistance of rogues. Morgan has now just called to say they were attacked as their car broke down. Bailey is still missing, and from what both Marc and Morgan saw, it looked like the rogues were targeting Bailey. That son of yours needs dealing with. I want him locking him up. He is not fit to be Alpha.” Lsnapped.

And as I spoke I could see the face of my friend fall as my words seemed to register within in his mind. “Bailey is missing?” his voice faltered. “Do we know where? Do we need to send our warriors? We must try to find her!”


Chapter 176-Donovan

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“No, we do not. She is somewhere near the pack she teaches at, thankfully, and they are hunting for her. But what concerns me Marshall, is if these rogues were hired by that f**ked up mess of a son of yours, what if they already have her, what if he has her now, because he sure as hell isn’t here. He could be forcibly marking her. She does not want him. He does not deserve her! He never did. She has a man in her new pack that wants her, wants to make her his chosen mate.” I found myself blurting out uncontrollably, and I could see Marshall’s eyes widening in shock.

“Bailey has a chance at a chosen mate? Why did she never say anything?” he asked, his voice shaking.

“That is irrelevant right now Marshall, and you f**king know it is, if that s**t head of a boy of yours has got his way!” I roared in fury, hating the thought of Miles harming her. I hated myself. right now for the failure of a father I had been to my daughter. I had let her down massively. The whole pack had. She was so quiet, so happy to just get on with things that we missed so much of what was going on. Trying far too hard to please the jacka** of the heir to our pack…

Marshall’s face crumpled, and there were tears in his eyes. “I know. I know Don. I should never have given him a chance to redeem himself, but I hated the thought my own son could be so evil. I thought maybe if he found love it would redeem him. It seems even that went wrong. I knew the moment he hurt that warrior here he was never right for the Alpha role. Why do you think I sent Ellis for training?” his voice faltered, as his head fell into his hands.

I hated seeing my friend struggling, but it was time he saw that his son was far from the idol everyone had been treating him as


Chapter 176 – Donovan

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for far too long. Even I had been guilty of that. “Marshall, we need to deal with him. Ellis needs to be made Alpha, and soon. Show Miles there is no going back. You know it is time for you to step back now. We are both ready for that. Ellis is more than a capable heir to your role.”

Marshall’s eyes met mine, and he nodded slowly. “I know.” He chewed his lower lip anxiously. “Send our warriors out to search for him, and call our allies for support too. Miles needs to be found.”

“That can be arranged, I am sure. I know this is difficult, but it is what is right for the pack.” I told him, walking around the desk, to place my hand upon his shoulder. “I will go and speak with the Ga**a.”

“Thanks Donovan, I know you must want to kill him for what he has done to your girls. I know I would.” He said as I moved back toward the door. “No, I do feel like killing him right now. But, instead, I will do what I should have done at the start. I will call the council. Allow them to deal with him. It is time he faced the consequences for all he has done.”


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