Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 168

Chapter 168 – Miles

I had chosen to drive with the rogues with me for a large portion of the journey, despite us all being fast in our wolf form, we didn’t have the resilience to maintain that speed for longer lengths of time, and a car was always going to be quicker. Plus, being in the car would keep us on the more likely route that Bailey and the others had taken. I needed to get to her and bring her back to me. The incessant calls to my phone were becoming tiresome now, but they were easy to ignore, and no doubt my father, brother and others from my pack who were attempting to call would become far more tired of attempting to contact me than I would by rejecting their calls.

I did not need to answer their calls to know what they wanted me for. They wanted me back there to deal with this mess with Kaia. They wanted me back to prevent me gaining access to Bailey. Why they suddenly felt the need to protect her after being so blindly oblivious to the s**t we put her through for so many years, I do not know. Their attention had always been so intensely focused on Jordan and I over the years, with us being the heirs to the Alpha and Beta titles, it had so easily distracted them from all else; and sweet little Morgan had a way to garner their attention too, with her being the youngest, not to mention being so demanding. Bailey was easily forgotten about; and I guess in many ways so was my brother. So this sudden need to protect her and be there for her reeked of guilt in my view.

After their many calls were rejected, many messages began to pop up too. I had received so many messages, like they thought I would take notice!


Chapter 168 Miles

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This needs dealing with. Bailey is not a priority right now, this marriage is. You are risking our pack here and I will not tolerate




Not cool running off on us. We are meant to be able to trust you, and you do that? Now we have to go and deal with your mess. You need to leave Bailey alone, or I will not be responsible for the s**t you have to face from me, and my Dad – likely the rest of the pack too. You chose to reject her, nobody else. You deal with the consequences. She deserves a life now

– and that is a life without you!

So get your f***g a** back here and grow the **k up!



Do not keep ignoring me. We dealt with Kaia and her father, but that does not mean we do not need you back here to sort the situation properly. You killed a man today. That cannot be ignored!




Chapter 168-Miles

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Listen here you little s**t. You think yourself the big man now, huh? All because you managed to escape? Kill some random warrior? That means little. When you are an Alpha, Miles, you should be able to do that. But here is when you prove whether you have the ability to be a f**king man. To be a GOOD man. A GOOD Alpha. Because neither one of them runs away from their mistakes, and right now that is exactly what you are doing. You made some huge mistakes lately. Not to mention forcing a woman against her will being the sickest thing to do.

Time to step up, little boy. So, want to be the Alpha you claim you are? Get your pathetic a** back to the pack then, and leave Bailey be. Or there will be consequences.

Uncle D.

I could tell from their messages not one of them could see why I was doing what I planned, they were solely focused on their own reputations and the reputation of the pack. They did not care about how I was feeling. They did not seem to realize that for me to be the strong Alpha our pack needed, I needed that girl. I needed Bailey, and she would be coming home with me.

But, I was not going to allow them or their calls and messages to stop me from fulfilling my goal. I was going to get to Bailey, and I would be returning her to the pack, making her my mate, the way fate had initially intended. Even if I had rejected her. I now needed her. She was suitable as my mate now, and I needed the strength she could bring; and having heard the way in which Kaia had spoken, I think underestimated the benefits of intelligence.


Chapter 168-Miles

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Previously, Bailey’s intelligence had done nothing but irritate me. Making me feel inferior to her, despite being her upcoming Alpha. She had always had the ability to talk to me in a way that made me feel s*pi* her. Yet, seeing Kaia, I wonder if Bailey was like that as a defense mechanism. And, when I th*ought about it, I had seen I could easily use Bailey’s intelligence to my gain in my running of the pack… in my plans to change things… whether pack members liked it or not.

“All our contacts have been contacted now.” The head rogue spoke up from my side, snapping me from my over-running thoughts. Causing me to look in his direction, as he added. “They are wanting to ensure they get paid. They not doing nothing without funds.”

“Money will be provided the moment Bailey is handed over. Gives them a reason to try harder to find her.” I said coldly. I had no plan of allowing any sly little f**rs to try to have me over. “If they want the money, they will do as they are asked. There are plenty more rogues I can ask.”

He sighed before nodding, telling me he knew I was right. Rogues were renowned for being underhand. Doing tasks for packs for cash, usually illegal things that the pack cannot do themselves. Anything for money. “I inform them. They spread across areas between here and her new pack.”

I felt a deep growl slip from my lips. “That is not her new pack. Simply one she has been working at. That f**g place will never become her new pack! My pack is her home and will always remain that way!”

Chapter 168 – Miles

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The rogues within my car all looked at one another with judgmental eyes. I could only imagine what their thoughts were right now, but I did not care. They were pathetic excuses for werewolves that had no place in our werewolf community, hence being rogues. No pack wanted them, making them the lowest of the low. Worthy of nothing and no one. So they were in no position to judge me!

“A figure of speech is all.” He said nervously. “But they have been told, so they will be ready to act now. All ready to look for this girl. We know car now. Now we look for her more easy. So let us go find her.”

I could only hope he was right. Their attack on the security guard and this crazy f**er’s ability to hack the computer system had meant he had been able to find us the information we needed to gain access to the security system to watch the camera footage of Bailey, Morgan and her man as they arrived at the car hire shop to collect a new car. Likely thinking they were being clever. Well, I can assume they never thought I would be arriving to investigate right behind them. Gaining the information we needed was as easy as taking candy from a baby with the help of these guys… so I can only hope now, with their assistance, the rest of the mission went my way too.

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