Beauty and

Chapter Beauty and 151

Chapter 151 Miles

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Chapter 151 – Miles

The angry look upon Kaia’s face only confuses me. Had she not wanted me to defend her from my brother? The way he was looking at her was weird, and the way she had nudged me made me realize it was making her feel uncomfortable. So, I put him in his place, and I f**g enjoyed every second of it. It was him looking uncomfortable then, but the look upon Kaia’s face made no f*g sense. I swear with some women there is no pleasing them, and this one was proving more and difficult by the f**g day…

She rushed off to the toilet soon after, so I didn’t get a chance to confront her, but as the time was ticking I began to wonder where she was, and I went to find my wife. She shouldn’t be taking so long, and I wanted her back by my side. It was only as I followed her strong scent that heard voices…

“You were watching me?” I heard Kaia’s voice, it was undeniably hers, and while I was desperate to go to her, something made me hold back, wanting to know who it was she was talking to. I edged closer along the wall of the corridor, listening carefully…

“Of course I was. Not taken my eyes off you. Wasn’t that the plan?” I heard a deep male voice now, and it caused me to clench my fists tightly. Why the f**k was he watching my wife? At her f*** wedding too? “Now, again, are you okay?”

I could hear my heart pounding within my ears. It was racing so hard and fast, and my wolf was becoming unsettled, which was never a good sign. But I needed to know more. Needed to know what the hell was going on between these two. So, I moved



Chapter 151-Miles

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closer, and lingered still, desperate to hear more, desperate to see what they were going to say to one another. “I think I made a mistake.” I heard Kaia mumble, and my heart now felt like it stopped. She thought she had made a f** could not be right. I felt like I was frozen in time as I lean against the wall listening now. This girl had seemed like my dream girl… stunning… a body blessed by the gods… a fiery character to match my own… and she didn’t fear me like everyone else. But she now believed marrying me was a mistake?

“I think you might be right. He doesn’t know you like I do, Kai, you know that, right? Yeah, things get complicated here and there. We mess up, but we always end up back together, right?” the guy’s voice was full of lust, and as I moved my head around the corner of the corridor in which they were, I saw him rest his hand upon Kaia’s hip, pulling her closer to him. Who the f**k And why did he think it was okay to touch my mate so intimately? Though Kaia did not seem to be putting up much of a fight…

Kaia was looking up at him, almost adoringly. In a way, I don’t think I have ever had her look at me. I felt fury racing through me as I watched the two of them. This was my wife. The woman who had agreed to marry me. Yet the familiarity between the two of them bothered me… “But, you hurt me.” She said softly as her eyes rested upon him.

“I messed up, Kai, that was all. But you can’t deny we are good together. Last night was amazing, right?” the f**er said. So, they had been together last night? The night before our wedding? She had lied to me when she told me she was


Chapter 151-Miles

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meeting her friends. She was meeting another f**g guy? My body trembled in anger… but my heart clenched in pain too. I thought this woman could be a fresh start for me. I thought she could be the one for me. She did things to me, I couldn’t explain, yet here she was with another guy behind my back, before we had even married?!

The man moved his face closer to hers, his eyes locked upon hers. “You always come back to me. It felt so good to be with you again.” So they were previously a couple then? That was all I could assume from that. She had agreed to a wedding with me, despite being in another relationship. What a w*e. A cheap f**g w*e. Evidently out for what she could gain through being with me.

I watched closely, my body trembling, as she nodded and he continued. “The moment we touched, the moment you screamed my name, I knew I had made a mistake letting you go. We were always meant to be, you and me, Kai.” I was ready to g and rip this f**ker limb from limb hearing him describe her screaming his name. So he had f**d my wife, when he knew he was attending our wedding today? He deserved to f**g die. So did she! His hand stroked her cheek, as he found her lips with his own. Kissing her hard as he pushed her against the wall.

I held my breath, biting my lip hard to hold back a growl from Jet, fury pulsating through every part of my body. Never had I felt so betrayed, but I had to watch a little longer. I felt sick as Kaia gripped his hair, their kisses becoming more passionate, only turning my stomach at the sight. She wanted this guy, that much was f***g evident. She didn’t kiss me like that, even once we were married. His hand slid under her dress, pushing along her thigh, until it was almost around her waist as she

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Chapter 151- Miles

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h****d her legs around his waist, as they continued to kiss passionately. The moment I heard a moan escape her lips, I could stand no more… I was ready to f***g kill the two of them. My wolf growled angrily at the sight, as the guy turned to look at me, and I growled deeply again.

“Care to explain what the f**k is going on?!”

I saw the fear in Kaia’s eyes as her gaze met mine. She knew she had been caught out, and if she thought for one moment she was about to get away with this, she had another thought coming. We were not mates yet, and a wedding could easily be annulled. She pushed the man in front of her away. And he stood at the side of her with a small smirk upon his face. Was he enjoying this?

“Did you f** hear me?” I demanded again. “I said, care to explain what the f**k is going on? Why the hell you are near enough f** some guy in the corridor on our wedding day?!” I row.ed.

And I saw Kaia’s bottom lip begin to wobble as her eyes began to fill with tears. “Miles… it isn’t like that…” she stuttered.

“Oh, it isn’t like that? So, I didn’t just come to find my new wife, wanting to have a dance with her, only to find her in the corridor of my packhouse, with her wedding dress pushed up around her waist, her pinned up against the wall, with her tongue down the throat of some random guy?” I yelled, not caring in the slightest now if anyone else could hear. It was her bringing shame upon her own family. This was not my doing.

“Do not talk like that.” the man by her side growled, moving toward me.


Chapter 151 – Miles

288 Vouchers

Oh, so he thought he was a f**g big man, did he? Trying to protect my wife? I allowed Jet to push forward… I will make this f**r regret ever laying hands on my wife. She would regret ever betraying me too…

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