BATTLES: The Royal Invasion

Chapter 23

The earth was shaking as the steps become more sharp and strong when they remembered that they didn’t go far enough to be in a safe area from the four monsters.

“Boys…I think we forgot something” said John in sarcasm way Deon thought it wasn’t right time for it.

The three men saw the monsters running toward them but because of their enormous size, they wasn’t running fast what created a chance for them to run away. The three men began to run away hoping that they will not be able to catch them.

The three men never cared about the direction of their running even if it was in wrong way even if this wrong way was leading to a territory that enemy occupies, but all they was thinking to run away from the danger that four monster represent. “I can’t…run…anymore” said Franklin as he was out of breath.

The three men was away from the four monsters but they are still in their sight.

“We need to go further so we can hide under the rubble” said John.

Franklin jumped: under the rubble?! Are you crazy?

“Think about it, if we decided to run further we may meet monsters worse than this four ugly motherfucking monsters, faster and hungrier than them…this is our only chance…they must don’t see us”

The three men continued running in different directions to lose the monsters. “Alright, I think it’s time to do it” said John as he was looking around him making sure no other monsters in the area.

“Let’s go” said John so they began to move the rubble so they can make a little bunker to protect them.

“It’s too heavy” said Deon as they was moving the rubble together.

“C’mon lets finish this…they will spot us” said Franklin.

The three men managed to move enough rubble to create space for the three of them to hide in that small cave of concrete. “Alright, get in” said Franklin so John got inside first then Deon and Franklin was the last one.

The three men was stuffed inside so bad that John’s head was rubbing against franklin’s ass…literally. “It’s seems you haven’t took a shower for a while, Frankie”

“You know…”

“I know what?! This is not right”

“Hell yeah this is not right” said Deon as his head was rubbing against John’s chest.

“Damn…I feel like a striper in a stone age strip club” said Franklin as he was trying to move himself to be in more comfortable position and he successfully did.

“This is bullshit…there was no need to do this” said Deon as the cement dust was covering his face and he was breathing it and the steel was everywhere around them.

“Thankfully this steel didn’t cut in one of us” said John to himself.

“This is dangerous more than I thought, this steel could kill us” said Franklin.

A steps noises cut their talk as it grew and become sharper. “Did you feel that?” said John.

The rumble of the strong steps was causing made the rubble move and become unstable and the whole place was full of cement dust that was inside their eyes and noses.

Franklin sneezed.

“Damn man, you couldn’t wait?” said John.

The three men began to feel the steps grew stronger and stronger like the monsters heard the noises they made.

“damn” said John as he felt the steps become closer as they were able to feel it just above them and hear their roar that was like the roar of wild animals.

Despite the three men were under the rubble and couldn’t see anything but it was easy for them to understand that these monsters were looking around for them, and they were looking just in the right spot.

“If someone even made a slightest noise we will fucked up” said John to himself as he was trying to hold tight in his uncomfortable position as his heart was pulsing so hard as an engine of sports car, even he was afraid that the monsters may hear his heart pumping.

Suddenly the noises the monsters was making disappeared and they only was hearing the noise of their disgusting breathing. But suddenly the three men felt like a fruit in a blender as the smash begun.

John began to blame himself to lead them to this place. “Is these ugly monsters have a brain to use? They couldn’t find us so they will bury us alive?” John’s words came out of his mouth but it couldn’t be heard because of the loud noises the smashing cause.

Suddenly John felt something that was getting inside his body, it was like a stab with screwdriver in his midsection. John wouldn’t know what happened during this massive chaos.

After a moment after he felt the cut he began to feel some wetness on his waist. He thought in the beginning that he peed in his pants because of fear which began to shrink as the monsters began to move away as they began to feel bored after they didn’t find anything to devour. But as fear emotions goes away John began to feel a horrible pain in his kidney.

“They finally left…we can get out of here” said Deon as he was looking from a hole made through the rubble.

When Deon was totally sure that this ugly monsters was away he shouted: let’s get out of here.

Deon and Frank was out of the rubble but John didn’t get out with them. “What’s wrong, John?” said Franklin.

“I’m injured” said John as he was putting his hand on the weapon that was inside his body without his permission.

“Damn John, what the hell happened?” said Franklin as he was getting back in the hole to help his friend.

John began to move himself away from that steel claw. But it wasn’t easy, with every centimeter John was feeling like his heart was going to burst. Franklin role was like an extra in a movie and Deon was watching from above as he couldn’t to get inside. Deon and Franklin helped their friend to get outside the hole to have a look on the wound.

“Damn John, you’re bleeding badly” said Franklin after he examined the wound with the flash light.

“We need to stop the bleeding now” said Deon as he was ripping off the sleeve of his uniform to press on the wound.

“He needs a medical attention or it will be bad” said Franklin as he was trying to put John on his shoulder but Deon stopped him saying: no, we need to stop the bleeding first.

“But he needs a medical attention immediately” said Franklin as his hands were shaking because of tension.

“Where you will take him, Franklin? You forgot that we are in the middle of the nowhere?” Deon as he was pressing on the wound of John.

“Alright, what we can do?” said Franklin as he was nervous and shaking.

“We can clean the wound” said Deon with a calm tone like he was in a same situation before.

“But we don’t have anything to use to disinfection the wound” said Franklin as he was holding a bottle of beer to calm himself down.

“Are you sure about that?” said Deon as he was looking at the bottle that Franklin was holding.

“Oh, you’re right…here” franklin gave Deon the bottle to start cleansing the wound.

When Deon started, John felt like he was got shocked by an electric current.

“Damn…I feel like there is a wildfire in this damn wound” John said as he was pressing on his teeth every time Deon touched the wound.

“We’ll need to close this wound as soon as possible” said Deon.

“I don’t how much time left to sunrise…this wound must not be exposed to sun or it will be bad” said Deon to himself as he was looking at the poor John who was pulling himself together even in this bad state.

“Alright, we should go” said Frank as he was saving the bottle in his ruined bag and getting a map out to continue their way.

“How far we are from base19, Frank?” Deon asked as he was thinking if it will take more than 3 hours walk the sun will rise as we on their way.

Franklin started to examine the map to detect their precise location and the distance between them and the base. “alright…we’re now 20 km away from the base19 but I don’t know how to calculate the time we will take to reach their” said Franklin.

“This surly more than 3 hours” said Deon to himself then he carried his injured friend on his shoulder to continue their journey.

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